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Diary of a Dark Angel (Read 314510 times)
Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #600 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 1:17pm
Tanai: Quote:
Just trying to be helpful. A blue cast?  Huh  Sounds like it would wear more like a black eye then black eyeshadow.  Tongue

Basically. And *hugs* I know you were just throwing it out there. I do appreciate your tips. Never hurts to have another set of eyes, eh? Wink

Especially if you count those who seemed to have tendencies to wear Avon smelling cologne.  Tongue

Bleck! There are guys who do this willingly? Grin

I hate not having money, that and needing fifty million other things. Roll Eyes

Story of my life, sistah. Tongue As it happens, I got my VS Santa hat for free - my sister bought one for herself, my mother and me. I'd send you mine, but she'd kill me. Grin

I don't do any polish,  Wink  not until sandal season.

Go fig. In the land of perpetual sandal season, I never wear sandals. But I always have laquered nails. Just part of the goth æsthetic, and it keeps them strong. Wink

That is the only tea I can stand. I really like the black tea version.  Cool  Though it's good in any tea.

I only drink decaf and caffeine-free teas. The chai that I have is made from herbs instead of tea leaves, so it contains no caffeine. Cool

Hair: Been doing CWC's for the past 2 days. The blended shampoo is working just fine but for some reason it's also giving me anxiety. Roll Eyes Grin Yes, shampoo anxiety! And disturbingly enough, it's not the first time. In my early 20's, I suffered a mental breakdown under extreme stress and in the midst of it, I do remember seeing cheap shampoo (which I was using at the time) flashing through my mind. Yeah, I'm a bloody nutcase...but y'all knew that already. Roll Eyes
   Perhaps I'm having difficulty with the idea of integrating cheaper products into my precious Pantene. They should have hair counselors, I swear. I might need someone to hold my hand and say, "It's ok to mix products, Angel. It's not harming your hair and you must remember your bottom line! Now take a deep breath and pop a few of these tranqs...and here's a dose of heroin for impending future emergency." Roll Eyes
   Honestly, I don't know what my problem is. The sparklies in my blended shampoo make me smile every morning. Pretty spaaarklies...

Ahem. Leave-in's have been Pantene Detangling on the length and either EVOO or serum on the ends. I'm trying to decide which is better, I guess.
   Yesterday, I parted my hair in the middle with my fingers and pinned the front up with metal clip barrettes. The rest hung down long and straight. I'll probably wear it that way on Friday night as well. As for today, a single braid will do as usual.

Work: My boss is transferring to a location in Las Vegas at the beginning of next year. On one hand, I'm happy for him because he has family there. On the other, I'm nervous about who may be selected to take his place. My mother dreads that it might be the sales manager from corporate who wants to dissolve our position. The same jack@$$ who sent the accusing e-mail about me to the Area Prez. If he is chosen, I will quit immediately. So I'm updating my résumé and keeping an eye out for other jobs just in case. *sigh*

Other Stuff: Ever the bearer of bad news, I regret to announce that my laptop is worse off than I'd feared. Its motherboard is fried and costs $600 to replace. Shocked Needless to say, there is no hope for my meager budget to save it and I will have to do without it for awhile. Probably years. I'll most likely try to save up for a desktop Mac, which is what I want anyway. *SIGH*

My family will be attending Carols By Candlelight again this year, on Friday. Good ol' Boscoe got us front row seats - free. He is just the best. Smiley
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #601 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 1:01pm
Especially if you count those who seemed to have tendencies to wear Avon smelling cologne.  Tongue Quote:
Bleck! There are guys who do this willingly? Grin

Grin Willingly, their mothers buy it for them, their noses are stuffed up so they can't smell, someone got it for them as a gag gift and they didn't know, they smoke so their sense of smell is impaired... take your pick, any or all are probably right.  Grin

As it happens, I got my VS Santa hat for free - my sister bought one for herself, my mother and me. I'd send you mine, but she'd kill me. Grin

I suggest you keep it then we don't really need you to get popped off.  Grin

Go fig. In the land of perpetual sandal season, I never wear sandals.

I'd go crazy if I didn't wear sandals when it gets warm. Hot, sweaty feet are uncomfortable and gross.  Tongue I do find that odd though seeing as I do own some pairs of cute black sandals myself.  Wink

I only drink decaf and caffeine-free teas. The chai that I have is made from herbs instead of tea leaves, so it contains no caffeine. Cool

Same here, decaf only.

Honestly, I don't know what my problem is. The sparklies in my blended shampoo make me smile every morning. Pretty spaaarklies...

Grin ROTFL I had friends who were like that... your not completely nuts at all.  Cheesy Besides being "normal" is so overrated.  Wink

I regret to announce that my laptop is worse off than I'd feared. Its motherboard is fried and costs $600 to replace.

Shocked I am so glad all my laptop needs is a new battery. Which is only $50. I'd have a heart attack if replacing the motherboard cost that much, my laptop didn't even cost that much.  Grin
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #602 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 6:02pm
Tanai: Quote:
Willingly, their mothers buy it for them, their noses are stuffed up so they can't smell, someone got it for them as a gag gift and they didn't know, they smoke so their sense of smell is impaired... take your pick, any or all are probably right.  Grin

Grin Wow. I never realized that so many guys wore Avon.

I'd go crazy if I didn't wear sandals when it gets warm. Hot, sweaty feet are uncomfortable and gross.  Tongue  I do find that odd though seeing as I do own some pairs of cute black sandals myself.  Wink

Meh. I'm a die-with-your-boots-on kinda gal. Roll Eyes And sandals are way dirtier than shoes because not only are they openly exposed to the elements and whatever grime is on the ground (as are your feet), you also can't wear socks with them to pull moisture away from the feet so it all collects in the sandals. That is nasty.
    Besides, I work for an industrial supply company where protective footwear is required. I'm also hammer toed and cannot wear thong sandals even on my off hours. And let's be honest...you won't find many goths walking around in girly, strappy sandals. Grin

  Grin ROTFL I had friends who were like that... your not completely nuts at all.  Cheesy  Besides being "normal" is so overrated. Wink

*shrug* Sometimes, I'd kill to just be normal for a change. Sad

Shocked I am so glad all my laptop needs is a new battery. Which is only $50. I'd have a heart attack if replacing the motherboard cost that much, my laptop didn't even cost that much. Grin

Mine was rather pricy. As in, I could have had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed at once for what I paid for that infernal machine and its infernal components. ...
    My sister has offered up the use of her laptop (which is also on its way out) for the time being.

Hair: Friday = WTC. Left the conditioning treatment in for over an hour. My only leave-in was Pantene Detangling spray. Hair is not yet dry, but when it is, I think I'll either pin it up on the sides with barrettes or hold the front back with a slim headband.

Health: Weight dropped to 112.6 this morning. Smiley I have no idea what I did to deserve it either, being that I've spent the past few days not exercising and binging on crap. Tongue Maybe it will catch up with me.

Been feeling nauseous for the past few days as well. I wonder if my new meds are responsible for this and the weight loss.

After roughly 3 hours of sleep last night, I feel like a low battery. Tonight had better be different with the show coming up on Saturday.

Work: No word on the boss' replacement, but today is payday, so screw everything else. Roll Eyes 90% of work is bs anyway - the only thing that's real is the money.

Fashion: I have discovered that a simple smattering of concealer, pressed and loose powders, black mascara and dark lipgloss can make a goth look pulled together in a pinch. I had to bring these items to work with me as I was running late for work. It was interesting running between my desk and the ladies' room between phone calls with various makeup untensils in hand, Undecided but the end result looked almost convincing. Almost. Roll Eyes

Other Stuff: Tonight's Carols By Candlelight with the family. Smiley
How I'm going to finish everything else I have to do after the show remains to be seen. Undecided
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #603 - Dec 13th, 2008 at 2:19pm
Grin Wow. I never realized that so many guys wore Avon.

I think running into one is too many.  Tongue  Grin But there were several back in school and I have crossed paths with a few since then.  Tongue Those boys do stink.  Grin

Meh. I'm a die-with-your-boots-on kinda gal. Roll Eyes

I know someone who shares that mentality.  Wink

Mine was rather pricy. As in, I could have had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed at once for what I paid for that infernal machine and its infernal components.
I got lucky mine was a former floor model so it was pretty cheap. It worked well up until the battery went. But seeing as it was a floor model and probably always on that was to be expected. However I still remember the panic I felt when I went to turn it on and nothing happened.  Shocked

Weight dropped to 112.6 this morning. I have no idea what I did to deserve it either, being that I've spent the past few days not exercising and binging on crap. Tongue Maybe it will catch up with me.

... I wish my body would say here I've been $#!tty to you for awhile so I'll give you the Christmas present of a few less pounds.  Roll Eyes Next week I'll be able to visit the scale because another visitor will be gone.  Roll Eyes

90% of work is bs anyway - the only thing that's real is the money.

Grin And anyone else who says otherwise is full of it.
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #604 - Dec 15th, 2008 at 5:51pm
Tanai: Quote:
And anyone else who says otherwise is full of it.


Hair: It had an interesting weekend just like I did. For the show on Saturday, I pinned it up on the sides with barrettes and left the rest down. Sunday, I did a WCC + Detangling spray + EVOO on the ends and did nothing to it whatsoever. Just left it down while I sat in front of my aunt's fireplace all day. On occasion, I would finger comb and toss whatever hairs fell out into the fire and listening to them zap.

Today, I did the usual CWC and used Detangling spray on the length. If my hair ever dries, I'll braid it. It's insanely windy and rainy today.

Music: Saturday's show was a spectacular disaster. People played badly, equipment broke, we kept getting out of sync with the video segments because someone dropped the ball and forgot to manage them. Angry And no one showed up, which actually turned out to be a blessing. We played to maybe 5 people who were all friends/family of the band. No one else came. I'd rather have a terrible show in front of a few people who know us well than in front of 90,000 people who have never seen us before and can only judge us by said terrible show.

As the band was setting up, the doorman said to me, "This is a terrible time of year to do this. No one's gonna be here."
    But I just shrugged, "That's ok, we're probably gonna suck anyway."
Boy was I right! Tongue

After a dreadful encore version of Chain Of Fools, we packed it up and left. Dad & I were starved, so we stopped at McDonald's by my work so I could buy us both dinner...after 1 AM. By 2, I was in bed, totally asleep.

Work: So the organizational changes were sent out in a memo today. The good news is that the slanderous jack@$$ from corporate has not been promoted to AVP. The bad news is that my position may still be in danger. I don't plan on sticking around long enough to see what becomes of it. Time has come to move on.

Other Stuff: So, it is indeed raining. And while that is awesome, I wish I had a coat! Right now, my socks are soaked and I'm freezing to death!
    It will be so nice to get to my aunt's place, crank the heater and turn on the fire.

In other news, I had a dentist appointment this morning. One of my wisdom teeth has a cavity and needs to come out ASAP. Sad God knows I can't afford it. Cry The rest of my teeth look good though, they say. Undecided Please let next year change things for the better!
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #605 - Dec 16th, 2008 at 11:41am
Please let next year change things for the better!

For us all--amen.   Tongue
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #606 - Dec 16th, 2008 at 1:25pm
So, it is indeed raining. And while that is awesome, I wish I had a coat! Right now, my socks are soaked and I'm freezing to death!

I think it would be wise to invest in at least a lightweight water repellent jacket. It's not good to get wet like that, you'll get sick. Sad Tongue ... Preventable illness is always the worst.

Please let next year change things for the better!

Tongue I so couldn't agree more.
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #607 - Dec 17th, 2008 at 5:34pm
Trisha: Amen. Tongue

Tanai: Lightweight, water repellent...I think every jacket I own fits that description. Roll Eyes And I think that unpreventable, fatal illnesses are far worse than preventable ones. Roll Eyes

Hair: Yesterday was clarifying day. The usual routine of Purity wash, DWV rinse, second Purity wash, then condition. Finally emptied my small bottle of Full & Thick conditioner and refilled it with Moisture Renewal. I rather like the concept of refilling/reusing bottles.

Today was the usual CWC + Detangling spray, and I haven't braided yet.
   Not sure when I'll schedule a trim with my scissor lady. Maybe this weekend, maybe not 'til January. We'll see.

Other Stuff: Work's crazy today. Mainly the phone. Tongue

Things are kinda crazy in general right now. Shaky, unstable and just plain weird. So I've been trying to hold it together.
Housesitting is...going. This will probably be my last time. Between the house, work, band practice and my own house, it's just too much driving. I haven't the time to devote to it anymore.
The band is divided in opinion. One half seems to be breaking their own arms patting themselves on the back for Saturday's show. The other half thinks we bombed big time (which we basically did). Lizard complimented my stage presence ... and Grateful Ed said that I sounded like Maria Muldaur at points, Huh which I totally don't get, but he meant it as a compliment.
Things have been especially crazy with my best guy friend, T. Roll Eyes Boys, eh? I guess they really can't help themselves.

No luck in the job search just yet, but there isn't a whole lot out there right now.

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous today! Cheesy I am so loving all of this rain! It's been cold, wet and gray all day...just the way I like it. If only I had more time and $$$ to get out there and enjoy it. Ahhh...

'Til next time, folks.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Wherever it is I need to be to do whatever it is I'm doing.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #608 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 1:07pm
Lightweight, water repellent...I think every jacket I own fits that description. Roll Eyes

Then perhaps...surprisingly, considering your in SoCal...a warmer one.  Huh
Boys, eh? I guess they really can't help themselves.

Grin Yep unless you hold their hands during everything they're pretty much lost.  Cheesy

No luck in the job search just yet, but there isn't a whole lot out there right now.

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous today! Cheesy I am so loving all of this rain! It's been cold, wet and gray all day...just the way I like it. If only I had more time and $$$ to get out there and enjoy it. Ahhh...

Enjoy your wonderful weather,  Smileyour snow is coming tomorrow.  Cool
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #609 - Dec 20th, 2008 at 10:55pm
Tanai: Quote:
Then perhaps...surprisingly, considering your in SoCal...a warmer one.  Huh

Actually wearing the ones I have would help. Roll Eyes
Enjoy your snow, hunnay. It's just now starting to cool down here. Tongue Might explain why I'm having trouble adjusting to the "cold weather attire" thing this year. That or I'm just absent-minded.

Hair: It was after 1 PM when I finally had a chance to wash it, so it was gross. I washed the entire length, did a small vinegar rinse (with the last of my DWV), then did a CWC as usual. After working Detangling spray through the length and slicking the ends with EVOO, my hair was finally happy.
   It's taking longer to dry now, with the cold weather.

Earlier this evening, I bought a huge bottle (can it even be called a bottle?) of ACV. Guess I'll just alternate between the two. Buy whichever one strikes my fancy at the time.
   Right now, hair is parted on the side, with the larger side pinned behind my ear with a metal clip barrette.

Also, I've decided to postpone my next trim until January.

Other Stuff: Tonight is my last night of housesitting...if one might even call it that. I've just been checking up on the animals periodically and not actually staying overnight. Undecided But I plan to be at the house when my relatives return. To at least make it look like I made the effort. Undecided They're due back in about 3 hours.

For reasons unexplained, my best guy friend, T, asked for a mention in my hair blog tonight. So, shout out!
   Yeah, I don't get it either. ...
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

Posts: 449
Wherever it is I need to be to do whatever it is I'm doing.
Gender: female
Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #610 - Dec 21st, 2008 at 1:25pm
Then perhaps...surprisingly, considering your in SoCal...a warmer one.  Huh
Actually wearing the ones I have would help. Roll Eyes

Roll Eyes ... Or so the rumor goes.  Grin
Might explain why I'm having trouble adjusting to the "cold weather attire" thing this year. That or I'm just absent-minded.

"Senior" moment?  Grin Roll Eyes ...typically caused from consuming too many Granny Smith apples.  Cheesy

It's taking longer to dry now, with the cold weather.

Huh The weird thing is my hair has always taken about 3-5 hours to dry. But since I've switched shampoos and conditioners it dries in 2.  Huh
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #611 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 6:54pm
Tanai: Grin  Grin  Wink
And lucky your hair dries so fast! Mine probably takes 3 hours or more and it's not like I have much. Grin

Speaking of Hair: The usual CWC routine + Detangling spray for the last 2 days in a row. Today, I braided. Yesterday, I didn't bother.
   I'm trying to make my current conditioner (Moisture Renewal) last until the end of the month. It would be nice if I didn't have to buy any conditioner in January. I already have a 33 oz. bottle of Full & Thick conditioner waiting to be used, so I'm hoping that it will last me through the month. Then, I won't have to buy any new until February. Smiley

Christmas: Is going to be pretty lame this year. I thank God that I was able to get presents for my immediate family, even if they aren't much. Everyone else will just have to wait until after Christmas. I'm tapped. Sad

Other Stuff: No band practice this week, obviously.

The day after Christmas, I must deposit my next paycheck and then get Midieval on a collection agency who's demanding that I pay my bank back for an arse load of overdraft charges. ... No idea.

Anyway, another shout out request from my fellow straight edger, Fisher2. Hey, little buddy! Grin

That's all for now.
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #612 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 7:04pm
yay i can die in peace now ^.^
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&&...&&&&&&&&metal head straight
fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #613 - Dec 23rd, 2008 at 7:49pm
Fisher2: Happy to help. Grin

Hair: Clarifying day today. Got to break in my new ACV bottle. Used a little EVOO in the length, which made it much easier to comb through, as always. Now, it's braided and all's well.
    Tomorrow, I will probably do a WTC since I won't get to on Friday. If I don't get caught up watching back to back to back (to back to back!) episodes of House, I might do a heavy EVOO treatment overnight. Hey, can I help it? It's a good show and Hugh Laurie is just a little bit hot. Wink

Other Stuff: Walmart popcorn entirely sucks. I can't even count how many bags of it I've burned in the past year. *sigh* I need supplies for my air popper.

Today, I finally put my parents' and sister's presents under the tree. Christmas is done for now. Tongue
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #614 - Dec 24th, 2008 at 8:15pm
Christmas Eve.

All that's left is the waiting. At least for me.
Waiting for Christmas to get here...waiting for it to be over...waiting for everything I have to do the day after. Just get on with it.

Last night, I did a heavy EVOO treatment as planned. Washed it out this morning with my shampoo blend, then treated for an hour with Pantene Fortifying treatment. Also did a mineral peel-off masque for my face. I'm hoping that my skin will be in decent enough shape for makeup tomorrow. There will be pictures. Tongue

Anyway, after rinsing the treatment out, I conditioned again with Suave Vanilla Floral. While I'm budgeting (obsessively), I think I'll continue following treatments with light conditioner instead of heavy. My Pantene conditioners cost more, so it's more expensive in the long run if I go through them quicker.

Hair's staying down today, I guess. Tomorrow, I hope to pin it up on the sides with barrettes and leave the rest down, straight and sleek as a satin ribbon...since that's all my hair ever wants to do anyway. Roll Eyes

The day won't be without style either. I imagine I'm not the only person on the planet who plans their Christmas outfits. So I'm thinking jeans, velvet turtleneck, boots and a few glints of bright silver jewelry.
   After dinner, the lot of us will probably walk through the neighbourhood and look at Christmas lights, as usual. So I'll bring my wool city coat, velvet scarf and leather gloves. If I'm feeling extra pretentious, my cloche hat too. Wink

Speaking of fashion (or the total lack thereof), has anyone noticed the ghastly gold & brown Christmas ornaments that seem to be so popular this year? I was looking at these at Target yesterday and all I could think was "turkey tree!" Tongue Their design board had better step it up next year.

However, it appearss that the season is not entirely without merit. While browsing through the beauty aisles (as I'm wont to do), I was pleasantly surprised...no, elated...to discover that so many of our drugstore cosmetic brands are now releasing gorgeous, gothly nail polishes for the darkly inclined! Cheesy 'Bout bloody time too!
   Sally Hansen has raised the bar with shades in their Salon series like Navy Baby and Deepest Violets. Their Diamond Strength series has a spaaarkly new shade called Black Diamond (which looks exactly how it sounds Wink).
   Revlon has reintroduced a few of their Dark Pleasures colours as part of their usual line. Perhaps we darklings bought just enough of them to make the company realize that selling outside the usual pink and red margin can be quite lucrative.
   Cover Girl, of course, has Boundless Color in Midnight Magic. This shade seems to be somewhat seasonal, so I'll try to snap it up before it disappears again.

Anyway, it's closing time, so I'd like to wish all of you a very merry Christmas.
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« Last Edit: Dec 27th, 2008 at 7:43pm by N/A »  
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