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Beesan's E- Journal (Read 123049 times)

Posts: 677
st. louis, MO
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Beesan's E- Journal
Dec 10th, 2005 at 5:09pm
Well, here it is my own hair journal. I will try to write in it everyday- actually i promise i will write everyday, or at least every other day...

I hope that i don't bore everyone to death with my boring life Tongue

Ok, well somebody asked me how i can keep posting evryday at all times- when i should be at school- well m answer is that... *ahem* I homeschool, I decided to homeschool when i graduated from 8th grade from my little private school that didn't have highschool- so i really didn't want to go to public school- actually, i was afraid i wouldn't fit in, and then there comes peer pressure, drugs, religion.... ok i should stop babbling Lips Sealed until i have something good to say
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #1 - Dec 10th, 2005 at 7:48pm
Heehee, looking forward to reading your journal, Beesan!  Smiley
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #2 - Dec 10th, 2005 at 11:04pm
Congrats on starting your journal, finallllly!!!!!!!!

Im excited to read your hair techniques. LOL i dont think you will bore us with your life Roll Eyes.
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st. louis, MO
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #3 - Dec 11th, 2005 at 12:02am
Thanks Curlygirl and Juri! Cheesy

ok, here goes...

Hair-Today was wash day- used Natures Gate Jojoba shampoo and conditioner. I used the Giovanni leave- in for the fist time today with a bit of jojoba oil and braided. I haven't taken it out of the braid to see how the leave in is doing, maybe before i go to sleep.

Books-ok, i love to read, and i thought that this is a good way of keeping track of all the books i read. So i just finished It Happeneed to Nancyby anonymous teenager with AIDS- sad book cuz Nancy got date-raped and she was about 14...::sad:: now i'm reading The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants I like to read books about close friends and sisters...cuz i always wanted a sister... *sigh*

Goal of the week- finish my World Geaography book by next Saturday

Favorite quote - "Today is the tomorrow we woried about yesterday" wise and logical ??? oh well it sounded good...

(edited to change a few words)
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« Last Edit: Dec 11th, 2005 at 10:27pm by Beesan16 »  

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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #4 - Dec 11th, 2005 at 12:52am
Well, you have plenty of sisters here on Longlocks so there you go! Kiss Glad you started a journal.

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st. louis, MO
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #5 - Dec 11th, 2005 at 2:13pm
Awww you're so sweet Anais Kiss Kiss Kiss of coarse you're all my sisters, this really brings tears to my eyes Cry i can't even type right *sniff*- happy tears of coarse Smiley
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Shooting Star

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #6 - Dec 11th, 2005 at 6:16pm
Reading books is a great way to expand your horizons. 

My parents always encouraged me to read and suggested I read both fiction and non-fiction books.  I love reading autobiographies, along with adventure and science fiction. 

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Global Salon Moderator
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #7 - Dec 11th, 2005 at 10:25pm
My mom keeps telling me to take it easy, that i read too much- she says the next thing i'll be reading in the bathroom Roll Eyes (is it a coincidence that i have done that a couple of times  ???Grin)

Went to the mall today for an hour or so, was tempted to buy more SS gifts but alas it has been sent- i hope it arrives on time and it doesn't get lost in the holiday-hectic-mail office

Hair- I unbraided and the Giovanni leave-in felt like i had butter in my hair Tongue, then i combed it and it felt better but still a bit weighed down. I think i may have put too much in. so i'll give it another chance and see how it goes. I really want this thing to work for my hair, cuz if it does it would sole a lot of problems for my hair.

Books-I finished The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. so now i'm waiting for the second book. So until i get it I have started reading Fever 1793by Laurie Halse Anderson again! but i really like that book.

I hope everybody had a great weekend! Smiley

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« Last Edit: Dec 12th, 2005 at 12:37pm by Beesan16 »  

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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #8 - Dec 12th, 2005 at 11:16am
Hello little sister  Smiley you keep on reading your books.  Smiley
My daughter was the same way: others would go out and "run the streets"  Roll Eyes and she would be at home reading.......I will keep on looking for your book reports  Smiley
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st. louis, MO
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #9 - Dec 13th, 2005 at 12:54pm
I couldn't write an entry yesterday Sad cuz my Mom is finishing up her Masters Thesis and needed the computer ALL DAY!

So more later
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #10 - Dec 13th, 2005 at 11:58pm
Hair- nothing much, except that the Giovanni leave-in drew my attention to something....I need a trim BAD Angrythe ends are disgusting and rough Tongue
so i think i wil cut of 2 inches from each layer- i neede a trim anyway, my last one was like a 6 months ago.

Books-Went to the library today and got Annies babyalso by anonymous, and So.B.itby Sarah Weeks. Annies baby is a true story about a girl who gets pregnant. and So.B.It is about a girl named Heidi, who's mom is mentaly retarded, and doesn't know anything about her background, and travels to find out more about herself.

Haven't finished what i should have from my Geo book, but i'll try to make it up tomorrow and hopefully be done by the end of the week Undecided
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #11 - Dec 14th, 2005 at 2:38pm
Beesan, you always have sisters here! That is sooooo true. LongLocks is such a comfort! Also, I like your journal.
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st. louis, MO
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #12 - Dec 15th, 2005 at 12:55am
Thanks Curlygirl  Embarrassed Kiss true, I love evryone at LL you are all very supportive, loving, and caring Kiss

Nothing much for today, except that i woke up with a terrible pain in my hip and back- the cold and my scoliosis (sp??)are not helping Undecided i think i need to make an appontment at the PT ::sigh::
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santa barbara, ca
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #13 - Dec 15th, 2005 at 7:41am
I have scoliosis too!  How long have you known about yours?  I knew about mine about 15 or so years before I decided to have surgery because it started getting worse.   Do you get it checked by an orthopedist?  I'd recommend getting an x-ray every couple years, just to make sure it's not getting worse. 

I hope your PT can help you feel better.  Back pains are no fun!

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #14 - Dec 15th, 2005 at 3:19pm
Hey Khrome Smiley

I've known about mine for about 2 months or so. How was yours, i mean where was it, i mean i know it's in your back, but was it lower, upper back?..uuggghh.i really don't know how to say this question. Mine is on the shoulder blades, my right blade is like sort of uneven, it's like one is popping out and one is sinking in Tongue I haven't taken any X-rays yet but i think i will sometime soon.

BTW- who said PT was comforting Roll Eyes no, just to be fair it does help afterwards, NOT during. The worst thing about it is that they discoverd other tight muscles(hip) and some point in my back that needed some excersises, and my not being very flexible is not helping Tongue i realy was never an athlete- i can't even reach my toes Lips Sealed
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st. louis, MO
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #15 - Dec 17th, 2005 at 1:39am
Got my Secret Santa gift today from maggie SmileyI will post pics tomorrow.

I will get my trim on Monday hopefully.

The pain in my hip has NOT gotten any better, and has moved to my lower back Undecided, if i go on Monday to get my trim  then i won't go to PT. Hard choice...LOL Roll Eyes

Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone! Cheesy
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #16 - Dec 18th, 2005 at 2:03am
Yay my second page Smiley

Nothing much for today- it was supposed to be wash day, but we had some friends over for dinner/supper (they came late Roll Eyes) so between helping with the cooking, and cleaning there was absolutley no time!
As a result of the cleaning and slaving around the house all day- more pain Cry Cry, i think i'll call an emergency appointment for Monday

I'm very disappointed in my self cuz i didn't finish my Goal of the Week thing, but my mom was finishing writing up her masters thesis, i had to take care of the house.

I couldn't post the gift pic today, so by Monday i will. As for now goodnight- i'm so sleepy ::yawn::
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #17 - Dec 19th, 2005 at 11:06pm
Hi, Beesan!  Essential Oil of Wild Marjoram is very helpful in easing body aches-you can mix it in a carrier oil (almond, jojoba, coconut) and apply it to the spot or (my personal favorite) put a couple of drops in a hot bath.  I hope you are pain free soon.

BTW-have you tried yoga asanas to keep your body healthy?

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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #18 - Dec 21st, 2005 at 12:06am
Thanks Sakina Smiley hmmmmm...i think we maybe going to Whole Foods tomorrow...

Actually, i have given yoga a thought, and tried it, but my legs and inflexibility(is that a word ???) always come in the way. I can NEVER keep my back straight, but i'm working on that in PT, so maybe if i get better, and loosen up in PT then i can take yoga... Cheesy

Hair- still haven't washed it, and i decided to experiment and see how long it takes to get oily- actually that's just an excuse, but it's soooooo cold that if my hair gets a little wet i get headaches, and a cold Undecided

Books- i have finished Annies Baby and So B. It.
So B. It was a sad book toward the end, but i won't give it away, in case someone wants to read it.
Annies Baby was a tipical pregnant 14 year old story. But what annoyed me the most was how naive girls were- or maybe it was the society they lived in. Her boyfriend kept slapping her and abusing her, and she thoght that was because all boys do it, and he loves her. I really felt sorry for her Undecided. I have found several other diaries edited by Dr. Beatrice Sparks so i will be going to the library soon...

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #19 - Dec 21st, 2005 at 3:33am
Dear Beesan,
You do not have to be flexible to do yoga.  You become flexible through the practice of the postures, breathing and meditation.  When I took my first yoga class I was a few years out from having a very serious back injury.  I had misalignments in my thoracic and lumabar curves and my sacrum was fractured.  I was getting regular chiropractic and deep tissue massage treatments, but the yoga consistently helped me be comfortable in my body and kept me mostly pain free.  When you practice yoga: if you can meet your body where it is-no matter what your range of motion, you will slowly get more flexible, stronger and have better balance.  The purpose of the postures is to master the mind by mastering the body-so that our consciousness is in charge and our mind is the servant of the consciousness instead of the other way around (which is how we are when we begin the practice).  This leads to harmony of the spirit, mind and body.
Its OK if you can't make your back straight to begin.  If you seek out a teacher, be sure she/he respects the current limitations of your body but will gently encourage you to explore the "edge", the depth of your range where change can occurr.  I found it a real challenge not to compare my limited range of motion to the other students in class.  When I surrendered to the fact that my limit was what it was, my body relaxed, my mind relaxed and I really came to enjoy the experience of just being with myself in the pose-wherever that was, without judging myself or comparing my pose to anyone elses.  Before I knew it I was much more flexible.  I've been practicing off and on for about 12 years now.  For someone with the level of injury I suffered, I can now do full backbends, headstands and pretty much anything else but above all I feel good in my body and it is a rare day that I have pain or discomfort in my back.
I hope you'll reconsider yoga, and take the time you need to find the teacher you feel comfortable with.  In your case, I would not recommend using videos at home because you won't be able to tell if your alignment is correct.  Not to be alarmist, but you can get injured if you practice incorrectly.  Perhaps reading about yoga will help: I wholeheartedly recommend Erich Schiffmann's book "YOGA the Spirit and  Practice of Moving into Stillness".  There are many other books on postures out there, and there are postures in his book but, for me the introduction speaks to the heart of the practice.

Good Luck on your journey to freedom from pain.

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #20 - Dec 21st, 2005 at 10:50am
Just a little HELLO  Smiley

I hope you enjoy this time of the year with your friends and family  Smiley
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santa barbara, ca
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #21 - Dec 22nd, 2005 at 7:37am
Wow Beesan, you read fast!  My neice got me a couple of books off my wishlist.  I hope to get through them over the break.  My concentration isn't as good as it used to be though.  Smiley

I agree with Sakina about flexibility.  Find your limit, remember to breath slowly, and as you exhale and relax into the stretch you'll find that you will naturally get a little further.  For me, if I haven't stretched in a while, it takes about a week's worth of stretching before I feel the same limberness as before.  But it also depends on body type.  My ex-boyfriend was heavy set and muscular.  Muscular people have a harder time with flexibility.  We took martial arts classes together, and I remember he couldn't even touch his toes in the beginning.  But after several months, he could  fold over flat like a piece of paper!  Smiley 

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st. louis, MO
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #22 - Dec 22nd, 2005 at 2:07pm
Wow, that clears up alot of misunderstanding Tongue, thanks Sakina, and Khrome Kiss, i will try as hard as i can to find a teacher, i would never get those DVD or VHS stuff, i can't even do those excercise videos alone, i always end up with back pain Undecided Embarrassed

Khrome- sometimes i read two books at a time, and if i REALLY like the book then i won't sleep till i finish it.

I spent last night in the hospital (till 2 am anyway) with my little brother. He gets croup several times a year. About three weeks ago he spent the night, but thank god we took him early this time before it got worse.

Hair- no washing, and i really need a ACV rinse but i'm soooooooooo tired, and it's soooooooo cold, i wish it would snow... it's starting to look like i have EVOO in my hair, so i think it's time for a hairwash....but after i take a little nap

more later Smiley
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Shooting Star

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #23 - Dec 22nd, 2005 at 5:09pm
Hope your brother is doing better.  This is a tough time of the year to be ill!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #24 - Dec 22nd, 2005 at 5:56pm
I"m sorry your brother isn't feeling well.  Embarrassed

Merry Christmas to you and your family, and here's hoping you're all well and happy for the holiday.   Kiss
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This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible. This was terrible with raisins in it.----Dorothy Parker&&Life is pain...anyone who says differently is selling something--The Princess Bride
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st. louis, MO
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #25 - Dec 22nd, 2005 at 7:10pm
Thanks Bikerbraid, and 13bodies Smiley and Merry Christmas to you Kiss

He is better now, and he has to take steroides(sp??) for three days. But we have gotten used to it now-and so has the ER nurses and doctors- this is like the 5th time he gets it.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #26 - Dec 22nd, 2005 at 10:25pm
It is good to hear that he is making a recovery.  Happy Holidays, Beesan.

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #27 - Dec 23rd, 2005 at 10:30pm
Get well soon to your brother Beesan! Happy Hollidays to you and your FAMily.
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st. louis, MO
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #28 - Dec 24th, 2005 at 1:19pm
Thanks Pan, and Curlygirl Kiss Happy Holidyays to you too
He's getting better but the cough is still there.

I washed my hair the day before yesterday, i don't think my hair likes the Natures Gate shampoo anymore- when i washed it, it felt like i had honey in my hair, i couldn't even put my fingers through it Undecided even after the oil and leave-in conditioner

Anyway, i went to a wedding yesterday- didn't go to the reception- cuz my mom couldn't go because her cousin died on Tuesday so... anyway, i didn't do much with my hair just put it in a braid with a nice little scarf cuz it was still wet/damp from washing the night before.

Going to the mall in 'bout two hours with Silver_Twilight, so more later...
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #29 - Dec 27th, 2005 at 1:16am
I guess now is later... Roll Eyes

Went to the mall on Saturday, as planned. We shopped around, but didn't really buy anything..it turned out that she was planning to cut her almost waist length hair up to shoulder length Shocked Shocked and wanted me to introduce her to my mom's friend, who works at JC Penny. (i hope you don't mind me mentioning this S_L Kiss)

Anyway, we went for lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. Then went to claire's for a last look. I got two pairs of hair sticks. One is black with little silver flowers with glitter printed on them, and the other one is clear and knoted at the top. I was planning on getting only one except they had a sale "buy one get the secong 50% off" it wasn't very tempting except that they were only $4.50 so i got both for $7, right on my "hair and fun" budget Roll Eyes.
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st. louis, MO
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #30 - Dec 29th, 2005 at 12:41am
I have the biggest headache right now, it's like I'm living in a zoo. My dad's friend was moving to Baltimore so he went to say goodbye yesterday, and he comes back with two birds- a parakeet, and a cocktail- he (dad's friend) gave them to us cuz he couldn't/t take them along on the trip. and since then the house has not been quite for a second, and my brothers will NOT leave them alone, they drove the birds CRAZY, and me. Don't get me wrong, i love birds they're beautiful, and everything but i don't want them in my house, with my three bros Undecided

Anyway washed my hair last night, cuz my hair felt sooooooo disgusting- i think it was the Giovanni- i didn't use any this time, and my hair feels sooo soft. I'm glad i only bought the trial size Roll Eyes the rest would have gone to waste. I keep trying different ways to use my hair sticks in, i wish i knew how to make a figure 8 bun- but it probably wouldn't work anyway cuz of the stupid layers Angry i think i'm gonna have them for a while, they need a lot of trimming

Books- i haven't been to the library in sooooo long, i'm dying with out reading, i've already read all the books i have a million times Undecided and i have so many books on hold. but we've been so busy, maybe tomorrow...

can't go to PT this week or next week, cuz...well..i got my period today Embarrassed Tongue such bad timing and my hip still feels sore, i hope i didn't do anything wrong, i don't think i did i just woke up like that the other day....

Goodnight everyone, and a Happy New Year Cheesy
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #31 - Dec 31st, 2005 at 3:22pm
Hi Beesan16!  I went to a Wild Oats store over the holidays and they had organic red palm oil (and organic coconut oil, and grapeseed oil, and macadamia nut oil...)  I think most larger cities have a Wild Oats so if you live near one you can get a nice selection of oils without having to order everything.

I hope your headache's better, and have a great New Year!   Cheesy
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This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible. This was terrible with raisins in it.----Dorothy Parker&&Life is pain...anyone who says differently is selling something--The Princess Bride
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #32 - Dec 31st, 2005 at 3:48pm
Thanks 13bodies Smiley, yeah, i live near one - about 30 minutes away- thts great news, since i don't like to order stuff over the net. And Happy New Year to you too Cheesy

Yayy my third page Grin

Hair- if i ignore the damaged ends, and other parts- it feels very soft and doesn't feel wieghed down anymore. and i don't have to use much jojoba oil now, cuz the Natures Gate Jojoba shampoo and conditioner has enough oil in it.

I sent an e-mail to White Rain asking for the ingredients for the Tropical Coconut, and Laender Vanilla conditioners- and they have sooooo many alcohols in them- at least 4 or 5 Shocked i need to get another conditioner for my first C in CWC, i don't like using Suave anymore Tongue

Books- i found a list of books on Amazon that sound interesting:-  I Know this much is true by Wally Lamb
                       White Oleander by Janet Fitch
                        Smashed by Mark Haddon
                        Bookends by Jane Green
                     For Better, For Worse by Carole Matthews
                      Jays Journal by Anonymous Teen
                              Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld
And all of the books by Lurlene Mcdaniel- but i can't find them at the library, they only have about 5  Undecided
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #33 - Jan 1st, 2006 at 1:46am
New Years Eve Cheesy Cheesy

So far the plan for tommorow is to go to Chicago. And that really ruins alot of my hair plans-well all of them since i was planning on oiling, and do an herbal rinse Undecided

We'll be back Sunday night. So we'll spend most of our time in the car Tongue, with a complete stranger - well to me anyway, he is my dad's friend-and three brothers Shocked at least we'll be asleep most of the time since we are leaving at 6 a.m. ::yawn::

Went to the library today and got a few books the one i'm reading now is Summer Sisters by Judy Blume

Happy New Year everyone Smiley
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #34 - Jan 1st, 2006 at 4:54am
You probably won't get this in time, but I still would do my oil treatment!  Try mixing equal parts of conditioner to oil, apply to hair and leave in all day.  I usually put mine in a bun and go!

Have fun in Chicago.  I used to live in Michigan and miss going to China Town for Dim Sum and shopping.  I especially miss the Chinese bakery.  YUM!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #35 - Jan 1st, 2006 at 8:29am
You'll probably read this after you come back, but have fun in Chicago!

Happy New Year, Beesan!  Smiley
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #36 - Jan 1st, 2006 at 1:57pm
Have fun Beensan. Just a few tips......dont forget to go to Downtown.  Ice skating on State street is fabulous. Also shopping on Michigan ave on the Magnificent Mile. Have a wornderful time.
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st. louis, MO
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #37 - Jan 3rd, 2006 at 1:19am
Thanks Sakina, juri, and Curlygirl22 Smiley

We came back at 1 a.m., some trip this was.

Ok, here is what happened. We started out great the kids up, got dressed, went out and before long were in deep sleep. The friend didn't ride along, he was going in his own car then give it to someone there and then come back with us.

We got to the highway at 8am. Then about a 120 miles from Chicago...we got a flat tire, Dad parked on the side and went out to see it..the wheel had popped Undecided Shocked. I'm sooo glad A (friend) was with us, since my Dad had his hip replacement surgery, he wasn't allowed to bend down, that's where A came in he got his tools and everything and set to work, at first my dad forgot and bent down, but the pain reminded him Sad, anyway once they raised the van high enough it fell down, breaking the jack, or whatever it's called Tongue, so then we had to use A's jack but they couldn't get the spare tire out, and me, my mom, and three brothers had to get out of the car, and it was FREEZING, so cold (i think the oil would have frozen then Sakina Tongue) i couldn't feel my fingers, my little brother broke my heart he was almost crying saying that his hands hurt Undecided anyway we put him in A's car and wrapped him in a blanket.

After about an HOUR, a police car went by and stopped to help, we finally got the tire in. and then the cops asked for my dads and A's license, turns out A had some kind of problem with his license, that it was suspended or something so he wasn't allowed to drive Undecided ok skip all those details.

We had a good time but a short time. My dad's partner said they went to a very good Indian Restaurant which was a BIG disappointment.

Anyway, we went to a turkish store where i found a combination of herbs that i would love to try on my hair, it says "lose weight using herbs" but i don't need to lose weight Roll Eyes i can't remeber all the ingredients, but there was senna, nettle, fern, rose hips and a few other things, and has anybody heard of thyme water? i never have, anyway my dad bought it to try it so i may aso try that for my hair as well Grin. A will bring them with him when he gets back, since we forgot them at the store, afte he finishes his license business. Anyway the real shopping will go next time, where my dad plans to stay for three days Cheesyyayy!!

Books- Finished Summer Sisters, it left me very confused about how i feel about it. I think this a problem that i have, i get affected by the characters and their story...too much that when a person dies i cry and keep saying oh, my god she/he died she's gone, and i REALLY cry... and i'm not ashamed of it, just sometimes it gets out of hand Undecided anyway the story well most of Judy Blumes books are like that...There's just too much um..can i say this...sexual talk and action. i'll just skip that part...the ending was sad, but then everything happened so fast. I mean the book started when they (the sisters-friends) were 12 and ended when they were 30. but this is a book i will forever remember, that's for sure. So off to start a new book....hmmm..maybe [i]Deenie/i] also by Judy Blume

Good Night everyone Smiley
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #38 - Jan 3rd, 2006 at 2:19am
Beesan, I'm so sorry you had so many problems on your trip!!!
I'm glad everything turned out OK.

Good to have you back, safe & sound!  Cheesy
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #39 - Jan 3rd, 2006 at 4:33am
Boy, it sounds like you had quite an, er, adventure! I'm glad you're all okay. When did your dad get his hip replacement surgery? I hope he's back to 100% before too long.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #40 - Jan 3rd, 2006 at 10:25pm
Sorry you had some trouble on the way to Chicago. Did you guys ever end up getting to Chicago? Glad you guys are safe though.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #41 - Jan 5th, 2006 at 12:00am
Thanks Sakina, juri, and Curlygirl Smiley

Juri, my dad had his surgery about a year ago, it's better now but he still isn't supposed to bend to a 90 degree angle or something like that.

Curlygirl: we did get there but way behind schedule, but it was ok. We drove around downtown...drove by the fountain, then headed for the highway.

Our cackatiel laid an egg today, but it's not fertile cuz she has no mate! Roll Eyes but how can i explain that to my brothers, they wouldn't understand, they think it's gonna hatch sometime soon... they've actually picked out a name for the "new born"!! Roll Eyes  i've been reading up on it, but no information other than that we need to get her some calcium fast, but we don't know what to feed her so we are going to call the original owners to see if we need take her to the vet.

Hair-  for the first time yesterday i tried OO, instead of EVOO, i like it better than EVOO, and i added a bit of grape seed oil to it. My hair feels really soft...i have it up in a bun right now to loosen the waves up a bit.

Books- I noticed that i sounded pretty pathetic in my last entry Roll Eyes...anyway I figured i wasn't giving proper reviews of the books i'm reading so...
Summer Sisters[u/]  is about a girl named Victoria (aka, Vix) who gets asked by the most popular girl in school Caitlin, to spend the summer with her at her dad's vineyard, anyway they get to be really close and have some "adventures" together.

is about a girl named Deenie who gets scoliosis...well that's it really.

now i am reading Last Chance by Sarah Dessen.

ETA: Does anyone know what happened in last, last Fridays episode on What I Like About You, i'm don't usually watch it, but when i'm alone on Fridays i like to watch it, and last, last, last Roll Eyes Friday they didn't say if Vick died or not and i didn't get to see last, last fridays Undecided ....am i making sense, i hope so Tongue

BTW- i love Valerie's hair when it's long
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #42 - Jan 5th, 2006 at 6:41am
I used to read Judy Blume books all the time.  I think I learned a lot from her books about psychology, which in turn helped me to empathize with people and be a better listener.  I guess it has a lot to do with them being written in first-person.  Let's see, the books I've read by her are: "Are you there god, it's me, Margaret", "Forever", "Blubber", and "It's not the end of the world". 

Oh geez, Deenie is about a girl that has scoliosis??  I had heard of that book but didn't know what it was about, and never picked it up.  Now I'm wishing I had since I have scoliosis! Roll Eyes  It'd be interesting to see how the story plays out.  I think I will put it on my Amazon list.

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #43 - Jan 6th, 2006 at 1:40am
I'm glad your dad's doing better, but it must be inconvenient for him not to bend certain ways.  Sad
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #44 - Jan 6th, 2006 at 2:27am
Hey Khrome Smiley long time no see and very cool avatar, i love the color 8)

I haven't read Blubber yet, but i have read all the others- except for Wifey, and Smart Woman which i can't get from the library cuz they are adult books, and my card is a juvenile card.

Anyway, if you want to read books that teach you something, you should read Joan Bauer's books they are really great. They can always make you laugh, and the girl (they are all written in first person by a girl-well except for Stand Tall) is always good at something.
Here they are:

Hope Was Here
Stand Tall
Rules of the Rode and the sequal, Best Foot Forward

Hair- i found that some parts are still a bit oily, so i think i'll wash tomorrow with an ACV rinse, and an herb rinse as well.

I'm still reading Last Chance, so far so good. It's about a girl who goes to spend the holiday with her aunt, while her famous work-out video mom goes on a world tour, and her andventures.

Good Night Everyone Smiley

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #45 - Jan 6th, 2006 at 2:30am
I'm glad your dad's doing better, but it must be inconvenient for him not to bend certain ways.  Sad

Thanks Juri Kiss yeah it is, especially that he gets furious when it's hard for him to wear his socks, or tie his shoes and we have to help him. it just makes him feel....oh, i don't know...sort of helpless, or maybe old Undecided
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #46 - Jan 7th, 2006 at 9:39pm
I was feeling very crapy yesterday cuz my hip was acting up again, and i was limping so badly, that my mom took me to the emergency room this morning.

The doctor said that i had an inflamation in the joint, and i'm supposed to take Advil every six hours for three days, and if that doesn't work...i'm gonna get an injection of steroids in the joint Shocked i HATE shots Sad so i'm hoping the Advil will work.

Anyway, i was playing around with my hair, while just sitting there resting, and when i got up to see what it was i ended up with this ...


Please excuse the mess, but like i said it wasn't on purpose Roll Eyes Smiley
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« Last Edit: Jan 21st, 2006 at 4:47pm by Beesan16 »  

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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #47 - Jan 7th, 2006 at 11:28pm
Love the bun!  I have hip trouble too and Advil doesn't help me.  I have to use muscle relaxers that make me feel all wacked.  Hope your feeling better!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #48 - Jan 8th, 2006 at 12:19am
omg a figure 8 bun!!! I wish my hair would do that!  Cheesy

Sorry about your hip, Beesan. That is a real bummer. By any chance, is it your sacroiliac joint that's acting up? A co-worker of mine has problems with hers, and unfortunately, they are permanent.  Sad

Steroids are BAD news. Avoid them at all cost!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #49 - Jan 8th, 2006 at 12:26am
Beesan!  Looks to me like you're a Babe!  Love the bun & your secret santa hairsticks!!  I think that's the first pic you've posted, right?

I hope that advil works for you.  I don't know if you're open to this or not, but I'd recommend a chiropractor to adjust your hips.  Deep tissue massage would also be helpful.  I know you're a minor and have to rely on your parents to take care of you and regular treatments can be costly.  I only suggest them because they've worked for me.

Be well!

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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #50 - Jan 8th, 2006 at 12:54am
Wow Beesan, I love your hair!!!!  But why did I think you were a blonde?  It must have been your avatar. Smiley

I agree with Sakina, you look like a cutie!
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #51 - Jan 8th, 2006 at 4:00pm
nice hair beesan!!! how long is it? beautiful virgin hair.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #52 - Jan 8th, 2006 at 8:38pm
Sorry to hear about your hip. I hope it's doing better today.  Undecided

That's a really nice figure eight bun! I don't know why but I thought your hair was either blonde or light brown. When I saw the pics, I thought, "Oh, Beesan has DARK hair!" Roll Eyes
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #53 - Jan 9th, 2006 at 5:19am
Beautiful hair! And I love your olive-tone skin.

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Shooting Star

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #54 - Jan 9th, 2006 at 10:46pm
Beautiful Figure-8 bun!  Congrats!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #55 - Jan 10th, 2006 at 2:42am
... Awww, you guys are great. Thanks everyone Kiss Kiss

Lisabelle- thanks Kiss, and i'm sorry to hear about you hip, i hope it gets better so you don't have to use those medicines Tongue

Angelspun- ummm.. i'm not really "educated" in this area but why are steroids bad news ??? and thanks, you are very sweet Kiss

Sakina- yes this is my first hair pic. and thanks, i talked to my mom and said we will have to talk to my doc. first so she can send me to a chiropractor.

Juri, and Pan- hmmmm, that's wierd...I WISH i had light brown hair LOL!!

Curlygirl my hair is a bit near waist length.

Anais- thanks, isn't there so much that you can notice about a person just from the back of their head Wink Grin Kiss

BB- thanks Kiss i don't know why these things happen accidentally, i even learned how to braid by accident- you know just sitting there playing with my hair, and then it was braided Roll Eyes

Yesterday the weather was just WONDERFUL it was about 65 degrees, so we skipped our trip to the Science Center, and went to the Botanical Garden, of coarse there is hardly anything growing there but we still got to walk around, and get some fresh air, and i looked around for some herbs, we got sage, rosemary. thyme, bayleaf, and i found some white witch hazel blossoms (does anyone know how that can be used) the blossoms were soooo pretty (hmm..a pic)

We are soooo busy, cuz tomorrow is our holiday (Eid) so we were cleaning the house making sweets and getting ready. Thank God  the Advil is working, or i wouldn't have been able to help with anything.

More tomorrow, i'm soooo sleepy been up since 5 a.m.

'Night everyone Smiley
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Third Day of Eid :)
Reply #56 - Jan 12th, 2006 at 10:37pm
Wow, i can't believe i haven't posted for almost two days.

Ok, so this is the third day of Eid, one day left, since our family is far away, it's not the the one back home, but we try to make the most of it Smiley, Ok on the first day we were invited to some friends house for lunch, then some other friends came over for dinner from Illinois- it was fun- then the next day was like any other day, bros went back to school, dad to work- Anyway, tomorrow (last day) we are invited to a little party so it should be fun.

Hair- I forgot to mention that i went to Whole Foods on Monday, i got Nature Gates Jojoba shampoo and conditioner, Nature Gates Biotin treatment shampoo, and a bottle of aloe juice. I found the red palm oil, they had  it in as a new item- i was itching to buy it but i was afraid it wouldn't suit me and it was 15 dollars  (totally worth it maybe, but still wouldn't risk it right now i already have enough products.

We got the herbs and thyme water yesterday, the thyme tastes soooooo good when you put a teaspoon of it on a cup of tea. since thyme worked really well when i used it as an herbal rinse, i may try to mix some with a rinse or something we'll see...

Oh, i just remembered, on Monday my mom bought auburn henna from WFM and there was a bit left, so i thought i'd try it on the top layer of my hair, it's not auburn but it got rid of that dirty black color that was sooo annoying and disgusting yayyy! Smiley

Books- i read a book called The Earth My Butt and other Big Round Things it's an ok book, it's about a girl who faces some family challenges and some weight problems that she deals with

The book that i am reading now is The Lovley Bones by Alice Sebold. It's unlike any book that i have ever read, it's about this girl who is telling the story about how she was murdered and how her family copes with it from heaven. It's very sad how they all break apart after her death... and how she died is also sad...
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #57 - Jan 13th, 2006 at 11:18am
Hello Girl! I just now got around to reading in your journal some more. I hope your hip pain is gone by now. My son had very bad problems when he was about 14 or 15......He had some kind of fluid in his hip joint which caused the pain. The doc gave him some meds (no steroids, just some antiflammatory stuff). We were told that this is quiet common in teenagers....?!?!?!

Your hair is just gorgeous!!! WOW Very beautiful  Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #58 - Jan 13th, 2006 at 1:27pm
Your hair is gorgeous!! 

Hope your hip is feeling better, I hate needles too so I know how you feel.  Like Sakina, I have had my hips adjusted at the chiro and much prefer that to a shot!! 

I wanted to give you some info on the microfiber towel since you asked me the other day and I found it!! 

I was just looking at Tenderheaded's website after Galadriel's praise of their ribbons and sleep caps.  They also carry a microfiber towel!  You even get a choice of colors.

Here is a link:  http://www.tenderheaded.com/aquishairtowel.html Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #59 - Jan 13th, 2006 at 2:24pm
Beesan, I must have been living under a rock...I didn't realize you had a journal going until just this morning!  I got teary-eyed when I saw your picture wearing your hairsticks, they look so beautiful on you!  And YOU, from what I can see in the pic you are stunning, a beautiful face to match your beautiful soul!  Kiss

Seems like we've got a few things in common, first being reading, I always had a book in hand growing up.  I used to love to read Nancy Drew books, Sweet Valley High, and the Babysitter's club books.  They were the big ones at the time, we would each buy a new volume ( different one) and exchange them with each other when we were done.  Then I got into reading scary and horror stories by authors like stephen king and vc andrews, but I like all kinds of stuff (except romance novels - too sappy!)

The second being scoliosis, mine is not so severe that I would need surgery, or even PT, but it is enough to make me sore and uncomfortable sometimes.  My spine has a curvature that creates a "C" to the right, which makes hip-bending to the left very uncomfortable.  When I stand, my left shoulder sags and my right hip rises higher than my left.  This is a pain because my jeans and side-seam in my underwear are always digging into my right hip and leaving deep indents, sometimes bruises, but that's pretty minor.  I see my chiropractor regularly and he "keeps me in line".

The third thing is our little brothers.  My little brother always seemed to be sick, 2-3 times a year he would end up in the hospital with pneumonia or bronchitis.  It used to break my heart to see such a little boy in a hospital bed, usually under an oxygen tent, I just wanted to scoop him up and make him better.  Of course it never helped that my parents smoked, my WHOLE FAMILY smokes, oh how I hate that!  He always had breathing problems and now has asthma (he's 19 now) and they could never put 2+2 together that their smoking was the reason why!  Now my 19 yr. old cousin is very, very sick with lung cancer, never smoked a ciggy in his life, but both his parents (my aunt & uncle) smoked like crazy around him, and they don't think it has anything to do with why he's now fighting for his life- DRIVES ME CRAZY!  Smokers can be so irresponsible sometimes!

Embarrassed  I'm so sorry, I got way off subject there...and you think that YOU blabber!  I guess that's a 4th thing we have in common!

One more thing...I saw on your list of possible reads that you had listed White Oleander.  I didn't read the book version, but I did see the movie with Michelle Pfeiffer (sp?) and it was a very moving story, I think you would enjoy reading it.  I think it's about a young girls who keeps getting passed from foster family to foster family and tries to cope with it.  It's been a while since seeing it so don't quote me!

I've said enough!  Lips Sealed
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #60 - Jan 15th, 2006 at 12:00am
Moonchild- Thanks Kiss don't you hate it when they say "it's very common", like it's a very normal thing, like that should make you feel better Roll Eyes

Sasha- Thanks soo much for the link Kiss, hmmm...my birthday is coming up i should drop hints to my mom Grin
The chiro thing is still going through my head, but i was waiting for our holiday to end.

Maggie- I'm glad you visited my journal Smiley

oh WOW, OMG!!!!! Shocked Shocked okay, we must be like spirit sisters, or whatever Anne Shirley calls it..."kindred Spirit"  Grin

I love to read Babysitters Club, even though i can't find them ANYWHERE, except a few at my old school's not so updated library. And I've got my hands on a few Sweet Valley High books, and i love those too.

And EVERYTHING you said about the scoliosis thing is very true, especially the panties thing Tongue actually the doctor said that i don't need PT, but if it got worse she would send me...I was horrified, and i was like yeah, right i'm gonna wait till i need surgery, so i went to PT - she wasn't very happy about that Roll Eyes

And i'm very sorry about your cousin Undecided Cry, that's teribble about the smoking Cry Cry my dad used to smoke, but thank God he quit after he got married.

And talk all you want, that's why i started a journal Wink Grin

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Last Day of Eid
Reply #61 - Jan 15th, 2006 at 12:41am
Yesterday,  the first Friday the Thirteenth of 2006, second one is in October...  Roll Eyes

I have to make this short, cuz i have to finish tenth grade by TOMORROW,  Shocked explain later...

Anyway, the party yesterday was great, they had some great activities for the kids, including goody bags and a pinata' (sp?? Embarrassed) with lots of chocolate Grin yummm... So that ends our four days of holidays (Eid)...

Hair- i washed yesterday, and finally got to try the Biotin Treatment Shampoo, it smells like...peppermint floss, which helped cover up the ACV smell. it's still in a braid, but i can tell from my bangs that it is soft.

Books- i finished The Lovley Bones, i didn't really like the ending but i guess i shouldn't expect more from a story told from heaven, i still think it's sad. Anyway, i'm now reading Simple Pleasures of the Home it's a great book, it has decor tips, cooking recipes, beauty recipes, a lot of crafts, and fun for kids...

Good Night....it'll be a long night for me Tongue

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #62 - Jan 16th, 2006 at 12:47pm
Did you know that anytime the first of the month falls on a Sunday there will be a "Friday the 13th" in that month?  Just a tasty little tidbit...

I'm wondering if there's any chance on earth my mother saved my Sweet Valley High & Babysitter's Club books, she may have given them to the Salvation Army, but if not you are welcome to them, Beesan.  All this talk about books inspired me to pick up a new one this weekend at the mall.  It's called 'Invisible Monsters' by Chuck Palahniuk (sp?), I never read anything by him before so this will be new & exciting to me.  I was in such a "Stephen King" rut for so many years, good to be out!

The book's about a woman who is in a terrible accident and has to live being disfigured, I can't wait to dig in.  One last thing, (If have so much to say I should start my own journal!), it was so neat...while I was in the bookstore I was thinking of you, and then I came across "Freakonomics" which is one of Anais' recommended reads, so then I was thinking of her, too.  I already had my book picked, but I still flipped thru it and I think that may be a future buy for me, it seems very interesting.  Okay, enough for me...maybe I will start my own journal...
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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #63 - Jan 16th, 2006 at 11:58pm
Beesan, You really can't find BSC books? I know I still have a handful somewhere, and they're probably still in print too. Are you overseas? I can hunt some down and send them to you!

and Maggie, if you had a journal I'd be a regular reader Smiley

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #64 - Jan 19th, 2006 at 12:37am
Oh, wow, yo guys are soooooo nice, and great Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss. But i don't want to trouble you. luckily i have found them at Amazon, for like 30 cents Smiley Kiss Kiss Kiss

maggie- Thanks for the tidbit, i love to learn those little things 8), that bookvsounds interesting, i'm getting it from the library next week yayyyyy!!
and you should start a journal, it's fun and i too would be regular reader

Anaisi love the new avatar.

And thanks again to both of you i really, really appreciate it Kiss Smiley you are the greatest

I was away for TWO days that seemed like two years, i missed you guys Kiss

I'm almost done, i should finish tonight. wish me luck

Tomorrow is my sweet sixteen yayyyyy (about my screen name i always like to add a year Roll Eyes 8), and because if i had a choice to be stuck at some age, it would be sixteen)

Hair- didn't do too much with it, except put it in a braid Tongue tomorrow will be my birthday gift to my hair hehe Grin 8)

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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #65 - Jan 19th, 2006 at 4:58am
Oh Beesan  Smiley  Smiley

Smiley  Smiley  Smiley  Smiley


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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #66 - Jan 19th, 2006 at 10:48am
Happy Birthday!!
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #67 - Jan 19th, 2006 at 9:57pm
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #68 - Jan 20th, 2006 at 12:17am
Thanks Moonchild, Lisabelle, and Curlygirl Kiss Kiss Kiss.

Sweet, sweet maggie sent me the greatest gift EVER, she sent me a cute card, with one of her Nana's scarves Shocked, it's light blue, one of my favorite colors Smiley THANK YOU MAGGIE Kiss

We had already celebrated my birthday, and my brothers birthday (on the 14- but i'm 3 years older Grin) last Sunday. We went to a Sunday Brunch, it wasn't one of those big fancy brunches- but it was nice.

Then my mom  took me shoppng and i bought two skirts and a small cute purse (hmmmm....pics Grin)

Then i asked for about an hour for my self, i made an oatmeal mask with honey, and put cucomber on my eyes, cuz i didn't get enough sleep last week. My face feels soo soft, and the oily areas are gone yayyyyy!!!

Then i washed my hair, and made the leave in conditioner that Kimberly suggested in the hair care recipes, i don't know how well it's doing since it's still wet, so we'll see...

BTW- i'm done with tenth grade, so now i'm one grade ahead of my friends, YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! Grin Grin
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #69 - Jan 20th, 2006 at 1:22am
Yay! Happy birthday, Beesan, and congratulations on finishing the 10th grade!!!!
Grin Grin Grin
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #70 - Jan 20th, 2006 at 3:14am
Happy Birthday, Beesan!

I hope this next year is full of health, happiness and hair as long as you want.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #71 - Jan 20th, 2006 at 1:41pm
Congrats on finishing 10th grade, Beesan!  That's so awesome for you, and a big accomplishment!  You sound like you're a very dedicated person, which will ultimately lead you to your success in life...no matter what it will be.

You're brother and you have close birthdays?  My brother & I do to, we are 2 days apart (well, 10 YEARS and 2 days!), so we always have combined birthday parties, too.  I always liked that, it made for a bigger celebration.  Grin
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #72 - Jan 21st, 2006 at 4:42pm
Thanks Juri, Sakina, and Maggie Kiss Kiss  Kiss

Not bragging or anything, but i do feel a little proud, for finishing and in four months Grin

Yesterday i went to a little lady gathering, first i had my hair in a braid and then i took it out and put it in a figure 8 bun, with my secret santa sticks *show off i know Grin Wink*  The lady who was hosting the gathering- whom i like very much, she is a very artsy, and crafty person- wanted to know how to do it, and she insisted i teach her how...he he. But i did notice that she needs to take care of her hair better, i think it could use a bit of jojoba oil....hmmm, we'll see maybe i can get her a bottle as a gift for starters Cheesy

Anyway, i think i found another miracle for my hair wich is coconut oil, i got a small 3 oz. bottle for $1.50 just to try it, but i think i'm gonna get the big bottle Grin though the smell is a bit strong.... The spritz is working very well, so it's all good Cheesy

Books- right now i'm reading Holly's Story from the Angels In Pink series by Lurlene McDaniel. I t has gotten very sad now which sort of changed the way i thought the plot was going...

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #73 - Jan 22nd, 2006 at 6:12am
Belated Happy Birthday and congratulations on finishing your grade!! 

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #74 - Jan 23rd, 2006 at 1:00am
Hehe, I don't think you're bragging. I'd be pretty proud if I finished an entire grade level in only four months. Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #75 - Jan 23rd, 2006 at 1:15am
We're proud of you!!  Heartssss<3
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Todays Plans
Reply #76 - Jan 24th, 2006 at 6:48pm
Awww, thankx Khrome, Juri, and Pan Kiss Kiss Kiss you guys are the greatest Smiley

I decided i should start a steady hair plan. And i plan to start to day....

Ok, right now i have my hair oiled with a mix of coconut oil, and grapeseed oil (it works almost the same as olive oil) then i will :-

*rinse, apply Jojoba Co from ears down and Biotin treatment shampoo to the scalp- rinse

* apply ACV mix, rinse.

* apply more Jojoba Co, then rinse again

As for other than hair things, while i wait for my oilin process i will:-

*make, and apply a plain yougurt and honey mask

*put green tea bags over eyes.

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #77 - Jan 24th, 2006 at 7:42pm
Wow--you finished 10th grade in four months?  Very impressive!    Shocked

Happy Belated Birthday!   Grin
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This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible. This was terrible with raisins in it.----Dorothy Parker&&Life is pain...anyone who says differently is selling something--The Princess Bride
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Very late update
Reply #78 - Jan 26th, 2006 at 5:21pm
Thanks 13bodies Kiss Kiss

The wash went very well. Next time i'll be using coconut milk, actually it's light coconut milk, so i guess a bit of added water won't hurt right ???

Books- ok, i finished Holly's story, i hope McDaniel will right another book, cuz this one isn't very satisfying to end the series with. Anyway, i aslo finished Treacherous Love by anonymous teenager, it's a rape story.

I'm reading White Oleander right now, i'm only on page 15 or something so we'll see...

I think i'll be away for a few days Cry, cuz my dad is taking the computer to be fixed...i'll miss you guys Undecided i hope it won't take long...
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #79 - Jan 26th, 2006 at 10:36pm
I hate having the computer fixed!

We have to get ours fixed on a monthly basis practically (thanx to our charming roommate) and it's gone for freaking ever! I feel your pain.

Look forward to seeing you back, though.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #80 - Jan 30th, 2006 at 4:48pm
Wow, Beesan, I admire your commitment and ability to get through your books so quickly.  It really is terrific!  Have you ever thought about writing a book?  I bet you'd be great, having read so many other author's different styles and all, you'd be a shoe in!  Just a thought  Tongue

Have you begun your 11th grade studies yet?  How does that work when you are home schooling?  Are you able to decide your start and finish dates, or are there regulations you must follow?

...anyway, keep on readin'!
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #81 - Feb 3rd, 2006 at 12:20am
I'M BACK! Smiley

Isn't it sad Angel Spun, you know living in 2006 and the computer still needs to be fixed every few weeks Roll Eyes

Maggie- i have thought a lot about writing books, but other than writing stories for school, i haven't done any... though i might start again hmmmmmm...thanks for reminding me maggie, i could write while i'm waiting for my books Smiley

Ok, this is how my homeschooling works:

When i call them they make an appointment for an interview to see which books/subjects i want.

Then the books are sent to me with a 36 week schedual, i can either go with the program or i can go faster... the program i'm on doesn't include any tests. i only count the chapter review as a test grade Grin

When i'm done with a quarter, i grade my things and send the grades, and when they approve that i can pass on to a next grade, i start all over again....

I haven't start 11th grade yet, since i haven't finished grading cuz i'm suffering from a very bad case of the flu. Actually ALL the family has it, parents included Undecided

i'm feeling very tired right now so more later....
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #82 - Feb 3rd, 2006 at 3:17am
I wish you a speedy recovery.  The flu can take weeks to get over, it seems.

Get well soon.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #83 - Feb 4th, 2006 at 3:34am
Hope you feel better beesan! A good flu remedy is half cup of water, juice of 1 whole lemon and honey to taste. bring to boil and drink pronto.! goodluck and get well!
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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #84 - Feb 4th, 2006 at 5:28am
Just dropping in to say GET WELL SOON! Kiss

Many blessings
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #85 - Feb 4th, 2006 at 4:30pm
Hey Beesan, who do you school through?  I'm just curious because I was homeschooled myself ( I graduated last year).  I went through Alpha Omega, if you know of them...

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #86 - Feb 4th, 2006 at 7:12pm
Thanks Everyone Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss.

After doing the water-lemon-honey remedy a few times i feel much better, thanx Curlygirl22 Smiley

Firefly42- i homeschool through Active Learning Academy.

First i wanted to apologize to my hair, because i have REALLY mistreated it while i was really sick. I finally got to detangle today, and i had to cut out a few knots Cry Cry, now i think i need ti soak for a few days, and pamper my hair- you deserve it hair!KissRoll EyesLOL Roll Eyes

I'm still reading White Oleander, it's ok so far. Anyway, i also started reading For Better, For Worse, i don't know the author, i'll get it later... it's good, but too much F-word Tongue Roll Eyes

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #87 - Feb 6th, 2006 at 4:28pm
Yay!  Beesan's back!  Glad to hear you're feeling a little better, hopefully your family is, too!  Grin  The honey & lemon thing really does work, I was relying on them last week to pull me through, and they did.

Anyway, glad to see ya back!  Cheesy
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #88 - Feb 8th, 2006 at 7:30pm
Thanks maggie Kiss
After gulping orange juice, puoring honey down my throat, and eating all the lemons in the house for the past week, i'm feeling much better Cheesy and so is the family- just a few coughs here and there Smiley

Hair- washed it on Monday, feels very soft and looks good too Cheesy I love coconut oil, it really takes care of my waves. So alls well here, but Angel Spun and Maggie have turned my head to Pantene. I think i want to try it again, so maybe next week i'll get some and see how it goes..

Books- i haven't finished White Oleander yet, i set it aside cuz i started reading Good Grief by Lolly Winston. It's about a widow who's coping with her new life.

Oh, i just remembered my ticker. The ticker is to mark the day we board the plane out of the U.S. going home. we will be leaving on May 28th, my Dad says this is forever - i mean going back home. I'm hesitant, i really like it there but i still have a life here. I have always wanted to go and live there forever, but when my Mom said the tickets have arrived i was like "whoa, this is for real Shocked"

BTW- I'm from Hebron, Palestine

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #89 - Feb 9th, 2006 at 4:34pm
Okay, this is very weird, because I was just going to ask what your ticker meant!!!  oooWEEEEEEoooo! 
Can I ask, how in the world did you/family end up in Missouri?  And you will still be able to log onto Long Locks to keep in touch with us, right?  RIGHT??   Undecided
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #90 - Feb 9th, 2006 at 5:10pm
Oh, WOW, Beesan!  What a HUGE move!  Shocked  My "little sister" will be sooooo far away  Cry .

How long have you been away from your home in Palestine?  Is that an area that is affected by the war right now?.....gawd, I hope not!  But, I imagine if it was, your father would not be moving all of you there at this time.  Do you think you will always stay there, I mean...you personally?  Boy am I ever asking a lot of questions!  Lips Sealed

I hope you are able to still visit the boards, cuz if not we'll all just miss you too much!!!  Kiss
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Shooting Star

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #91 - Feb 9th, 2006 at 11:47pm
Whoa!  That's a huge change for you and your family!  Shocked

I can understand your feelings - I hope it all works out for you (and you can still be a part of our little group).
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Angel Spun
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #92 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 1:10am
Wow, Beesan... *hugz*

I, too, hope that you can still "hang out" with us here. That's quite a move!
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #93 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 8:51pm
That is quite a move, Beesan!  I hope you'll still remember us here, because we'll miss you if you go.  Cry
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This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible. This was terrible with raisins in it.----Dorothy Parker&&Life is pain...anyone who says differently is selling something--The Princess Bride
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #94 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 9:58pm
Wow, that'll be quite a change! I'm with every one and hope you'll still be able to visit with us after the move.
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Re: Beeson's E- Journal
Reply #95 - Feb 11th, 2006 at 12:26am
Awww you guys Kiss of course I'll still visit here, my dad is getting us a computer ASAP, or i wouldn't be able to stand it if i couldn't- as a matter of fact i wouldn't leave the country if i couldn't!

It is a big move, and yes there is a "war" going on there, but we believe in God and we are leaving it to him to keep us and our family safe.  God willing....

You know Trisha that is a very good question. i guess it was because my dads friend had a business here and my dad came to work with him.

Ok, this is how our Journey to America started.

*Parents got married, had me then moved to Columbus, Ohio.

*Lived in Ohio for 2 years then moved to Atlanta, Georgia for 2 and a half years. (one brother)

*Moved back to Palestine for 4 and a half years (another brother), then landed in St.Louis, MO and so far we've lived here for 6 years (and another brother)

So basically this isn't very new to us, it's just that our family there has changed a lot and i feel like we'll be going there like strangers. They have shared a lot of things together that has bonded them, and we were far, FAR away from them Undecided. Does this make sense, I'm not sure ???

Anyway, i just hope that i can find jojoba oil there ???, the city i live in is very famous with oils so I'm bound to find either jojoba oil or coconut oil. And if i go back on Pantene (i make it sound like a drug Tongue Roll Eyes) then that's another problem solved Smiley oh, wait i just remembered that they have Sunsilk there, and my i really like it, it has always worked for my hair..
Lips Sealed

Ok, hair feels really nice after putting in the leave-in-spray (from Kimberley) Smiley

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #96 - Feb 11th, 2006 at 2:38am
Beesan!  I hope your move in uneventful and that you and your family will remain safe.

We'll look forward to hearing about your adjustment to Palestine life.  Probably lots of girls w/beautiful long hair.

If there are products you want when you're there that you can't get, PM me and I'll send it to you.  Maybe we can trade?

I used to live in St. Charles.  I loved living there.  My grand parents lived in Floresent (spelling?) and in St. Louis.  Have you ever been to the Fox Theatre?  I loved that place.
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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #97 - Feb 11th, 2006 at 6:04am
Hi Beesan, I'm just catching up with everyone's journals, and just wanted to send my best wishes your way. May your move be a smooth ans safe transition.

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #98 - Feb 11th, 2006 at 3:14pm
Goodluck to you and your fam! Once you get internet there we can be in touch again.
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Re: Beeson's E- Journal
Reply #99 - Feb 12th, 2006 at 12:12am
Awww you guys Kiss of course I'll still visit here, my dad is getting us a computer ASAP, or i wouldn't be able to stand it if i couldn't- as a matter of fact i wouldn't leave the country if i couldn't!

LOL! I don't think I could live without internet access either. But seriously, I'm really glad you'll still be able to participate at LL.  Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #100 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 1:41am
Thanks Sakina, Anais, Curlygirl, and juri Kiss Kiss

Wanted to wash hair today, but we are out of ACV so i didn't, it doesn't look or smell dirty *shrug* oh,well.

I finished reading Good Grief, very good book definitley a one to remember. i got Kite Runner and Invisible Monster i'll start on them soon, just as soon as i finish studying for the driving test to get my permit (late, i know but i didn't think i was ready before Tongue)

Wish me luck Smiley
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Shooting Star

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #101 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 1:44am
Good luck!  Driving is a HUGE responsibility.  Take your time in learning.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #102 - Feb 14th, 2006 at 6:08am
Good luck, Beesan!

Driving freaks me out so much. I have no idea how people can do it, let alone drive and talk on the cell or engage in other potential distractions at the same time.
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Angel Spun
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #103 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 12:19am
Best of luck on your test, Beesan.

Don't worry about being "late." I was 18 and a half when I finally got my license (my parents refused to let me drive at 16), and actually I think it's better to wait. Looking back, I don't think I was really ready either, and I know a lot of people who actually chose to wait until they were 18 before they started driving as well.

Just study hard and promise yourself to never engage in any of the "other distractions" that juri mentioned.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #104 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 1:01am
Thanks Bikerbraid, Juri, and Angel Spun Kiss Kiss

I know what you mean Juri, i don't think i can turn on the radio while driving Tongue, actually i wanted to wait, but i don't have time to wait since i'm leaving and in Palestine it costs a lot of money to get a license (it requires a lot of lessons, and some other stuff).

I'm just worried about the test about "understanding the laws" i don't know why....and i haven't taken a test in two years, since my homeschooling doesn't require any tests.

Hair- nothing really, but i think that my hair is mixed between coarse and fine- is that possible?? ??? i noticed that when i was snipping off some split ends...

Books- I couldn't wait, so i started reading Invisble Monster, it's unlike any writing style i have ever read...very new..very different...but so far so good
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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #105 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 2:09am
Beesan, I wrote about the Kite Runner in my journal a couple months ago... it is truly a powerful book. (don't worry, I won't spoil it) It gets kind of disturbing eventually, and I almost stopped reading, but the rest of the book is well worth reaching. The trajectory is very well thought out. I enjoyed the style of description - Hosseini does not tell you what happens, but instead he gives you a sound effect, a smell, a taste, a little piece of the experience. Best of all, the ending ties everything together -  not neatly, but the way life ends sloppily with a lot of loose ends. You are definitely going to enjoy this book - and it will change the way you look at the world.

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #106 - Feb 15th, 2006 at 6:09am
Thanks Bikerbraid, Juri, and Angel Spun Kiss Kiss

I know what you mean Juri, i don't think i can turn on the radio while driving Tongue, actually i wanted to wait, but i don't have time to wait since i'm leaving and in Palestine it costs a lot of money to get a license (it requires a lot of lessons, and some other stuff).

You're welcome! Smiley

I wish I had some advice to help you, but the first time I went on the road I almost crashed into a tree and that totally shook my confidence. I think I've only been behind the wheel of a car once since then and that was almost four years ago. Ack.

Your situation does sound a little like a former roommate. She was from Japan and wanted to learn how to drive in America because it would have been much more expensive and difficult in her home country.

You're a smart girl, Beesan, so I think you'll do fine!

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #107 - Feb 16th, 2006 at 5:05pm
Books- I couldn't wait, so i started reading Invisble Monster, it's unlike any writing style i have ever read...very new..very different...but so far so good

I know exactly what you mean, I have the same feelings on it.  There were some parts in the book where I thought I must have missed something, but didn't....just keep following it, it all comes together in a very interesting & unusual way!  Especially the ending.  I liked it so much, the story and the writing style that I just bought another one of his books yesterday, Diary, I can't wait to start it.  I was torn between that one & Survivor by him, I'll do that one next time, I think.  My husband bought Star written by Pam Anderson, boy do we have different reading interests!  Tongue  Although, maybe I'll give it a read when he's done.

I'm so glad you'll still be in touch with us after your move, we'd miss you sooooooo much if you weren't!  Cry  I'll pray for the safety of you and your family both on your way and once you're there for good.  Also, good luck with getting your permit, I had to wait until I was 17 till I could get mine, my parents thought it would be better, so don't feel bad...you're not alone!

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Re: Beeson's E- Journal
Reply #108 - Feb 16th, 2006 at 11:30pm
If there are products you want when you're there that you can't get, PM me and I'll send it to you.  Maybe we can trade?

I used to live in St. Charles.  I loved living there.  My grand parents lived in Fluorescent (spelling?) and in St. Louis.  Have you ever been to the Fox Theatre?  I loved that place.

Thanks for the offer Sakina Kiss, i hope we could but I'm not really sure about the time things take to ship there. Once my dad sent something to his friend, it arrived about 9 months later! but if you ever need anything, my dad has 6 uncles that live in Ohio, that visit there a lot and i can ask them to carry the things for you.

Anyway, i lived in Florissant for about six months then moved to the Manchester area. I haven't been to the Fox Theatre, but i will try since we are making the most of our stay here, nd trying to see all the sights Smiley

Anais- I couldn't wait to start reading Kite Runner either, so i started reading it too Grin

I almost stopped reading too, especially when he stated talking about religion...my religion, but then i was like, no i will finish it. Right now I'm about halfway through...

Juri- Thanks Juri Kiss you're sweet, but once i get nervous... Tongue i guess only the US makes it easy for people to drive, LOL

Maggie-  i was planning on reading Diary next. I like this new way of writing though, and i especially like the Flash sentences, it's like writing a whole paragraph....they say a whole lot about what the narrator is feeling. I still feel like I'm lost though.. Lips Sealed

Hair- I took a chance and tried distilled white vinegar, and it feels nice...maybe it didn't affect it at all, since i only used about 2 tbls to the whole bottle ::shrug::

I like the LIC* by Kimberly, but i think i need to add 4 tbls of Aloe juice, i will make a new batch tomorrow
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #109 - Feb 16th, 2006 at 11:38pm
Beesan sweetie Smiley,

Thankyou for that website  JUSTMOMMIES.COM. I absolutely love it. I wish you the best of luck with everything and your move.  Im glad we will be keeping in touch with you overseas.

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #110 - Feb 17th, 2006 at 12:07am
You are SO welcome Kiss Smiley

I like it too, i've been reading up on somethings there, especially since my little bro is starting Pre-school soon.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #111 - Feb 19th, 2006 at 1:06am
I called my school the other day to make an appointment for 11th grade, they said they'd call me back, then they called yesterday and said they're booked till the beginning of MARCH!!!! Shocked.

The problem is that i have to finish it before i leave so i can order 12th and take it with me to PL, cuz i can't study there, everything is in Arabic- i know how to read, write, and talk. But it's hard to study chemistry, and math in arabic Tongue, and that only gives me a little less than 3 MONTHS!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! plus all the prep and shopping and selling. grrrrrrrrrr Angry

ok, deep breaths....::in, out, in, out:: I CAN DO IT Cheesy

Ok, that's done with Grin

Hair- feeling very bouncy, and soft....if i ignore the ends. this is another thing i have to do, GET A TRIM NEXT WEEK. i think i need 2 inches off, or maybe 3, we'll see how scissor happy the lady is Tongue

Books- haven't finished any of them Tongue

Cya later... Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #112 - Feb 19th, 2006 at 1:28am
Oh, i forgot to say that we went to the mall today, and:-

*i saw this Russian lady (i think- her accent sounded like it) that had her braid down to her anckels Shocked, it looked really nice- salt, and pepper Smiley

*I went into Icing by Claire's- they have really, REALLY nice hair sticks. i didn't buy anything, my brothers were with us so there was no way i could peacfully pick some up Tongue, so i'm waiting for when me and my mom go alone while they are at school Grin
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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #113 - Feb 19th, 2006 at 5:22am
The problem is that i have to finish it before i leave so i can order 12th and take it with me to PL, cuz i can't study there, everything is in Arabic- i know how to read, write, and talk. But it's hard to study chemistry, and math in arabic Tongue

Wow... I can definitely see chemistry being hard to do in Arabic, but I never considered math since we call our normal numbers "arabic numerals". I don't mean to trivialize this or make it funny; it just made me really curious.

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #114 - Feb 20th, 2006 at 2:41pm
I noticed you and anais talking about Kite Runner, what's that book about & who's it written by?  Just doing some snooping for a possible future read!  Grin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #115 - Feb 20th, 2006 at 3:16pm

YES, YOU CAN!!   Grin
Did you explain to them what's going on--the move to Palestine and such?
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Re: Beeson's E- Journal
Reply #116 - Feb 20th, 2006 at 3:17pm
Anais- what you said is true, but i meant like the teacher explaining it, or proofs, and theories- i know they are all the same but they are still in Arabic, and it's not only math and chem. it's also Arabic- they have about 5 books (language, reading, grammar, poetry), geography, history. I'm going from American history to Arab history Shocked what a turn of things Tongue

Maggie-The book is by Khaled Hosseini, it takes place in Afghanistan, narrated by a boy names Amir- i can't really say what it's really about without spoiling it, maybe Anais can do a better job. But it's a father-son, friendship, story.

I have enjoyed it so far, i especially like it because it's not predictable- you never know what's lurking behind the corner sort of book Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #117 - Feb 22nd, 2006 at 12:06am
YES, YOU CAN!!   Grin
Did you explain to them what's going on--the move to Palestine and such?  

Thanks Trisha Kiss Kiss Smiley That really boosts my confidence Smiley
I told them that i will be leaving the country, and need them fast, they told me to call some other homeschool-book-selling-company. I went to their web site, i found that they have very little choices, and the books aren't like the quality books the  At The Core Curriculum sells Tongue

I'm going to PT tomorrow *ouch*, and i have a darn cold Tongue. i will get Airborne...tomorrow Undecided

hair ends are feeling very crunshy- i guess it's from the white vinegar. oh well it was just an experiment...

Tomorrow is wash day, i want to try to add the aloe juice to my conditioner- see how well that works.

Later...i need some sleep- the most wonderful blessing from God Grin 'night
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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #118 - Feb 22nd, 2006 at 3:38am
I noticed you and anais talking about Kite Runner, what's that book about & who's it written by?  Just doing some snooping for a possible future read!  Grin


The Kite Runner is a story about healing and regret, family, and the significance of blood. It's meaningful because of its raggedness around the edges - the story is not a clean break. Loose ends don't tie themselves up neatly by the time the story is over. It's realistic. The storytelling is rich and meaningful in its use of language. The other special thing is the fact that it's not a conventional American novel, but still the characters are presented in a spiritual-cultural rather than a religious format (the spirituality and the culture is portrayed well and emphasized, the characters have dimension and don't come across as "foreign")

Hope this helps
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #119 - Feb 22nd, 2006 at 1:06pm
Thanks, Anais, that does help.  I'm def. putting that one on my list of upcoming reads.  I think it will help to diversify me, which is always good. Smiley

Beesan - I hope you're feeling better!  I myself just got over a nasty cold, I swear by Airborn when I feel a sickness coming on, that's the best time to use it to stop it from getting full blown.  (((hugs)))

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #120 - Feb 22nd, 2006 at 3:17pm
oh YEAH, Airborne is the BEST!
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #121 - Feb 22nd, 2006 at 8:39pm
Thanks maggie, and Trisha Kiss Kiss

it's too late now for Airborne. The cold has gotten worse Tongue, so i'm stuck with Advil...

I couldn't go to PT, cuz of the cold. moved it to next Wednesday.

Oh, and i also have an appointment with my school next Thursday...yayyy! finaly

ETA- spelling error Tongue
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« Last Edit: Feb 22nd, 2006 at 11:12pm by Beesan16 »  

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #122 - Feb 22nd, 2006 at 9:18pm
I had my cold for over a week, I know how you feel. It will get better..........hopefully soon.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #123 - Feb 23rd, 2006 at 1:02pm
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #124 - Feb 23rd, 2006 at 1:20pm
Darlin', you can still take Airborne AFTER you've caught a cold--it's not only for before!   Smiley  I've taken it twice now after cold symptoms were pretty full blown and it still helped me get better really fast.
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Pantene Experiment
Reply #125 - Feb 26th, 2006 at 1:38pm
Thanks Curlygirl, Maggie, and Trisha Kiss Kiss, i took Airborne only once and the cold only lasted 3 days, yayy! Smiley

I washed my hair last Tuesday, then my mom got a bottle of Pantene and i couldn't wait to use it so i washed again yesterday. I decided not to use the conditioner (Pantene), so i used the shampoo, but coed with Natures Gate. I added 2 teaspoons of aloe juice to the conditioner. i think i need to use less, and i don't think i should use Pantene with NG. I don't really know if i like Pantene yet, my top layer looks good, and feels really light...so maybe i do like...i'm not sure. I'll see after i use it again, but this time i'll use the conditioner.

Books- i finished both books.

*Kite Runner- was really good. I like the way the story went. Sometimes, i felt that the boy (the narrator) was very selfish, and mean at times, and then he starts to be very nice. I highly recommend this book.

*Invisible Monster- also a really good book. Very unexpected ending, which i guess makes it all the better. Love the authors way of writing, will definitely read his other books. Also recommended.

Books that i got from the library:-

*Sahm I am by Meredith Efken.

*The Second Summer of the Sisterhood by Ann Brashares.

*Double Idendity by Margaret Peterson Haddix.

ETA-*The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.

I'm off...c ya later Smiley
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Anais Satin

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Re: Pantene Experiment
Reply #126 - Feb 26th, 2006 at 3:39pm
*Kite Runner- was really good. I like the way the story went. Sometimes, i felt that the boy (the narrator) was very selfish, and mean at times, and then he starts to be very nice. I highly recommend this book.

Beesan, I'm glad you enjoyed The Kite Runner. Isn't it soooo realistic ? ? ? Cheesy The burdens people carry, the experiences that shape their realities, this is how people grow...


edited to fix accidental smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #127 - Feb 27th, 2006 at 10:50pm
Thanks Anais Smiley

Yeah, it is very realistic. At first i thought it was the author telling his story. (of coarse there must be some true parts in it...but you know what i mean Tongue)

I had the worst headache yesterday, so i conked out for a while. and when i woke up my dad had come back from Chicago (he left that morning) and with my dad can a big bag of turkish chocolate, and pomegranate juice- i never really drank it till yesterday but i heard that it is a great antioxidant- yummm....it really hit the spot Smiley

Hair is feeling very light from the Pantene, so light in fact that it looks really puffy. I made another batch of the leave-in-spray but i played around with it

here is the recipe

*1/4 cup spring water
*1 teaspoon jojoba oil
*1 teaspoon grape seed oil
*4 teaspoons aloe juice (i guess that would be about 2 tablespoons)

and shake, shake, shake, then spray, spray, spray... Smiley

Edited to fix sp Tongue
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #128 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 12:54am
Wow, March 1st, i could have sworn it was the middle of July cosidering the VERY HOT weather. It was 85 degrees today. and very humid Tongue Embarrassed

Washed my hair today. I used Pantene Daily Moisture Renewal shampoo and conditioner. I didn't use jojoba oil, just a bit of coconut oil, and a few sprays of the leave-in- which has jojoba in it. I haven't unbraided it yet, but my bangs feel very nice Smiley

Went to PT today, Ouch and double ouch Tongue. Turns out i have a problem with the muscles attached to my right shoulder blade. Dr.P says that they are over stretched, which is caused by stuff i do with my right had since i'm right handed like writing, typing, using the mouse...ect. He says that, those muscles could move the blade forward making it hunch over Shocked He gave me a few exercises to loosen them up a bit.

Yesterday, me and my mom (or should it be my mom and i ??? my teacher should be proud 8)) signed up at Curves, my mom says we'll be going everyday, but Dr.P said not to do any upper body stuff. they have a few mattresses so i could probably do my own exercises while my mom does her work out.

I wanted to ask you guys something, which would be easier for me to do in three months (considering that i have no tests or teachers) physics or chemistry??? some choice huh Roll Eyes i have my appt tomorrow.

night everyone Smiley
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« Last Edit: Mar 2nd, 2006 at 12:43pm by Beesan16 »  

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Shooting Star

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #129 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 11:55am
Personally I LOVED Physics more than chemistry.  But then I love math and logic so physics was my obvious choice.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #130 - Mar 3rd, 2006 at 1:09pm
I'm right there with Bikerbraid, Physics was my thing too.  Although I really did enjoy chemistry too.  I think I liked the challenge that the advanced physics and maths presented, though...
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Journal Entry
Reply #131 - Mar 5th, 2006 at 12:48am
Thanks BB and maggie Kiss i have taken your advise Smiley

Hair- is feeling VERY nice, and soft  Grin it is up in a big messy bun with hair stix..

Tomorrow we will be going to Lexington, Kentucky. All i know is that my dad has some business there (will explain later), and then we'll go and have a look around. i don't like business trips, they all involve my dad talking on the phone ALL the time Tongue and we stay in the car Lips Sealed

Anyway, i have a lot of books to read so keeping busy should not be a problem Smiley

need to sleep early so i can wake up early....'night Smiley

Edited to fix spelling
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« Last Edit: Mar 5th, 2006 at 2:00pm by Beesan16 »  

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Trip Cancelled
Reply #132 - Mar 5th, 2006 at 2:07pm
My parents found several wrong things with this trip:-

*it will take 12-14 hours driving there and back.

*tomorrow is monday- school

*the weather- rainy, windy, foggy.

*my dad will spend at least 3 hours with the ppl he is going to see, which means we will spend that time in the car- with my brothers! Shocked

So...they decided not to go and probably go someother time.   Smiley

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #133 - Mar 7th, 2006 at 3:38pm
Dang it!  They could have dropped you off in Cape Girardeau to spend the day with moi!!   Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #134 - Mar 8th, 2006 at 12:52am
Posted by: Trisha Today at 12:38pm Quote:
Dang it!  They could have dropped you off in Cape Girardeau to spend the day with moi!!   

*pouting* Now why did THAT trip have to get cancelled Angry

Hair- is feeling very nice, and not screaming for a wash.
Last night my lil bro was watching me braid my hair and he said "I want my wife to have hair just like yours" Grin I love him Kiss

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #135 - Mar 8th, 2006 at 3:32pm
Oh, that is just the sweetest thing I've ever heard!  Cheesy  Such innocence and honesty, that warms my heart.

My little brother too used to like my hair, I went thru a wacky phase (yeeeaaars ago!) and chopped it all off, I mean short, and he was so upset by it.  He was so mad and told me that he wanted my long hair back!

Isn't it funny how they take notice to such things?
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #136 - Mar 9th, 2006 at 1:06pm
Yeah, it is. He tries to brush it sometimes, but then i tell him that he could break my hair. He just stares at me and the he says "oh, you mean your friends from the hair computer will be mad".... ??? Smiley
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Angel Spun
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #137 - Mar 9th, 2006 at 10:23pm
OMG, is that the sweetest thing ever?! Too cute.

lol @ "hair computer." He is just too precious!  Grin
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #138 - Mar 10th, 2006 at 12:24am
yeah, that's my baby Grin

Rain, rain....it's been raining for two days. After all that sunshine and heat...I LOVE RAIN Smiley

My books arrived!

So now it's study, study, study... Tongue. I have started with United States History.

Hair- i think it's time for a wash, though it doesn't look it, but it has started to itch a tiny bit...

Books- Finished Second Summer of the Sisterhood, and Double Identity. Great books will post reviews tomorrow. I had just started to read SAHM I am on Tuesday, when i remembered it was due that day. I was a great errr..part of a book, lots of laughs. It's a series of posts and e-mails from a group of Stay At Home Mothers. They have two mean moderators, which makes me thankful for our mods....
All hale Bikerbraid and Sakina
Grin Kiss Kiss
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #139 - Mar 10th, 2006 at 11:43am
Ah yes - happy days are when books, hairsticks or yarn arrive in the mail!  (But these days I have to catch the mail man and ask him to bring them in the house - I can't carry a package and make it up the 2 steps on crutches!!)

[and thanks for the moderator kudos.....we do try  Grin]
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #140 - Mar 12th, 2006 at 7:30pm
[and thanks for the moderator kudos.....we do try  ]

And you are doing a wonderful job Kiss

Washed hair. I think i need to lessen the amount of oil i use after washing, cuz it seemed very oily after it dried. So only a few drops of jojoba on the ends and about half a quarter size of coconut oil.

Lots of shopping this week. Famous Barr is having a great sale 80% + 50% off selected items + 15% coupon Shocked it's great since we have to buy sooooooooo many gifts for family back home. My dad got all my uncles CK, and Nautica shirts for 5-8 $ each Shocked

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #141 - Mar 12th, 2006 at 9:42pm
Hi Beesan
What a steal on those shirts!!!  Way to go!
Btw I find that one or two drops of oil in the palms  of your hands,rub together and then through the hair from the ear length down works for me.  Maybe it might work for you.....
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #142 - Mar 22nd, 2006 at 12:33am
Thanks for the tip curlgirl, those prices were great, but the greatest thing was when we went last week and they had all clearance items buy one get one free!!!!  Shocked
Boy I think I’ve shopped for a lifetime…..YEAH RIGHT!!! Grin

Ahh, spring is here, the flowers and trees are blooming, the birds singing, the squirrels running around chasing their tails, and SNOW IS ON THE GROUND!!! Tongue Roll Eyes ???

Anyway, Happy Mother’s Day to everyone who celebrates today (we do in the midd. East- and I have no idea why) Smiley

Boy, I am busy, busy, busy, and…..busy, with studying, it is killing me, I can’t believe I lied to myself and said I could do it. I never had sel-confidence, why did it have to come to me that moment, and let me do this to my self, I have less than 2 months- since I need to call to make an appt. then I need 2-4 weeks to receive my books. I am a nervous wreck AAAAHHHHH!!!!! Angry Lips Sealed

We put up an ad to sell our furniture and stuff. God this is getting so REAL, and everything is moving SO FAST!! So fast that all my emotions are mixed up, i'm not sure if i should be happy or not Embarrassed.

Anyway, I think I need to wash more frequently with Pantene. Before I used to go 7-9 days without washing it, now I can’t go more than 5 days. But I like it. Last Friday when I washed it, I decide to skip the braid and put it in a bun, and I LOVE the results, it was more curly than wavy which I like much better, even though it makes my hair look about 2 inches shorter.

I have it up in a bun right now, soaked with aloe vera juice- just a little conditioning experiment-we’ll see how it goes.

Boy, do I have a lot of book updating I need to do, but I’ll do that later.

‘night everyone
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #143 - Mar 22nd, 2006 at 11:43am
Hang in there - you can do this!  You have a lot going on right now, but if you can just focus on what needs to get done each day, you will be able to manage it.  We know you can!  Grin
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #144 - Mar 22nd, 2006 at 4:12pm
I second what Bikerbraid said, I know that you are a hard working and conscientous person and you'll get all that work done, one way or another.  Just break it all down, figure out what you need to do and keep setting goals for yourself and you'll be fine.  It'll be a whirlwind, but it's amazing what we can do when we know we have to do it, no matter what.  Just small life lessons, that's all.  Smiley

Believe me, I know...my whole life is "crunch time" anymore! Tongue

I see you're trying out the Pantene realm, hope it works out for you.  Cheesy

Now, off to work you go!

(((serenity hugggs)))
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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #145 - Mar 22nd, 2006 at 7:30pm
Hi Beesan,

Wishing you all the best, sis. Sometimes, having a lot of things to do is a good reminder that you are exactly where you are meant to be. When you have the opportunity to prioritize and juggle a crazy amount of work, everything else afterwards will seem like a joke. That's how it was at certain times for me, and I got a big BIG reminder of that experience after getting promoted to new responsibilities.

On another note, I have been reading the Qur'an and thought of you. It's beautiful work. I checked out a side-by-side English-Arabic edition. It feels like a warm cozy hug. At night I'll settle under the covers with my giant fleece robe and pick up where I left off. About 75% more Qur'an to go. I wish I had an Arabic audiobook, to listen to the cadence.

love and hugs
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #146 - Mar 23rd, 2006 at 2:17pm
(((((((((grouphugz)))))))) Thanks, you guys are the greatest Kiss Kiss Okay, i'm convinsecd....I CAN DO IT!! Grin Grin

Anais- that's great that you're interested in reading the Qur'an. Which is your fav. chapter?

Off to hit the books, see ya' later...
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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #147 - Mar 23rd, 2006 at 6:52pm
I'm not that far yet... maybe about 1/3 into the text. I really enjoyed the surah The Women. And knowing the context..... the fact that circa the time that Islam was introduced into Middle-Eastern society, when there was a lot of violence toward women and girls, Islam and the Qur'an brought something revolutionary and equalizing for women. That inspires me.

Have a great day.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #148 - Mar 24th, 2006 at 7:40pm
Yeah, they did horrible things. Like burrying new born girls alive Sad, cuz they were ashamed of having girls Angry Embarrassed

Pantene is working great, a few drops of jojoba oil, and the next day a bit of 99% aloe vera gel, and my hair is happy Smiley

Need to go crack open some books Undecided.... Smiley Smiley

We are going to Chicago from Saturday til Monday, this will be our last trip to Chicago, except to go to the airport.


ETA- the aloe vera juice soak turned out great, it made my hair feel EXTRA soft Grin
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Been Gone awhile
Reply #149 - Apr 4th, 2006 at 11:33pm
Wow, two weeks and i get moved to the 2nd page Lips Sealed Busy, busy, busy Tongue

Our trip to Chicago was great, we went up to the Signature Room in, OMG i forgot the name of the building Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed The view was great but i didn't get too close to the window Lips Sealed only zooming in and out on the camera. Roll Eyes

We met a few friends, had dinner at anothers (they had an ALL meat BBQ Tongue) But it was fun, we also went to the Water Tower Place, did some shopping.

Anyway, been studying. My SAT test arrived Tongue, now i need to do some planning and timing so i can do them, cuz they are timed and there are supposed to be no distractions.
On a happier note I won the drawing on my schools site- Trivia Question
Here is the question-
Lincoln's stunning 1955 Futura convertible concept car appeared in motor shows to wide acclaim until 1959, when it achieved even greater notoriety, featuring the 1959 film 'It Started With A Kiss' starring Glenn Ford and Debbie Reynolds. The car later became even more famous for what reason

Later guys Cheesy

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Finally got a Trim!!!
Reply #150 - Apr 6th, 2006 at 11:28pm
I woke up today, and my mom was like "get ready, we're going to get a haircut"....

I got 2 inches off, the lady was really nice and very carefull. She kept making sure how much i wanted cut "2 inches? ok" " 2 in" would be about this much, is that ok?" and on and on like that, and i was really thankful Smiley. She kept saying how much she wanted her hair to be long, her's was almost shoulder length and purple and black. All i said was "it takes time".

Anyway, it feels really light, even though it's only a bit Tongue i wanted to wait till tomorrow before washing it, since i just washed it yesterday.

I finally used the coconut milk, actually it was light coconut milk, but it feels really nice and soft. I got another can from Chicago. Since the only kind i find here is light (mixed with water) and plus it was only 70 cents a can Grin

I got the $50 check from my school today Cheesy and i'm still finishing up, i still need to start Physics Sad Sad

C ya' Smiley
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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #151 - Apr 6th, 2006 at 11:53pm
Are you going to tell us the answer to the trivia question?? Grin
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #152 - Apr 7th, 2006 at 1:25am
huh??............. oh Roll Eyes

It became the Batmobile. The Futura had been acquired by Hollywood car builder George Barris from the studio after its appearance in 'It Started With A Kiss', and Barris decided to use it as the donor vehicle for the famous Batmobile when he was given the project in 1965 for the Batman TV series launched in 1966. Barris was too busy to build the car himself (he was given just three weeks to do it), so he specified the adaptations and the work was carried out by Barris's competitor Bill Cushenberry. Incredibly, Barris retained the rights to the car and leased it to the Batman studios on a week to week basis."
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Re: Finally got a Trim!!!
Reply #153 - Apr 10th, 2006 at 3:05pm
I finally used the coconut milk, actually it was light coconut milk, but it feels really nice and soft

How did you use the coconut milk, did you rinse with it, or use it as a leave in treatment and then rinse?

BTW, I'm glad you had such a good hairdresser who listened to what you asked for, mine is good like that, too!  Cheesy
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #154 - Apr 15th, 2006 at 5:49pm
Soryy i'm replying so late maggie Undecided I poured it over my hair, then i left it for a few minutes and while doing that I kept finger combing cuz it was looking like it was getting tangled. HTH Smiley

Studying, SAT's, packing, labeling boxes, writing EVERY single thing that is IN the boxes, writing prices, lists.........AAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! all of that at once!!!!!

Please pray for my sanity guys Roll Eyes Tongue

c ya' need to go shopping for bedding for my brothers  Lips Sealed
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #155 - Apr 22nd, 2006 at 3:24pm
Still packing.......studying......not sleeping......not eating.....and going CRAZY!!!!!!!!

the phone doesn't stop ringing ppl call to ask about our "moving sale" add, but they ask a million stupid questions and then say "thanks" and hang up  Angry Tongue

hair->-> always in a bun.

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #156 - Apr 25th, 2006 at 2:16pm
((((((((((Poor, poor Beesan)))))))))))))))  Kiss

Just keep going, you'll get through it all & it'll all be done before you know it.  I bet your days are just flying right past you at the pace you're going, I know they do for me when I'm so busy (which is always!). 

If I was there I'd help you pack & label....and I'd take all those stupid phone calls for you so you could concentrate on your SAT's.  But, I'm not, so all I can do is send my wishes for amazing-womanly-strength, it's in us all, and that's what puts us a notch above all the guys.  Wink  That's why women have the ability to do 10 different things all at once, we can have a baby on the hip, cook dinner, vaccuum, feed the dog, talk on the phone, grocery shop, pay the bills, write a novel and paint our toes simultaneously, we are the queens of multi-tasking, just remember that.  Truthfully.  If you notice, guys need to focus on the "one" thing that they're doing without interruption to completion, try to throw another task in there and forget it!  Utter chaos!  Tongue

Okay, go back to work now!  Wink

maggie  Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #157 - Apr 25th, 2006 at 4:12pm
See?  Multi tasking--whadItellya?!   8)
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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #158 - Apr 25th, 2006 at 9:31pm
Hi Beesan,

Thinking of you! I hope your move goes well. Take the time to breathe though - sometimes the packing process is really good meditation. Anything can be turned into prayer and meditation. If it helps, put on a Qur'an tape or something while you're working. I always put on my prayer music when doing something tedious. Take care sis

much love
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #159 - Apr 26th, 2006 at 12:01am
Thanks soooooo much for your sweet words Kiss you guys always win to make me cry ::sniffle:: Smiley

Don't I know ALL about men and multi-tasking!....i've got a Dad and 2 Brothers, who leave all the work for us women... Roll Eyes

Anais, the only time i have for meditation is when i pray, and at night when everyone is asleep....but while i'm awake- and i mean nothing by this other than sharing part of my life with you guys, i hope this is not offensive for anyone- this is what i listen to Sami Yusuf- Teacher  Smiley don't hesitate to comment....

Another croup wake up call this morning (around 3:30 a.m.) I "woke" up screamong my head off "CROUP, CROUP!" LOL until i realised i was half asleep....but i only woke my mom Roll Eyes went to the ER but he didn't need any breathing treatment there, since we had done a steam-breathing treatment thing at home which is great.

And..........*drum roll* i sent my SAT's and i'll be sending my report card for 11th grade by the end of the week hopefully  Cheesy

We will be shipping everything by this Thursday, hopefully we can sit ON the couch again Roll Eyes we have sold the couch with the recliner chair (they'll be gone by next Sat) and my parents bedroom, and my brothers bunk bed (they'll stay untill we have to leave- so no one is sleeping on the floor)

Hair- i finally got to REALLY take a look at my hair today, nothing new....did a ACV rinse, jojoba oil and put in a bun.

Oh, note for future reference:- my hair does NOT cooperate with cold water Tongue it gets string and the conditioner doesn't wash out....

The weather is CRAZY!!!!! yesterday it was 112 today it is freezing almost in the 40's Shocked and this change of weather is hurting my hips/knees/legs  Angry ::sigh:: i guess it's back to Motrin if it gets worse Tongue

i guess that's it............later sisters Smiley
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« Last Edit: Apr 26th, 2006 at 12:34pm by Beesan16 »  

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #160 - Apr 26th, 2006 at 3:45pm
Oh, i like that music, thanks for the link--he's very good!  I don't think you ever have to worry about sharing things with us, B, be it faith, music, whatever.  We're there for you.   Kiss
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Shooting Star

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #161 - Apr 26th, 2006 at 4:04pm
Hang in there Beesan!  Just remember, all this chaos will make you a stronger, more organized person in the future.  Cheesy
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #162 - Apr 26th, 2006 at 4:36pm
you know what? right now i'm soooooooooooooo thankful for the internet................becuz i can talk to you guys ANYWHERE i go........i would go crazy if i had to leave you guys behind too Shocked Shocked

Thanks Trisha i'm glad you liked the music Smiley and for your sweet words Kiss And thanks bikerbraid Kiss, i really appreciate those powerful words and i will carve them somewhere in my head, just so i can keep them in mind...literaly (((((((((((((hugs to you both))))))))))


Aunt flo gave me a few punches in the stomach this mornin' Tongue
i'm glad i don't have to carry anything heavy.... just need to pack like 5 more boxes and that's it Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

later pplz.............
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #163 - Apr 26th, 2006 at 4:50pm
Beesan, you're nearly done!  I hope Flo eases up on you!!
Thanks for sharing music I've never heard before.  He has such a pleasant voice.

Enjoy the moment, that is all that's real.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #164 - Apr 27th, 2006 at 1:18am
Thanks Sakina Kiss i'm glad you enjoyed the song Smiley...i wish Aunt Flo would listen to you Tongue

Enjoy the moment, that is all that's real

That could never be more true to me than now, I try to think of tomorrow and i get lost in a black hole of thoughts.....

I just relised that the song has alot of Arabic in it, which i had totaly forgotten about Embarrassed here are the lyrics:-
We once had a Teacher
The Teacher of teachers,
He changed the world for the better
And made us better creatures,
Oh Allah we’ve shamed ourselves
We’ve strayed from Al-Mu'allim,
Surely we’ve wronged ourselves
What will we say in front him?
Oh Mu'allim...

He was Muhammad salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam,
(He was Muhammad peace be upon him) 
Muhammad, mercy upon Mankind,
He was Muhammad salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam,
(He was Muhammad peace be upon him) 
Muhammad, mercy upon Mankind,
Teacher of all Mankind.
Abal Qasim [one of the names of the Prophet]
Ya Habibi ya Muhammad
(My beloved O Muhammad)
Ya Shafi'i ya Muhammad
(My intercessor O Muhammad)
Khayru khalqillahi Muhammad
(The best of Allah’s creation is Muhammad)
Ya Mustafa ya Imamal Mursalina
(O Chosen One, O Imam of the Messengers)
Ya Mustafa ya Shafi'al 'Alamina
(O Chosen One, O intercessor of the worlds)
He prayed while others slept
While others ate he’d fast,
While they would laugh he wept
Until he breathed his last,
His only wish was for us to be
Among the ones who prosper,
Ya Mu'allim peace be upon you,
Truly you are our Teacher,
Oh Mu'allim..

Ya Habibi ya Muhammad
(My beloved O Muhammad)
Ya Shafi'i ya Muhammad
(My intercessor O Muhammad)
Ya Rasuli ya Muhammad
(O My Messenger O Muhammad)
Ya Bashiri ya Muhammad
(O bearer of good news O Muhammad)
Ya Nadhiri ya Muhammad
(O warner O Muhammad)
'Ishqu Qalbi ya Muhammad
(The love of my heart O Muhammad)
Nuru 'Ayni ya Muhammad
(Light of my eye O Muhammad)
He taught us to be just and kind
And to feed the poor and hungry,
Help the wayfarer and the orphan child
And to not be cruel and miserly,
His speech was soft and gentle,
Like a mother stroking her child,
His mercy and compassion,
Were most radiant when he smiled

Abal Qasim [one of the names of the Prophet]
Ya Habibi ya Muhammad
(My beloved O Muhammad)
Ya Shafi'i ya Muhammad
(My intercessor O Muhammad)
Khayru khalqillahi Muhammad
(The best of Allah’s creation is Muhammad)
Ya Mustafa Ya Imamal Mursalina
(O Chosen One O Imam of the Messengers)
Ya Mustafa ya Shafi'al 'Alamina
(O Chosen One O intercessor of the worlds)

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Everything Shipped!!!!!
Reply #165 - Apr 28th, 2006 at 1:48am

We are now living in a house and not a storage room Roll Eyes
We got upto 50 boxes...........with a living room set, a coffee table, and an end table.

I've practically been awake since well, last night and then all i slept was a few hours, so.....................Good night...........c 'ya tomorrow Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #166 - Apr 28th, 2006 at 1:02pm
hooray!!!!! Grin
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #167 - Apr 30th, 2006 at 10:17pm
hooray!!!!! Grin

yea! Wink

I also sent my grades now i'll wait till Monday, so i can the school and order the books.

Went to the eye doc. on Friday. My prescription has changed, i think it's the left eye that got worse. And the new doc. said that Acuvue has been drying my eyes alot, so she gave me better contacts to try for a week....so i'll see her next week (Saturday), and i'm getting backup glasses.

The couch and recliner chair are goooooooooone, makes it easier to vacuum Roll Eyes Tongue Roll Eyes


I feel that i'm different....i really don't know how different...but i know it's a ...spiritual difference ??? I'm not sure if that's the right word  Undecided but.....

I think i just need some time alone, turn my music up high and.......i don't know.......sob......laugh....think....but nobody is giving me that.............. if i don't get it soon, i swear, i'll break down - and right now that is not the best thing to do, believe me Undecided


My mom has discovered that she is allergic to wheat.
See, when we came here six years ago, she got some kind of allergy on her limbs, and when she went to the dermatologist, he kept doing biopsies, and giving here a bunch a of lotions, they helped....a bit Undecided

Then, about a year ago she was on some detox diet, and she wasn't alowed to eat any bread, basically any starches, and noticed that the rashes were getting ALOT better. Then she was on the diet again a few months ago, and when she went back to slowly eating bread, she noticed that the rashes came back redder and hotter than ever. So we started to reasearch, and saw that it maybe possible that she is allergic to wheat.

When she went to her dermatologist, and told him about the allergy......ya know what he did?...HE LAUGHED!!!! Angry Sad...and said that, this happens with him about twice a month (you'd think he could take a hint!!!??)

Anyway, she says that she doesn't care, and it's better this way.....but i can tell that she is taking it a bit hard Undecided, and she won't try to make her own recipes for bread- becuz here she can buy it ready, but in Palestine...i dout that it's common there Undecided

i think it's time i took action and tried out the recipes my self *sigh*

well, i guess this is enough for today Lips Sealed Lips Sealed

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #168 - Apr 30th, 2006 at 10:25pm
oh,big hug to you!!  I hope you feel better soon Smiley  Maybe your mom would try spelt bread? 
Funny you mention the eye doctor,I'm going on Tuesday for my annual exam.  Stess-A-Ride(I mean Access a Ride)  will be getting a call from me tomorrow so I can make a reservation for Tuesday.  Oy!  How I don't like dealing with the nonsense!!!  Anywho,just feel better soon!!!
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #169 - May 2nd, 2006 at 6:57pm
I'm sorry your mom isn't feeling well and I'm sorry that schmuck of a dermatologist was such a schmuck.   Angry  Wheat and gluten allergies are very common.  I hope both of you are feeling better soon.   Kiss
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This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible. This was terrible with raisins in it.----Dorothy Parker&&Life is pain...anyone who says differently is selling something--The Princess Bride
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #170 - May 2nd, 2006 at 7:24pm
Thanks Curlgirl64 and 13bodies Kiss

Curlgirl- good luck at your eye doc.

I made an appt. for my school interview on May 12th, i was scared that they would tell me they don't have any available till the end of May....but thank God! and the books take 7-10 days to arrive...so alls good *phew*

I wanna try to get as many of my fav. books as possible before i leave. I cannot live without my books!

Three things i will not leave thins country without:-
*My comfertor - SHIPPED! Grin

*Books ...need to get at least 10 more or 20..or...30 ??? Grin

*and well it's you guys....but there will be internet over there so.... Cheesy


I have come to a conclusion......and that is I will leave everything to God, i mean i always did, but i used to complain or get disappointed when something goes wrong.

But no not this time, if they don't accept me in a college there becuz my school is not internationaly accredited (it used to be, but not anymore Undecided) I won't complain

If my suit case gets stolen (like 2 summers ago) and never comes back (last time it came back) i won't complain either.

If i don't fit in with my family there and i feel like an outsider i won't complain

...........i think that's it. Undecided Roll Eyes but really, i think that's the best thing to do right now.........(i hope i can keep this promise Lips Sealed Embarrassed)


Thanks for listening to me complain guys....all the time Tongue

Ok, Hair- I think i'm gonna stick with Pantene. I wanna try the intensive restoration treatment....can anyone recommend it?

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Angel Spun
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #171 - May 3rd, 2006 at 2:48am
Ok, Hair- I think i'm gonna stick with Pantene. I wanna try the intensive restoration treatment....can anyone recommend it?

I can!! lol Come on, you knew I was gonna say something here.  Wink
    But seriously, I've been using the Intensive Restoration Treatment (as well as most every other product from the Daily Moisture Renewal line) for years. Nothing bad to say about the Intensive Restoration Treatment - it's awesome!

And don't worry about complaining - I do it all the time.  Grin  Not out loud, of course...I type it faster than I could say it all anyway. It's called venting, and it's necessary.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #172 - May 3rd, 2006 at 11:19am
I can!! lol Come on, you knew I was gonna say something here.  Wink
   But seriously, I've been using the Intensive Restoration Treatment (as well as most every other product from the Daily Moisture Renewal line) for years. Nothing bad to say about the Intensive Restoration Treatment - it's awesome!

And don't worry about complaining - I do it all the time.  Grin  Not out loud, of course...I type it faster than I could say it all anyway. It's called venting, and it's necessary.

Well.............yeah.....i did Grin Grin lol

Now, that i've got my official recomendation Wink, i can to go to Wal*mart and buy it without feeling guilty

Thanks Angel Kiss

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Angel Spun
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #173 - May 3rd, 2006 at 4:49pm
haha You're welcome, Beesan.  Wink
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #174 - May 3rd, 2006 at 6:22pm
I think that is the one I picked up along with the shampoo and conditioner.  I'm going to try it for the first time tomorrow.  I'll give ya my 2 cents opinion after I use it Grin
P.S. the eye doctor visit went as expected,thanks.
the new specs will run me $447 Shocked Shocked Roll Eyes  I didn't even pick out Versace or Chanel frames!!!!  I chose I think Adrienne Vittadini  Holy Cow,the lenses were $390!
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #175 - May 4th, 2006 at 11:37pm
Thanks Curlgirl Smiley, yea, i agree lenses are being double the price, and even when they make the 50% off sale, the lense price just magically goes up a $100  ??? Tongue

I have an E-bro Roll Eyes. He's 14, he is reeeeeally sweet and musicaly talented, and a multi-liguist, he speaks Albanian, Turkish, English, and Arabic. He wants me to help him with his Arabic, and he said he'd teach me Turkish Smiley. oh, yeah he lives in Kosovo. I met him at Sami Yusuf's forum Wink

Hair- i think i need to wash it again, i washed t yesterday, but i think i *accidentaly* put a wittle too much coconut oil Tongue Maybe i can just rinse it.... ???

Books- boy, i haven't updated this part in sooooooooooo long. Can you believe i got 2 books and never finished them, that has NEVER happened before, I mean no mater how boring the book might be i always finished the book.........even when we read A day no pigs would die Tongue Roll Eyes The books were, In her shoes and Good in bed by Jennifer Wheiner.

Anyway, books i *did* finish:-

The Torn Skirt- was recommended by a friend...made me really sick at some point  Tongue

So Much to Live For- A Dawn Rochell sequal, I kept nagging on the library to get them (i coudn't find them anywhere) until they called and said it's ready for pickup Grin

The Outsiders- GR8 book, really sad too Embarrassed. I don't want to watch the movie, it would just ruin the book Tongue

I need to go pick up the fourth sequal to Six Months to Live (Dawn Rochelle) soon, i got a call today.
My family wants to watch The Ring 2. Personally i wasn't planning on watching it, my hair is already falling out from all this stress, really....i ran my fingers through my bangs yesterday, and when i looked down at the keyboard there was about 10 hairs lying there Shocked Undecided..... Roll Eyes but if they wanna watch it..........TOUGH!!

this entry is already too long Lips Sealed

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #176 - May 9th, 2006 at 12:49am
I can't believe your mom's doc laughed about the allergy!!!  I have tons of allergies, and most of the time the only way to find out what you have is to eliminate different foods.  I also have a wheat allergy - it's not so severe that I cut it out of my diet completely.  Like instead of eating white or wheat bread, I eat potatoe bread.  It still has flour, but less of it.

My cousin has severe allergy to wheat.  To the point where her internal system reacts to it.  She also started off with getting just rashes.  For a while, she went completely wheat-free - she used rice flour instead of wheat or white.  After her body recovered, she started introducing wheat back in again.  Maybe that's something your mom can do.

Unless your mom get's allergy shots, there's not much else the doctor will tell you to do except to eliminate the wheat products.  So you should just get a list of foods to avoids and non-wheat recipes off the web for her. 

And then maybe she won't be so strict about letting you web around.  Wink
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #177 - May 10th, 2006 at 7:05pm
Thanks Khrome  Kiss
Nope, she doesn't take any shots. And actually the plan was that she would completley eliminate it while we're here and then slowly bring it back in when we settle down there. Hopefully it will all work out......i'm just glad our food isn't based on bread, or pasta, like Italians.....that would be soooooo hard Tongue

Why do ppl say that no news is good news? i'll tell ya' why...becuz it's darn true!

Last Sunday, my old school had a fundraising bazar, and while i was there a boy from my class (actually he was the ONLY boy in my class-6 girls and 1boy!) and said that he wanted to have a class reunion party before i leave.
Anyway, i told him to talk to all the others and get back to me via e-mail. Today he e-mailed me and told me that one of the girls that was with us in 7th grade had a surgery to remove a tumor Cry Cry Cry Cry i was so shocked!! and nobody told me!!.........well, i guess it's also my fault Embarrassed since i don't talk to her much.....but see, when i used to call, it was really awkward, we had nothing to talk about, so............ Embarrassed

I'm gonna call her today, i feel so bad Undecided, i'm waiting until she gets back from school (if she is going), maybe after an hour......

Anyway, i thought B was really nice to think of the party, he was always like our little bro, becuz he was the youngest (skipped a grade- very smart). So, so far everyone is coming, but the problem is the date. They all have so many projects, and then finals are starting Tongue
I really hope this works out, i wanna see everyone before i leave.

Hair- I think Pantene is giving me dandruff Lips Sealed Tongue, or maybe it's just becuz the last time i used it it was the 2in1 bottle (got mixed up Roll Eyes). And can you believe that i haven't been to Wal*Mart yet!  Tongue maybe later this week....

Books- Just got The Davinci Code, looks really interesting. I haven't started it yet though.

ok, laters....
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #178 - May 11th, 2006 at 9:00pm
Talked to my friend yesterday. She's doing great Smiley, the tumor was in her back. But it was benign and she has an appt. today, so i'll call her tomorrow to see what's up.....
It was kinda awkward talking to her.....really awkward actually Tongue. I guess there is a gap between us....but i doubt it will ever be filled up again Undecided.
Anyway, i don't think i'd really want to be close to her, she just, well, cares about the silliest things....just a tad too much. and i think that there is more to life than what to wear for my homecoming, or if i look ok in this pic becuz i don't have any makeup on.....am i over doing this ??? Lips Sealed

Anyway, washed hair. I need a vinegar rinse bad, but i ran out of it Tongue. But no bigie it looks ok Smiley

I have lost sooooooooo much weight!! i was 113 then i went down to 111, and i thought "ok,this is fine" but no, i've gone down to 107 or maybe 108 Sad I doubt that this is healthy. And i haven't taken any calcium chews in so looooooong, blgh Tongue! I have a physical on the 18th so i'll ask the doc. I'm only talking about this cuz my Dad keeps telling me "you need to eat, your too thin, your gonna regret it someday....ect, ect"

Tomorrow is the day to order the books. I need to take soooooooo many credits. Every time i ask them they say "no, your fine" and then i calculated them, and i only have like ten!!! so i need 12! and i'm supposed to put all this in my suitcase(which i haven't packed yet)! My counselor will be asked so many questions....

I'm still on the first chapter of The Davinci Code Embarrassed. I was at the local grocery store today, and i saw it, and i was like "i hope they don't turn it into a movie" and i pass by the movie rental area........and guess what i see??
Yup, The Davinci Code, coming soon to theaters! Roll Eyes

ok, later pplz..............
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #179 - May 12th, 2006 at 3:40pm
Okay, Beesan, stop what you're doing...take a deep breath in..hold it for a second...let it out....another deep breath..hold it....let it out...
Repeat after me: 
everything will be fine,
it's just a little stress because there's a lot going on right now,
everything will be fine,
my life will return to normal soon,
everything will be fine. 

Now, go outside for at least 10 minutes and simply drink in the wonderful out of doors--GWON!!
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Shooting Star

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #180 - May 12th, 2006 at 3:52pm
....... and while you are outside - eat an apple, or a cookie - SOMETHING!

Everything will work out.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #181 - May 13th, 2006 at 11:05am
Thanks Trisha and BB Kiss Kiss((((((HUGS))))))

yea, that walk outside was great Cheesy i just opened the door and told everyone to leave me alone, and don't follow me. I think i walked the whole complex area lol

But really, i didn't know i sounded so bad!...lol.

Yesterday, my moms friends had an early good bye party. They gave my mom a (i'm not sure what it's called) it's like a mini grandfather clock with "May Allah reward you" written in Arabic on the base. but the big surprise was that they gave me a gift too! it's a little jewlry box with my name engraved on it Smiley i was speechless! it was really great Smiley
But then comes the tears....i hate to see ppl cry, and more yet, that i'm the reason Embarrassed

they are coming over on Monday. i wanna do a coconut milk wash so my hair looks extra good that day  Wink

I ordered the books, turns out i don't need to take so many subjects Cheesy When i started the interview i had only 11 credits, but then my counselor (he is so great!) got the up somehow to 23!  Cheesy

He kept asking me "do you help around the house?" you bet!! that's a credit. and then i had done some volunteering when i first started (+1/2 c) Do you do any religious practice? yup (+1c) and on and on like that until he said "you're done!"  Grin books should be here in a week to 10 days....

ok, laters....i need to go clean out my room, it looks like a hurricane ran through it! (well, actually that hurricane would be my mom, as she "looked" through my closet to see which clothes i don't need anymore Roll Eyes)
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Angel Spun
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #182 - May 13th, 2006 at 4:37pm
hehehe cool deal on your credits, Beesan. Things are really getting down to the wire for you. Good luck!  Wink
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #183 - May 20th, 2006 at 12:53pm
Thanks Angel Kiss i hope they are Smiley

I've been away from here for so long, why? becuz i was MAD!! Angry
My dads partners at work told him "why not stay here another year?" and my dad actually was considering it!! that news sent me to bed with a migraine Tongue there were only 11 days left when he asked us what we thought (you know, us being the democratic family we are Roll Eyes Roll Eyes)

Buuuuuuuut............thank God!! he is over it now Cheesy Cheesy

Hair>> haven't done a vinegar rinse in so long. but i will need to do something to it before we leave, so i won't have to do anything during the trip.

I need to buy a 10 year supply of jojoba oil!!! i bought 2 bottles from Treader Joe's, but that's not enough!! need to search around some more....................

We're having the class reunion/farewell party today. and then we have a small BBQ for my dad's friends, but i'll be at the party Cheesy, i'll need to help before i leave though...

Went to the doctor on Thursday. My weight is in the 20th percentile (107) my dad freaked! and in the 65th for my height (65 in).
And i got my contacts in the mail yesterday. My vision has gotten so bad. Before>>>-4.0 for both
Now>>>-4.50 (R)  -4.25 (L)
And i'm getting glasses (for emergencies). We payed for both the glasses (by-
), and a year supply of contacts $400 something, which i think is really great price Cheesy

ok, g2g..............

oh, forgot my books arrived Thursday Smiley I took psychology, earth science, a half credit on the Holocaust.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #184 - May 24th, 2006 at 8:45pm
omg, omg, omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 days in St.Louis!!!! Shocked Shocked Shocked

so much to do!!

I LOVE my hair, it looks soooooo good, i think it's trying to make me feel better Cheesy and i LOVE you guyz too Kiss
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #185 - May 24th, 2006 at 9:45pm
Yowza, it's getting really close to the big move! I hope you and your family have a safe trip to your new home. We love you too, Beesan! Good luck!!!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #186 - May 24th, 2006 at 11:55pm
Down to the wire, eh, Beesan?  Wink  How exciting! I know you're probably nervous as heck, too.

Just have faith. We love you too!  Grin
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #187 - May 25th, 2006 at 2:03am
Thanks Juri and Angel Spun Kiss

but, right now i have a splintering headache, and my hip is acting up again. Wanna know why??


ok, i'm calm.................i guess it should be for the best since we have so much to o still. and there was a chance that if my Dad left his partners at work now, they would have to call him back in a few months and then he'd leave us......and well, that would be a disaster! BTW, my Dad is partner and manager of these fast food/carry out restuarants here in St.Louis, and they are trying to sell them since my dad is leaving and all his partners live in Chicago.

hair>> still, doing great Smiley at least that's good  Wink

peace out pplz
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #188 - May 25th, 2006 at 4:23pm
ok, so it's official WE ARE LEAVING ON THE 26TH OF JUNE!! i'm not sure if i'm happy or not........but i know that this even makes the whole move thing even more like a dream.... Tongue
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #189 - May 25th, 2006 at 6:45pm
Well, on a purely selfish level, I'm kinda glad you're not leaving just yet.   Smiley  I don't know why, but I had a bad feeling we were going to lose you forever.  *hugs* Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #190 - May 26th, 2006 at 9:26pm
You know what Trisha? i had that bad feeling too, i have no idea why ??? but, i'm glad too..... Smiley
we're not sur it will be on the 26th just yet, it has already changed twice from the 13th, then 19th, then back again to the 26th Tongue. i think my parents (and God please forgive me) are really being immature, i mean for a 48 year old, and a 37 year old Tongue every minute they change their minds! it's crazy!

Other than migraines, i think this whole thing has damaged my nerves! my pinky, and the whole area below it has been numb for 3 weeks!! the doctor says that it maybe becuz i lean on the table alot (using computer, ect...)

hair- still looking okay Smiley

books:- re-reading Rules of the Road, and Stand Tall. and i can't believe i was about to leave without reading book 8 of The Princess Diaries!!  Embarrassed 8) the books are waaaaaay better than the movie. but now i read it Cheesy

well, hopefully next time i'll be sure where i'll be in a few weeks, God i feel so LOST!! Roll Eyes

peace out
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #191 - May 27th, 2006 at 7:06am
Man, I think I'd be banging my head against the wall in frustration if I were in your shoes. It's hard enough to move half-way across the world, but having the day of the big move constantly changed makes it even more difficult. I hope your parents get it together pretty soon. Angry

Anyways, take care of yourself! Having an area go numb for three weeks sounds rather serious. Glad your hair's looking good! Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #192 - Jun 1st, 2006 at 3:34pm
((((((Big Hug, Beesan))))))

Boy, talk about yo-yo-ing your emotions, eh?  So, what about all the stuff you had shipped, what are you left with?  At least vacuuming will continue to be easy for the next month!

This will probably be one of the most stressful things you will ever go through in your life, so if you can get through this one Ok, it will indeed make you a little sronger of a woman.  Just think about it that way, that's what I do when things just seem like they're going out of control.  I just figure that if I can get through this one, the next one won't be so hard, hope that rings true for you, too.

The Outsiders is a great book, isn't it?  Actually, I really liked the movie too, I try to catch it every time they play it on TV.  I haven't had any time for reading lately, maybe over the summer I'll get some time.

Stay strong & take care of yourself.

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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #193 - Jun 4th, 2006 at 7:21am
Hey Beesan, hope you're doing well. My best friend (the Muslim one) gave me a biography of the Prophet Muhammad this weekend and I'm going to get started on that soon.. it promises to be very comprehensive.

Here's the link Have you read this book?

Brightest blessings
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #194 - Jun 4th, 2006 at 1:12pm
Juri>> i just stopped banging yesterday, when the new tickets arrived with "June 26" printed on them Cheesy!

Maggie>>I wouldn't be able to go through all this without all you guys support Kiss
The Outsiders>>really, really great...and sad ending Cry
i haven't watched the movie yet...

Anais>> thanks for the book Smiley i immediately went and put it on hold!! i haven't read Prophet Muhammad's (p.b.u.h) biography in English yet, and i was looking for one, but no one i know recommended any......so THANKS again Cheesy

Hair, i'm gonna do that coconut wash today, finally!! with a vinegar rinse. so i'll update on that later...

Mom's birthday was on the 1st. she didn't want anything...she didn't confess to this, but i think she was disappointed, becuz she was hoping we'll be in Palestine by then, but..........

Am i the only one who's rooms cleanliness is based on mood? i mean so far i cleaned my room out 4 times, and it's still kinda messy!! i think it could be possible, as long as my mind is spinning, so is my room. it's not dirty! just somethings are all over the place..........and, i don't like to throw things away either, i was looking through my papers and i found all my worksheets, and homework from 6th grade!! and i just can't throw 'em away! well, i threw some.... Embarrassed Tongue Roll Eyes

Today i'll be going to a friends house, and meet up with another one who will be moving to Dallas, Texas tomorrow. So it's like a good bye thing.

I'm on Motrin now, instead of the Advil....for my hip.
I finished the last Advil bottle (200tablets) in almost 3-4 months, and all my mom keeps saying is "i never took an asprin until i was 20"  Embarrassed i know it's bad, but so is my hip!

Anyway, i'm starting to think about that driving thing again...since we have a little more time.

Peace pplz Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #195 - Jun 5th, 2006 at 12:48am
Juri>> i just stopped banging yesterday, when the new tickets arrived with "June 26" printed on them Cheesy!

Well, that's good news! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that the date won't get changed again. >_<

Take care of that hip! I can't remember if you mentioned it or not, but did you get a doctor to look at it?
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #196 - Jun 16th, 2006 at 12:22am
I almost got kicked off to the second page  Shocked Embarrassed

Juri>> thanks Smiley, 'bout my hip, my doc only told me to keep taking Motrin every 8 hr. i'm trying to avoid it, as it gives me a very upset stomach  Undecided Tongue

Went to the mall with 2 friends today. They opened a new AMC theater here so we went to watch The Da Vinci Code. I didn't finish reading the book, i got to page 30 and just stopped. actually, while i was reading it i wasn't really registering anything, just reading with my mind on other things Tongue
Anyway, it is a GREAT movie! it was pretty long (2hr 45min) but, it was soooooooooo worth it. I mean the guy who wrote the book must be a genius to write a book like that! you know, to be historical, yet with many twists, and to make all the twists to fit together, just amazing!
I can see why some Church's in other countries wanted it banned. It does a little bit too deep into the religion stuff at some parts. but, you just have to stick to what you believe in and not let these arguments and theories affect you.
My friend who read the book, said the ending in the movie was a lot better than the one in the book.
All in all a great movie, you should watch it Smiley

Hair>> did the coconut wash, didn't work out so well this time Tongue turns out there was preservatives and citric acid in it, which i'm sure there wern't any in the one from Treader Joes.
Also, tried Head and Shoulders this morning. it actually worked the same as Pantene Shocked well, i used the H&S shampoo with Pantene conditioner. but it goes well. but, i'll be going back to Pantene on my next wash, and i'll probably do a Aloe juice soak again.

Books>> re-reading Harry Potter #4 and 5. and all of Joan Bauer's books. I also got the book Anais recommended, Muhammad Biography of a Prophet. there are some un-true facts that i caught from the first chapter, but still reading.....

hmmmmmmm....other things...........oh, right, the container arrived yesterday in PL! the boxes are stacked in our house that we haven't even seen yet. that's kind of a bad thing cuz we have to get them out of the way soon, so we can make room for the visitors. even though we were planning on unpacking after 2 weeks, so we can rest and stuff, but, oh well....
"i'm callin U
when all my goals, my very soul
ain't fallin' through
i'm in need of you
the trust in my faith
my tears and my ways, drownin' so
i cannot always show it
but don't doubt my love

oh, no, no
i don't need nobody
and i don't fear nobody
i don't call nobody but U
my One and Only"
God help me!
that's Outlandish's words, i need to find that song BAD!! they only have a sample on their site Tongue
here is a link to their vids, i LUUUUUUUV the ....well, all of them!!and Walou, can really relate to it Tongue
Guantanamo- http://youtube.com/watch?v=DngCw53zD9o&search=Outlandish
Aicha- http://youtube.com/watch?v=scdByIHuhpU&mode=suggested&search=Outlandish
Look into My Eye-http://youtube.com/watch?v=3P12aqVeZkQ&mode=suggested&search=Outlandish
Kom Igen-http://youtube.com/watch?v=R28jW-q8PFw&search=Outlandish (the English lerycs are great, can't understand the rest:P) but it's not really clear.
some say their songs are kinda loud, but i don't think so, their also good when you wanna drown out your thoughts (worked for me). they are really talented,

The guy who sings Aicha is Isam Bachiri (Morocco), the guy who presents Look into My Eye is Waqas Qadri (Pakistan), and the one who sings in Spanish is Lenny Martinez (Honduras). I think it's nice that they have the mix of different countries and religions. They are pretty popular in Europe, especially in Denmark, since that's where they are "from"
so, what do you guys think?

well, i think i sorta made up for the time i didn't post.
peaaaaaace everyone

P.S. forgot to say, Walou (the song) means "nothing" in Moroccan- Arabic dialect. it's very different from the original Arabic.

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #197 - Jun 16th, 2006 at 3:59pm
OMG!! it's 10 days all over AGAIN!!  Lips Sealed

ok, deeeeeeep breath *gasping for some air* ok, i feel better. Actually, it's not so bad this time, since i have a lot of experience in this now Tongue Roll Eyes
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Angel Spun
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #198 - Jun 16th, 2006 at 4:23pm
Poor Beesan. Hang in there, girl. It won't be hurry up and wait forever. Just try to go with the flow...or the ebb...or whatever the tide happens to be doing at the moment.  Roll Eyes
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #199 - Jun 16th, 2006 at 6:00pm
10 days...OY, the agony! 
Although I have a better feeling about this "leaving" than last time.  *hugs*   Grin
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Anais Satin

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #200 - Jun 19th, 2006 at 3:19am
Hi Beesan, thanks for the link. They are kite runners!
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #201 - Jun 19th, 2006 at 7:23am
Juri>> thanks Smiley, 'bout my hip, my doc only told me to keep taking Motrin every 8 hr. i'm trying to avoid it, as it gives me a very upset stomach  Undecided Tongue

It's too bad your doctor can't do much more to help you, especially since taking Motrin three times a day adds up to a lot of pills and money. Hope it gets better. Undecided

Good luck with the move! I hope history doesn't repeat itself and your parents don't change the date again.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #202 - Jun 19th, 2006 at 2:39pm
Thanks Angel and Trisha Kiss i was hoping you'd say that Trisha! Cheesy

Anais> yup Kite runners! i don't really see the connection between the song and the vid. But the bros in Outlandish are BIG readers.

Juri> i doubt there will be a chang this time! my dad's friend is going to Chicago today, and he took 5 suitecases with him. so, no turning back!

Well, other than the move, there's the World Cup Tongue this is the first time i watch it in 9 years. and i don't really watch, just look at the score every 10 min. I think this year most ppl are watching it for political reasons.
Saudi is playing Ukrain right now......

I think i'm the only one at home who's not packed  Undecided, i just can't bring myself to do it, but i'll have to sooner or later Tongue

Hair>> i'm gonna try cottonseed oil today after my wash. I heard it is really, really good. My dad's friend brought us a bottle from Egypt. we'll see....

Books>> Joan Bauers books are great, can't get enough of them! why? i guess it's becuz they have everything, humour, tragedy, romance, heroism, enlightment, soul, honesty......basically, they're an all in one books.

I watched The Outsiders, so sad  Cry Cry Cry but it was great. a real tear-jerker.
here watch this video>The Outsiders somebody made this in honor of the movie.

well, laters
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #203 - Jun 23rd, 2006 at 5:01pm
Beesan, are you still leaving on the 26th??
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #204 - Jun 23rd, 2006 at 7:31pm
Yea, we still are. no turning back anymore! lol. We'll be leaving Sunday to Chicago, then Monday night is our flight. We'll probably get to PL by Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully, i can get to a comp once i reach Jordan.

Why, did they drop the weight of luggage to 50 lb?????? huh? you can't fit anything in there!!!!  Angry Angry Lips Sealed Embarrassed.

Almost all packed, still need to clean the house. the maintenance will come and do the inspection tomorrow...........hopefully, we'll get at least half our deposit back!! (i doubt it)

My mom has her masters thesis discussion thing tomorrow. it'll be over the phone, since he teachers are all over the world!

laters..........have to go scrub the bathrooms Shocked Embarrassed Lips Sealed Undecided Tongue
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #205 - Jun 24th, 2006 at 8:18pm
Goodluck to you and we shall definately keep in touch! I hope everything works out for you. You are a very sweet girl! Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #206 - Jun 26th, 2006 at 12:42am
I'm sure you won't see this until you are already settled in, Beesan, but wanted to let you know I will be thinking of you and your family in your travels.  Good luck!
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #207 - Jun 26th, 2006 at 2:48am
I hope your journey opens up new avenues for you Cheesy I wish you the best of luck!
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #208 - Jun 26th, 2006 at 4:15am
You're in my thoughts and prayers for a safe journey and an effortless adjustment!
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #209 - Jun 26th, 2006 at 12:07pm
Good luck, and be safe! Smiley
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #210 - Jun 26th, 2006 at 1:26pm
(((((Best Wishes!!!)))))

We'll all be anxiously awaiting your return, and for reassurance that you and your family made it there and arrived safely!

With all my prayers,
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #211 - Jul 2nd, 2006 at 1:20pm
wow!! Shocked thanks soooooo much for all the well wishes everyone:) Cheesy!!!

Sorry i couldn't post sooner becuz the nearest comp that had internet was broken,a nd by the time it got fixed.........let's just say i can breeeeeaaaath again!lol

i missed you guys so much. the trip was good. really tiring but not as expected. We thought we'd have to ride bus/or walk from Jordan to here, but then it turns out they have a new system called (VIP) you get a car sent to you they carry the luggage, stamp the passports and do everything for you, and then get a car from Jericho to your house Smiley. though we still had to go through a valley called "Valley of Fire" Shocked but it wasn't so bad.

i'm sorry i can't write more, i'm at my uncles house and their internet is dial up, so i'm holding up the phone (not to mention the bill lol) but we should be getting it this week

love you all and missed you

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Angel Spun
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #212 - Jul 2nd, 2006 at 3:38pm
Glad to hear you made it over safely. I hope your new place is just as kickin' as it can be.  Grin
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #213 - Jul 3rd, 2006 at 6:20pm
Glad you are ok,miss you!!! Grin
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #214 - Jul 5th, 2006 at 2:40pm
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeesan!!!  Good to hear from you!   Smiley
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