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The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl (Read 459497 times)

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #210 - Nov 11th, 2007 at 2:11am
Man,time is flying by!!!  Can't believe I haven't posted since 11/2. Shocked
Been busy packing some boxes of summer clothes and lingerie that I can use down in S.C.  Really don't want to go and am not sure if I will go or if I do "C" and I think it won't be for more than a year.  He's been great with helping pack some stuff,getting me packing tape,boxes and bubble wrap.  It's nice to be engaged to a carpenter!!!!  I'm getting the much needed help and suppllies to pack! Cool
I've been speding alot of time at C's place with him and we are truly enjoying the time together!!  We've been cooking alot together;which is always a good thing!
Today I made brown rice and beans before we went to the city for a birthday party for one of his friend's cousin.  Turned out to be nice.  I tend not to want to go out to crowded places because it's a little hard to manuver with a cane or scooter.  People are always in a hurry or are pre-occupied and sometimes don't either see my cane or that I'm walking with a brace.  All in all it was a nice time out! I did miss the Ranger hockey game,which I wasn't happy about! Sad
Tomorrow before the football game,we'll either take down the twin bed that I never used or I'll cook pasta and sauce.  Probably do both before the football game!  Then I'll make salmon, Italian style potato salad and a regular salad for dinner.
I did wash my hair with Olive Oil & Babbasu Oil shampoo bar and did an acv  this morning.  I left it down and curly for the party.  I also trimmed off about 1 1/2 inches yesterday to clean up the ends.  I'll have to measure the next time I wash to see where I'm at.
More tomorrow,it's late and I'm beat!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #211 - Nov 11th, 2007 at 3:31am
Seems you have a lot going on lately, we missed you around here but it's good to know that things are going well. Smiley 

A year doesn't sound too bad, and a change of scenery could possibly be nice. 

I hope you get everything you need done accomplished tomorrow, the dinner you're making sounds yummy! Cheesy
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #212 - Nov 11th, 2007 at 6:28pm
Thanks!  Dinner turned out well.  The salmon was yummy,if I do say so myself! Wink  I made the salmon,Italian style potato salad with oil,balsamic vinegar,garlic powder,onion powder,parsley flakes,sea salt and a pinch of paprika!  "C" made the salad,which we never got to eat because we were so full!! Shocked
We are sitting watching the Cowboys/Giants game now.  Coffee is on so gotta go!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #213 - Nov 15th, 2007 at 7:53pm
ok,hopefully my Rangers jersey will be ready this week!!! Lips Sealed  It's about time!!!  How long does it take to put a name and number on a shirt????
Ordered some camellia oil on ebay tonight!  "C" wanted to get some for me and it was a good price!  Got some Opi and Essie nailpolish today from ebay and a pair of black jeans!  Always good to get packages in the mail!!! Grin  C also bought me a red cashmere sweater that I had my eye on.  Ah, he spoils me!!!
I'm waiting for the porcelain ring holder and am hoping the guy mailed it out. 
Cooked tonight at "C"'s place.  I made Jasmati rice,peas and onions and salmon.  All turned out well.  C said it was delicious.  That's all that matters.  If he likes it,I'm happy!! Cool
Rangers game is on and there's an intermission after the first period so I'm taking advantage of it.
Not much on the hair frontier though.  Washed yesterday with Olive Oil Babbassu shampoo bar and conditioned with Pantene conditioner.  Since the Moreno Cafe shampoo bar is cured and ready for use,I'll use that the next time I wash.  I either need to change shampoo bars and conditioner or make my own conditioner.  Not happy lately with anything I use.  Maybe I'll try Jason's or Nature Gate.  Possibly a really good deep conditioner.  Decisions,decisions,decisions..............
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #214 - Nov 17th, 2007 at 6:53pm
Finally!!!!!!!  My jersey is ready!!!!!!!  C picked it up yesterday and I'll take a pic of it when I put it on.  One of my cardigan's is coming along,I'm working on the second sleeve.  When that's done I can piece it all together,do the finishing stiches and viola!  Finito!!One down and another one to complete!
I've got my Thanksgiving Day menu ready:  C and his son are having BBQ ribs because they don't want to make a huge turkey for 2 and I'll be making a Tofukey with vegan gravy,carrots and potatoes with onions.  Butternut Squash soup,vegan cornbread and a veggie.  For dessert I'll make vegan pumpkin pie,vegan upsidedown pineapple dump cake and vegan brownies.  I might see if chestnuts and a salad can fit on the table Wink  Chestnuts are $4 a pound,but I really want to make them.  It's not Thanksgiving without them,sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce!
Tonight I've got to myself while C works on a friend's kitchen marble and tile.  I'm ready for a Ranger's game!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #215 - Nov 24th, 2007 at 7:16pm
I think I can breathe again,normally!!!  After Thanksgiving I don't think I ate anything until the next night!  My tofurkey came out really good with carrots,onions,potatoes and vegan gravy!  Glad about that because it was the first time I made it.  C helped me out by making the cornbread,which turned out well.  I made broccoli rabe sauted with olive oil and garlic.  That was good.  C's bbq ribs turned out well,so he said.  I have to trust his opinion on that since I wouldn't know cause I don't eat(vegan thing,ya know Tongue)  The vegan pumpkin pie didn't make it,mystery fairies ate it all!!  The pineapple blueberry upside down dump cake was good for dessert.  So all in all with the new recipes I tried they all turned out well.  The brownies were garbage though.  C made them and followed the recipe so I know it was the recipe and not him. 
He's working since Friday,12 hours,today 12 hours and maybe tomorrow either 4 or 12 hours!!!!  No rest for the weary!! Roll Eyes
As for the pink alpaca cardigan.......I have to attach the sleeves and I think the adult small is really for a child.  It doesn't fit me so I might put it on ebay.  As for the other cardigan,I'll finish that and finish the scarf for mom.
So now here we go for prep time for Chirstmas!!!  Got some ideas for my Secret Santa,too!!!!  No hints,nothing,you just have to wait!!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #216 - Nov 24th, 2007 at 7:46pm
I made broccoli rabe sauted with olive oil and garlic

Oh my lord I haven't has that in ages!... I wish I could have come over you place for Thanksgiving!  I make broccoli rabe that way too, then I put it on Italian bread and make hero sandwiches! Heavenly!  This x-mass I'm making hubby struffoli covered in farm fresh honey....
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #217 - Nov 25th, 2007 at 3:29am
Wish you here here,too Wink  I think you and I could really work that broccoli rabe!!   I'd put mine on whole wheat italian bread and get a glass of wine to go with it!!  Sounds good???
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« Last Edit: Nov 26th, 2007 at 7:08am by Curlgirl64 »  

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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #218 - Nov 25th, 2007 at 10:58am
Curlgirl64 wrote on Nov 25th, 2007 at 3:29am:
Wish you here here,too Wink  I think you and I could really wrok that broccoli rabe!!   I'd put mine on whole wheat italian bread and get a glass of wine to go with it!!  Sounds good???

Yum!!!  Now I got the craving!  I'm going out today and getting some broccoli rabe!   Cheesy
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #219 - Nov 26th, 2007 at 7:07am
Sounds good!  Let me know how it comes out.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #220 - Nov 26th, 2007 at 11:45pm
Curlgirl64 wrote on Nov 24th, 2007 at 7:16pm:
 My tofurkey came out really good with carrots,onions,potatoes and vegan gravy!  Glad about that because it was the first time I made it.

That sounds really good and I'm glad to know your take on tofurkey.  I've wanted to try tofurkey but never got around to it, although I do like their franks and deli slices.  Maybe I'll try making the tofurkey turkey for Christmas, or perhaps sooner! Cheesy
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #221 - Nov 27th, 2007 at 7:38pm
OOOhh,try it!  I think you'll be pleased with it!  It's relatively easy to make and it's good with the onions,potatoes,garlic,carrots and I think next time I'll add sweet potatoes,too!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #222 - Dec 12th, 2007 at 9:04pm
Had a trim today that was unexpected!  It seems that the lady who does my grandmother's hair offered to trim my hair also.  So Mom called me up and said she'd take me over there and I could get the ends trimmed.  Hey,it saved me from doing it and it was no charge.  She probably took less than 1/2 inch off,but I won't know until I either re-measure or wait until January to measue again.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #223 - Jan 1st, 2008 at 5:28pm
Happy New Year,All!!!  I hope everyone's new year was healthy and happy. 
Not much to report on the house selling issue.  Still not packed,but C and I are trying to make plans for his place a few houses down from mine.  He's thinking that the apt. we are taking is going to ba available before my mother's house gets sold.  That would be a very good thing since it is much bigger and there are no stairs to deal with.
No snow here yet:(  I wanted at least a dusting for either Christmas or New Year's.
More later.....it's time to make the rice and beans!!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #224 - Jan 1st, 2008 at 10:30pm
happy new year, Curly!!

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