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The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl (Read 460036 times)


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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #750 - Jun 20th, 2010 at 6:23am
Sounds like a wonderful dinner!  Since you enjoy playing music, I'm glad you're finding ways to continue to do so.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #751 - Jun 20th, 2010 at 7:24am
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #752 - Jun 22nd, 2010 at 9:20pm
Tomorrow Shasta goes to the vet for DNA blood work so I can try some holistic medicine.  She hasn't been herself since Sunday.  I think the cancer is progressing. Cry Sad Angry  She has her moments,but has been sleeping most of the time.  She really hasn't barked either when someone knocks on the front door.  I'm hoping there is some kind of comfort for her.  I don't want her suffering.
Busy today trying to get some fire under people's butts regarding the new wheelchair. Angry  Do you believe that it's been 2 weeks and they haven't even contacted the ins. co to ask for an ecception! I finally get a hold of the guy that came to the house and he said to get a letter of medical neccesity from the doctor.  He did send me a template letter of what he thought would get a positive response from the ins. co.  Also the list of recommendations for the items on the wheelchair.  There's really no bells and whistles,but I think this is going to run between $4000-$5000.  I really wanted to get a titanium wheelchair made in the USA,but this company is so slow and backlogged.  I guess I have to keep in mind that good things come to those who wait.

Still no word on my new glasses.  I'll have to call them tomorrow and get an update.
On Thurs. though I'm placing anorder for a Native American flute!  This is my early birthday present from C!  I can't wait to learn how to play!
This will definately be a challenge!  I played piano from age 5 to 16 so I'll be very rusty with my scales and reading music.
It's getting late so I'll get going!
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carpe noctem

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #753 - Jun 23rd, 2010 at 1:37am
I sense some Brooklyn babe attitude coming on. Grin
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #754 - Jun 23rd, 2010 at 5:57am
Sorry about kitten.  *Ough!*  with no word of wheelchair and glasses it's understandable if you're developing some attitude!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #755 - Jun 23rd, 2010 at 7:59am
Yes,Brooklyn attitude is here!!! 
I never let that come across though when I'm dealing with CSR's or people who actually are trying to do their jobs!!!!  I've learned long ago that you get more flies with honey than vinegar!!!
Shasta is my dog,although she thinks she's a human at times!! Roll Eyes
Man, it was hot today!!  I didn't even open the door.  I heard the weather report saying that it would go close to 90 today,but feel like 105! Shocked
The a/c's went on around 8 this morning. 
I had to cancel the vet appt. and Stress-A-Ride round trip.  Way too hot to take Shasta out in this kind of heat,let alone me being out in it.
Re-scheduled the vet for Sat.  I hope it's cooler then.  I'm very anxious to start some kind of holistic care for her.
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« Last Edit: Jun 23rd, 2010 at 10:46pm by Curlgirl64 »  

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #756 - Jul 4th, 2010 at 6:30pm
Busy busybusy!  I can't believe it's been so long sinceI last updfated my journal! Embarrassed
Where to begin.......well,the vet called and told me the prices for the holistic meds. for my pup.  I had the blood work done for her on Sat. and Sunday last week. $40 for one,$50 for the other and $110 for the other one.   That's for a two month supply.
Shasta has been bleeding occasionaly from both sides of her mouth. Sad Not a good thing.  She's been sleeping mostly,not herself much.  I hope I can give her some relief and comfort with the holistic meds.
Got my new glasses on Friday.  Meh, for $1200 you'd think I'd be more jazzed about them....  We'll see how they feel as time goes by.
Went to the neurologist on Thurs.  Walking speed is better with the walker.  No doubt because of the Ampyra.
Charles Littleleaf is hopefully working on my Native American flute.  I can't wait to get it and learn how to play!!!
I haven't touched a piano since I was 18 or so.  The flute will be a challenge and something to work with to give my MS a run for the money!
The O/T came by for the wheelchair evaluation.  Now she'll fill out the form,send it to my doctor and get the TiLite sales rep.'s opinion on it.  Then we wait to see if the ins. co will make the exception for a titanium wheelchair for me.
C and I will sit outside later to try to get a glimpse of any fireworks.
Happy 4th of July everybody!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #757 - Jul 5th, 2010 at 5:22am
I hope you had a happy 4th.  I'm sorry things are that bad for your cat.  Glasses take time to get used to in my experience.  My initial reaction once I try the frames on with my prescription in, is usually disappointment for a while.  Not to mention motion sickness.  I hope you continue to experience positive effects with Ampyra.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #758 - Jul 5th, 2010 at 8:05am
The pup is still holding on.  Pets do give you a sign when it's time.  I'm trying to be strong for her.
The glasses situation is typical.  All frames feel good without the prescription in them.  I'm just so tired of always having to push them up on my nose.  Too tight in the back causes painful sores behind my ears!  It's a no win situation.
You figure with the frames being that expensive they' d be a better fit.  I got a better fit with frames that were $100!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #759 - Jul 7th, 2010 at 6:40pm
I wore glasses for years, until I had lasik, which is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Rather than having the temples tightened, see if the optician can bend the ends down to better match the outer curve of your ear.  Sometimes that helps.  If the glasses have those little nose pieces, those can be adjusted, too.  Do you have glass or plastic lenses?  If you can use plastic, they weigh much less and don't tend to slip like glass lenses do.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #760 - Jul 8th, 2010 at 8:31am
I've had plastic for years and they make a big difference! 
I tighten my own arms on my glasses since I was about 7.  I still use the screwdriver that I had when I was 7! Shocked  They don't make them like that anymore!
I do ask that the ends be bended a certain way.  No one has been able to do it properly yet!
I went with a pair of Bulgari that's metal and has nose pieces.  It's a week now and I'm not amused or impressed!! Angry
I was better off with the $200 frames instead of the $600 frames!  I'm going tomorrow to see if they can either be adjusted correctly or if I can choose another frame.   I don't have much hope for either happening.
I have astigmatisms(?) in both eyes,before it used to be only the left one.  Lasik is not an option for me.  Plus I've worn glasses since I was 5,so it's 40 years and they are a part of my face. 
My new Pilates Performer machine comes on the 14th.  I ordered it yesterday and it'll come with a rebounder and 2 dvd's.  My other Pilates machine is 10 years old,still in excellent condiiton,but I need an update.  I've got the box and pole,stand,circle,half barrell and I really need to sell the older one!!!It would be great for someone who wants to try to use the machine but doesn't want to pay full price.  I figure for a $100 that's a steal since they go for over $350!!!
The new meds. I'm taking give me a little less spasticity so I figure let me try to get back into my routine.  I kind of think of myself as a Joseph Pilates disciple since I've got more than 10 years of practicing Pilates.
So if anyone is interested in the machine,let me know!  Pick up or paying for the shipping is available!
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« Last Edit: Jul 25th, 2010 at 9:34pm by Curlgirl64 »  

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #761 - Jul 25th, 2010 at 9:55pm
Today was a day from hell,kind of....Shasta was sick,alot!  The chicken livers C had made her all came up when she went running to her bed!! Shocked  Even more shocking was that she cried when I tried to move her out of the mess.  Her eyes looked like saucers!!!! C gave me a towel and I cleaned her up and then in the tub she went!  It took her atleast 3 hours before she started to clam down and relax!!  Not typical for her,but then I have to realize the cancer is progressing.  Something I can't control and hate that I can't take it from her!
Lately she loves to eat graham crackers,so when she went to lay by her food bowl I took the opportunity to put holistic meds. on the grahms and feed her.  That went well.  I then put the high calorie canned food on the grahms and she ate that.  Every little bit helps.
When the vet called e back I asked him if,when the time comes, would he come to the house to take care of her final moments.  He told me whatever  I need they would take care of it and sure he would come to the house. Cool  I want her to be at home and not in the vet office when the time comes..................
On another note I put a Precious Moments Nativity plate on E-bay for a week.  Just when I thought it would not sell,someone at the last minute bought it!!! Shocked  I was happy so I thought I would put the hair bungees on. To my surprise they sold within an hour!!!  I was shocked!!!!  So that was good news!
Due to a death of a very dear close friend,my flute isn't done yet. Sad  I am very saddened for Charles and his wife.  Charles is making my flute and his wife is making me the case.  I have a feeling that when it is done and  I receive it; it will bring me much comfort and healing while I learn to play.  The Native American flute is known for its healing and comfort.
I had ordered a flute stand to hold sheet music.  It came in the beginning of the week.  It is pink!! Wink  I'm anxious and excited to use it.
As for the glasses saga...... C and I went last week and the lady at the store adjusted them to fit better.  It's a little better.  We'll go back tomorrow for an other adjustment after we go to the post office to mail all the packages we have from the sales on E-bay.  C sold some things,too.
Mom's birthday is tmorrow.  She'll be here on Tues.  Sleep over Tues. and Wed.  Then be gone on Thurs.  She is her alittle more than a week and then she goes back home. Sad  She'll be back for my birthday in October though! Smiley
It's been a long day so I'll be going.....Ciao for now!!!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #762 - Jul 25th, 2010 at 11:02pm
My heart aches for you and Shasta.  It is so hard to let go of a loved pet.  I  lost 2 of my three cats last year.  Kelly is buried under a Rose of Sharon bush in the back yard.  But Cleo died at the vet's under horrible circumstances and my husband didn't think to bring her home to be buried.  I understand why, but do wish we could have buried her.  I wish there was something I could do for you.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #763 - Jul 26th, 2010 at 6:34am
Thank you,Mel.
It was a semi-restless night for Shasta.  I'm hoping the day is better for her.  It's an aggravating feeling of not being able to get rid of this cancer! Angry
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carpe noctem

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #764 - Jul 26th, 2010 at 10:32am
Oh, hon. Believe me when I say I know how much it sucks to watch someone you love deteriorate in front of you and there's nothing you can do to help them.

Cancer has taken away so many people (and pets) that I've loved...it's dreadful. All I can say in this situation is that you have to be strong enough to be humane. When you really love someone, sometimes the best thing you can do is let them go.

God bless.
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