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The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl (Read 459910 times)

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #60 - Jul 27th, 2007 at 9:06pm
lol!,Thanks,Trisha!  btw,I forgot to tell you the sunscreen in the Southern Magnolia Minerals is all natural!  How could I forget to mention that since I constantly use or am on the look out for all natural things??!!! Shocked
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« Last Edit: Jul 28th, 2007 at 4:16pm by Curlgirl64 »  

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #61 - Jul 28th, 2007 at 4:36pm
I made salmon for dinner last night and had tomato salad,pasta with red sauce,wine and veggies.  With the salmon I used olive oil,onions,capers,wine,lemon juice,parsley,dill,onion powder,garlic powder,paprika,chili powder(don't ask!) It was good.
This morning was so hot and humid and disgusting!!  My hair looked like something the "cat dragged in"!  I don't even own a cat and it resembled something that a cat would drop at the feet of its owner!!! Tongue Shocked  I had to wash my hair,there was no way I could live with the frizz!  I had braided it the night before so at least it wasn't totally unmanagable!  I used a shampoo bar that was vegan(something I got off e-bay a few months ago),had all the good oils and lavendar in it!  Skipped the ACV and just used Pantene conditioner for curly hair.  Don't know exactly which one,but it gave me the right amount of slip and I was able to manage my hair alot easier!!  Up in a bun and then I braided it hours later.  All is well on the hair saga side,lol!!
I put some yarn lots on e-bay last night.  I put 2 auctions up for 7 days and starting bids at 99cents each.  No watchers,but about 30 people looked at it since last night.  Not too bad;since they're on less than 24 hours.  It would be great if there were some bids!!!  I'm hopeful Roll Eyes
My "teach yourself to knit kit arrived today!!!  Hooray!!!!  I don't like the reading instructions part though.  I think I do much better when there is a visual or someone gives verbal instructions.  Because what the book say and what the diagrams show are two totally different things!  It figures!
I already know I hate purl.  I like knit.  I don't hold the yarn as they instruct you to do.  It looks and feels retarded.  That is the best way I can describe it.  I also am the first to admit that I cast on retarded.  I don't think I have ever seen anyone cast on the way I do.  I'm comfortable with the technique and it's probably the way I do it because I've been crocheting for a while.  My chemise is almost done.  I'll post a pic when it's finished.  The straps are the only thing left and once again the instructions are not what the picture looks like.
Champ is here and sleeping.  So I'll take advantage of that and practice knitting.  I'm also making a crocheted tunic.  I think it's the side-to-side tunic pattern on Lion Brand's website.  I wanted something simple,easy and a no- brainer.  This is it!  As for the knitting,I know I have to crawl,walk and then run,but I'm anxious to have the click of the knitting needles sound smooth and feel the flow!!!  Right now,allyou hear is me curse when I drop a stitch or get pissed when I follow the directions and the end result looks so horrible,it's embarrassing to admit I knit that garbage!!!!  I know patience,patience!!!!  I hear the needles calling me!!! Later!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #62 - Jul 31st, 2007 at 8:47pm
We're getting down to the wire on my 4 auctions on ebay!  I put them up for 7 days and I've got 3 days left.  No bids,but 7 watchers.  All yarn lots.  I have way too much yarn,I mean way too much Shocked!  I think I could open a small store!  Now I've got over 50 sets of knitting needles from an auction that I won last week.  There's newones coming though Roll Eyes  I'm gonna learn how to knit and be good at it,if it takes me a year and a day to do it!!!  I love crocheting though.  I'm making a cowl neck tunic right now and hopefully it will be done withing 2 weeks,if I keep at it everyday.
The dog crate came today for Champ!!  I put it together and let my own pup go in and check it out.  It is HUGE!!!!  I almost had to send in a search party for my pup!!! Tongue  I think it got the seal of approval from her because she rolled around and scratched at the padding!  A good sign.
Anyway,my brother is off to Chicago after doing a 24 hour tour Wed. into Thurs.  He's going to catch a ball game with my unlce and cousin.  So I'll have Champ for  5 or more days!!!  If this doesn't kill me I don't know what will Roll Eyes!
More later!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #63 - Aug 1st, 2007 at 7:28pm
AUGUST????? Blah,it's too sticky,hot,humid Roll Eyes let me know when Fall is finally coming.  Today starts a heatwave here on the eastcoast in my neck of the woods.  90 and better for the week.  I'd rather drink straight lemon juice!!!!!!  This heat today has been to say the least oppressive!!!!!!!!!!!  Glad I'm inside with a/c.  My electric bill will look like a phone bill,but it's too hot!!!!!!!!!! 
One thing that does keep me occupied is this crazy puppy's always getting into trouble!!!!!!!!!!  I swear he is a 2 year old human child in dog's clothing!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #64 - Aug 4th, 2007 at 7:09am
Another hot humid one today!!  The thought of a cold tub sounds pretty good even at 5am!!!  I hope the heat breaks soon so I can atleast open the windows and let the fresh air in!  That's if I don't get that putrid smoke coming in from next door! Angry  The old man is a peach,but his smoking habit is....I can't even have words for it!!!
I've been lighting alot of Japanese incense lately.  Whooping Crane by Nippon Kodo is absolutely wonderful!!  Coconut Sky,Vanilla,Cafe,White Plum and Aqua have been smelling great!!!  I think once you try Japanese incense you won't want to burn anything else!
On the crochet and knitting front..........I'm working on the sleeves of the sweater right now.  The body is together,but it's hard to do a sweater when it's the dead of summer!!
New knitters usually "drop" stitches,not me!!  I've been adding on!  Don't know where they come from,but I'll stick with it and continue to practice!!!
3 out of 4 auctions have sold on e-bay!!  yippee!!!  The 4 th one is over in 4 hours.  2 lookers,no bidders.  Oh well!  I did win an auction for this pretty rose color yarn that's sport weight(light) and it''s merino wool and alpacka. That's nice and not itchy!  I'm going to crochet a pretty lacy deep v-neck cardigan after the sweater and finishing that camisole!!  Those straps on the camisole are horrid!!  I've got to figure out how to change that pattern and make them look nice.
Gotta run!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #65 - Aug 4th, 2007 at 9:54am
It's true about japanese incense!  I use to burn one called Koyto Autumn and when I went back to Indian incense I had to get use to it again ( cough, wheeze).  Your knitting too!  I'm making some legwamers for dancing. Wink adding on stiches eh? Your picking up to much wool -- what you can do is count how many stiches you should have then knit two together till you have the right amount!  Good luck! Cool
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #66 - Aug 4th, 2007 at 11:44pm
thank you!  I still can't get the holding of my yarn right though Embarrassed  it is definately not like crochet yarn holding!!  Leg warmers,arm warmers and fingerless gloves are on my list.  I'd love to see a pic of yours when you're done*wishing* Smiley
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #67 - Aug 5th, 2007 at 10:34pm
Knitting!!  My favorite relaxation therapy!  Do you hold your yarn with your right or left hand?  As a crocheter - you might find it easiest to carry it with your left hand and "pick" it with the right hand needle instead of throwing the yarn with your right hand.  That's how I knit.  While on vacation I worked on my mystery lace shawl, finished a pair of socks, and knit 2 beanie hats.

Keep practicing, I'm sure you will become proficient quickly.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #68 - Aug 6th, 2007 at 7:38am
Thanks,BB!  I hold the yarn with my left hand while I hold the crochet hook with my right.  Holding the yarn with my left hand while I try to knit is not only fustrating,i either have to wrap it under or over my index finger depending on whether I'm knitting or pearling!!! Roll Eyes  It feels very foreign and difficult so I'll try your suggestion and see how it feels.  I'm still adding on stitches instead of dropping them,like a lot of new knitters do though.  Go figure!!! Roll Eyes
You've been busy,too!  Wonderful you finished the socks and beanies!  Hopefully my chemisole/chemise and the sweater I've been working on will be done within a week.  I frogged one of the sleeves because I didn't like the way it looked.  So back to sleeves!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #69 - Aug 6th, 2007 at 9:35am
The most common reasons for adding stitches is that you are either splitting the yarn to create two new stitches or you are picking up a stitch from the row below (this would typically happen on the wrong side when purling).  One way to check for this is to have a contrasting colored string that you weave between the stitches every 5 or 10 stitches.  On the next row, make sure that you still have that same number of stitches when you come to the spot where the string is between the stitches again.  I use this technique with my lace knitting - it makes it easier to count my stitches and verify that I have not dropped or added a stitch in the wrong place. 

If you can take a picture of your knitting in an area where you think you added a stitch, I might be able to better identify what you are doing.

Keep practicing!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #70 - Aug 6th, 2007 at 4:48pm
It looks so horrific that I'd be afraid you'd scream and hide!!!  I've been practicing and ripping everything out. Re-doing it,too.  
All the weird stuff happens to me,not other people though!  I've been adding on a stitch on the first row right after casting on.  If I cast on 10 or 20 stitches,I knit all to the right needle and count.  Viola!!!  I've got either 11 or 21!  Too bad they're not $100 bills!!  lol!!  Hopefully when it is alittle more presentable; and you can make heads or tails out of it,I will send you a pic.  Hopefully later this afternoon or tonight.  Thanks for wanting to take a look!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #71 - Aug 6th, 2007 at 8:59pm
I'd never run and hide!  Grin  What kind of cast on method are you using.  Is it possible that you are not counting the first stitch - the slip knot - and you are really casting on one too many?  (I've been known to do that way too many tmes!).  That first row is always a tough one to knit.  I usually use a needle that is one or two sizes larger than I will be knitting with. 

send me your pic and Ill see if I can identify anything for you.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #72 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 2:03am
lol!!I'd run and hide from my knitting at this point!!  I count the slip knot as a first stitch.  I cast on by wrapping the yarn around my index finger and slip the needle under and through the loop on my finger.  It's unconventional to do it this way,but I found out my mother does it this way and the lady at Boye I talked to about the "I taught myself to knit booklet" that I have;she also does it that way.  It's just easier for me.  Possibly what's happening is that when I get to the last cast on stich to knit,I'm somehow sepeating the slip knot into two seperate stitches to knit.  Crazy,I know,but this is me we are talking about,so anything is possible!  lol  I will send a pic or pics to you to show you and see if you can figure this out!!!  Since it's about 2 a.m.(hey,what am I doing out of bed so late?)I'll  take some later when the pup is either sleeping or playing.  I am so tired from having him for 5 days and trying to take care of all my other pets,that it is no wonder I can type straight!!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #73 - Aug 8th, 2007 at 2:47pm
Somebody please have a serious talk with the weather gods!!!  There was a tornado in Bayridge last night,about a 10 minute car drive from me.  We never ever get tornados up here!!! Shocked  Lots of trees down,roofs blown off people's houses,power out.  This weather seems to get crazier and crazier! 
Hair up in a bun today with SugarStix.  It's 96 degrees outside and my mother decides to take a car trip to Costco's!! Roll Eyes  The car's a/c decided it was not a good idea and said so on the way home when the gauge read 200!!!  I told her either Freeon(?) or water.  So much for a VW!!!  Ice water on my wrists,carotid arteries and ankles was needed as soon as I got home!  This heatwave is no joke!  My MS symptoms really get out of hand with this heat.  I'm staying in until the Fall!!!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #74 - Aug 9th, 2007 at 6:08pm
Yuk.  Weather sounds uncomfortable.

I have to tell you though, I am hating all this talk about fall.  I am not fond of fall.  While the leaves are beautiful, is signifies the coming of winter, freezing temperatures, freezing rain, snow and 8 hours of sunlight in a day.  Depression time for JD.  Sigh.  Not to mention I am sure my dogs will not survive the winter.  Sigh.

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