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Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths (Read 845880 times)

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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #195 - Feb 14th, 2007 at 2:18am
Tonight I got on the scale, simply because I do that every once in awhile just because it's there.  Well, somehow I've gained 8lbs!!! Shocked  I didn't even notice, and have no idea how!!!  Well, now that I think about it my husband has been baking lots of chocolate chip cookies lately and with all of that cake...and ice cream...and all the candy that he bought.  Okay, now I really am mad at him! lol  Typically, I eat sugar free but lately he's been feeding me all this sugar loaded junk!  I think from now on I need to do the cooking...and start working out more.  Now, I'm actually at the "correct" weight for my height however, I've naturally been a few pounds underweight all of my life, so seeing those numbers on the scale really freaked me out!  And apparently, it's not healthy weight gain (like muscle) because I gained it all from eating junk food.
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #196 - Feb 14th, 2007 at 12:17pm
Yep...sugar will do it every time.  It's EEEEEvil   Angry 
But I must add the statement that, judging from your recent photos, you look fine as wine.   Wink
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #197 - Feb 14th, 2007 at 12:32pm
Trisha wrote on Feb 14th, 2007 at 12:17pm:
Yep...sugar will do it every time.  It's EEEEEvil   Angry

It sure is Smiley,  I'll be avoiding it like the plague!

Trisha wrote on Feb 14th, 2007 at 12:17pm:
But I must add the statement that, judging from your recent photos, you look fine as wine.   Wink

Thanks for the sweet compliment, Trisha!  I just have really skinny arms though.  My weight gain goes directly to my midsection, thighs and bottom. Even at a lower weight, I have to work out to keep those areas firm or else.  I began working out already so hopefully I'll be back to normal soon.  And today, I've cooked all of my own meals so far Smiley
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #198 - Feb 15th, 2007 at 1:45pm
Yay, it finally came today!!!  
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« Last Edit: Mar 16th, 2011 at 11:01pm by Godyssey »  

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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #199 - Feb 15th, 2007 at 1:49pm
Oh my stars and garters!  Is that you in both photos?
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #200 - Feb 15th, 2007 at 2:20pm
Yes, the first one was about an hour ago.  
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« Last Edit: Mar 16th, 2011 at 11:02pm by Godyssey »  

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Shooting Star

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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #201 - Feb 15th, 2007 at 2:51pm
Shocked Shocked Shocked Oh MY!!!  We have a star amongst us!  The headdress looks lovely on you. 

You made a very convincing Cleopatra.  That is too funny about the people taking multiple pictures with you.  I guess I never really thought about there being jobs specifically for wearing costumes and playing a part in Vegas.  It must have been rather interesting.  What other costumed parts did you do?
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #202 - Feb 15th, 2007 at 3:53pm
A star!?!  Puhleeze! Grin  Thanks for the compliment though!

Yeah, I guess they have jobs for everything.  They do the same thing in LA  in front of the Manns Chinese Theater.  The last time I was there, I took a pic with a fake Michael Jackson.  

I worked as a wine bearer also at Ceasars, a belly dancer at the Aladdin and at the Venetian I was a "sexy elf", which was hilarious to see on a pay stub.  The other costumes weren't as beautiful and elaborate as Cleopatra.  Although, it was pretty cool getting paid to play dress up and stand around chatting and taking pictures for a few hours.  They even gave us free meals!
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« Last Edit: Feb 15th, 2007 at 4:55pm by Godyssey »  

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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #203 - Feb 15th, 2007 at 5:43pm
wow that must have been so exciting!
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Goal - armpit length with layers - current 19.5 inches - 1b/m/ii/iii&&&&&&http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r96/rainbows_photo/144505.jpg&&&&;
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #204 - Feb 15th, 2007 at 10:07pm
I think you win for the most unique job!  What fun.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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WWW Bikerbraid  
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #205 - Feb 16th, 2007 at 3:45am
It was cool yet odd at the same time, knowing that the pictures I was in, could be looked at for years to come commemorating a fun and exciting time in the lives of people from all over the world.

I've had lots of jobs in my 32 years.  I'm a hopper!  I've sold clothes, shoes, was a paper girl in my early teens, worked in several banks, was an executive assistant, a receptionist a few times over, woked in call centers...and the list goes on. With my very long resume due to an unstable work history, I began to get shocked that people would continue to hire me. Tongue  Typically, when I first start a job (no matter what it is) I really love it for maybe a year, and then I'd get bored and end up looking for something new.  It's as though I have ADD or something.  Modeling and working through the talent agency was perfect because with every assignment I could do something new and fun.

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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #206 - Feb 16th, 2007 at 11:10am
Your job hopping sounds exciting and wonderful to me right now.  I'm very much stuck in a rut right now.  I probably should have switched jobs about 5 years ago but chose to stay where I am comfortable.  Don't get me wrong; I love the people I work with.  They're like a second family to me, and that's probably part of the problem.  I have only 5 more years working at the university before I can retire with full benefits, so I really can't leave--that would be utterly stupid.  I could, however, switch departments if the right job became available.  But still...*sigh*  Okay, sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread, La Diosa!!   Smiley
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #207 - Feb 17th, 2007 at 6:03am
Um No, I don't think leaving your job now would be such a smart decision. Wink

Changing departments sounds like a good idea for a change of pace if that becomes an option.

My god mother has worked at the University of Buffalo since graduating high school I think somtime in the 60's.  It's so weird to me when I hear about people only ever having one job like that.  I could't begin to imagine what that would be like.  The movie Ground Hog Day tends to come to mind.  This is her last year before retirement.  She's happy about it but at the same time it's all bitter sweet.

She and my mom who had been best friends since elementary school, were planning to move in together after her retirment and I guess do a Golden Girls type thing, but now with my mom gone, I'm not quite sure what she's going to do.  I'm sure my sister and I will make more frequent trips to Buffalo to make sure she doesn't get lonely.  It's so weird how when one person passes, the people that were in their lives have to grow closer together in an attempt to help fill that void.  My last birthday was an example of that.  On every birthday since living on my own the only people who called to wish me a happy birthday were my mom (ALWAYS at midnight btw, she'd never say hello she'd just burst into song singing happy birthday and completely off key mind you) , my sister, whoever I may have dating at the time, and maybe a friend here and there but thats it.  This birthday, I was flooded with calls from so many extended family members.  It was a little weird but I felt it was thoughtful.
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #208 - Feb 17th, 2007 at 6:35am

This woman is my idol.  She was on Oprah a  few weeks ago and when she revealed that she was 70 years old my mouth dropped!  They were showing clips of her daily life.  She rollerblades, does pilates, rides a bike walks alot, eats healthy and it's paid off because she looks great and most importantly she has a great attitude.  I think there are good and bad ways to age, I think she is definitely aging well.  I'd say she treats life as though everyday is a gift and to honor that she lives every day to the fullest.  I just cannot not admire that.
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #209 - Feb 18th, 2007 at 10:39pm
I know I decided to stretch my washes out a bit but, I couldn't wait to try my new Giovanni shampoo and condtioner!  Curiosity and excitement got the best of me because I washed with it today and now... Ahhh.... I'm in love! Smiley  My hair not only came out very soft but *GASP*  tangle free!!!  I was able to glide the comb down my strands, it was simply heaven.  I looked at the bottle and thought, hey lover where have you been all my life?Kiss  Every Giovanni product that I've used so far has been an absolute dream.  I'm experiencing some fear though because things can change.  Experience has taught me that a product can work well for awhile but something changes and then it just doesn't do it for ya anymore.  I'll have to keep my fingers crossed in a hope that I continue to get the same wonderful results everytime.  Next on my purchase list is Giovanni Nutrafix Renconstructor.  

Oh, and I got a brand new wide tooth comb to replace my lost one and then the broken one.  It isn't seamless so I had to file it down.  Now it's feeling a bit rough so I'm going to have to get a nail buffer and hopefully that will work in making it smooth.  
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