It's been forever since I've checked in here, so I though I'd take a minute and wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
On a personal note, the last time I was here, my husband had just lost his job and gotten a diagnosis of cancer. I'm happy to report that he came through his radiation treatment with flying colors and it seems as though he has it beat! Also, two weeks ago he got a job which will start in January. I thank everyone who offered encouragement to us.
As for my hair, it's still growing. I have had a few close calls in wanting to cut it, but a well-timed compliment from a co-worker has helped me "see the light". Also, I started using an anti-frizz product which makes it look so much nicer. It does have a cone in it, so I use it sparingly and hope I'm not doing any harm. But I just can't stand the frizziness. It makes me look frumpy.
Well, good wishes to everyone for an enjoyable holiday season and a good year full of friends and love!