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The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl (Read 459784 times)

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #150 - Oct 9th, 2007 at 11:02am
Ooo, I've really wanted to try a coconut milk rinse of some sort, but I've heard that some canned brands don't smell all too lovely.  What brand do you use?
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #151 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 3:28pm
Don't laugh,but it's Goya.  That's what I've found in the supermarket because the Healthfood store only stocks coconut water.  Has to be Coconut milk.  If you can get one that has 90% coconut milk,wonderful.  Juri has some info. on her journal about one that she uses also.  Good luck and let me know what you think and if you try something else that is good!Smiley
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #152 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 7:07am
I'm back!!!  My trip to S.C. was very surreal!  The people are wonderful,friendly,helpful and kindhearted.  Nice to know southern hospitality is "alive and kicking"!  Got 2 hair compliments,too!!!!
Everything is sooooo clean!!!  I almost feel like I could have white socks on,go outside and come back in with white socks!!!
The weather was hot!  High 80's,low 90's.  Unusual for Oct. down there!
My new beau missed me tons!!! Smiley  We've been talking buying a condo down there,wedding plans,engagement stuff!!  All very very exciting!!!!  Infact, a jewelry guy is going to call me today to set up an appointment to view diamonds either this week or next.  I am so excited about this man,it all happened so fast!!!  Funny how when you are not looking or think no one is out there for you,WHAM!!!  Someone,the right one,comes along!!!
If anything would be bought,it will probably be in a year or two.  He can't move down there until he retires at 55 anyway. 9 years!!!!!   Sad Sad  Talk about a long term relationship challenge!!!
Well,back to hair!!!  I haven't even had time to measure!!!  I need to do an S&D badly so maybe an inch is off Sad  Can't be helped,gotta do it!  I'll work on that today.
Got home from airport and immediately had to go the vet with the dog!  She chewed her back leg so badly,it looked like a bad scene from a horror movie Cry!  She has 5 meds,all bandaged up and it ran me $355.  Very expensive!!!  She's worth it though.  She also had a growth or cyst on her head that either fell off,she rubbed it raw or it exploded!  Shaved head and leg!  She is definately not going to a beauty show pageant!!! 
Birds did well with the pet sitter though.  After this dog situation though her phone # is in the garbage!!!  She would not take the dog to my vet because she is a vet tech for someone else!!! Angry  I'm paying you,take my pup to who I want!!!  I could go on and on with this!!!!!  I won't though.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #153 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 7:17am
Ahhhh...southern hospitally Cheesy  I went to virginia once and people were sooo nice.  
Wedding bells in the air!  Woooo! Cheesy
Eeeek!  Your poor dog!  (((hugs)))  I would sue that women!!! Angry
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #154 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 8:17am
I will have to try the Goya, then! 

Sorry to hear about your dog.. a friend of mine travels quite a bit and she hates taking her dog to the kennel.  She finally had to adopt her dog out; I tried to dog-sit as much as I could, but the sweetie and I are definitely cat people.. lol.   Still, you should give that dog-sitter the business!  If you paid for her to watch your dog, she should take that pup wherever you tell her to!

I'm so glad you enjoyed your southern hospitality!  I lived in Louisiana, just recently moved to GA, and yes, hospitality is in the genes down here.  Wink

Y'all come visit GA, and I'll fix ya some real southern food.. hehehe!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #155 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 11:00am
Thank you so much!!!  We're going to be kinda neighbors!  I have noticed though that I can't find a vegan restaurant down there!!!  Earth Fare,Trader Joe's,Lowe's,etc.  they all carry great stuff,but no vegan restaurant!!! Sad  Maybe if I visit y'all in GA,I'll have better luck Wink
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #156 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 3:23pm
I'm a real southern girl too, born and raised for ten years in Alabama, lived in both North and South Carolina, Virginia, Arkansas, and now Louisiana, and for the most part, southern hospitality is the rule, although, in most of the places I've lived, it's fading into the exception.  Undecided If I may ask, what part of SC was it?

As for the relationship, I'm happy it's going so well, so fast! You deserve it.  Cheesy *bighug*

Last time my parents went for a short vacation, they got a relative(I won't say who, but it rhymes with shmister in law...) to take care of the dogs.. while they were gone, she left the dogs inside for two days so that even their well mannered dog finally had to give up and use the floor, (the little floofball puppy didn't care so much)  and then left them outside over night, in the rain... they were afraid they were going to have to put Maxx down, He's had hip problems for years and couldn't walk for several days after that. So I understand about crappy pet sitters... (I hope the pup is doing okay now)

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #157 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 10:38pm
Thanks,K!  I go tomorrow  morning to the vet to have the bandgage changed and check to see the leg progress.
It's Tega Cay,S.C.,not far from Charlotte,N.C.
Sorry to hear that you know about the pet sitter horror situation,too! Sad  I won't be doing that ever again!  First and last time!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #158 - Oct 15th, 2007 at 2:05pm
Been on the phone for most of the morning and afternoon with either my bank or Citibank!  Seems I found a check for $100 in a box that I never unpacked from years ago!  Yay for found money!!!  Only problem is the check is 10 years old!!!! Shocked  I've got to go through the unclaimed properties dept. of my state and of course the bank that issued the check does not have a # to call....... Angry
Pup is still on 5 meds and has her leg bandaged up.  She seems to be resting comfortably so I took the E collar off for a while to give her a break.
C is at work and either has a cold or the flu. Sad  Not happy about that!!  I feel bad he feels miserable.  I think he is also going to MA tomorrow for his job.  Not fun traveling and working when you don't feel good!
I did order Amish hair pins today!  Can't wait to get them and try them out.  I had gotten a pair of 9 inch stainless steel chopsticks/hairsticks a couple of weeks ago and love,love,love them!!!  Wish I could have taken them down to SC with me,but airline regulations and etc. dictated better!!
In fact I was searched,patted down at the airport going to SC and searched on my way back,too!!! Embarrassed Shocked  Guess the airport personnell had to show non-discrimanatory action to people using wheelchairs!!!!  That was an experience I don't want to repeat either!  You feel kind of violated and made an exaple of even though you know you've done nothing wrong and have nothing to hide!
Made a deep hair condish last night with Pantene Pro-V deep conditioner,coconut milk,sweet almond oil,shea oil,coco oil,jojoba oil and babassu oil.  Don't remember what kind of Pantene I used,same one as before that I used though.  Finished it up last night.  Mixed all together,saturated whole head,especially the ends,wrapped cotton coil around my head,all in a bun with a clip,put on a plastic shower cap and sat under the bonnet dryer for a half hour.
I rinsed this out after my head cooled off,washed with PrairieLand Herb shampoo bar 2X,light condish over everything with Pantene Pro-V(again,not sure which one Embarrassed)  This time I put my hair up in a microfiber twistie turban for 20 minutes and then took my hair out and wide toothed combed,oiled ends with camillia oil and aloe vera gel. Braided and went to bed!
Hair today is smooth and intact in the braid.  May take it out later.  Hair feels so much better!!!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #159 - Oct 15th, 2007 at 11:09pm
I get the pat down frequently when I travel.  It isn't fun, but it is a small price to pay for security.  People in wheelchairs pose a special problem since they can't go thru the metal detectors.  All you can do it plan on more time to get thru security and be prepared for the worst.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #160 - Oct 16th, 2007 at 3:16am
I wonder if I walked through with my cane if I'd get the same?  I was asked,even in a wheelchair,if I could walk through or stand up?  I had the wheelchair because it was such a long walk to the plane from the check in point.  Hmmmmm,yes,security is very important,I agree.  I would do it again to ensure safety and if necessary be the example to show that no one is excluded to being searched.  My mother did say security showed a special interest in my carry on that contained a pair of hairsticks and crochet hook!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #161 - Oct 16th, 2007 at 9:15am
If you offer to walk thru the airport screening, it would probably eliminate some of the hassles.  They will look over your chair and your cane, but at least they would not have to wand and/or pat you down.

As for your hairsticks and crochet hooks - don't worry about them.  I travel with several pair of hairsticks, a couple of crochet hooks and about a dozen pair of circular knitting needles.  They may pause to look at them and on rare occasion they open the bag to look at them, but I have never been told I can't take them on.  As for the sticks in my hair - they've never given them a second glance (and probably not even a first glance!).

Good luck with your long-lost check.  I've recovered money from the past - they are right - you have to go thru the state.  You might check out http://www.naupa.com/ ; They have all the databases of unclaimed property and how to recover it.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #162 - Oct 16th, 2007 at 1:26pm
Thanks for the link!!  I'll check it out.  I didn't wear sticks on the plane for fear that they would take them.  I packed a pair of inexpensive good ones though.
Next time I'll know that I can take a few more and take more crochet and knitting projects with me.  I had not been on a plane since 1999!!!!  Alot had changed with security and my mother had requested wheelchair assistance at the airport so it was not even my rollator!!!  I found it interesting that they alcohol swabbed my palms and around the ankles of my sneakers!!!  Put the pads through a machine and then let me go!!  Weird,but necessary for them I guess!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #163 - Oct 16th, 2007 at 2:44pm
The wipes are used to detect explosives.  My computer and computer bag gets swabbed quite often.  The times I traveled with the metal still in my ankle, they would swab it as well.  Now that I don't have that metal any more I've not had that done.   I have seen them swab the ankles and palms of other travelers who were using wheelchairs or walkers.  I guess that is to check to make sure the appliances they are using are not explosive themselves.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #164 - Oct 16th, 2007 at 7:34pm
It's all rather interesting,but serious none the less!
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