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juri monogatari, part deux (Read 146977 times)

Posts: 1341
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juri monogatari, part deux
Jun 12th, 2006 at 7:31am
It's been a year since I started a journal and the old one was getting rather slow to load on my computer, so I thought I'd start a new journal.

circumference--approximately 3.7"
original color--black
starting length--14.5" (chin length bob, mid August 2003)
currently--33" (about hip length, early June 2006)
goal--wherever 39" is on me (just past tailbone maybe)

shampoo--Nature's Gate Organics Tea Tree Oil and Blue Cypress
conditioner--Pure Essentials Hair Repair, Giovanni 50:50 Balanced Remoisturizer
deep conditioning treatment--coconut milk
wash method--CWC
wash schedual--every 4-5 days

color history since 2003
-March 2004: dyed red with Herbal Essances brand dye
-April 30, 2004: bleached once to a dark orange
-May 2004: dyed fuchsia with Punky Color
-August 2004: dyed black with Herbal Essances, color rubbed off because Punky Color was still present
-November? 2004: dyed red with Ferria dye
-June 2006: plan to go back to black using the two step henna-indigo method

Reached another hair milestone this afternoon: a stranger pointing my hair out to someone else. I went to a parade and when it was over, this little girl looked at me, pointed to my hair which was in pigtail braids that went just past my waist, and said to her dad, "Daddy, that girl has long hair!Cheesy" Dad glanced at me and nodded before ushering his daughter away. Not having any previous experience with a stanger talking about my hair (even if it was a child), I was more surprised than anything else. I guess I've finally reached a length that is longer than normal, even by Hawaii standards. Yay?

Pan Pacific Festival Parade--So like I said I went to a parade today with Mom. She thought it would start late, but it ended up starting on time and we missed about half of it. Anyway among the things we were able to see were a taiko group, a marching band from Texas, some Korean musicians in taditional garb, a couple of kappore (it's a type of hand-held noise maker that makes a clacking sound) groups, and even Konishiki. He was there with some of the kids in his Konishiki's Kids organization. I wish Mom and I had seen the whole parade, but not much we could do about that. Oh well. Tongue
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #1 - Jun 12th, 2006 at 9:11am
Wow you come a long way!... Its great to get a hair compliments! Say, I use to be a big fan of Konishiki years ago.  When I lived in the states I use to watch his sumo matches on TV....  I love sumo but now I cannot get it up here in Canada. I think Konishiki is on the cover of the Areosmith CD "Big Ones." Cool ablum! 8)
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #2 - Jun 12th, 2006 at 4:37pm
Konishiki is on the back of Aerosmith's "Big Ones."  Wink

Egad, Juri, I've had some horrid colouring disasters too.  Tongue  Hope the henna works out.
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #3 - Jun 13th, 2006 at 2:40pm
Konishiki is on the back of Aerosmith's "Big Ones."   
Oh yeah!  I forgot! Grin
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #4 - Jun 19th, 2006 at 7:16am
Thanks, Lisabelle and Angel Spun! Sorry to take so long to get back to you, but there were computer problems and I was busy. I didn't know Konishiki was on an Aerosmith album. Cheesy I guess I should look for it the next time I go to Borders.

Hair--Did the henna-indigo method today and boy it was a pain in the butt. I decided just to color the bottom portion of my hair and even that was more time consuming that I had anticipated. The henna from Mehandi was kick butt. I didn't use hot water and I still got good dye release in three hours. Besides good dye release, the henna from Mehandi was really easy to rinse out.

The indigo, on the other hand... Tongue The indigo was ground rather fine, but it was still gritty compared to the henna and took forever to get the majority of the indigo bits out of my hair. Indigo smells bad, unless you like the smell of frozen peas, and my hair still reaks. BUT, my two tone hair is gone! Yay! I'll try to get some pictures up in a few days.

This color job wasn't smooth sailing. When I got my Mehandi order last night, I was rather tired and wasn't paying attention to what I was doing so I put the indigo powder in the freezer and the henna in the fridge, instead of the other way around. When I was going to make the henna mix this morning, instead of using henna, it turned out I was mixing indigo. Ticked off at myself, I had to dump about 120 grams of useless indigo mix. Argh. Angry

Henna mix
100g henna powder
1 part red wine to 2 parts water
1/2 cup "tea" made from clove powder
1tsp ACV
-Mix together, cover with plastic wrap, and leave for 3 hours before applying to hair

Indigo mix
200?g indigo powder
warm water
1tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp CMC powder
-Mix together and use immediately. The mixture should be really soupy

JET Program--Went to a Q&A session yesterday (Saturday) and arrived rather frazzled and 15 minutes late because of traffic. During the self-intros I accidentally knocked over my neighbor's energy drink. While we were taking a break I offered to give her money for a new drink, but she was nice about it and said not to worry about it.

The rest of the session went okay and at the end when I was putting away my things, one of the people responsible for picking who gets into the program told me good luck, and that the committee talked a lot about me. He said that I was really nervous at the interview, but had a nice personality, and after much debate, they decided that I would probably do a good job in the program. He meant it in a nice way and I was grateful that they decided to take a chance on me, but inwardly I was thinking, "ARGH, I almost didn't make it into the program again!!!!"

Had a revelation on how to solve the hula problem. While hula is interesting, I don't have that much interest in seriously learning about it so I decided to learn a silly hula dance. There's this old video by the late Rap Replinger(sp) and in it he does a mock hula that mentions a lot of local locations and foods. I thought I'd learn it and perform it for the students. I'd kill two birds with one stone because they'll get to see hula (sorta) and I'll get to teach them about a few of the things mentioned in the dance.
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Posts: 1341
Gender: female
Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #5 - Jun 27th, 2006 at 4:42am
Not sure what's up with my browser, but for the past few days I kept getting messages going "you must be logged in to use this feature" eventhough I had logged into LL. At least it's working now. Still, not being able to participate at the forum despite having internet connection was rather annoying. Ack. Tongue

Hair--Took pics of my indigo'd hair, but unfortunately the digicam's slot reader is refusing to load anything on to the computer. Mom's going to try and download the photos to my laptop, burn a CD, and hopefully we'll both get to work on our photos and I'll be able to post something.

Despite the rather annoying and messy process of hen'digoing my hair, I'm happy to have black hair again. Some indigo comes off every time I shampoo, but it's kind of neat to see blue bath water. Hair still smells a bit like peas, though. Undecided

JET--Got a call from my predesessor and supervisor in Japan last week Wednesday, and got more information about my placement. So, I'm going to work at one middle school three times a week and make a weekly visit to one of three elementary schools. Still nervous about going to a foreign country where I'm shaky on the language, but at the same time, I'm rather excited.

Last week Friday the local JET alumni association had a dinner for the new JETs and I got to meet some of the other participants from Hawaii and talk to some alumni. At first I wanted to cut out early, but it ended up being really fun and I stayed for the whole thing. After talking to some of the alumni, I'm not as worried about not being fluent in Japanese because none of them said they were really good at it before leaving Hawaii. However, I am concerned about the bugs!

Some of the current JETs on a JET forum I sometimes visit mention finding 6 inch long centipedes in their apartments and others have HUGE spiders. While I don't like spiders, I can kill them without getting that hebe-jibi(sp) feeling, but according to one alumni, the Japanese spiders are aggressive. The guy told me that he had to hit one with a broom three times before it died. After it curled up and died, it took up the bottom of a furikake bottle; so curled up, it was about 7 inches in circumference. I thought, "Oh my gawd, how big are those spiders?!"

As for centipedes, I HATE them! Ugh!!! There was a 6 inch long one in the house a few months ago and although I was able to knock it into a big container, I had to get my mom to get rid of it. We sprayed that thing with tons of bug spray, but it still wouldn't die and so I asked/made her dump it near the storm drain. I was doing the hebe-jibi dance for nearly ten minutes after that. Fingers crossed my apartment will be on the second floor or something and I won't have any run-ins with giant mukade (centipedes)!
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #6 - Jun 27th, 2006 at 10:16am
Hi Juri Chan!

Wow, I can't wait to see your hair!  My computer has been acting crazy too.  I needed a new card reader for my dig camera as the old one went caput!  I got a card reader which works great.  Oh my lord the bugs in Japan sound nasty!  Centipedes?  Oh man now I'm doing the hebe-jibi dance! God, I think I would be armed with a stick or a mallet!  I've been having bug trouble myself and have to do a "bug bomb" on my place. The construction next door has all the critters on the move.  I can't wait for my flat to be finished then maybe I can find my hairtoys I packed!

Lisa One e san Smiley
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #7 - Jun 27th, 2006 at 9:09pm
From what I understand, those centipedes are deadly, too. One of them once crawled up the back of my grandmother's leg...  Shocked

My father spent 3 years in Japan (his father was in the Navy) and came back with horror stories about the bugs. They also eat a lot of bugs over there. My dad used to tell stories about ants & crickets in cookies & stuff.  Tongue

Good luck with that!  Grin
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #8 - Jun 28th, 2006 at 3:49am
Lisabelle 'nee san--Yeah, I never knew Japan had such gross bugs until I started to go to that JET forum. Oh, and not only do they have big centipedes and spiders, some wasps are also on steroids. One type can grow to be two inches long! Argh, what am I getting myself into? Tongue  Read about your bug bite. Ow! Hope your bug problem goes away soon.

Angel Spun--The centipedes are WHAT?! Holy crap, no one told me that before. >_<  Man, I think I'd have a stroke if a centipede started to crawl up my leg. Shocked They eat bugs? I've heard of some really weird dishes (eg. live gobi cooked in tofu or chicken cartilage), but I never knew they have buggy dishes.... I think I'll say I'm allergic to them if I'm ever served bugs. Ugh.

Misc.--A new airline had really cheap interisland fares so I will be going to Maui for two days with Mom. Will try to post pics of my hair and maybe some of Maui when I get back. Hope you all have a good Wednesday and Thursday!
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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La nuit a des douceurs
de femme

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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #9 - Jun 28th, 2006 at 1:51pm

We're all going to have to pitch in and buy you some combat boots... while not wearing them inside the house, they would be good for bug removal..  Tongue

At least, when there's a big water bug in my house, I usually stand on a chair, scream, and throw a big shoe at it...  Cheesy

As for going to Maui... can I ride along in you or your mom's suitcase?  I've always wanted to go!  Wink
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #10 - Jun 29th, 2006 at 9:47am
Lisabelle 'nee san--Yeah, I never knew Japan had such gross bugs until I started to go to that JET forum. Oh, and not only do they have big centipedes and spiders, some wasps are also on steroids. One type can grow to be two inches long! Argh, what am I getting myself into?   Read about your bug bite. Ow! Hope your bug problem goes away soon.

Juri Chan,

My bug bite is getting better!  I haven't seen the little nasties in a while Tongue I hope they have some good bug killer in Japan.  I know they have a really neat incense for mosquitoes called Katori Senko.  I sleep with bug netting on my bed I got from IKEA.  Maybe you can get some, I know it would help!

have fun in Maui!

One e San  Kiss
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Posts: 1035
santa barbara, ca
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #11 - Jul 13th, 2006 at 7:38am
The JET thing sounds like such a great opportunity!  Grats on getting in!  Maybe you can find some kind of bug totem to ward off the 'pedes.  Smiley

Can't wait to see your pics when you get back!!
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #12 - Sep 15th, 2006 at 10:16pm
Argh, it's been too long! Just a quick message since I'm at work.

Japan is great! The town I'm in is really small, but everyone is friendly, and the junior high school and three elementary schools I visit are a lot of fun. Went to Hanamaki in Iwate prefecture last weekend to see their fall festival and it was a blast.

I don't have internet connection at my apartment yet, but I'll try to drop a line here when I have time.

Hope everyone is doing well! Smiley
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #13 - Sep 15th, 2006 at 10:22pm
Juri!!!!  So good to hear from you!!  We all miss you and hope you are enjoying Japan to the fullest!
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #14 - Sep 15th, 2006 at 10:29pm
Good to hear from you again, Juri!  Cheesy
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