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My Hair Journey (Read 111032 times)

August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #15 - Nov 12th, 2007 at 2:16pm
Some days my hair looks several inches shorter which I find very annoying.  Comes with curly hair territory I guess, but it still bugs me.

To scent your hair, try rosewater.  You can find it at the health food store, and it comes in a convenient spray bottle.  I use it on my skin and hair-its great for reviving curls.  Just spray it on and scrunch!  I've tried mixing essential oils into a carrier oil and scrunching that into my damp hair, but it never smells very good to me.  I swear by rosewater!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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yogalates: mind, body,
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Posts: 226
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Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #16 - Nov 14th, 2007 at 9:09pm
i have thick dry hair. and today my hair feels greasy. however i am not used to (before i found these sites) having soft shiny hair. im worried that i may not be able to tell the difference. i asked a few people if any nd they said it did not look greasy, but i dont know if they just said that because they are my friends and did not want to hurt my feelings. if anyone has experienced this i would appreciate any suggestions.

has anyone come across this situation?
what did you do to get used to it or to change it?
could you tell the difference between grasey hair or shiny hair when always having dry hair?

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Southern Louisiana
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Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #17 - Nov 15th, 2007 at 3:18am
One way to tell the difference, at least in my experience, is.. if the hair looks almost damp, or is sticking together in thin strands or clumps, its most likely greasy. if it's soft to the touch, but doesn't feel icky(not very descriptive, but it's the best word I could come up with), and it isn't sticking together, it's most likely just soft and shiny.

I hope that helps a little.
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classsic hair journey
Reply #18 - Nov 26th, 2007 at 6:12pm
bad hair need help.....

for the past couple of weeks my hair has been staticky. i tried oil and dryer sheets (which made it worse for me). i tried putting my hair up, leaving it down, using more conditioner and i just dont know what to do. it has never done this before. not to mention wheni put it up parts of mt hair fall down and it makes it look unkept. does anyone have any advice or suggestions?
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #19 - Nov 26th, 2007 at 11:23pm
I suggest some deep conditioning.  Most of all, DRINK MORE WATER!  Also, sleeping with a humidifier should be a big help.  Sorry your hair is being bad.  I hope you find a solution soon!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #20 - Nov 27th, 2007 at 5:14pm
A verrry light coating of hand lotion (preferably oil-free) in problem areas has helped me before.
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yogalates: mind, body,
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Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #21 - Dec 1st, 2007 at 7:57pm
today was my wash day. last night i put an ample amount of oil on my ends for an overnighter, and my static dissapeared. i may have to modify how much i oil my hair. i tried something new instead of using just jojoba oil i used jinseng oil as well. i dont know how my hair will react but thats the point of an experiment right?my hair is almost completely dry now. tomorrow i will be able to tell if my hair likes this change. well thats it for my hair. off to get Kasey to bed.

oh and thanks everyone for your opinions and suggestions. you guys are great! happy growing.  Smiley
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Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #22 - Dec 3rd, 2007 at 2:49pm
i dont know how my hair will react but thats the point of an experiment right?

Yes it is.   Smiley  Keep experimenting!
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #23 - Dec 15th, 2007 at 10:25am
well it has been a few week since i have written anything. this was due to the end of semester finals. finally, yesterday was the last day.  so now i have a break for about 5 weeks.

i have an appointment in three weeks for a trim. i noticed my ends are in desperate need for it. and like i said i will try to not cut my hair at all for an entire year. but if i need one sooner like 6 months then i will know i can only go so many months.

i would also like to incorperate more oils into my hair routine. the problem is finding them. now that i have some free time i want to also start my yogalates again. this will also help with the lower back pain ive been having.

all in all im pretty happy with my hair thus far. hopefully by january 1st i should be at my first goal, BSL.

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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #24 - Dec 17th, 2007 at 5:13pm
i was thinking about why i didnt have any growth this month. other than its in a resting stage, i realized that i hadn't been doing my scalp massages. the last month of school was very demanding for me. i think i got all caught up and forgot about my hair in some ways. so i have started my trend again hoping this will make a difference.

what are your experiences with scalp massages?
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Healthy Hair

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Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #25 - Dec 17th, 2007 at 5:29pm
Scalp massages are something I'm also interested in.  Usually, on the days I don't shampoo my hair I just rinse it with warm water and massage my scalp.  I just rub it with my fingertips.  But I want to try doing scalp massages on dry hair on a daily basis...I'll let you know how it goes! Roll Eyes
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #26 - Dec 17th, 2007 at 5:29pm
Scalp massages...I used to do them almost every morning. Tangles my hair up like mad. Next year, I plan to do them every night for 6 months to see if they have any effect on my growth (although my guess is that they probably won't).

What I like about them is that it's a good excuse to relax...light a few candles, put on a Beethoven CD or something and fantasize about your hair being long, flowing and gorgeous. What I don't like is how my arms get tired after awhile and having to work through the tangles afterwards.
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #27 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 1:03pm
this weather is doing a number on my hair. i have soo many slpits now, goodthingi am hvaing a trim in a couple of weeks.

ive been tryingt o do some updos but i find that even though i may like the back i am not to happy with how the front looks. i guess it just takes practice.

oh yes, i was wondering, is there a difference between pure jojoba oil and organic jojoba oil?
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Shooting Star

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Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #28 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 3:21pm
brunette85 wrote on Dec 20th, 2007 at 1:03pm:
oh yes, i was wondering, is there a difference between pure jojoba oil and organic jojoba oil?

I would interpret "pure jojoba oil" to be oil that has no other ingredients but jojoba oil. 

"Organic jojoba oil" would mean the plant was grown without herbicides or pesticides.  Organic probably has no other ingredients, but I would check the labeling to make sure.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #29 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 10:18pm
thanks, i didnt even think to look at the ingredients. i also think that what you said the diferences are, are true. only because i took an environmental science class at the college.

thanks for eveyones help and opinions thus far. you are all amazing! Smiley
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