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Costello's hair journal (Read 41079 times)

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Costello's hair journal
Apr 24th, 2007 at 6:42pm
Ok, I hate starting a journal, because it feels like too much of a commitment.  And a bit of a burden.   Sad  But if I stick with the whole growing out the hair thing, I may wish later that I had a journal to look back on.

My hair is so short right now that I feel almost embarrassed posting on a site called longlocks.  And just thinking about growing it out makes me impatient.  I want it to be longer NOW!  My hair is layered on the bottom, so I'm going to have to have quite a bit of my current length cut off just to get to one length.   Cry

Right now I use Suave Naturals shampoo and conditioner - lavender scented.  I guess I'm happy with that, so I'll keep using it.  http://www.amazon.com/Suave-Naturals-Shampoo-Lavender-22-5oz/dp/B00027C9C8

Right now I wash my hair daily, but I intend to cut back once my hair is longer.

I bought some kind of deep conditioner by Umberto a month or so ago intending to use it once a week.  I used it once.  It was ok, but no big deal.

That's all for now.
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #1 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 8:23pm
Oooooo - a new journal!  I love it when someone starts a new journal - it is a sign of commitment to doing something good.  Use this to record what you try, what worked, (and what didn't) and your growth rates.  It is also a great place to post progress pictures so you can look back and see how far you have really come.

Don't worry about the length of your hair.  You have the advantage of starting to take proper care of your hair at this earlier stage.
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #2 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 9:25pm
It takes time and patience. Lots of patience to grow long hair, but you are in the right place.  We are here for u.
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #3 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 10:46am
Thanks, BB and CG!

"Don't worry about the length of your hair.  You have the advantage of starting to take proper care of your hair at this earlier stage."

That's what I keep telling myself.  What if I'd decided to grow my hair out when it was much longer but damaged by hair coloring or something?  Then it would REALLY hurt to cut off the bad stuff.

And now for what makes me pull my hair out:  my 15 year old son.  Adopted from foster care 2 1/2 years ago.  He's been a tough one, but he's really making strides lately - grades up, aggression down, acting more mature.  

Then what do I find in his room this morning?  A week's supply of his meds.  I've been trusting him to take them without supervision, and he's been hiding them instead of taking them.  What hurts the most is that I'd started to trust him a little bit.  Then he does THIS!   Angry  Grrrr!!!!!!
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #4 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 12:18pm

I know how hard it is when that trust is broken.  15 is a tough age for boys.  Hang in there and stick to your guns on the rules.  I'm sure it will all work out eventually.
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Salad head Saturday
Reply #5 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 3:16pm
I was reading through some of the other posts on longlocks.  I found recommendations for olive oil treatments and vinegar rinses.  I decided to try both this weekend.  I ended up with some pretty greasy hair!  That's ok, though.  It was fun to experiment.  And my hair's none the worse for it.  Smiley

Still feeling impatient about how slow my hair seems to be growing.  Not any slower than it's grown in the past, of course, but now that I *want* it to grow it seems like it's stopped.  I keep thinking about the expression "as interesting as watching paint dry."  I need a hobby to distract me.   Cheesy

I don't yet have enough length to pull my hair into a ponytail even.  Getting close though!

Now for my fears:  one is that I'll look stupid with long graying hair.  I've seen a couple of heads of lovely long gray and black hair on TV recently.  But I've seen more awful-looking heads in person!  Of course, the ones I've seen in person aren't long.  They're lopped off short.  I wonder if middle-aged women with gray hair figure it's not worth caring for their hair?
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Angel Spun
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #6 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 4:13pm
I think that Emmylou Harris would have to disagree.  Wink

Are you taking any sort of vitamins for your hair? They can be extremely helpful in ensuring that your hair gets as much healthy growth as possible each month.
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #7 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 5:13pm
Hi Angel Spun:

I've heard of Emmylou Harris, but I'd never seen her until just now when I googled her.  She's beautiful.

I'm not taking vitamins for my hair.  Anything in particular you'd recommend?
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Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances. -- Jean de La Fontaine
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Angel Spun
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #8 - Apr 30th, 2007 at 9:30pm
Yep, she still looks good. Even better now than she did when she was young, I think. Like a fine wine...

I'm pretty new to the whole "hair vitamin" thing...but I've been taking vitamin E every day for 4 months now and it seems to have made a pretty significant difference. Last year, I was getting between ¼" and ½" of growth each month. Usually ¼" which is pretty slow.
    Since I've been taking vitamin E, however, I've been getting ½" every single month this year. So something's working.  Smiley
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #9 - May 1st, 2007 at 9:59am
Hmmm....  I'll have to try that.  Can't hurt and might help.  I have these multivitamins at home that my doctor recommended, but they're big old "horse" pills that I have a hard time swallowing without gagging.  So I stopped taking them.  I'll see if there'e any vitamin E in them.  How much do you take?
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Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances. -- Jean de La Fontaine
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Angel Spun
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #10 - May 1st, 2007 at 5:03pm
I take 1 vitamin E capsule every day. That's it.  Smiley

This year, I decided to experiment with different vitamins to see which, if any, had any effect on my hair growth. For the first 6 months, I'm taking vitamin E. Then in July, I'll start taking a generic multivitamin and documenting its effects.
    Luckily or not, I can swallow anything, even without water. I once swallowed an ice cube whole when I was 5...  Shocked
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #11 - May 8th, 2007 at 10:08am
Well, I've started taking the vitamins my doctor recommended.  It includes vitamin E - 400 IU.  I also started the fish oil she recommended.  Looks like growing hair may be good for my overall health!

Now that summer's here, I've been driving with my window down.  I don't have enough hair to pull it back into a ponytail, so I'm getting some yucky tangles!  I don't want to use the air conditioning because gas is so expensive.  Also my old car overheats pretty easily; running the air conditioner just makes it worse.  I put on a ball cap once, and my son announced that he wouldn't be seen with me in public if I wore it.   Undecided
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #12 - May 8th, 2007 at 2:28pm
Here's a bit of info that might surprise you about your car's air conditioner.  If you are driving at 50 mph or greater, you will be better off to close your windows and run the air conditioner.  The open windows cause more air resistance and use more fuel than the air conditioner.

And as long as I'm doing my car trivia - if your car starts to overheat - turn on the heater!  This helps to dissapate the heat away from the engine.  (Of course, if it is 90 degrees out, you will probably want to open your windows as well!  Grin )

When you are driving with the windows open, try wearing a scarf to protect your hair.  Basball caps don't offer much protection for the ends - a scarf will do a better job.  I like to use a bandana/scarf that is large enough that I can tuck the point in the back into the knot so that it provides the most protection when my hair is kept inside the scarf.
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #13 - May 17th, 2007 at 6:25pm
"If you are driving at 50 mph or greater, you will be better off to close your windows and run the air conditioner.  The open windows cause more air resistance and use more fuel than the air conditioner."

Thanks for the info!  I've been enjoying my car's a/c.  And I think of you every time I turn it on.   Wink

My hair's long enough now that I don't wake up with bits of bangs and things sticking out in all directions.  So I'm skipping the shampoo every other morning.  I was washing it every day, because I had to wet it down to make it lie down.  Not a problem anymore.

Let's see...  What else?  Taking vitamins every morning - and fish oil.

Every morning on the way to work I pass a home with lots of kids waiting for the school bus.  I think it may be a foster home.  Anyway the lady who's out there with the kids has hair the color of mine - gray and black mixed.  I noticed this morning she had it pulled into a ponytail.  It's very thick and healthy looking.  I hope mine looks the same when it's longer.

I really worry about thinning hair.  I've noticed that as my hair gets more gray, my scalp seems to show more.  I used to worry that my hair was thinning.  But when I've dyed my hair back to its natural color, my scalp doesn't show as much.  So I think it's not thinning, it's just that the lighter color lets the skin show more.

I was at a conference a few weeks ago, and one of the ladies had male pattern baldness.  The hair on top of her head was really thin.  She'd done a good job of styling what was left, but it was still very obvious.  It's one of my biggest fears.  And if it does thin, I think it may look worse long.  I'm hoping for a long braid.  But the weight of long hair would just pull the hair down and expose the scalp even worse.

One of my coworkers is losing her hair from stress.  Her son was injured in Iraq.  He's home now, but he's dealing with being handicapped and with PTSD.

I was watching King of the Hill a few days ago, and one of the female characters was losing her hair due to stress.  She went out and bought a wig.

As you can tell, thinning hair is on my mind.  Well, my mom's going to be 77 next month, and her hair's as thick as it ever was.  Lord, let me have her genes!
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Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances. -- Jean de La Fontaine
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #14 - May 17th, 2007 at 6:52pm
hi costello,
i like your hair, and it doesn't look like it's thinning or even like it plans to.  Cheesy My hair is about the same length as yours in the picture, as I'm growing it out from a very short cut a few months ago. Good luck with your hair goals. I wish you non-thinning hair forever!
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #15 - May 18th, 2007 at 9:10am
Thanks for the reassurances, roomtogrow.  I'm a worrier.  When I have nothing legitimate to worry about, I make something up.

BTW, I love your handle!  I have room to grow too.   Wink

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Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances. -- Jean de La Fontaine
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #16 - May 18th, 2007 at 9:37pm
aww shucks Roll Eyes
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #17 - May 21st, 2007 at 2:13pm
I bought the Klutz book Hair : a book of braiding and styles this weekend.  My hair isn't anywhere near long enough to do any of the braids or styles yet.  But I'm looking at the pics and fantasizing.

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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #18 - May 21st, 2007 at 2:20pm
The Klutz book is a great starter book!  Don't be afraid to try some of the styles even tho your hair is not as long as the example - many of them work quite well with shorter hair.  AND....... it is NEVER to early to start practicing your braiding skills.  Believe me - when your hair gets longer you will need those skills!  Cheesy
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #19 - May 21st, 2007 at 3:52pm
I did try some of the styles - starting a French braid and the quiff (which I'd never heard of before).  I'll be practicing as much as I can.  I really like this book.  I think I'll actually be able to do most of these styles.   Cheesy

I was sitting at the reference desk this morning - I'm a librarian - and a patron sitting behind me told me she liked my hair!  I was surprised to hear it since I'm in an awkward growing out stage.  Maybe taking better care of it is paying off already?  [Then she went on tell me that she's part white and part Indian, although she was clearly black.  She told me that white people came from beyond Jupiter and they brought us all the good things we have in life.  I'm thinking she's a few bricks shy of a load.  But I'll take the compliment at face value anyway!   Wink]
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #20 - May 21st, 2007 at 4:34pm
I love that book!  It's one of the first ones I bought for myself.  I never could get the quiff to work...I hadn't heard of it either.

Keep up the good work-it really will pay off as your length comes!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #21 - May 21st, 2007 at 5:13pm
[Then she went on tell me that she's part white and part Indian, although she was clearly black.  She told me that white people came from beyond Jupiter and they brought us all the good things we have in life.  I'm thinking she's a few bricks shy of a load.  But I'll take the compliment at face value anyway!   Wink ]

Grin LOL
Take them where you can get them, eh Costello?  Wink
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #22 - May 22nd, 2007 at 9:44am
"Take them where you can get them, eh Costello?"

Indeed!  Just because a person's a bit eccentric doesn't mean they don't have great taste in hair.  I just hope she doesn't think my gray stripes make her think I'm from beyond Jupiter.   Undecided
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #23 - May 22nd, 2007 at 10:03am
I googled 'quiff.'  The first hit is for the wikipedia article:


It looks like it's a man's style.

Here's a woman's page about her quiff - with lots of photos:  http://www.geocities.com/shenryuk/hairf.html


Here's a page of quiff images:  http://images.google.com/images?q=quiff&hl=en&um=1&sa=X&oi=images&ct=title

I'm not sure it's me.  Maybe I won't try too hard to succeed with this style.   Grin
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #24 - May 22nd, 2007 at 3:29pm
Yikes! Those quiffs... why under the light would anyone ever do that? their poor hair.....
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Angel Spun
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #25 - May 22nd, 2007 at 4:16pm
In 6th grade, I once had a substitute teacher with short hair who wore it like that and the entire class called her "Rock-A-Doodle."  Tongue
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #26 - May 22nd, 2007 at 6:38pm
"Now for my fears:  one is that I'll look stupid with long graying hair.  I've seen a couple of heads of lovely long gray and black hair on TV recently.  But I've seen more awful-looking heads in person!  Of course, the ones I've seen in person aren't long.  They're lopped off short.  I wonder if middle-aged women with gray hair figure it's not worth caring for their hair?"

Costello, I too have had some doubts about letting my hair get long and gray.  But I have to tell you that I get more compliments on my hair now than I ever did.  I take better care now than I ever did, too.  I wash it about every 3 days and condition with the honey conditioner from the Body Shop.  I rinse it with cool water and don't rinse the conditioner all the way out.  I let it air dry.  That's about it for care.   It's about halfway down my back now and the ends need a trim (it's been about 8 months since the last trim).   But otherwise, it's in great condition. 

I haven't been around LL much lately, and it's good to come back and see a "newbie" where I was a few years ago and know how much fun you are going to have!  At the very least, growing your hair is a great hobby. Grin  At best, it can give you a whole new feel about yourself.  It has done that for me. 

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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #27 - May 23rd, 2007 at 2:40pm
Thanks for the confidence boost, silvermayne.  I've been trying to notice more beautiful gray hair.  I saw a lady today with all of her white on top - like me.  She had it pulled up and the dark hair showed in the back under the white hair.  It looked nice.

I've gone to washing every other day.  I've also started an exercise routine and am concerned about how often I should wash it given that I'm sweating more.  I've never been one to use a hair drier; I almost always let my hair air dry.  And since I've decided to grow it out, I haven't touched my hair drier.

About rinsing with cool/cold water:  I saw that recommended elsewhere on this site.  I wash my hair in the shower.  I cringe every time I think of trying to rinse my hair with cold water.  I'd end up freezing!

What's the Body Shop?
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Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances. -- Jean de La Fontaine
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Angel Spun
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #28 - May 23rd, 2007 at 6:54pm
It's where they sell cooooorpses!  Grin  Kidding. Try this link: http://www.thebodyshop.com/bodyshop/index.jsp

Do you use the CWC routine at all? I find it to be extremely helpful, given that I work out every other day.
    Cold water is actually really refreshing. You get used to it after awhile. I just adjust the temperature down to the coolest water that I can stand and eventually, I'll want it colder and colder...it's actually kinda nice.
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #29 - May 24th, 2007 at 12:48pm
CWC?  Does this mean you apply conditioner, rinse, wash, then condition and rinse again?
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Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances. -- Jean de La Fontaine
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Angel Spun
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #30 - May 24th, 2007 at 1:24pm
Not quite. You apply a light conditioner to the length first, leaving it in while you shampoo the scalp. Then rinse all of it away together, then condition as usual.
    The idea is to protect the length/ends from being washed all the time. Of course, this is usually only helpful once your hair has passed shoulder length and the natural sebum from your scalp can no longer reach the ends of your hair. If your hair is short, don't worry about it. My dad washes his hair twice a day without a problem.  Roll Eyes
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Haven't posted in a while
Reply #31 - Jun 6th, 2007 at 9:57am
No new hair news to add here.  Still taking extra care of my hair.  The vitamins seem to be helping my skin too!   Cheesy

I've started working out as a way of coping with stress and depression.  Walking and jogging, weightlifting, and yoga.  I started on May 19.  On June 4 I ran a whole mile straight.  Pretty darn good for an out-of-shape, fat, fortyish lady.  And I did it again today!

Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #32 - Jun 6th, 2007 at 10:47am
Glad to see you drop in,Costello!  Good for you with the exercise!  Remember to drink plenty of water,warm up,stretch and cooldown otherwise you'll be rolling your eyes and wonder why things are sore and you've got shin splints!!!!
Potassium(bananas,cranberries,sweet potatoes,etc. are execellent sources to help with the lactic acid. Wink
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #33 - Jun 6th, 2007 at 5:23pm
WTG, Costello!  Smiley  I couldn't run an entire mile if my life depended on it! lol Until the accident with my arms, I was power walking for 40 minutes every other night and it definitely does help. Not just with the weight/heart/metabolism/etc. but it also helps to balance the emotions that we aren't so fond of. Plus, knowing that we're doing all of this gives us a sense of accomplisment.  Wink  Keep at it, girl.
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #34 - Jun 22nd, 2007 at 9:54am
Haven't been here in a while, so I thought I'd stop in to say I'm still alive and still growing my hair!   Smiley

The hair's getting a bit overgrown and weedy, needs a trim.  I don't trust anyone to trim it for me, though.  Some of the layers aren't grown out enough (I'm aiming for everything to be at least jaw length before I have it cut to one length).  I'm afraid the stylist will be tempted to do more than just cut it even at the bottom.

I'm still doing my "road work" (walking and jogging) and yoga.  I can now get almost all of my hair into a ponytail.  The front is still too short reach but long enough to be irritating during yoga class.   Shocked
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Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances. -- Jean de La Fontaine
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Feeling a bit down
Reply #35 - Jun 29th, 2007 at 12:22pm
I had another photo taken today - 3 months since the first one.  I'm not happy with it.  I feel it's too gray, and I look OLD.  It also appears to have some yellow in it.

I ran into a woman outside the Y the other day and was asking her how she likes it.  (The Y, not my hair!)  I'm not a member; I was dropping my son off at their summer day camp.  She kept telling me to enroll in some program at the hospital - 55 something or other.  I assume that means you have to be at least 55 to sign up.  Well, I'm only 45.  It's a bit discouraging to have people mistake you for being at least 10 years older than you are.

Maybe if I lose weight it would help.  I'm exercising so much.  And I just started taking Alli yesterday.  I'm beginning to think, though, that I'm doomed to be a fat woman.  Maybe being a fat woman with long gray hair isn't a good idea?

I want my gray hair to look dramatic - not sad.   Cry
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Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances. -- Jean de La Fontaine
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Angel Spun
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #36 - Jun 29th, 2007 at 1:15pm
I think your hair looks just fine, Costello.
It has great form, lots of body and it looks like you're starting to get a pretty nice wave too. Long, healthy gray hair is striking because most women with gray hair typically don't care for it very well.
As for your weight, well, I look at it this way...if you're good to your body, it will be good to you. Chin up, dearie.  Wink
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #37 - Jun 29th, 2007 at 1:21pm
Awww, costello, I'm sorry you're down today.  I can see how it would be depressing to have someone recommend a class you can't yet sign up for.  It was her mistake, for sure!!

I think your new picture is gorgeous.  Now, I'm not saying that to cheer you up (if it does, all the better  Grin) it is my honest opinion.  It looks so thick and I like the color.  There are several ladies on the boards who are pining for silver hair!

Consistency is the key to loosing weight.  Not what we want to hear, its the truth.  Set yourself a time line-take measurements of where you are now and in 12 weeks do it again.  Be sure you're giving yourself time to recover between workouts-you will go backwards and wind up getting sick if your body can't recover from strenous exercise.  Have you watched the youtube fat rant?  That will lift your spirits for sure!!!
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Thanks, all!
Reply #38 - Jun 29th, 2007 at 2:08pm
I feel better now.  Amazing how a few kind comments can make a difference.  Also, I refocused on my long-term vision.  In my vision I'm picturing looonnnnggggg hair!   Wink

I'm being very careful with the workouts.  I've been injured in the past from overdoing it, so I'm pretty careful now.  It's discouraging to have a couple of months of work knocked out by a preventable injury.  It's often hard to get back into the routine after the injury is healed.

I used to take a weight-lifting class, and the instructor really stressed the need for rest and recovery.  Also he had us alternate light, moderate, and heavy workouts so that we continued to gain.  Some exercisers think they have to continually do heavier and heavier workouts when actually it's smarter to do a light week here and there - or even take time off.  Also our teacher emphasized that you should STOP if it hurts.  A hard lesson for yours truly!  It took a slipped disc to convince me.   Grin

I'm proud to say that after six weeks of walking (and a little jogging), I've had NO injuries.  And I'm clearly in better condition.  I haven't lost any weight, though.  That's a bit hard to take.
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Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances. -- Jean de La Fontaine
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Angel Spun
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #39 - Jun 29th, 2007 at 4:23pm
It's discouraging to have a couple of months of work knocked out by a preventable injury.  It's often hard to get back into the routine after the injury is healed.

Don't I know it? I'd been power walking for months before messing my arms up. That threw everything off.  Tongue  But I plan to jump right back on it when July starts.

And I think your hair would look great long, Costello. Just treat it with care and it will love you back.  Smiley
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #40 - Jun 29th, 2007 at 6:03pm
Costello, I've been wishing for silver hair since I was about 14... my aunt was fully silver by the time she was 29... it doesn't look like that's in my future though Sad 

I'm proud to say that after six weeks of walking (and a little jogging), I've had NO injuries.  And I'm clearly in better condition.  I haven't lost any weight, though.  That's a bit hard to take.

Look at it this way... muscle mass is far denser and therefore heavier than fat tissue... so even though you've not lost any weight, you may have lost width, you know what I mean?
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Cleaning schedule
Reply #41 - Aug 1st, 2007 at 1:29pm
Well, I'm down to washing my hair twice a week - Mondays and Thursdays - with a once a week deep conditioning on Sundays.  I'm not sure how happy I am with the deep conditioning product, but I'm finding that twice a week is enough for washing.

I've been thinking about getting a trim/cut to get rid of the layers at the bottom.  Still can't bring myself to do it.  Maybe I'll give it a few more months.
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Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances. -- Jean de La Fontaine
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Like watching paint dry
Reply #42 - Aug 3rd, 2007 at 9:52am
I'm so impatient with this hair growth thing.  I swear my hair has STOPPED growing altogether.  These sections on the sides which are almost long enough to pull back into a pony tail have been almost long enough for two months now.  Shouldn't they be there by now?


My hair has grown out many times as an adult, but this is the first time I've been intentionally growing it - taking good care of it.  Maybe it's my imagination, but I think you can tell the difference in how healthy it looks.  Despite how slow it's going, it's exciting to see such healthy hair.

I started a savings account a little over a year ago.  Like the hair growth, it's slow-going.  At first it was exciting to see a little bit of money accumulating when I'm used to living paycheck to paycheck.  Now I'm feeling frustrated.  I sat down this weekend and projected the savings five years into the future - calculating in interest earned.  It still seems woefully inadequate.

Well, I think someone on here told me I could have hair to my waist in six years.  That's also when my house is paid off.  And hopefully my savings will continue to grow.  Many reasons to look forward to 2013!   Cheesy
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #43 - Aug 30th, 2007 at 6:37pm
Well, I'm still hanging in here.  Not much new to report.

I've gone from the twice a week washings to every other day.  It just wasn't feeling clean enough to me.

Also now that my hair has gotten longer, I've been picking and biting at the ends - a nervous habit I have which I'm going to have to break!  Maybe I should start biting my nails as a substitute?  Wearing it up would probably help.  The front hairs still aren't long enough to stay put in a pony tail, though.  I'm not sure if the front just grows slower or if the hair trimming fairies are sneaking into my house and cutting just the front parts while I sleep. Shocked
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Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances. -- Jean de La Fontaine
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #44 - Aug 31st, 2007 at 1:49pm
You MUST keep an eye out for the hair trimming fairies--they're simply EEEEEvil.   Cheesy
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #45 - Sep 27th, 2007 at 11:41am
I've had a new pic taken:  http://flickr.com/photos/costellosfriend/1448565388/in/set-72157600558679259/

This is the last photo before I get that "trim."  I'm going for one length, so it can grow out better.  I feel a little sick about it, because they're going to have to take A LOT off to make it one length.  But eventually I'm going to have to bite the bullet and do it!   Undecided
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Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances. -- Jean de La Fontaine
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #46 - Sep 27th, 2007 at 1:48pm
Take a deep calming breath and repeat after me:
It's only hair and it WILL grow back, it's only hair and it WILL grow back, it's only hair and it WILL grow back...  Cool
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #47 - Sep 27th, 2007 at 2:18pm
Thanks, Trish.   Smiley  Of course, my hair has been growing my whole life.  But I've never made a goal of growing it long.  I'm suddenly acutely aware of how sloooooowly it grows!  (Actually when you're keeping it cut short it seems to grow really fast.)  Now when I see a woman with long hair I realize how many years it's taken to get that long.
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #48 - Sep 27th, 2007 at 5:37pm
Your hair color is very pretty.  I recently had my longest layer trimmed up, and at first I thought she took too much off but now it feels long again.

I think in the long run you'll be glad you did it.  Be brave, Costello!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Angel Spun
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #49 - Sep 27th, 2007 at 5:43pm
Wow, I agree with Sakina! Lovely silver colour...I kinda wish that my hair was silver. And great natural waves! You'll soon have long, sexy Emmylou Harris hair.  Cheesy  Just keep getting regular trims and you'll be there before you know it.
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #50 - Sep 29th, 2007 at 5:05am
Ditto what Sakina and Angel Spun said! I hope my hair looks that nice when the majority of it has turned color. Cheesy (half of the white hairs I have now are quite brittle)
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #51 - Sep 29th, 2007 at 4:45pm
"I hope my hair looks that nice when the majority of it has turned color."

Thanks, juri.  I did get lucky in that I have very few of the crinkly or brittle gray hairs.  Most of my gray hairs have a texture similar to my "ungray" hairs.   Cheesy

I got that trim today.  The lady at the shop - it was one of those walk-in places, not a stylist I see regularly - seemed to understand that I was anxious about losing too much length.  So she trimmed the bottom layers a bit more and the top layers a bit less.  So I still have layers at the bottom, but the ends are freshly trimmed and neatened up.  I got her name and said I'd ask for her again next time I need a trim.  Maybe we can gradually get rid of the layers with a minimum of trauma to me.
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #52 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 6:08pm
Well, after all that anxiety, the trim turned out to be a good thing.  Not only does my hair look neater, but it's easier to comb.  It doesn't tangle and pull at the ends anymore.  So I'm glad I had it done.
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #53 - Oct 15th, 2007 at 10:56pm
I'm glad the cut "feels right" for you.  Sometimes it is best to trim - it will make it easier to keep on growing it.  Good luck!
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #54 - May 14th, 2009 at 3:54pm
Wow!  My journal is still here!   Smiley

And my hair is still growing.  Haven't taken the best care of it, but I haven't cut it - beyond a few trims.

Starting to experiment with braiding it.  I've been wearing it in a simple braid for the last week and a half.  I'm practicing a French braid; it's not ready for show yet.   Wink

I'll try to update my pic soon.
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Beware, as long as you live, of judging people by appearances. -- Jean de La Fontaine
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Costello's hair journal
Reply #55 - May 14th, 2009 at 4:37pm
Lovely to hear from you again, Costello. Smiley

Hope you and the hair are doing well.
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