Thanks everyone for your concern about Sookie. Actually, we did walk her everyday, asking neighbors if they knew anything about her, or who owned her. However nothing ever turned up.
We knew we couldn't keep her as that never was the plan but she also began to get territorial with my husband and me. Since
we were feeding and doting on her. She didn't want to share that affection, so she'd growl at the cat's and chase them away.
It was so cute to see my husband get protective of the cats. He set up a doggie hotel in the garage for Sookie, with lot's of ammenities. Although, I'd ususally let her out and we'd sleep on the living room floor together. While the cats slept in bed with my husband.
Anyway, I wanted to take her to the shelter to be adopted or euthanized instead of roaming the street, but my husband disagreed. On our last walk, we unattached the leash. She followed us a bit at first, but then she went in another direction. We didn't see but we heard someone call for her and that was the last we saw her.
Yesterday, we noticed new missing dog signs around the neighborhood that weren't there before and they had Sookies face on them and a phone number. I thought it couldn't be the same dog because we were told that the dog was roaming for at least a month and there weren't any signs then.
But since it looked so much like her, my husband called the number. He asked if they'd gotten their dog back and the owner said yes. He explained that we had the dog for a few days, in which we fed and bathed her and then let her go. The owner said "I know". That confused me because we've never met or spoken before.

And the woman didn't even say thank you. In hindsight, I feel that she thought we stole her dog.
Anyway, aside from those signs being up and making me suspicious about the whole thing, today was wonderful!
I cut some branches from a flowering tree to bring them indoors for a nice spring decoration. They look like cherry blossoms but I don't know what these trees are.
Also, on the way home, I saw a discarded chair and ottoman set on the curb waiting for trash pick up. I decided to take them instead. I put one chair in my back yard, the other I don't think I'll keep for lack of room.
Flowers are blooming or about to growth is everywhere! It's so exciting and I must make my annual report that today I saw my first butterfly of the spring, YAY!!!!