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Growing and graying gracefully (Read 34726 times)

Posts: 76
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Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #15 - Oct 11th, 2006 at 6:09pm
I haven't added to my journal in a while.  I have a day off today, so I thought I'd write a little something.  I took the day off on the spur of the moment because I had a strong yen to drive "down the shore" (as we call it in Jersey) or you could say "to the beach".    Smiley I was going to go to Atlantic City and just walk the boards a bit, have a little fun with the slot machines, get lunch and then come home.   I never did, though, since a rainy day was forecast.  For  some reason lately, I have such a longing to see the ocean.  It's just far enough away that it's not real convenient (2+ hours), but close enough for a day trip.  It's getting pretty chilly for the beach, too, which is why I thought Atlantic City with its boardwalk would be a good idea.  Oh well, another day maybe.

On the hair front, nothing special going on.  I've just settled into a routine of washing and conditioning every other or every third day.  I mostly wear it twisted up with a clip.   I'm getting used to thinking of myself as a woman with long hair, and it's nice  Smiley

I mentioned a while ago that my sister was going to have chemo, but I was wrong.  They have decided on 5 weeks of radiation for now.   Her type of cancer has a high rate of reappearance (80% within 2 years).  I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around this.  I can only imagine how SHE feels.  She'll be 45 years old on Saturday.  Boy, life is tough!!

OH!  I just received the most beautiful hairsticks in the mail.  I'm finally starting to get the hang of using them.  Any time I even think about cutting my hair, I just look at my little collection and forget about it!!

Well, that's enough for now. I hope you all are having a nice evening!
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Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #16 - Oct 23rd, 2006 at 9:02pm
Well, I finally got to the beach on Saturday.  Took 2 hours to get there, spent about an hour looking at the waves and listening to the surf and sea gulls, then drove 2 hours back home. Ahhhh!  I needed that!  So many upsetting things going on in my life these days - problems getting along with my son, who I'm real worried about.  Then my sister with breast cancer.  Another sister whom I just can't talk to - she lost her son last year and is just not herself. All things I don't know what to do about.  It makes it so hard to focus on the good things - which, of course, is the only answer to troubles like these, right?

Well, let's talk hair!  I really enjoyed my hair today!!  Grin  I put it in curlers this morning, and then wore it down.  I felt pretty!   I just have to rest my scalp once in a while, too.    Tomorrow, back in the clips!  Or maybe tomorrow's the day I finally perfect that French braid.  Roll Eyes
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Posts: 76
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Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #17 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 7:02pm
Hooray!  I'm no longer listed as an ex-member!!  Cheesy
Thank you to whomever took care of that.  I really appreciate it! Grin
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #18 - Oct 28th, 2006 at 8:30pm
Yea!  I'm soooo glad you are no longer showing as an ex-member, even though I know you never were an ex.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
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Posts: 76
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Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #19 - Nov 26th, 2006 at 8:07pm
Hooray!  Cheesy  I FINALLY figured out how to get my hair sticks to stay put.  I wore a pair on Thanksgiving and they stayed in just fine all afternoon.  I think I might start wearing a pair every day! Smiley
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Posts: 2375
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Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #20 - Nov 26th, 2006 at 8:46pm
Congrats on getting your hair sticks to stay put. Smiley  I'm still trying to get my hair to stay up with hair sticks alone but I haven't discovered that trick yet.
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #21 - Mar 21st, 2007 at 6:01pm
I've been getting compliments on my hair lately, and it's nice.  Smiley I wore it down and curly with the sides pulled back into a jeweled clip when I went to church on Sunday.  As I turned around to leave after Mass, the woman behind me gushed at me "your hair is gorgeous!".  I blinked and said "oh...thank you"  A woman in work told me the same thing the next day.  I have to admit I'm surprised because I'm never sure if it looks good or not for two reasons.  Undecided I'm 56 with long hair, and I'm 56 with long GRAY hair.  

My husband and I went to visit our son, his wife and our new grandson over the weekend.  We drove from NJ to NC on Friday through some of the worst weather.  What should have been an 8 hour drive turned into an 11 hour drive.  Tongue  We had such a close call at one point that I am still thanking God that we weren't killed.  Shocked  But it was worth it to see our grandson.  He is so cute!  My daughter-in-law is very uncomfortable when we are around, so we kept the visit short, but at least we got to hold the little guy and say hello.  

I'm so glad Spring is here, I hope the weather warms up real soon and I can open the windows!
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Anais Satin

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Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #22 - Mar 24th, 2007 at 2:04am
Silvermayne, I just wanted to say hi and tell you that I've enjoyed reading your journal very much.

Nice to meet you Wink

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Posts: 76
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Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #23 - May 22nd, 2007 at 6:42pm
Anais, sorry it has taken me so long to reply, but thank you for your kind words.   Grin
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #24 - May 22nd, 2007 at 7:42pm
Hey there!   Welcome back!
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Global Salon Moderator
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
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Long hair is so cool!

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Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #25 - May 23rd, 2007 at 3:47pm
My compliments to you on your beautiful silver hair!  Although I have never seen it, I know it's beautiful.  I think long graying silver hair is just out of this world gorgeous!  It also is so rare for a lady our age to let it grow!  Please do post a picture sometime for us long hair lovers to enjoy!  Mine is blonde and 35 inches long now!

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The longer...the better!  I love long locks!&&Just wish mine would grow longer than my waist...............
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Posts: 76
Gender: female
Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #26 - May 27th, 2007 at 1:49pm
BB:  Thanks for the welcome back!  How are you doing these days?  Have you any biking adventures planned?

Blondstorm:  You make me blush!   Roll Eyes One of these days I'll get a picture posted.  Maybe my hair will be really silver by that time.  Now it's only white at the temples and graying everywhere else.  I have seen the picture you had on your avatar and your hair is magnificent!  Smiley
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joeydog 1992
Ex Member

Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #27 - May 28th, 2007 at 7:57pm
Hey Silvermayne,

I am just getting around to reading other people's journals and I just new I had to read yours after our little chat.  I look forward to reading on.
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Posts: 76
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Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #28 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 10:04am
I haven't been around in a while, but I thought I would pop in and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.  Life is good these days - my hair is in fairly good shape - it's almost at BSL already, but needs a trim.  I find it tangles alot more than it used to, especially at the back of my neck, so I need to address that.  Any suggestions? 

Last week my daughter in law and grandson came for a visit, and we had a wonderful time.  She and I have had trouble getting along in the past, but I think we made a good start towards a friendship this past week.  The baby is 9 months old and so funny!  Now I understand that joke that says "If I had known grandchildren could be so much fun, I'd have had them first".

Well, that's all.  Hope all is well with everyone and I look forward to catching up a bit on everyone's journals.

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Re: Growing and graying gracefully
Reply #29 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 2:59pm
Good to hear from you again,Silvermayne!  Merry Christmas!
Glad things are going well and it sounds like you're fine. 
Congrats on your healthy hair journey!  It sounds like maybe if you did an ACV it might help with the tangles.  If you give it a try,please let us know how it worked for you.  A helathy and happy New Year to you and yours!! Smiley
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