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maggie. (Read 220151 times)

Posts: 1341
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Re: maggie.
Reply #15 - Jan 27th, 2006 at 1:24am
Hey, Maggie. I agree with Angel Spun and Beesan, and I don't think you're being selfish. Even though you're spending a lot of energy helping T, you still need to take time out for your self.

Good luck solving the green gunk problem. The only thing I can think of that might help is adding a bit of baking soda to your shampoo. However, there's a good chance it will strip your hair, making it really dry, and it might not get rid of the green stuff. I think posting on the main boards would be good because I'm at a loss for suggestions. Embarrassed
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Anais Satin

Tailbone in March 2006,
classic in March 2007

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Bill Gates' backyard, WA
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Re: maggie.
Reply #16 - Jan 29th, 2006 at 7:09pm
Oh my, that's bizarre Undecided I have to say the green stuff is related to copper. I don't have any ideas... except maybe a vinegar soak or a vinegar rinse each time you wash, to prevent more greenness.

I'd go after the well - see if you can get it tested for mineral content, and see if you can install a water filter somewhere along the way before it reaches your use.

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Re: maggie.
Reply #17 - Jan 30th, 2006 at 4:19pm
I'd go after the well - see if you can get it tested for mineral content, and see if you can install a water filter somewhere along the way before it reaches your use.

We actually do have a water softener/filtration system...and I think I've found the problem, we let it run out of salt, oops!  Neither my husband or I have been checking it like we should lately, and it ran all the way down.  So there's nothing in there to soften or filter the water.  Meanwhile, I did manage to get the green gunk out of my hair (for now!).  Every morning I've been doing a conditioned comb-through followed by a vinegar rinse, and I've been sure to treat my hair to some extra oiling to make up for the extra stress.  I don't want it to be mad at me  Wink

First thing I want to address is T and his experience this past weekend.  If I wasn't a believer in Chinese herbal medicine before, I am now.  T had his first acupuncture session and herbal dosage this weekend.  I can't even begin to describe the effects- I saw a man in him that I haven't seen for about 5 years now, amazing.  He said that when he put the needles in it felt like an electric "buzzing" sensation, like when you hit your funny bone, and there was not electrodes hooked up to them, just the needles.  His demeaner that evening was kind of like he was on a high, naturally, this was before he took any of the herbs, he was actually a little silly. I was skeptical to think that the effects would last beyond that night, but then the morning came and he woke up smiling, and in the afternoon...right through to the evening...and still till now.  He hasn't "spiked" or "crashed" as he usually does, he's just been kind of even and rational.  I'm in a state of euphoria, I feel like there really is hope.  I know he's far from cured, we have a long road ahead of us, but as long as I know there's hope I am happy as happy can be, and I'll be right there every step of the way.  Thank you..whoever's up there looking over us, thank you, thank you, thank you!  And thank you to those of you who are sending their prayers and good wishes, you couldn't begin to imagine how much I appreciate your love & support!

On the other end of the spectrum, my cousin it not doing too well.  He says the cancer is causing him a lot of pain now.  He can't do much of anything other than eat and sleep, he still has a good appetite, amazingly.  The chemo still has not shrunk the tumors very much, actually I think it's doing his body more harm than good.  Since being introduced to the world of Chinese herbal medicine, I've kind of been doing a little research on the different herbs, and what they do, and accidentally I came across a few that are used in naturally treating and healing cancer patients.  I know that it can be done, in fact I know someone who was naturally cured of cancer, but my family basically shrugged it off when I brought this up in the very beginning.   They believe more in western medicine ( I use that term loosely) than eastern, or anything natural for that matter.  I keeps crossing my mind to re-introduce the idea to them, but it may even be too late, I don't know.

On a lighter note, I STILL did not start my book yet, I'm starting to get disgusted with myself now!  My husband joked that I just like buying new books to decorate my night stand!  Oh, there's just not enough time in a day...or maybe I should say there's just too many things to fit into one day, because there is plenty enough hours in one day.

I'm off, that's all I have time for...catch you later!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: maggie.
Reply #18 - Jan 30th, 2006 at 4:25pm
How wonderful that T's quality of life is improving.  We can never know the outcome, but can be happy that's he's feeling better.
My great aunt had cancer and I recommended accupunture for pain management.  My family also poo-pooed it, but when she was stuck in the hospital she eventually wanted to try it 'cause nothing else was working.  It did work for her, and opened my family's eyes to complimentary medicine.  YAY.
Good luck-even if they choose not to try eastern medicine, your heart is in the right place.  There is always the power of prayer.
Hang in there!!!
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: maggie.
Reply #19 - Jan 30th, 2006 at 5:13pm
How wonderful that T is doing better! I sincerely hope that his recovery is swift and complete...and I know that you'll be there to help & support him all the way.

Unfortunate news about your cousin, though. It's really sad to watch a person's vitality waste away.  Sad
    But there's always hope. My grandmother is a 2-time cancer survivor, so I know that miracles can happen. Sometimes even more than once.

I'll keep praying for you guys. Good luck & God bless.  Smiley
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Re: maggie.
Reply #20 - Jan 30th, 2006 at 9:41pm
Hopefully things get better Maggie. You and your fam are in my prayers.
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Anais Satin

Tailbone in March 2006,
classic in March 2007

Posts: 1265
Bill Gates' backyard, WA
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Re: maggie.
Reply #21 - Feb 1st, 2006 at 7:32pm
Thinking about you and your family too  Kiss I hope things work out well.

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Re: maggie.
Reply #22 - Feb 2nd, 2006 at 2:56pm
Thank you, thank you, thank you all  Smiley  I love you guys!  Kiss

I only have time for a quick entry today, I'm getting very busy with impending Valentine's Day...so much to do!

I've had a headache for two days straight today, which sux, but I'm working through it.  That's the one bad part about being your own boss (w/ no employees)...you can't call off sick, no matter what!  Tongue  I think I know how I caught a germ, though.  I had to deliver flowers to a woman at her home who has walking pneumonia.  The lady who sent them called up and said she'd like to give her flowers to cheer her up, but she doesn't want to expose herself to her illness.  So she exposed me, instead.  Nice of her, huh?  So I've been taking plenty of Airborne and vitamins and it's helping to nip it before it has a chance to get bad.  Hubby even made me a cup of tea and added organic honey, fresh lemon and a dash of cinnamon this morning, he brought it to the shower for me.  He woke up & looked at me and said "whoa, you look like hell!"...gee thanks!  But, the tea made up for it  Wink

Good news....I FINALLY GOT TO START MY BOOK!!! Grin  I began reading it yesterday morning, and got a little more reading time in this morning.  I'm enjoying it so far, it's a very different writing style than I'm used to, so it's refreshing.  So far from what I've read, it's about the lives of young, beautiful vogue-type models and the plastic life they're used to.  One of the girls suffers a horrific accident that disfigures her face and the story is telling how she is trying to cope with her life as she knew it being ripped away from her.  Very interesting so far.

Hair:  Last night I let my hair down from my all-day bun for a while to put some jojoba oil in.  I wrapped it back up and left it that way for the night.  This morning I washed and conditioned with a new (to me) Pantene line, the Daily Moisture Renewal, and I am very pleased with my first usage.  My hair is very soft and shiny and full of body.  I was tempted to leave my hair down today, but then I am also tempted to keep combing through it, so I clipped it up.  Undecided

Also related in hair news, I had this awesome idea for a hairtoy invention, I'm not going to try to describe it, I'm going to see if I can somehow make a mock-up to see if it would work.  I'm excited!  Cheesy  If I can do it well enough, I'll take pics and post them...maybe see about a patent??  We'll see.

T is still doing very well.  I'm tempted to say very, VERY well, I couldn't be happier.  His zest for life seems to be coming back, I'm afraid to jump the gun, though, so I'm taking this day by day, and so far each day seems to be better than the one before.  Keep on sending all those good thoughts and prayers, they're working!  Cheesy

No new news on cousin, but no news is good news, so....

Okay, gotta get back to work,  'til later...
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: maggie.
Reply #23 - Feb 3rd, 2006 at 3:52am
Behold the power of the snowflake.  Wink  DMR rox!

Good to hear that T's condition is ever-improving. I'll keep hoping & praying for him & for your sanity through it all.  Smiley

Can't wait to see what new hair idea you've come up with! Maybe you can post pics when it's ready?

Keep the faith.
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Re: maggie.
Reply #24 - Feb 3rd, 2006 at 1:03pm
First note of news:  We finally bought and added salt to our (empty  Embarrassed) water softener, maybe...hopefully this will help with the wierd green buildup problem.

Hair:  Like the night before, I let my hair down just long enough to oil it and then bunned it up for the night.  I'm on day two with my new S&C, and I'm still liking it so far.  My hair seems less tangly and to have more body.  I like when the natural waves of my hair decide to show up and behave nicely, as they are today.  If I scrunch my hair with my hand while it dries, I can really get it pretty wavy and full of body, or I can just comb it as it dries and it will be straight and silky.  It's pretty neat, I like having the option.  My sister got stuck with super wavy hair, and my brother with super straight hair, I fell right in between, I guess I'm lucky!  I didn't really do anything special as far as washing goes, just the normal scalp wash and condition, I let it completely air dry today, and a little leave-in on the ends.  Aloe gel for the bangs and also a little down the sides framing my face, that's it.  Simple today.

Sock curls have really been piquing my curiosity lately, I think I may try this sometime soon.  I'll have to re-visit Anais' instructions!

I didn't have time to do any reading on my book last night or this morning, I wound up staying a few hours later at the shop doing some much needed cleaning and organizing.  By the time I got home I had enough energy to eat dinner, do some laundry, catch Dancing With the Stars, my favorite is Stacey from WWE, doesn't she look just like a Barbie Doll?  Maybe that's why I like her, I collect Barbies!  Then I tried to watch a recorded Family Guy, but fell asleep at the end...again!  It's the strangest thing, I absolutely love the show, I think Seth MacFarlaine is genious, but it acts like a sedative to me!  Something about the show puts me to sleep nearly every time, I can't understand it, it's so wierd!  It's like it "soothes" me or something, my husband gets the biggest kick out of this.

Speaking of sleeping, I have a *strong* tendancy to talk in my sleep, actually I am usually yelling in my sleep about very strange things.  Well, a few nights ago we recorded and watched a George Carlin comedy special (from '92 I think), and he ended his act with this cheer he made up...I'll type it as best & cleanly as I can...

Rat s**t, Bat s**t, dirty old t**t
Sixty nine a**holes tied in a knot
Hooray, lizard s**t, **** !(won't type that one, starts w/ F!)

We got such a kick out of it and were laughing all night about it, well apparently I liked it so much that I said it all night long in my sleep, hand motions and all!  My husband asked me if I was doing it to be funny the next morning, but I had absolutely no recollection of it at all, poor guy!

That's about all the new news I have for today, so buh-bye!  Grin
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Re: maggie.
Reply #25 - Feb 7th, 2006 at 12:41pm
Boy, it's been a few days since my last entry, and with Valentine's Day approaching it may be a few more, we'll see.

Hair:  Nothing too spectacular going on in the world of hair for me.  I'm still liking my Pantene DMR, it seems to work well with my hair, so no complaints there.  I'm still dealing a little bit with that build-up problem.  After close examination, it seems to be hairspray buildup that's underlying with the green well water residue building up on top of that.  It still baffles me, though, because a really do not use that much hairspray, only a spritz or two in the morning to hold my bangs in place.  I'm using Suave Naturals, as I have been for years, and I never had this problem before.  I've been clarifying with shampoos and ACV's, and still doing the comb through's, this stuff is really stubborn!  Tongue  I do think that it's time for a small trim, however, I wish I knew how to do it myself.

Other Relevant Life Stuff:  T had his second acupuncture treatment yesterday, it really is having an amazing affect on him.  This time the doctor actually heated the needles after they were in him and he used a sage smudge stick around him.  After he came home he told me to feel his wrist, he showed me where to place my fingers, I could feel the electricity buzzing in him, it was making his fingers jump.  And I know this may sound really wierd, but it's absolutely true, I got a shock from him through the skin!  Not a bad one, just a little electric shock...unbelievable!  This is really having a positive effect on him as a whole,  his irrationality has dissipated as well as his anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts and talk.  He's been starting to do his hobbies again, calling and researching different places to try to find work...and, get this...SMILING! Cheesy  I just can't be thankful enough.

I found out yesterday that there is a benefit dance being held for my cousin, about 7 or 8 bands are donating there talents to help raise money for him.  This makes the whole thing seem 'real', if that makes sense.  I've always seen cannisters and events trying to help needy or sick people, but this one is hitting home, this one's for us, it's hard to sink in.  It kept me up all night, the reality of it.  I don't know how indebted he actuallly is with his hospital bills, but it's got to be pretty steep.  He's 19, which in PA means that he's one year past the age limit to be on his parents' insurance policy, and he only began working his first job for a few months before falling ill, he did receive benefits...but they only covered $1000 of his bills.  That was taken up with the first MRI  Embarrassed .  So, after all the hospitalization, Xrays, chemo treatments, and god only knows what else, I can't imagine the cost of all this.  I wonder if there's anyway I can help...I think I'll post this idea under letting your hair down, maybe someone has some good fundraising ideas. ???  Actually, I'm off to do that now...later!

Oh, one more small thing...I finished my book this past weekend!  Grin  I really enjoyed it, the story kept twisting and turning, and the way it all came together at the end was really cool.  Two thumbs up for me!
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Re: maggie.
Reply #26 - Feb 8th, 2006 at 1:20pm
Wow, does anyone else feel like the days are just flying right by?  I feel like time is passing at an insane rate, and I'm not achieving nearly half of what I'd like to each day.  Undecided

Hair:  I'm still trying to defeat the buildup, so this moring I combed my hair before getting in the shower to make sure it was absolutely knot-free, I do this everyday, anyway.  I let the shower water saturate my hair & then smoothed some clarifying shampoo in from the roots down to about the ears, I didn't lather it, more or less just applied it.  I then used the finest fine toothed comb I could find and combed the shampoo through, concentrating on the top section.  I did this for about two minutes and then rinsed, and conditioned as usual - ears down.  I let my hair mostly air dry, did the usual aloe gel in the bangs and roots and cool-dried the rest, not completely, though, just enough so that it wasn't sopping.  I let it continue to air dry a bit more and then put some jojoba oil in, really concentrating on the ends, and I then pulled the nape section up & clipped it.

The buildup is still slightly there, but the majority of it was removed.  Smiley

Movies:  I don't think I mentioned yet, but hub & I are kind of movie addicts, we religiously rent at least 2-4 movies per week.  We can't help it, every time we walk in the video store to return our previous rentals, 99% of the time we walk out with 1 or 2 new ones.   Tongue  I'm not a big fan of movie theaters, though.  I hate the thought of sitting in a seat that thousands have sat in before me, the idea that a person w/ yucky hair or lice had their head resting on the back of the very seat I am sitting in sends shivers through my spine.  Yeah, I'm a wierdo-germaphobe.  Such is life.  Undecided

Anyways, our latest embarkment was/is The Corpse Bride by Tim Burton.  His stop-motion animation just amazes me.  I think he said it takes two weeks of positioning and snapping shots for one second of film.  Wow!  The patience!  My husband laughs and says that would never be the job for me, that I'd be apologizing my way through it as I accidentally knock everthing over or leave lunch crumbs on the set!  Being meticulous is definetly NOT my thing!  To put it in comparison, if you've ever watched the show "Monk", that's him, obsessive-compulsive, clean, clean, clean, meticulous, organized, clean, and did I mention clean?  I'm more like......Ellen.  Degenerous, that is.  I never mean to do embarrassing or destructive things, it just comes natural!  Grin  What a pair up, huh?

See, I get so off subject so easily...movies was the topic here!

I was tired when we started watching The Corpse Bride, so of course, as usual, I fell asleep against all my efforts to keep my eyes open.  We bought it, however, so I can watch it anytime, no rush!  We also love watching independent films, we get this really cool channel on our satellite, the IFC channel (Independent Films Channel), so we record a lot of those to watch in our leisure.  Some other movies we've recently seen:
  *Broken Flowers- w/ Bill Murray, loved it, it was off the wall, different
  *Wedding Crashers- (Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn) Liked it, good stupid-fun movie
  *Red Eye- (Rachel McAdams, Cillian Murphy) surprisingly good, no down time at all, made the movie fly by
  *Two For the Money- (Matthew McConaughey, Al Pacino) good story, good action, not exactly my style, though
  *Going Down- Stupid.  Bad acting, moronic story line, waste of time.
  *Cry Wolf- Jon Bon Jovi played a pretty major part in this one, he did a great job, didn't even realize it was him till half-way.  Story was a bit of a let down, I predicted the ending.
  *Into the Blue- (Jessica Alba) Just OK, didn't hate it, didn't love it.
  *40 Year Old Virgin- FUNNY, OMG!  Keeper.
  *Hostel- saw this in the theater (yuck!  Tongue), highly, highly disappointed.  Should have saved my money.  Many people were expressing their disappointment as the credits were rolling, not just us.

That's all I can think of for now, but that's enough I guess!  Maggie Ebert's off to work now!  Good day! Grin
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Posts: 677
st. louis, MO
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Re: maggie.
Reply #27 - Feb 8th, 2006 at 3:01pm
I'm glad T is doing well, and i hope everything goes well with the fundraiser..Good Luck! Kiss

Hmmmm...i really wanted to see Hostel, it looked ok from the commercials, but now i think i'd rather see Hitch I love Will Smith (not in Shark Tale though Tongue)

We get a lot of movies too, but most of them are for my brothers, the limit at the library is 10 so that is what i get them- 10 movies every two weeks( i usually sneak a few that are just for me when they go to school) Grin

Again good luck, and i will keep praying for him as well

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Re: maggie.
Reply #28 - Feb 9th, 2006 at 2:04pm
Beesan:  I saw both Hitch & Shark Tale, I thought Hitch was really funny, I like Will Smith, too.  Shark Tale I thought was a bummer, I thought it would be better - kind of like Finding Nemo or something.  Undecided  As for Hostel, all the guts & gore that they promise is there, but not until over half way through the movie.  The first half is all about raves, getting high, and naked chicks, the story doesn't even start to really unfold until it's almost too late to be interested anymore.  I've seen tons of gore in other movies, but it means nothing without a good story behind it!  It's too bad, because it could have been better, I liked the whole idea behind it...oh well!  Tongue

Some of my favorite movies:
   *House of 1000 Corpses / The Devil's Rejects- both by Rob Zombie, he is pretty amazing in my eyes, I love his artistic style.  I especially like Devil's Rejects, I love the way he infuses a sense of calmness in his killing scenes.

   *Saw- I haven't seen the second part yet, but I loved the first one, ending blew me away.

   *Charlie & the Chocolate Factory- Yeah, big jump from the first three, I know!  I loved this story since I could read.  I used to check it out of the library so much that they eventually banned it from me...no one else was getting a chance to read it!  Embarrassed  Love the original Willy Wonka flick too.

   *Any & all Jay & Silent Bob movies:  Mall Rats, Chasing Amy, Clerks, RSVP, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Dogma...all great.

   *STEEL MAGNOLIAS!- Best chik-flik ever!  I will never get tired of this movie & I cry my eyes out every single time - rediculously - as if I don't know what is going to happen at the end!  What a great cast combo.

Oh, I've got so many...Office Space, Napoleon Dynamite, of course the great 80's rat-pack films - Breakfast Club, 16 Candles, Wierd Science, Pretty In Pink, all the NL Vacation's (Vacation, European Vac., Christmas Vac., Vegas Vac.), Funny Farm, Love Stinks (so funny!), Grease, and the creme de la creme...Xanadu!  I'm sure I'm missing lots, but that's enough!

Hair:  Saturated hair well with warm shower water & did a scalp massage for about a minute or so, then applied conditioner to the length and let soak in for a few minutes.  Used a little shampoo on the top of the head, did a quick comb through and rinsed everything out.  Re-conditioned the length, left in for a few more minutes and rinsed.  While my hair was still wet I added some jojoba oil to the length and let air dry.  Usual aloe gel app., and voila!  Done.  I also did a quick bang trim before completely drying, I purchased a 'razor comb' of my own so I can keep up with them w/o the hairdresser, it's easy to use & you don't have to worry about being precise.

I have to go now, part of my Val. Day delivery just arrived, so I have about a million roses to de-thorn & process...oh my poor, poor fingers!  Cry  Among a sea of assorted vases, and fern, and baby's breath..........

Ciao for now!
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: maggie.
Reply #29 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 1:49am
lol Magz... I like the NJ (Kevin Smith) movies too.  Wink

I've been meaning to consult my boyfriend about your green water problem. Plumbers are such useful things to have around...  Wink

I thought "Corpse Bride" was cute, although nowhere near its predecessor.  Wink

That's so funny about your movie theatre phobia. hehehe I love movie theatres, personally. The darkness and the cold are a welcome escape from the sweltering SoCal weather...especially during the summer - good Lord!  Undecided  You're lucky to live in a more moderate area...with "seasons!"  Shocked
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