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Is tying up hair bad for babies? (Read 6520 times)

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Posts: 231
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Is tying up hair bad for babies?
Sep 12th, 2006 at 10:36pm
Hi my daughter is 1 years old and has scattered curls. I am afraid of putting her hair in a hairband at this stage because of her soft scalp. I dont want to cause premature hair loss. A friend said that curly hair is the stongest and i shouldnt worry as babys scalps are tougher than i think. Please help i dont want to hurt or irritate my daughter. What age do you suggest is the best for using hair bands? Also if you have children, what age did you start hairbands?

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Shooting Star

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Bike Paths of the Midwest
Gender: female
Re: Is tying up hair bad for babies?
Reply #1 - Sep 12th, 2006 at 11:32pm
Baby curls! Baby curls are the cutest curls of all.

I have no idea how to answer your question - I had a boy and he didn't have hair until he was 2!  Baby hair is usually very fine for the first several years.  Adult curly hair is usually coarser than straight hair, and also more dry.  I can only assume that baby hair has similar traits. 

I don't remember when the skull would be considered solid enough to not worry about a hairband, but I'm sure if it is not too tight and not left on all day, you could dress your precious baby girl up with the hairband.
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