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The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl (Read 459788 times)

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #75 - Aug 9th, 2007 at 6:17pm
oh JD!  I didn't mean to give you sad thoughts Sad!  Maybe this Fall will be happy for you!  I'm hoping that for you Wink
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joeydog 1992
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #76 - Aug 9th, 2007 at 6:19pm
Grin Don't worry.  I still have another few weeks of fun and maybe this year will be better.  One can only hope!!

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #77 - Aug 9th, 2007 at 6:21pm
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #78 - Aug 13th, 2007 at 8:09pm
Boy,time is flying!  Have had the past 2 days to myself without puppysitting!!  I miss him,but not the messes!!  In that time I managed to do 4 loads of laundry,clean the floors and then microfiber clean them(3),make more carpet freshner,crochet,knit and just finished making warm brown sugar whipped body butter!!  Man oh man my apartment smells soooooooo  goooood!!! Grin    All that's left to do with that is put the shrink wrap on the jars and shrink away!!!!  One of the girls from the dentist office stopped by to buy 2 more jars of whipped body butter.  I wasn't outside more than 10 minutes  when these evil truck size mosquitos went on an eating frenzy,on me!!!  Ouch!!!!  I got bit about 7 or 8 times.  Not little bumps either.  It looks like I've got golf balls on my arms,hands,legs,jeez they were hungry!!!! Angry  I'm not going outside for a looooooong time!!!!
I think tomorrow will be a shampoo and conditioner day.  Champ is here at 4pm and leaves Wed. at maybe 6pm.  Oh well,the mini-vacation is coming to a close soon! Sad
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joeydog 1992
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #79 - Aug 13th, 2007 at 9:03pm
Pls explain microfiber cleaning the floors.  And I would love to hear about your carpet deodorizer.  I just use baking soda.

Sorry your holiday is coming to an end.  Poor you.

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #80 - Aug 13th, 2007 at 9:15pm
Microfiber pads are used with water.  Wet the pad with water,wring it out,use the special mop for it and starting cleaning!!!  Clean without chemicals.  Everything comes out clean and no worries of chemicals left behind that your pets or toddlers can get on themselves!  I swear by them!
I use washing soda and a few drops of peppermint e/o,put in a zip lock bag and mix it up.  Sprinkle on the rugs,leave it for about 15 minutes to 1/2 hours,vacuum it up.  Smells good!!!!
Baking soda can be used also,if you want instead of the washing soda.  They are processed differently but both  absorb odors.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #81 - Aug 14th, 2007 at 6:00pm
Hair:  washed with shampoo bar,twice.  Conditioned with Pantene conditioner for curls and oiled with camelia oil and used aloe vera gel.  Let it air dry and had wonderful spiral curls!!!!!!  Too hot though so I had to put it up in a ponytail by 3pm:(oh well!
Puppy is here at 4pm until 6pm tomorrow........I'm already burnt out!  It's only 6pm. 
Almost done with the second sleeve on the crocheted sweater!  Hooray!!!  It takes so long!!!  If it comes out nice,I'll make it using Lion Brand Wool-Ease.  It takes about 7 skeins at $4.99 each so I'll budget for that in a month or two.
I'm knitting a scarf with Plymouth Encore Worsted weight and really like the bamboo needles I'm using for it.  Also working on the lacy cardigan with silk/angora/mohair yarn.  Too time consuming because the yarn keeps splitting.   
House still smells nice with warm vanilla sugar fragrance oil I used that night to make the whipped body butter.  Don't want to think about what the house will smell like after the pup leaves though!!! Shocked
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #82 - Aug 16th, 2007 at 7:56am
I finished the crocheted tunic sweater yesterday!!!  Finally! Man it took awhile!  I'll post a pic later today of it.
Still working on the crocheted lacy cardigan.  That will take forever I think! Undecided Roll Eyes  There are 4 pages of instructions for it! Shocked  It was too nice looking to pass up though.  I'm making an extra small for myself.  The pattern goes up to a I think a 2x.  Imagine if I was making that size,it would really take me forever to make!!  I think if it comes out well, I will make that size and either sell it or make it as a gift for someone.
Went to the doctor's yesterday for blood work.  Had to put the pup in his "condo" pet crate while I went,that's another story!!
In my family you have all these horrific digusting diseases and live to be older than dirt!!! 
I'm what you would call a Pescatarian.  I have to eat fish for the Omega 3's and 6's for the MS otherwise I'd be a vegan.  I pretty much consider myself a vegan and eat that way except for the fish,which is for medical reasons.  Anywho,had blood work done because my papertrail in bloodwork shows that my total cholesterol is high,my LDL is high and my HDL is low!!!  I expect this nonsense because that's just my luck and the way things go for me.  I have the opposite reaction to things and events that the regular person would have.  I have eaten my special oatmeal 6 out of 7 days a week for many many years,before the hype came about of eating oatmeal to lower your cholesterol.  It has absolutely no effect on me.  I still have a total of 204.  That was 6 months ago.  I'm expecting the same or near the same number with yesterday's bloodwork.  It's one of the things inherited in my family.  Another reason,maybe small and way down on the list of not having kids to pass this problem onto!  Migraines,varicose veins,high blood pressure,low blood pressure,the list goes on and on!!!!!!  Both my parents have or had migraines and it is a condition passed on to your children.  If I knew that the pain and suffering of that could and would be passed onto to my kids,knowing me,I would not have kids!  Anyone suffering wih sinus or migraine headaches knows what pain I'm talking about!!  I think I stopped getting migraines when I gave up dairy,meat and processed foods about 20 yers ago.  I used to get them every 2 or 3 months,like clockwork.  Now a sinus headache maybe every 4 or  5 months!  Still close to a migraine,but the only differnce is with a migraine I would think if I threw myself down the stairs and hit my head,the pain would be different.  With a sinus headache,I'm more likely to do nadi sudi and work it out of my system!
Enough babble!!!!  Coffee and oatmeal are waiting to be made!!! More later and a pic of the sweater!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #83 - Aug 16th, 2007 at 2:51pm
let's see how this came out.  ...
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #84 - Aug 16th, 2007 at 2:56pm
Whelp,didn't I say my pics are larger than life??? Grin  Ya have to scroll around abit,but the sweater is there......in there......somewhere,lol!  I can't seem to make these pics small,so the site called tinypic is ridiculous!!!  That's another thing to work on! Roll Eyes
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #85 - Aug 16th, 2007 at 4:53pm
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #86 - Aug 16th, 2007 at 7:13pm
Kissthank you Arcadian!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #87 - Aug 17th, 2007 at 10:04am
Such a lovely sweater, dear.  Well done!!   Smiley
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #88 - Aug 17th, 2007 at 1:20pm
Thank you,Trisha! Wink
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Kami wa onna no inochi
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #89 - Aug 17th, 2007 at 5:13pm
Awesome Sweater!  I love the neck, so cuddlie!!
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