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Debr's hair fixations (Read 152090 times)

LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #60 - Jul 4th, 2008 at 4:48pm
Thanks Sakina.  I have a microfiber towel which I havent been able to use cuz its too small.  I havent been able to find any kind of towel large enuf for all of my hair (considering buying a beach towel when they go on sale).  As for the devacurl, not sure if I want to do that cuz I am doing a lot of oiling.

I decided to do a "girlie day" today.  I got up and put oil on length, ends, and the dry places.  Left it wrapped up for an hour.  Sat outside in the early morning warmth.  Washed with shampoo first, then CO'd, rinsed thoroughly, used my olive oil condish, finished shower (primping and preening) rinsed hair and me, then as a final rinse, did an acv to the hair.  Oiled my skin, left me/hair to "air dry".  Hair looks just fabulous to day.  I am wearing it down (30 degrees cooler out today) and it HAS GROWN.  I can no longer see my fingertips.  It actually looks better now than it has ever before.  Lots of work has gone on here.  So, I am going to continue with the experiment just to see what happens now.  I dont how longer it will get cuz I dont remember it ever being any longer.  It sure is a lot healthier now too.  I am feeling better also, more rested.  I am sooo glad for long weekends.

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #61 - Jul 5th, 2008 at 12:24am
You're welcome!


I think that one might fit.  I have the Large sized one that I travel with and I really like it.  I know its pricey but its the biggest one I could find.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #62 - Jul 5th, 2008 at 8:58pm
I am gonna try my new "experiment within the experiment" tomarrow.  Get  up a little early and oil before I wash .  I will probably leave the oil in just 1/2 hour.  Wash and then experience the results.  HAAHAHA!!   Wink

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #63 - Jul 7th, 2008 at 8:13pm
Nope, didnt happen too lazy. I guess having a nice long weekend gave me ideas that I could sleep as late as I wanted to.  This getting up at 830 has to stop and tomarrow it will,  I have a class at 930.  Its HOT again so hair is either in a braid or up.  Currently, up.

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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #64 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 5:09pm
I had a hard morning.  I went to another job hunting class for those folks who are 55 and older.  I got kinda frustrated cuz I am not into looking for a fast - paced environment anymore.  I am wanting more of a low - key, casual, not in a big hurry type of position.  It is soooo hard to find something like that in my location.  We are doing a 10 point pyramid and things like casual attire, location, and office style (no office politics) keep popping up for me..  What that means is I am no longer into being the best of the heap.  So now what?  I do like my part time job.  It is a casual environment, not in a hurry, type of job.  What I want is a part time (25 - 30 hours per week) $9 - $11 per hour, casual office attire, back office position.  We have homework, so btwn working, and doing the required job hunt, I have homework.  I have to finish my pyramid, and do a skills statement (I already have one for another job club) I might use the same one.  I just want to go to work and come home.  Is that too much to ask?


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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #65 - Jul 11th, 2008 at 11:24pm
I am ssssooooooooo excited tonite.  Last nite I went to check out some barbers in my area.  The 1st one I couldnt find his shop, so on the 2nd.  I walked in and asked if he would cut my only an 1/8th of inch.  He said, "take a seat".  Yeeeehawwww,  when it was my turn, he told me I would have to stand up, so I did. Then he told me I have a small section which either broke or I fried off a long time ago, it is 3/4 shorter than the rest of my length. Of course I could have accidently cut it wrong myself and I said so.  he asked me if he could even up the hemline, I said yes.  So, instead of cutting off 1/8 of an inch, he cut off 3/4 of an inch.  I am soo happy.  My hem is now all one length, no damage.  He didnt charge me either as he doesnt have a price for "trims".  Isnt that just glorious!! 

It feels weird to have non damaged hair after it being damaged for so long.  There is now shine down the whole length.  It lays smoother that it ever has before.  And there is still 2 1/2 months left of the experiment.  I got thinking tho, I am getting healthier hair but will I have gained any length?  So far, I have cut off 2 1/4 inches since beginnning the experiment in April.  I went into the bathroom to see if I could see my fingertips, yes, just barely.  Since this is the healthiest my hair has been at any length, I am unsure if I will achieve knee length or not as I have grown accustomed to the fingertip length.  We'll just wait and see. Many thoughts are roaming around my brain now.

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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #66 - Jul 12th, 2008 at 8:07am
I think most ladies forget or don't know that a regular barber will and does cut or trim ladies hair.  

I bet they are very surprised when a lady with long hair come in for a visit Shocked

One time I went to one for a cut and my wife got a hair massage but she said it was nothing great but maybe that was because the barber was a female Undecided

My wife is overdue for a trim so maybe I will suggest that we go to one next time.

That was great that he did not charge you but I would have left him a tip anyway.

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Shooting Star

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #67 - Jul 14th, 2008 at 4:35pm
I know of other gals who have had barbers trim their hair.  My hubby used to do men's hair back in the 70's (not professionally trained, but did a good basic cut).  He is the only person I have ever let trim my hair once it is past my shoulders.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #68 - Jul 19th, 2008 at 5:24pm
Not much to say lately.  Doing good in spite of the heat.  My hair looks good in spite of the humidity.  My hair looks better lately than it used too  Grin.  I have started parting it on the left often so that the right/left sides will be equally thick. It is noticeable to me that my right side is thinner than the left.  So, the left parting compensates for that.  Since I just had a trim, the right side is slightly shorter than the left, but the next few trims will take care of that.  I am planning to do 1/8" trims until that happens.

Oiling the ends and wearing it up more seems to be contributing to the good things that are happening with it.  I do notice tho my hair is getting much lighter on the ends and thru the body (grays).  I am not unhappy with the maturing of my hair at all.  I want it knee length and white.  Weird I know.   Well I have rambled here enuf.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #69 - Jul 26th, 2008 at 5:50pm
Ahhh, some more rants and ramblings.  I have just found the perfect job.  Unfortunetaly, it doesnt pay anything.  It is with the life in forcus dept here at my church.  They are wanting an admin assistant which is the position I am wanting.  I need to get paid.  I am sooo excited but yet soooo let down cuz its what I want to do.  I am gonna pray real hard about this and see what God thinks I should do.

Hair is bunned today cuz it is just HOT outside.  Probably will oil tonite and wear hair up again tomarrow.

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Slowly, but surely growing
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #70 - Jul 26th, 2008 at 9:26pm
I too found the perfect job once, but having three small boys at home, nothing pays enough to let both hubby and I work. So home I stay. Hopefully some day I will be able to have a life outside my home.
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #71 - Jul 28th, 2008 at 4:39pm
We have church camp starting tonite.  This is actually a very good reason to not be working at this time.  I get to go to camp.  I would be arriving home to late (or early in the morning) to go if I had a job.  Awwww nuts, it is hot again today so hair is up.  I found a receipe for catnip tea which is good for splits and breakage (strengthens hair) on another board and I am contemplating trying it  Roll Eyes.  Hahaha, if it aint one hairy experiment, its another!!

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #72 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 7:30pm
Ahhh---camp is over now, so I am in kinda a letdown funky mood.  It was go go go for while there.  Saw some of the most beautiful and really abused hair while there tho.   As most Pentecostal women dont cut their hair (I am an exception) it is fried and abused by the time they get to their early 20s.  I did see 2 ppl with exceptional hair tho.  The 1st I have already commented on, she had beautiful uncut calf length hair in a high ponytail.  A dark ashy brown color, the sun would glint off of it and it was really pretty.  It was very well cared for.  The 2nd was a little girl about 8 - 10 yrs old, copper red with some wave, thigh length, very thick.  It was gorgeous and she wore it down.  It was also well cared for. 

But I also saw an awful lot of extremely abused hair.  More abused than beautiful.  I cant help them.  But I sure wanted to.  HAHAHA!  I had to bite my tongue, look the way, and mind my own business many times. 

Back to the ol' grind now.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #73 - Aug 8th, 2008 at 8:11pm
It is cooling off here now  Grin.  3 more months of hot weather and then the rains settle in for a while.  i am sooo very glad of weather changes.  I am planning on doing an all-niter tonite (oiling).  I am going to try it by damping my hair 1st, then applying the oil.  I usually put the oil on dry hair, but maybe my hair will be more accepting of the oil by being damp 1st.  Sometimes my ends are a bit crunchy after an oiling. 

I have been parting my hair farther to the left of center lately, and when I comb, my canopy SPLITS over my waves.  Looks real dorky, and I dont know what is causing it unless the hair underneath (nape) is very dry or the canopy is very dry.  hence the oiling tonite.  I am hoping it is a dryness thing and this will help it.  If not, then I dont know what else to do.  Its like the straight canopy vees over the wavier nape.   Any suggestions??  Anyone???

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #74 - Aug 9th, 2008 at 5:59pm
Ahhhh-it rained last nite.  Woke up at 630am, and it was raining.  Soo much cooler here today its about 75.  Did an s & d today, scalp is being itchy and flakie but hair is in a good mood.  Actually cool enuf to wear down.  It will be up for church tomarrow.  Just feel like ramblin today.  Kinda a kick back lazy mood.  Hmmm---maybe something crunchy popcornish will pick me up. Sounds pretty good.  And an ice cold Dr Pepper.  What a life!!   Grin


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