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The prodigal hair grower (Read 150458 times)

August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #15 - May 31st, 2007 at 1:26am
decorating and caring for my animals.

I hear you about the fluffy hair too.  I have noticed that the past couple of days.  Perhaps someone will drop into your thread a drop a hint or two to us both!!!

So, Joeydog 1992, how do you decorate your animals??  (Sorry, couldn't help myself!!)

Regarding poofy hair...try a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.  When the hair lacks internal weight (from moisture) it poofs, frizzes and flies about.  Ouidad.com has a gel called Climate Control that I've used in Indonesia and Singapore last summer and it worked wonders, I'm a curly girl so naturally prone to poof and frizz.  My hair looked so good!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #16 - May 31st, 2007 at 10:40am
Thanks Joeydog, and Angel Spun for the encouragement. Joeydog, I know what you mean about being along so much during the day. It sounds like you keep yourself busy too. Plus with animals, there is always work to be done. I have to go back to your journal threads to remember what animals you have.

Now that we are in the city, I only have two cats, but one of them is long haired and she is really shedding right now. So I'm brushing her a lot on the balcony. By the way, don't know if you already answered this, but how do you decorate your animals?  Huh Sounds very interesting.

Yes, Angel Spun, the weekend with my family was great. Since my grandparents live deep in the country, it was very refreshing too to work in the garden and be outside the whole weekend. I even got a nice little farmer's tan.  Wink  And thanks for the encouragement about job searching...it does try my patience but I know it's something everyone goes through at some time in their life.

As for the fluffy hair, I've been pushing it back with a bandanna tie, until it's long enough to really pull back off my face. I'd still love some tips for it, although it may be an unavoidable part of growing hair out from a short cut in the summer. Next weekend I go camping, which is so much fun, so I'll probably just wear it in a bandanna the whole time. (I love being outside in the woods and smelling like campfire.)
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joeydog 1992
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #17 - Jun 1st, 2007 at 12:53pm
Sakina wrote on May 31st, 2007 at 1:26am:
decorating and caring for my animals.

I hear you about the fluffy hair too.  I have noticed that the past couple of days.  Perhaps someone will drop into your thread a drop a hint or two to us both!!!

So, Joeydog 1992, how do you decorate your animals??  (Sorry, couldn't help myself!!)

Regarding poofy hair...try a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.  When the hair lacks internal weight (from moisture) it poofs, frizzes and flies about.  Ouidad.com has a gel called Climate Control that I've used in Indonesia and Singapore last summer and it worked wonders, I'm a curly girl so naturally prone to poof and frizz.  My hair looked so good!!!

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joeydog 1992
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #18 - Jun 1st, 2007 at 12:56pm
oops, did something wrong on that last post.  Let me try again!!

Ok ladies, you got me, my english was poor.  I am decorating my house and caring for my animals.  I have 2 border collies, 2 domestic short hair (DSH) cats and a persian/himalayan (sp) cat.  I don't think I mentioned that in my journal thread.

LOL.  I win loser for the day between my poor english and my bad posts!!

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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #19 - Jun 2nd, 2007 at 1:13pm
haha, joeydog. that was really funny. i bet your animals are relieved that they will not be decorated. (btw, since this is a saturday post to my journal, i'm not bothering with capital letters.)

sakina, thanks for the conditioner suggestion. (btw, sakina, did you know "sakina" means knife in arabic?) a lot of my trouble now comes from how short my hair still is, so it doesn't have the length to hold it down. yesterday i did try two tiny little pig tails in the back, which may work for a summer style when i'm camping next week. wow, i can't wait for my hair to get long enough to do more styles with. especially braids, i think they are soooo beautiful.

and for the record, as opinion-less as hubby claims to be about short or long hair on me ("You look great with any hair..."-ahh, so sweet),  i did notice him staring as much as i was at this woman in front of us at church last week who had waist length wavy hair. it was hanging over the back of the pew, and we were both just staring at it! it was gorgeous. i commented on it later, and he said casually, "long hair is really pretty sometimes". so he does have an opinion, and i will have long hair someday too!  Grin
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joeydog 1992
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #20 - Jun 2nd, 2007 at 2:55pm
It seems to me that all men like long hair if they tell the truth!!! It is sweet that the hubby says he likes your hair anyway you do it.  That is adorable.

I found today that I needed to put my hair up.  It was sitting on my neck while I was at the folks for lunch and I felt like I was going to roast.  At least my hair is long enough to tie up.  Your time will come...hang in there.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
Gender: female
Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #21 - Jun 2nd, 2007 at 10:11pm
roomtogrow wrote on Jun 2nd, 2007 at 1:13pm:
sakina, thanks for the conditioner suggestion. (btw, sakina, did you know "sakina" means knife in arabic?)

You're welcome!!  Let us know how it goes!!!!

When I was picking out my bellydance name (I was in a troupe at the time) one of my fellow dancers was helping me.  According to her, Sakina meant God inspired peace of mind.  Well...I do try to make all of my moves sharp...heehee.

Isn't it nice to have something to look forward to-it really is about the journey.  The thing you don't expect right now is that after you reach your first goal and enjoy doing your new do, you'll start looking to the next length like to be able to make a bun.  Such is the way of long hair.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #22 - Jun 4th, 2007 at 7:50pm
sakina, it may very well mean that as well. i'm not a native arabic speaker, just learned it several years back when my family lived abroad. with arabic, there are many dialects, and also root words. sometimes a root word may have many derivatives that mean similar things. other times, the derivative words may be totally different. Smiley

thanks for the encouragement as well jdog and sakina! i can't wait until the hair is more stylable...more options. also i know i've mentioned this before, but since i've had short hair for a while now, my friends and family can't even imagine me with braids or buns! which is all the more challenge to get my hair long enough to do it.  and jdog, i think you may be right about men really all preferring long hair!

today was a wash day, and i used an all natural shampoo (365 brand from whole foods) that smells great and is really cheap. then i left in the burt's bees deep conditioner for about ten minutes. my hair came out really soft, almost too soft. it was hard to get it to stay in the pins. i've been trying not to use styling products, since i want to go all natural with my hair. now it's pinned up with about twelve little bobby pins. not great, but gives me more style options at this short length.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #23 - Jun 4th, 2007 at 9:12pm
I remember when my hair was as short as yours (not so long ago) and I had to wash it and blow dry it everyday or it looked terrible.  Bedhead had a whole different meaning.  And humidity...!!!

Hang in there, it will pass.  Growing out your hair is a tremendous test of patience...but pays off.

As for the name "Sakina", I googled it last night and it seemed to have a lot of really nice meanings...friendly, etc.  I guess it depends on the part of the world you are from but all the meanings are nice...hey, maybe I will google my name tonight.

Anyway Room to Grow, hang in there.  You will make it!!!

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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #24 - Jun 6th, 2007 at 9:54am
jdog, thanks for the encouragement....it's great to hear inspiring stories from people who've successfully grown out from a short cut.
yes, mine does look a bit sad in the morning and even ends up sticking up every which way. since i've stopped blow drying , it takes longer to figure out how to style and it kind of does its own thing. i just have to leave time in the morning to wash it and let it air dry, since i need to get it wet each morning, but don't want to blow dry. so far, it seems to be growing fairly quickly. for my short cut, they had thinned some layers out, so first it's growing back in thickness-then hopefully the length will start building. by end of summer, i should be able to pull it back in a tiny pony tail...and hopefully a short braid by dec. we'll see how that goes. i'll also get a trim to even up the ends then, but don't want to do it quite yet, since it will seem really short again. it's kind of a mental thing, you know?
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camping, sigh
Reply #25 - Jun 11th, 2007 at 11:45am
Well we got back from our camping trip yesterday afternoon. We were up  in Wisconsin. It was a great trip, just a weekend trip, but went with eleven of our friends. The weather was perfect, no rain, just sunshine. Great fun. We went lake swimming, played too much ultimate frisbee, hiked a bit, and also did our share of sitting around the campfire eating burgers (lentil burgers in my case.) It was great. Later in the summer, hubby and I are going to do more of a rougher camping trip-this one was a bit more of the froo-froo camping with showers and bathrooms not too far away. We'll hike in somewhere with just our packs. I can't wait for that.  Although, I'm proud to say, I only cleaned myself by swimming in the lake, no showers until  I got home yesterday. Then I babied my hair with deep conditioner, and a scalp massage. Over the weekend I just had it all tied up in a red bandanna.

I'm still job-searching, which is trying my patience. But, I have papered most of the state's public schools with my resume, and have called to follow up-so for now I just have to wait and assume something will come through. It always does. Plus, many principals are still finishing up this year's paper work and haven't even started really hiring for Aug.

I'm reading Robert Jordan's series "Eye of the World." I just started it last week. I love reading fantasy, in the styles of Tolkien, and so far Jordan is pretty interesting. If I continue to like the series, I should have plenty of reading material since all his books are about 800 pages long and there are going to be twelve in the series. Smiley
Lately, as an afternoon treat after a full morning of  somewhat- discouraging job searching, I take my book and the cats out on the balcony. Although we live in a bustling city, we have a quiet street, and a little maple tree that's leaves reach up to our second floor balcony. So it's peaceful out there in the afternoon.

Tonight I'm trying a new recipe from a vegetarian cookbook I picked up. Stuffed mushrooms, and blue-cheese pasta. Yum! Also, we have some strawberries for desert that a friend dropped off.

As for the hair, which is the main theme of this journal, it's slowly but steadily building back thickness and length. This is the most frustrating length, too long to be short and stylish, but too short to be long and lovely. I know it will keep growing as long as I don't get anxious and get it cut. Smiley
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joeydog 1992
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #26 - Jun 11th, 2007 at 12:24pm
Don't throw in the towel, keep that hair growing out!!!  You can do it.

Sounds like you had a great time camping.   I envy you.  I have been drywalling my garage....yahoo. Sad

I hope you find a job soon.  I just know you will.

As for that mushroom recipe, I would love a copy.  I set up a recipe for food section somewhere on this site.  I will look it up and tell you where it is if you are willing to put a recipe in.  I am trying to learn the vegan ways so vegan recipes are perfect.

I have not heard about Jordan, but if it is like Tolkien, I know I will love it...when I have time to read again....in about 20 years, lol.

Ok, going to find thread in case you like recipe and would like to put it in the forum.
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joeydog 1992
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #27 - Jun 11th, 2007 at 12:38pm
here us the thread for any recipes you will give me!!!

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Posts: 825
Southern Louisiana
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #28 - Jun 11th, 2007 at 2:44pm
Another Robert Jordan fan?! *massive hug* I'm on book 8... I ought to warn you... they're completely addictive. I didn't start reading them until I moved in with my boyfriend... He has all 11 Cheesy I'm actually forcing myself to take a break from reading for a few hours, otherwise the dishes won't get done, and nothing will be cleaned. *still not sure I'm going to let housework get in the way of the Wheel of Time* If you ever want to have a chat about the books, you're welcome to PM me. I'm sort of spoiled as I had most of the details before I read them.. P. couldn't keep quiet   Roll Eyes 

Joeydog, if you like a good story, you'll like RJ's books. If you LOVE a good story, you'll not be able to put them down.

Also, that camping trip sounds like it was fun! Good luck on the job hunt, too. I'm sure something will work out.
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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joeydog 1992
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #29 - Jun 11th, 2007 at 3:44pm
Ok, I am sold, I will have to start reading the books.  I do LOVE a good story.  I think I had better start reading before I go back to work...otherwise I wont get any sleep if they are books you cannot put down.
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