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The prodigal hair grower (Read 150501 times)

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The prodigal hair grower
Mar 22nd, 2007 at 6:13pm

I'm back...I know I haven't been on the site since December, and I could have a good reason for this...but unfortunately it was a guilty reason....brace yourselves...I had a holiday moment of weakness and got a few inches cut off. As some of you know from my old journal, I have had pixie length hair for the last several years. My reasons for keeping it short all that time varied from thinking, "It looks better with my round face," to feeling it was too thin to grow out, to just plain impatience. In the past year, I decided that I really like the look of long hair, and I'd like to know what it's like to have enough hair to braid, and swish around.

So I committed to growing it out, and in August of 2006 I joined Long Locks to get what my hubby jokingly called, "much needed moral support" to grow it out. Now I'm back, and starting a few inches behind where I should be, but rededicated to growing it out. Beyond my aesthetic reasons for wanting long hair, I also have to grow it out now to prove to myself that I can follow through on things, which in all areas of my life has never before presented a problem before this challenge. I hope I have not lost everyone's confidence. I know I can grow it out. I plan to take good care of it, not start measuring for the next month or so, and not go for a trim without a buddy to "remind" me of my goal.  I'm also frequently referring to a picture of my mom's hair, since she has BSL length that looks great on her, and we have the same hair texture and face. So my first goal is shoulder length, and then BSL.

When it comes to New Year's resolutions, I'm not  usually a big fan. I try to resolve things during the year and work on self improvement as those issues arise, but I've found in this area I need a plan and some support from my long haired friends online. Smiley I'll try to stay on the site fairly often too, since seeing all the pictures everyone posts of their wonderful hair is inspirational.
Thanks for reading my journal...I'll keep you posted on my uphill battle for longer hair and patience.    Smiley
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #1 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 7:33pm
Welcome back!  Perhaps a rededication ceremony would help focus on your goals.  Visualize yourself with long hair, imagine what it will feel like against your skin, make a list of hairdos you like and vow to try them one by one as your length allows.

There will be stages of growing hair out that are yucky.  Accept this and you'll get through it just fine.  You can do it!!  We didn't all join this site 'cause our hair was already long...
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #2 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 7:58pm
Good advice, Sakina.

And welcome back, roomtogrow. By the way, long hair will lengthen a round face, so whomever told you that short hair looks better...never listen to a word they say ever again.  Grin  Best of luck on your journey to great lengths.
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #3 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 9:19pm
Sakina and Angel Spun, thanks for the encouragement!
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #4 - Mar 22nd, 2007 at 9:42pm
roomtogrow wrote on Mar 22nd, 2007 at 6:13pm:

and not go for a trim without a buddy to "remind" me of my goal.

Thats a great idea! Wink  

And you're in the right place for "moral support"! Grin
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #5 - Mar 31st, 2007 at 1:41pm
Hey everyone, I may not post every day or week, but will be checking in with the boards and definitely posting on days when my hair patience is wavering. Today I'm doing good though, not thinking about it too much, and getting other work done.

I'm back to the twice a week wash, although my hair is still short enough that I get bad bed head in the morning. So I usually have to put some water in it to smooth it down, even on non-wash days. Hopefully this is still ok for it, since I'm not shampooing nearly as much as  I used too  and I let it air dry from this. I'm going to start doing some deep conditioning too, to keep it nice as it grows out.

I saw someone with really beautiful hair yesterday, it was dark and very wavy, elbow length. So pretty! Pretty soon I'll be getting to the bobby pin stage of growing out, where there are different lengths on the sides and back just from the nature of my previous short cut. ACK! But, I know I can do this, especially since I didn't make it before-now I must grow it out. I really need to see what long hair would be like, and show myself that I can overcome a silly habit of cutting. I think my hubby is also curious about what I'd look like with long hair, although he has been very sweet about my hair being short. Smiley
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #6 - Apr 5th, 2007 at 5:31pm
New products...yippee!

I just bought the new Burt's Bee's Hair Repair deep conditioner with shea butter. I'll let you know how it is after I use it this weekend. I've had success with many of their other products, so hopefully this one will be good too.
I'm still having trouble with my hair in the mornings, since it's still short enough to go many directions while I sleep, but not long enough for a braid. Hmm, maybe I should try a bandanna at night. If it stays a little bit tamer, I won't have to wet it down in the morning, which means I won't have wet hair as many mornings.

On the job front, I'm looking for something for next year, which is hard to do while still working full-time right now. My contract does not go into next year for my job. I know I'll find the right job when the time comes, but my tendency is to worry.  Embarrassed

But, on a happy note...this weekend should be so relaxing...we are heading up north a bit to see some family for Easter weekend. I'm hoping it warms up a bit, since it's been very cold in Illinois lately. I also love going up to such a rural area where open sky and  trees abound.

Happy Easter, to those who celebrate it.  Smiley
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #7 - May 17th, 2007 at 7:10pm
Hey all,
I wanted to do my monthly "check-in", and I do feel a great ramble coming on.  Wink
I'm still plugging along on growing out from pixie cut, but I've had to nip a few bad hair habits in the bud as I go along. For one, I have a habit of cutting my hair. Big problem, as I've shared in my earlier journal threads....so I'm past that now since last fall when I first joined LL, but still having trouble being patient. I also have different lengths on the side and back, and have been using lots of bobby pins to sort of make an up-do, but I'm wondering if I need to give my hair a break from pinning it up. I don't know if this causes breakage. I'm not to the hair sticks length and probably won't be able to use those until 2008. As many of you also know, I had some color growing out, so that may have slowed my hair down a bit.

The good news is, I'm totally dedicated to this, and aside from my online community here at Longlocks, I'M NOT TELLING MY FRIENDS ABOUT THIS LONG HAIR ATTEMPT! I found in the past, when I tried to grow it out and then cut it after shoulder length, that when I told my friends they actually discouraged me from growing it out. Mind you, I don't have any friends nearby with lovely long hair. My sister has it, but she isn't near me, and I had a good friend at the video store, but she's moved away as well. Also, I've been told I look "cute" with short hair. Now I know what you folks with the glossy long hair may be thinking, "Why does she care what anyone thinks, if she wants long hair?" Exactly! Although, it's taken me quite a long time to realize this about myself, and to throw off other's expectations. I know I can now move past their comments and my own hang-ups about growing it out, but they probably wouldn't believe I could grow it out until I actually do. It also should be noted, in fairness to my friends, that they probably would like me to have long hair, as I wish, but since they don't think I have the resolve not to cut it, they may be sparing my feelings.  So, I am growing it out, but not talking about my hair goals with friends in person, just on this site. If they notice it's getting longer, great!

Btw, I noticed a lady in church the other day with hip length wavy hair-deep chocolate brown. I stared at the back of her head during the sermon and, I confess, thought of conditioner and hair sticks more than the message. Hmm. I better grow mine out so I don't have to stare at other peoples and make them feel weird. Smiley

Also, beyond the pure insanity of my obsession with long hair now, I have another thing going for me in this long hair quest. ... I'm a vegetarian who gets plenty of protein, I do yoga, and I love drawing. Since I have no pictures of myself as an adult with long hair, I drew a self portrait (using a mirror), and then I sketched in long hair with a charcoal stick. It looks great! I'm going to look great with long hair! Now I just have to get there. Until then, I can keep drawing on the hair...hee, hee.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #8 - May 18th, 2007 at 12:58pm
I love it that you drew a portrait of yourself with long hair.  Brilliant idea!!!  Now, anytime you're feeling frustrated you can look at that and the visualization will help you get to your goal.

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Salon Board Moderator
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Posts: 155
Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #9 - May 18th, 2007 at 2:21pm
Check the URL below - I really loved the photo controls !  Smiley

Under Color first went for Blonde then the fifth panel down - Ultra Light Golden. Finally chose Everyday, Straight and Long which is the largest pic on the left. Very pretty !

Now if they only had really long hair on offer......  

Have fun ! Smiley

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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #10 - May 18th, 2007 at 4:41pm
The toughest part about growing your hair out is the patience required to do so. Hang in there. If you look "cute" with short hair, just imagine how hot you'll look with long hair!  Smiley  Cheers.
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Posts: 379
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #11 - May 18th, 2007 at 9:38pm
thanks, ladies! i love the input and will try that site too!
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sigh* job searching
Reply #12 - May 30th, 2007 at 2:25pm
Well, I'm back at it...job searching for a full-time teaching position for next year and also for part-time work for the summer. I just finished my first year of teaching, but there were not enough positions at my school, so I was not offered a full-time job there for next year. I'm sad to leave, and even more sad to have to be job searching, but I know I'll find something. Meanwhile though, I'm trying not to go stir crazy in the house. I have sent a lot of resumes, and made several phone calls, but I'm still getting bored being at home during the day. Poor hubby, I'm so starved for conversation by the time he gets home.  Tongue

I've been looking for a job for about a month now although I've only been out of work two days, and I'm already afraid of getting lazy. I've been doing job search stuff, and house cleaning, but I really do love teaching and without that daily challenge I feel kind of useless.  Undecided I know something will turn up, but wow,  for now job searching really stinks.

As for the hair, it's been very humid lately, so it's getting very fluffy...not curly, just fluffy. Hopefully by the end of summer I can do a small pony tail and a braid by fall. We'll see. My hair does grow well in warmer weather. Depending on how much growth I have, I'll probably get a trim in the winter.  I did see my sister this weekend, and grandma. We actually sat around giving each other scalp massages and braiding my sister's hair (BSL) while we talked by the lake. Mine's not long enough to braid yet, but still the social grooming felt relaxing. Smiley
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joeydog 1992
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #13 - May 30th, 2007 at 5:46pm
Job hunting...oh what fun  Roll Eyes.  I hope you can find a permenant job soon.  I am off work right now (sick leave for the past 6 long months) and my husband has just gone away for two months for work.  During the day I keep my self bust cleaning house, decorating and caring for my animals.  I live in the middle of nowhere so I spend all my time alone right now.  It is about this time of day (just around dinner) that it hits me.  That is one reason I get on here so much. 

I don't know what the demand is like for teachers, but surely you will find something soon.  Meantime, enjoy the summer!!!  Keep busy and don't think you need a job to keep you from getting lazy.  Woman can always find work around the house, the garden etc...  We are good at it!!!  By the way, what grade do you teach?

I hear you about the fluffy hair too.  I have noticed that the past couple of days.  Perhaps someone will drop into your thread a drop a hint or two to us both!!!

Keep us up to date about the job search!!
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Angel Spun
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #14 - May 30th, 2007 at 5:46pm
Your work ethic is so admirable, roomtogrow.  Smiley  With your kind of drive, you'll have a new job in no time. Best of luck!

Sounds like you had a lovely weekend with your long-haired family too. You're lucky to have people you're close with to do that kinda stuff with and to give you moral support.
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