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Diary of a Dark Angel (Read 314515 times)
Angel Spun
Ex Member

Diary of a Dark Angel
Jan 1st, 2008 at 5:05am
Happy 2008.

I rang in the new year standing on the roof of my house, watching fireworks ignite throughout the neighborhood while talking to K who had called me between jobs to wish me a Happy New Year.  Smiley  And my first thought after things had calmed down a bit was, oh my God, my birthday's in a week.  Roll Eyes

Nails are now a rather, um, interesting shade of rainbow glittery graphite.  Huh  That's the interesting thing about OPI nail polish: you never know just how a color will look until you put it on. I think I will just go to black after this manicure wears out. Toenails need serious TLC too.

So I've changed out the old hair stuff that I no longer wished to use for the new Restoratives that I'll stick to this year. Tomorrow (or rather later today), I will either do a clarifying wash or a WCC with Restoratives Time Renewal and Suave Green Apple light conditioner. I must also remember to start taking my Hair, Skin & Nails vitamins every day.

Shortly after midnight, I measured my hair and came up with 25 ½." Getting verrrry close to BSL now.

Anyway, short entry for now. It's after 2 AM & I really need to get some shut-eye.

Happy New Year, all. And goodnight.
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« Last Edit: Jan 1st, 2008 at 10:04pm by N/A »  
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Posts: 825
Southern Louisiana
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #1 - Jan 1st, 2008 at 10:21pm
hey! happy new year, big sis. Love the new avatar, by the way.

May your new year not suck!

Brightest Blessings...
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #2 - Jan 2nd, 2008 at 7:45am
Happy New Year to you Angel Spun!
Reading your entry made me remember that I need to go take my hair, skin & nail supplement now as well - always forget to take it...I'm terrible  Roll Eyes Haha.
May you have a quick journey to BSL hair in 2008.
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #3 - Jan 2nd, 2008 at 7:48pm
Thanx, ladies.  Cool

Well, yesterday was indeed a clarifying day. I managed to do it while the 'rents were not at home. Current products for my clarifying routine are Pantene Purity shampoo, a distilled white vinegar rinse and Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense conditioner. No leave-in's.
    Current clarifying method is wash once, vinegar rinse, wash again, condition. I now leave the conditioner in for the full duration of my shower, under a shower cap, and rinse it out at the end. This seems to work better than rinsing after just a few minutes, as I used to.

Today was the usual CWC with Suave Green Apple conditioner and Pantene Restoratives Time Renewal S&C. My current leave-in is Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense Detangling Leave-In Crème.

Yes, I'm still devoted to Pantene and that isn't about to change.  Wink
    My sister tried to get on my case about it last night too. About how her hair lady says that Pantene is "the worst shapoo ever," how drying it is, etc. So with a sly grin, I pulled my braid over my left shoulder and said, "Oh really? I beg to differ."
    Immediately after that, my mother began praising Pantene, saying that she had tried other brands, but none of the conditioners even compared. My little sister fell silent.  Wink
See, I've been using Pantene for almost 8 years now. And not only have I not had one single split end since I started, but I also just happen to have the healthiest hair of anyone that I know. I'm all about using what works for your own hair and that may or may not be what works for someone else. I don't tell other people what to use on theirs, so I don't appreciate when other people rag on my choices. To each their own!
And don't get me wrong, I adore my little sis. She is unconditionally the light of my life...but her occasional "holier than thou" speeches are a trifle annoying and this wasn't the first time that she had ripped Pantene.
    Normally, I just keep my mouth shut. But sometimes...sometimes...

Anyway, I couldn't wait to get my hair into a braid today. The weather has been so dry with the Santa Ana winds of late that my hair turns into a big staticky mess when dry. This morning, I got the humidifier working in my chamber so I can at least have some relief when I go in there. It will be nice to have it running through the night so I don't wake up with crazy static hair in the morning.  Tongue
    And while I'm at it, I may as well get my stereo hooked up. It won't help with the static but it would be nice to have music floating through my chamber when I want it. There are benefits to leaving music on while sleeping...including masking the sound of my humidifier.  Roll Eyes

Haven't seen K in awhile as work has been eating up all of his time.  Sad  For that and other reasons, I find myself questioning if this is really going to work out.
    The age-old question comes to mind: Would I be happy where I am if things stayed as they are and never changed? My answer is no, but I don't feel too bad about that, I suppose, because nothing really stays the same forever. Things do change. It's whether or not they change for the better...

Anyway, better stop waxing philosophical and close down the office.
Until next time, mes amis.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #4 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 12:01pm
I'm also devoted to Pantene!! I always get the best results and my hair smells amazing.
I have to agree with you that Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense conditioner is awesome Grin
Have u tried the Ice Shine conditioner? Another Pantene fave!

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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #5 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 12:12pm

Waiting4longlocks: I love Ice Shine! Next to Restoratives, they are my favourite S&C!

Ugh, morning shift.  Tongue

Hair got another CWC + leave-in crème routine today and is just about dry now. Static was a problem again this morning as I could not leave my humidifier on overnight. It dampens every surface in my room when it is left on for long periods of time with the door and window closed.
   Funny story about that...I left the thing on while I was at work yesterday and when I came home and opened my chamber door...  Shocked  wow. My room was as foggy as a goth club and very humid! The mirrors were coated with white residue. I swear, it was like London at midnight! lol I wonder if it would be different if I used only bottled water instead of tap.
   So anyway, static. Fortunately, our weather is supposed to change this evening with a "big" storm rolling in from the coast. We're supposed to get 2 - 4 inches over the next 3 days. heh We'll see. Rain is one of my favourite things on earth and I hate to be cynical about it, but our meteorologists usually overestimate. I hope that it will be as good as they claim, but I'm a bit skeptical.

Another thing I'm skeptical about? K.
   He's a great guy and all, but lately I find myself wondering if he's really the right guy for me. Granted, we've only been dating about 3 months, so I suppose that I will give it another 3 before I decide anything. Right now, I just don't know though...and that's not a good sign.  Sad
   Then again, I would rather be uncertain about someone and end up pleasantly surprised than to be instantly sold on someone only to have him break my heart later on. Been in the latter situation at least a few times.
   Anyway, as usual, I'm having my doubts but rolling with it. It would be nice if K could be the one to break this unfortunate cycle.

So what's new in the fashion world of Angel Spun? Nothing, really, and it's kind of bumming me out. No lavish, designer Victorian-goth frills striking my fancy (or arriving on my doorstep) of late.  Sad  Although I do like some of the Demonia USA shoe designs - too cute! But their Goth collection is too hokey for words.  Tongue  All 10" platform patent vinyl KISS boots with spikes and buckles all over... lol Which is fine...unless you are over the age of 15.  Roll Eyes
   I have made the effort to wear earrings every day this year as planned. Granted, we're only 3 days into the year, but it's a good start...right?

No news on the music front either, sadly. One of my New Year's resolutions was to start banging away on my bass, but right now, I don't even know where it is!  Shocked  Sad  I can't use that as an excuse forever though. Maybe I'll search the sheds for it this afternoon. No doubt my father is behind its disappearance.

Alright, that's it for now. My break is coming up soon and it will be time to braid. Adios!
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #6 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 4:42pm
Ah yes, time to start a new journal.   Smiley  I have so much catching up to do, here at LL and at the office!   Sad  But I had to stop by and find out how you're doing.  By the way, my birthday was the 1st.  Happy new year, sistah!  *hugs*
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #7 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 10:07am
I use to use Pantene along time ago.  I remember it was the most exprensive shampoo in the drugstore.  I liked it!  Back then, 1980's, it was in such a small bottle!  I remember the old Herbal Essences with the lady on the bottle, Tickel deoderent, Aziza eye makeup and Leggs pantyhose in a egg shaped box...ah memory lane Smiley
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #8 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 7:54pm
Trisha: Hey! Happy birthday, sistah! I hope it and your New Year were awesome!  Smiley

Lisabelle: I think I tried Pantene Pro-V for the first time wayyy back in high school, and you're right, it was the most expensive S&C in the store. To date me even further, I remember the gold cap series, which I guess was a more luxurious product than the basic line and had separate shampoo & conditioner. I remember "spoiling myself" and buying a set of Pantene gold cap S&C when I was in high school - I kept it hidden in my room so that I was the only one who could use it (expensive stuff!). lol  Grin
   Also, the Clairol product that you're thinking of with the lady on the bottle...that wasn't Herbal Essences, but an earlier line called Herbal Essence. Singular, not plural. I have never seen these, since they were before my time and have since been discontinued, but I have heard that they were green (?) and smelled awesome. They may have been the inspiration for the later Herbal Essences line, but a separate product nonetheless.
   I also remember Leggs pantyhose in the egg containers. Used to play with them in the stores when I was a kid. hehe  Wink

Hair: Fridays call for the WTC (wash, treat, condition) routine, so today was all about Restoratives Time Renewal. Washed my hair once all over with the shampoo, then left the Replenishing Mask in under a shower cap for an hour. Finished with the conditioner, then worked the Breakage Defense leave-in crème through the length. Lots of cool/tepid water rinsing and microfiber towel squeezing in between these steps, of course.  Wink  Oh yes, and the links are just to help readers get a visual of what I am using. I don't have an endorsement deal with Pantene or anything. lol (I wish!)  Grin

So hair was dry by the time that my break at work rolled around and when I went to comb it out, ohhhhhh my! I can't say enough good things about Restoratives and what it does for my hair. There's a level of decadent softness there that no other product has ever given it. "Liquid gold" I call it. Just...wow. I'm quite pleased.  Smiley

Anyway, it's all braided now. I wish I could take a few hair pix and share them on this forum, but there are a few obstacles. 1.) My camera is broken & in desperate need of repair. 2.) The only digicam I own is the crappy one on my cell phone (I don't care for digicams in general), and 3.) Even if I did take one with my cell, I have no idea how to go about posting it.  Grin  But whatever. My hair will have already reached its goal length by the time any of these obstacles are cleared, so it hardly matters.

Other: Had another dinner/movie date with K last night. We saw the new National Treasure movie and I thought it was alright. Kind of cheesy and unbelievable as Disney live action movies are.

Holy crap! The radio is playing Angel by Aerosmith!!! One of my favourite freaking songs ever. Where's my lighter? *rocks* Too bad it's a radio edit though. I might have to play that CD on the way home.  Cool

Where was I? Oh yes, date with K. Went really well. I swear, I'm so bipolar with that guy it's ridiculous. When I'm around him, everything is roses and I want to stay with him forever. The minute we part company, however, it's a very different story.  Sad
   The night was not without kickdown, in typical K fashion.  Grin  He gave me probably half a dozen bags of black licorice, 4 candleholders all decorated with black beads & glitter, and a piece of Norwegian milk chocolate (mmmmm!). The former 2 things had come from his work.
Alright, it's time to shut down the office and go home. Have a good weekend, all.
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« Last Edit: Jan 5th, 2008 at 11:25pm by N/A »  
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #9 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 11:57pm
My wife and I went to the new National Treasure and I enjoyed it a lot Cool   I thought the action scenes were great and the humor fit in pretty good too.

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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #10 - Jan 5th, 2008 at 9:31am
Jerry wrote on Jan 4th, 2008 at 11:57pm:
My wife and I went to the new National Treasure and I enjoyed it a lot Cool   I thought the action scenes were great and the humor fit in pretty good too.

I should have also mentioned that Nicolas Cage is one of my favorite actors and I have not seen a movie he is in that I do not like.


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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #11 - Jan 5th, 2008 at 10:38am
Oh yeah!  I remember the gold caps. The old herbal essence was green and did smell awesome!  In those days Oil of Olay came in a big glass bottle and was pink and affordable!  I wish I could get that old formula now-a-days. Roll Eyes
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #12 - Jan 6th, 2008 at 10:55pm
Lisabelle: Isn't that the original Olay Beauty Fluid? They still make it.

Hair: WCC today. There seems to be some over-conditioning going on at neck level again. Dunno what's up with that. I wonder if Time Renewal has too much conditioning agents for my hair.  Huh  It has never done this before. I guess I'll keep using the S&C until they are gone and then switch to Breakage Defense.

The 'rents were talking crap about my hair again this morning. Not to me directly, but amongst themselves and I just happened to overhear. My father apparently thinks that it looks stringy and my mother blasted me for running my fingers through my hair "all the time." Apparently, she's never heard of finger combing, which I do when my hair is very first air dried or when I don't have a comb handy.
    But I thought, oh brother! What a silly little thing to obsess over! It's my hair anyway! It wouldn't surprise me if they gave me the ultimatum of cutting my hair short or moving out. Yes, they are that controlling.

Other: *sigh* Hate to say this, but I think it's time to just admit it: I'm growing weary of K.  Sad  Yes, we do go out sometimes, I do enjoy his company and he does buy me the world....but I am not the kind of person who can be bought. Material crap doesn't make up for a lack of connection. And there are some (extremely important) areas where we don't seem to connect - or even relate - at all. There just seems to be a lack of, well, substance. And depth. There, I've said it.  Tongue  Sorry, K.

On a happier note, I found the palest foundation that I think I've ever seen today while I was out shopping. It is made by L'Oreal, so it's bloody expensive, but I hope to get my hands on it soon! Foundation is such a sketchy thing for me...but I guess it is for everyone. My problem is that it's very difficult to find a chain store foundation that is pale enough for my skin. Let alone finding one with the right amount of coverage, with neutral undertones, that won't turn 20 shades darker on me throughout the day.
    In any case, I would very much like to give this one a try.

In music news, I still haven't found my bass.  Sad  But I have finished listening to all of the electronica CD's that K made for me. And I finally got my new stereo hooked up and working in my chamber.  Smiley

This morning, I meditated for the first time in ages. Was having some serious anxiety following a conversation with K and I couldn't get back to sleep. So I turned on my flameless candles and just did some deep breathing...calmness in, worry out. And to my complete surprise, not only did I spend over 20 minutes doing this, it actually worked! I was able to sleep for 3 more hours after that. After turning the candles off, of course.  Wink  I should probably make a regular habit of this...just not at 5:00 in the morning, preferably. lol

Oh yes, and I also kiped 14 eyeshadow applicators from Sephora while I was there.  Grin  Just the little sample ones that they leave out for free, don't worry! But I won't have to buy any for a long time. hehe
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Shooting Star

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #13 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 8:05am
On a happier note, I found the palest foundation that I think I've ever seen today while I was out shopping. It is made by L'Oreal, so it's bloody expensive, but I hope to get my hands on it soon! Foundation is such a sketchy thing for me...but I guess it is for everyone. My problem is that it's very difficult to find a chain store foundation that is pale enough for my skin. Let alone finding one with the right amount of coverage, with neutral undertones, that won't turn 20 shades darker on me throughout the day. 
    In any case, I would very much like to give this one a try. 

Just throwing out a thought here - why bother with foundation?  I've never worn foundation.  I use a moisturizer every morning and evening.  A bit of blush in the winter to brighten my face a bit, but not even that in the summer.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #14 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 10:11am
I don't use much foundation anymore myself. I just use concealer were it's needed and then sweep on some powder to hold it there.  Loreal does have some of th lightest drugstore foundations.

They still make Olay Beauy Fluid?!! Whoa!  Were can I get it? Shocked  

Eeek! Your folks!  (((hugs)))  I got a horrid flashback of my MIL trying to control my life when we lived with her.

Sorry to hear about you and K Embarrassed
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #15 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 1:32pm
And there are some (extremely important) areas where we don't seem to connect - or even relate - at all. There just seems to be a lack of, well, substance. And depth. There, I've said it.    Sorry, K. 

Hey, if it ain't there, it ain't there.  *shrug* Move on, sistah  Cool
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #16 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 7:33pm
BB: In a nutshell, because I'm a goth, sweetie. The ruddy patches that I have naturally (Celtic descent) don't exactly lend themselves to "the look."  Wink  Most of the time, I don't even bother wearing makeup. I wish I could every single day, but I just don't have the time.  Roll Eyes  It's kinda all or nothing with me.

Lisabelle: Yes, praise L'Oreal and their pale foundations and their neutral black shades! And yes, you can still get the original Beauty Fluid (now called Active Hydrating Beauty Fluid). I got mine from Wal*Mart ( Tongue) and use it almost daily.
   And bleagh to living with 'rents of any sort. I'll be glad when I finally get to move out again!

Trisha: Something is definitely there. Whether it will be enough to sustain us... ... Not that there is an "us" just yet. I wish this crap could just be simple for once.

Hair: The usual CWC routine with a twist. Today, I used a vinegar rinse before conditioning and I guess it helped...a little.  Huh  Time Renewal shampoo seems to be quite heavy. I've decided that I don't like it as much as Breakage Defense.
   The usual Restoratives leave-in crème, air dry, and hair was just left down today. Forgot a hairtie yet again. ...
   But I suppose that's ok because my hair will be going up for tonight.  Wink

Other Stuff: Tomorrow is my birthday and K has to work. ...  But to make up for it, he's taking me to dinner tonight, and "someplace special" as he put it.  Huh  Lord knows what that man is up to. ...
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #17 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 11:00pm
Happy Birthday!!!  I hope this year is filled with joy and liberation on all fronts!  Oh yeah, and lots of healthy hair and excellent growth!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #18 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 11:40pm

I hope you have a really great one Cool

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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #19 - Jan 8th, 2008 at 10:35am
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #20 - Jan 8th, 2008 at 11:09am
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Smiley  I hope all your dreams come true!
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #21 - Jan 8th, 2008 at 1:04pm
Bappy hirthday, sweetie!   Kiss
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #22 - Jan 8th, 2008 at 6:49pm
Wow, thanx, guys!  Cheesy

B-Day: Has been decent so far, overall. Was in a mad frenzy this morning trying to get ready for work and still ended up being late.  Undecided  But I did get some laundry done and got a big ol' sundae from Cold Stone. For future reference, do not attempt to eat these while driving!  Shocked  lol Cold Stone goodness was all over both myself and my car by the time I arrived at work.  Grin
   Once I got there, the bloody thing was pretty well melted and I was ill. So I had to toss most of it...what a waste! Perhaps my taste for all things decadently unhealthy is waning.
   Anyway, got a hug from one co-worker, a b-day card from another, and yet another wished me a Happy Birthday, followed by, "So what, 21? 22? 23?" I just smiled and said, "Yeah, somewhere around there." Everyone else at work seems to think that I am turning 24 for some reason - LOL! (I'm 28)  Wink
   Tonight, my sister is taking me to get a few extra holes in my head. ...

Last night, K took me out for fondue...at the same place where my sister had her b-day dinner last year. hehe We both had lots of veggies, and fish entrées. One cool thing about dining with K is that his diet is very similar to mine.  Wink
   After that, he took me to Presidio Park - 50 acres of lush, foresty landscape plus a museum settled on top of a mountain overlooking Old Town and downtown San Diego. Gorgeous at night (and also said to be haunted)!
   We walked around for awhile, but it was terribly cold and the stiletto boots that I was wearing weren't exactly suited for muddy trails.  Roll Eyes  We agreed to come back and explore when it was lighter and warmer out.

Hair: Today was a clarifying day, but I don't know if I'll keep clarifying on Tuesdays. Schedules are changing at home so I might have to choose a different day. I try to reserve all hair-related processes like clarifying and treatments for days when both parents are at work. They tend to raise the Titanic if I'm in the shower "too long." But I may end up shrugging off their concerns entirely since I pay the bloody water bill anyway.
   In any case, no leave-in's today and hair is braided.

Other: Workload is horrendous at the office. We're doing huge projects for HR, phones are super heavy and there are baskets of mail to be posted. I am "weeded" as they say.  Sad
   Speaking of which, I need to get back to it. Later!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #23 - Jan 9th, 2008 at 5:59pm
Well, last night was mediocre. My parents wanted to take me to dinner, so the plans that my sister & I had made were dashed.  Sad  We went to the local Claim Jumper (how original  Roll Eyes) where my beau was working that night. As soon as we were seated, he walked over to our table, put a shot down in front of me and told my parents to make sure that I drank it as he was walking away. ... My first reaction was, WHAT?! He knows that I don't drink! Why the #&$% would he do that?! Perhaps we should see other people! ... I was p!$$ed off and offended by his blatant disregard and lack of respect for my lifestyle. That ruined the whole night for me.
   My family encouraged me to drink it - mother even went so far as to say that I was being rude for not doing so! ... ME?! And his disregard wasn't?! ... WTF, mate?!?!
   Needless to say, I passed the shot to my sister, who didn't want it either, but drank it for me anyway. And I ordered a simple iced tea with dinner just so K wouldn't have to make it. I didn't trust him.  Angry
   He came over later and ribbed me for not drinking the shot (someone had told him)...omg, I was sooo not happy with him! ... But that's the trouble with dating a bartender who happens to have a rather twisted sense of humor. Only this morning did I realize that he had known the entire time that I wouldn't drink the shot. And he probably expected that I wouldn't. That was just his twisted way of saying hello. *sigh* Oy...

Anyway, dinner was simple. I had just a simple chicken cæsar salad and an iced tea. Presents from my parents were a new pair of diamond earrings  Cheesy  and new sweats! The latter I have needed for years. And as for the former, well...I promised my father that I would not lend these diamonds to anyone. Especially not careless, drug-addicted boyfriends with ear infections (which is how I lost the last pair of diamonds that my dad gave me).  Angry  Ahem.

By the time we returned home, it was too late for my sis & I to go out, so we're going tonight. As for K, he BETTER have been just joking with that shot. Otherwise, he can go back to dating the usual trash. ...

SO...hair. The usual CWC routine today. Nothin' fancy.
The usual CWC routine these days is CWC, leave-in crème, air dry, braid.

I'm still gathering individual hairs that fall out naturally to make a lock for K. It will take a long time, but I'm beginning to see progress already. God willing, he will still be around when it's ready for him.
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Healthy Hair

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #24 - Jan 9th, 2008 at 10:09pm
Happy Birthday!  I know exactly what you mean about the "in the shower too long" thing.  Sometimes I have to forgo acv rinses and deep conditioning b/c my dad loves to complain about me "wasting water". Grr!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #25 - Jan 10th, 2008 at 11:52am
MTB: Thanx!  Smiley  And honey, you're lucky if all you get is a lecture. I have had every member of my family shut the water off on me while I was in the middle of a shower just to get their point across!  Angry  Most of the time, it was my mother, who is an extreme control freak, but she has instructed all other members of the family to do this. The real kicker was that I was even paying the water bill at the time!
   Mother insisted that it wasn't about money, but about "principle." But if you ask me, someone with these types of control issues has no room to talk about principles. ...

Hair: The usual CWC routine again today, since I had the morning shift at work. Ugh.  Tongue  Nothing else to report, really. It's just kind of doin' its thang. Still not terribly jazzed with Time Renewal shampoo.

Other Stuff: Finally went to the beach last night with my sister & her friend to the piercing shop.  Wink  My sister got a tiny little CZ stud in her tragus, I finally got my 2nd and 3rd earlobe piercings done. All 4 at the same time - my sis was so proud of me.  Grin  She said that she would have gotten the 2nd holes done and then come back later for the 3rd set. But I'm hardcore. lol I wanted all of them to be done and healed at the same time. The whole experience was a total rush.  Cheesy
   Oh, and of course, all piercings were performed in a sterile environment, with sterile equipment, by a professional. And you know what? The 4 hollow needle piercings that I got at once hurt WAY less than any single piercing that I have ever gotten with a gun. I'll never go back!
   I'm sporting little silver hoops with balls in the center in all 4 at the moment. In 2 months, the new holes will be healed enough that I can take the hoops out and replace them with something else. I can't wait to go jewelry shopping! ...

Afterwards, I went home and my sis & her friend went out drinking. ... Actually, they'd both been drinking since before we left for the piercing shop  Shocked  ...and her friend drove!  Shocked  Shocked  And she drives like a nut, so I was very thankful to be back home. The girls play a dangerous game, but they will be alright.
   As for me, it was very difficult to sleep with sore ears and anxiety  Tongue  (the latter of which was K's fault  Angry).  I've had to be quite careful while caring for my hair, getting dressed and using the phone.

Anyway, I reckon that's all for now. Later.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #26 - Jan 10th, 2008 at 2:16pm
Being somewhat of an old fogey (sp?), I had to look up the word "tragus" to find out what got pierced.....and then wished I hadn't.   Tongue 
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #27 - Jan 11th, 2008 at 5:56pm
Trisha: hehehe  Wink  She actually said that it wasn't too bad.

Hair: Last night, I heated up a tube of V05 hot oil, applied it to the length of my hair, placed a sleeping cap over it and left it on overnight. The instructions say to apply the hot oil to wet hair, but the heck if I'm getting my hair wet before bed! Forget it!
    My hair was still damp and starchy from the treatment this morning. I don't think that I will do any more overnight treatments for the next 2 months because my slumber cap gets in the way of my new piercings. I want them to heal completely without too much outside interference.
    Anyway, washed once with Restoratives Time Renewal shampoo and squeezed the water out of my hair with a microfiber towel before leaving the Time Renewal Replenishing Mask in under a shower cap for an hour. After rinsing it out, I chased with Restoratives Breakage Defense conditioner. Voilà.
    My sister then possessed herself of the bathroom (she's not feeling well), so I wasn't able to use any leave-in's. But it's alright - I brought my bottle of EVOO to work and will oil my hair dry before I braid it during my break.

Love: *sigh* Hate to say this, guys, but I think I may have hit the wall with K. I'm not going to hash out all of the details publically, but something has come to my attention that I don't see any good way out of or around. It has been stressing me out for days.  Sad
    Actually, a lot of things about K have stressed me out, whether or not I've mentioned them. Dating him has certainly not been all roses. And almost every time I have concerns, he either shies away from discussing them or is too busy to discuss them. I don't need to tell anyone here that this is not a healthy pattern.
    It actually reminds me of a dream that I had not too long ago in which I had become pregnant - out of wedlock - with his child. My family and even my boss were all around - they were all quite sympathetic to my predicament even if oblivious to my inner turmoil. I remember feeling very sad, stressed and confused. But where was K during all of this? Nowhere to be found. Even with the sympathy of my immediate family and my boss, I felt as though I was facing everything alone. I remember talking to the doctor who was going to perform the abortion just before I woke up. It was probably the most depressing dream I've ever had.  Sad
    What does this have to do with anything? Well, perhaps nothing. But it also might be my subconscious' way of telling me that it has its doubts about whether K would be there for me in a pinch. And maybe that I cannot count on him in serious situations. Something worth thinking about.

Money: Well, today is payday. Finally! I finally get to bring a positive balance to my bank account. I also signed up to receive online statements only, instead of having paper statements mailed to me. This way, my financial info stays private and my parents will not be able to pry like they have been. Even if they open all of my other mail, they will never know just how much $$$ I have or don't have at any given time. And that is exactly how it should be. My business is my own.

Other: Yesterday, I went jewelry shopping a little early and ended up getting a pair of sterling silver hoops with silver balls at the center. I wanted something that would coordinate with the hoops that have to stay in my 2nd and 3rd holes for the next 2 months.

Alright, it's almost time for my break, but I might write a little more when I return.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #28 - Jan 11th, 2008 at 6:37pm
I have returned. Now, I will share a list of "postive changes" that I wished to make/have been making for 2008. These are in addition to my New Year's resolutions. Some are hair-related, some aren't:
  • Make a better effort to wear earrings every day. My ears are pierced for a reason! (done)
  • Take better care of my teeth
  • Make a better effort to get to work on time
  • Eat healthier
  • Really start learning things on my bass
  • Lose weight...and look as good as possible for my 10 year reunion
  • Find a new job  Sad
  • Get the tattoo that I've wanted for at least 10 years
  • Get my ears pierced 2 more times on each side (done)
  • Take Hair, Skin & Nails vitamins for 6 months
  • Do scalp massages every night for 6 months
  • Grow longer hair
  • Grow healthier hair
  • Adhere even more to my straight edge tendencies. This means not tasting any alcoholic beverages unless they were made by my bartending...um..."beau." (done, and sometimes I will refuse even if he did make them, like on my b-day)
  • Wear makeup as often as possible
  • Only use Blistex lip balms on a daily basis (done - Chapstick & I have parted ways)
  • Use my natural side part more often
  • Use less water & electricity
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #29 - Jan 13th, 2008 at 10:14pm
Alright, it's happened. I broke things off with K.  Cry
It sucks because I was really hoping that we would work out. But we just didn't see eye to eye on some really important issues. I loved K and I already miss his company, but I was not hopelessly in love with him the way that you should be when you decide to spend your life with someone. So it's a good move, really...because now I can move on and hopefully find someone with whom I am more compatible. *sigh*

It's a rather disheartening process eliminating him from my life. Taking him out of my phone and off of my Buddy List, etc. He told me not to give back the things that he gave me, and I just don't have the heart to toss all of it out yet. But I probably will soon.
    Actually, I've been revamping a lot of things lately. My beauty & financial binders have both been cleaned out and updated. My toenails are now sporting a shiny, new coat of black polish (the chipped eggplant shade of last fall had to go!). My annoying old purse has been replaced with a new (smaller and less annoying) one. My AIM Buddy List has been cleared of people that I don't speak to regularly. Just lots of little things like that. Angel's takin' out the trash.  Tongue

So that's what's been going on with me. I'm bummed about the K thing, but I'm regrouping and looking forward to meeting someone new. And whoever he is, I hope that he has lips like Thom Yorke - woooo!  Wink  Grin

Anyway, in hair news, I didn't get a shower until after noon, so I had to do a W-CWC. My hair feels ridiculously smooth when wet. I wish it felt the same way dry!
    I applied the Restoratives leave-in crème to the length, but didn't braid. My hair was still damp & stringy when I left the house to run errands and go shopping this afternoon. The air is dry and staticky once again, so my hair was pretty wild when it dried.  Roll Eyes  Gotta love SoCal.
    So it appears that I have only 19 days to go before my hair reaches BSL. God willing! It sure has taken long enough!

Ok, my mind is going blank and all I can think about is K being the newest member of Losers Anonymous: The Angel Dumped Me Club. lol Sorry...I think I'll go and watch AFV on TV and just try not to think about him. I'll write more tomorrow. Hope everybody had a good weekend.
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #30 - Jan 13th, 2008 at 10:31pm
I am very sorry to hear that bad news but I kind of saw it coming Sad

I have broken up two engagements in my past and that was very difficult but my divorce was the hardest of all and I would not wish that on anyone unless things were so bad it is the only alternative.

So, after seven relationships, three engagements and one divorce I think I finally got it right since my wife Barb and I have been married now for thirteen years (my first marriage lasted almost one year).  
I hope you do find mister right.

As I tell people, there are lots of fish in the sea but some of them are suckers Roll Eyes

I wish you luck on getting over this and whatever else you are striving for in this new year Wink

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #31 - Jan 14th, 2008 at 2:32am
Feel better soon,Angel!  A breakup is never easy to deal with,but if you feel it was for the better and it's a positive thing for you,I think it will be easier to move on.  I know your"Prince Charming"is out there!!!!
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #32 - Jan 14th, 2008 at 10:50am
Sorry to hear to what happened but I too could see it coming.   Hang in there girl! Smiley
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #33 - Jan 14th, 2008 at 11:23am
*HUGS*   Kiss
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #34 - Jan 14th, 2008 at 7:04pm
Thanx, guys.  Smiley
Curiously enough, I saw it coming too. As early as my first date with K, when I found out that he was a smoker. That should have ended it for me. But by then, I was already emotionally involved, if not attached. And human beings tend to follow their hearts instead of their heads.  Roll Eyes  But it's good to date different kinds of people, I suppose. For the "learning experience."

Today was trash day, which meant that I had to decide whether to get rid of K-related things this morning or let it all hang around for another week. It was a little bit tough, but I went with the former. Over is over and I don't need all of that crap hanging around, tormenting me when I'm trying to get over everything.
    In kind, I also destroyed his old driver's license, tossed the animé day planner that he gave me out of my purse and replaced it with one that my mother gave me, removed the obnoxious keychain that he gave me from my keyring and erased his likeness from the whiteboard at my work. *sigh*
    It's depressing, but...onto bigger and better things (hopefully)!

On the hair front, yes, I tossed out the lock that I'd been building for K. But beginning next month, I will start another one. Not for anyone specifically just yet, but for that ideal "Prince Charming," if he ever does come along.

This morning was a clarifying routine. No leave-in's. We're having yet another Santa Ana - heat wave + extreme dry conditions - so my hair was static city by the time it dried. I brought my bottle of EVOO with me to work and did a dry oiling on the length of my hair during my break. This didn't help the static at all (actually, made things worse), but weaving my hair into a braid forced it to behave.  Wink

In other news, aaaaaarrrggghh!!! My ears are itching like crazy! ... The new piercings are healing and scabbing over and it's driving me bananas, so I've been poking and pulling at my ears all day (but only when it was really bad & I couldn't stand it anymore).  Embarrassed

Alright, I'm going to make some popcorn and finish up some term files. Later, gaterz!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #35 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 5:40pm
Hair: Just a simple CWC today. No leave-in's just yet. My sis again took over the bathroom before I could get to my leave-in crème and my hair ended up drying without it.  Sad  I hate sharing a bathroom.  Angry
   So now my hair is completely dry, and I mean completely! Thanx to our Santa Ana weather (it's 80° in freaking January!!! ...), it's full of static and flying all over the place. I hate SoCal.  Angry

When it's time for my break at 3:00, I'll dry oil with EVOO and braid just like yesterday.
Today, however, my mother saw the bottle of EVOO that I brought in and asked what it was for. When I told her that I used it on my hair, she freaked and went off on a 10-minute tyraid, calling me "anal retentive" and a "basket case" or some such rot. And professed that if my goal was to grow my hair to my behind, that oil certainly wasn't going to make it look better. Etc., etc., etc.!!! My only retaliation was some sarcastic, off-hand comment about how just because I didn't dye, fry and process, that I was the freak.  Angry  I hate parents that freak out about everything!  Angry
   The sad thing is that this woman was once my hair idol. Or, well, I suppose she still is, but not...erm, currently. See, back in the late '60's and early '70's, when my mother was younger, her hair was waist length. The ends literally reached the belt loops of her bell bottom jeans.  Grin  From the first instance that my sister and I saw pictures of our mother from back then, we both decided to grow our hair long and deemed her as our hair idol.
   *sigh* I hate being let down by my idols.  Angry

Other: Made the effort to actually wear makeup today. Probably wasn't the wisest decision with my skin broken out as it is, but I didn't really have a choice. The new guy that my sister is seeing is coming over tonight to meet the family, so I wanted to at least attempt to look put together.  Tongue
   At first, I was going for a sort of 1920's silent film star thing...pallid complexion, subtle gray eyeshadow, long, black lashes, dark lipstick...and I wanted to put my hair up. But after about 20 minutes or so on my lips alone (applying, messing up, attempting to fix, messing up, reapplying, messing up...), I ran out of time. My hair was still down and staticky and not even combed when I left for work. I hate running out of time.  Angry
   By the time I'd gotten to work, my lips looked and felt utterly dreadful, so I stopped into the ladies' room, wiped my mouth clean and started over. Balm, concealer, liner, lipstick - ugh! Swipe, swipe, dab, dab, fix, fix... then finally went to my office. After about half an hour (and the aforementioned lecture from my mother), I whipped out my compact to check my lips and sure enough, they were smudged.  Angry  
   It's almost funny...every time I wear lipstick, I swear that it's the last time. I hate the stuff! So I gave up yet again, got up from my desk, went back into the ladies' room and wiped clean again. I'm just not the lipstick type.  Angry

Oh, but that wasn't the only fiasco. I tried out a new mascara today - L'Oréal Telescopic or whatever in carbon black. Ugh! Dreadful. Putting it on is an absolute joke. I'll stick to Maybelline Great Lash, thanx!  Tongue  I hate wasting money on mascaras that suck.  Angry
   Thankfully, the rest of my makeup seems to be surviving. My new L'Oréal foundation is ok. Quite pale, although I'm not sure if it's even pale enough. I might just need to give in and buy a pure white foundation to mix with commercial foundations.

Other Things I Hate: When foundation settles into natural laugh lines around my nose and mouth and make me appear to have wrinkles, having tea & black licorice that outlasted the guy who gave them to me, smokers, drunk drivers, drug users, caffeine, casual sex, rude people, mascaras that irritate my eyes, being overdrawn, forgetting to bring food to work with me, mushrooms, onions, red lights that take forever when I'm in a hurry, Santa Anas, having acne, the fact that I can't find reasonably priced eyeshadows in the perfect shades of slate gray and plum, getting ripped off, porn, MEN!!!, hypoglycemic attacks and being broke.  Angry  Oh, there's more. I'm just not going to write about it right now. I'm having one of those "I hate everything" days.  Angry
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #36 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 6:26pm
(((hugs)) I get days like that too.  Uhg!    Regarding the dreaded lipstick, perhpas you can just use a gloss?  That's what I do when when I don't want to do the lipstick thing.  Another neat idea is lip stain.  It's a liquid or gel that stains your lips and does not smudge, you get a flushed look that won't make a mess.  Best eyshadows...hmmmm...shoot! There all over 20 bucks. Lips Sealed The Loreal ones dont' last on me.  I use to mix clown white with pale foundation.  I would put one drop of white to two drops of regular foundation into a little dish and mix it myself.  HTH
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #37 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 6:27pm
Something Else: Went for my break at 3:00 and realized that I did not bring a hairtie from home and thus, could not braid.  Angry  So I attempted to comb my hair out as best as I possibly could. The problem is that static causes my hair to tangle hopelessly.
    I ended up just working a little EVOO and water through the length, then combing it with both my seamless comb and fingers. My hair is now an oily, tangled mess and will stay that way until I go home.  Angry

One more thing I hate: Today!!  Angry
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #38 - Jan 16th, 2008 at 12:51pm
Oh honey, do you ever need a
Kiss   I, too, have been fooled many times by the allure of sleek and shiny lipstick.  It only lasts about 2 seconds on me, though, so I've learned my lesson.  I'm a lip balm gal, plain and simple.  Beyond that, the furthest I stray is into the tinted lip gloss arena.

As far as your mother is concerned...well, because she is your mother I will not speak my mind.   Cool  But if you ever decide that you want a total change of life, you're welcome to move to Missouri and bunk with us for a while. 
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #39 - Jan 16th, 2008 at 5:19pm
Lisabelle: *hugs* Yup, gloss is what I normally use. And I do own a lip stain, but it's a roll-on, so it's difficult to apply accurately. Totally hear you on the eyeshadow thing too. In most cases, you really do get what you pay for.
   As for clown white, yeeeaaagh!!  Tongue  Real goths don't use it.  Grin  It's heavy, loaded with oil and gives horrifically uneven coverage. Egad, I hope you are not still using it! It's death for skin!  Shocked
   Actually, I plan to order a pure white foundation toner from Amphigory (from whom I also purchased my white loose powder) and just add it to my regular foundation.

Trisha: *hugs* I wish you were my mom! ... My only objection is that my former husband lives in Missouri.  Tongue
   And yeah, obviously, lipstick doesn't last too long on me either. hehe I'm a gloss gal, but every so often, I've decided to give lipstick another shot. Always with the same result. Isn't that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing the same way over and over and expecting different results each time?  Roll Eyes

Hair: Went into the usual double bun updo last night to meet my sister's new guy. After he left, I took it down and...whoa.  Shocked  In addition to the oil and static, it now had volume and a slight curl, which turned an awful mess into a gigantic awful mess! lol It looked like Madame Leota meets '80's rock. Even funnier was that my sister said it looked good that way.  Grin
   Anyhow, this morning, I got to wash all of the hairspray, oil and static out with a WCC. Used the Restoratives leave-in crème and air dried as usual. Hair is blissfully recovered.  Smiley  I even brought 2 hairties to work today - 1 to use during my break and 1 for the drawer in my desk in case I forget some other time.

Current products I'm using for CWC and WCC routines:
  • Suave Juicy Green Apple conditioner
  • Pantene Restoratives Time Renewal shampoo
  • Pantene Restoratives Time Renewal conditioner

Current leave-in:

In Other News: Mother & I got invited by a co-worker to watch his band perform on Feb. 16th at the beach. He said that he could get us tickets if we wanted to go, and I totally will. He's kinda cute (tee hee  Wink) and his band is pretty darn good.

Went to bed with makeup on last night  Tongue  so this morning, I washed, exfoliated and left a clay masque on for half an hour. After rinsing it off, I followed with an astringent and...ahhhhh! Much better!  Smiley
   Also did a load of laundry, soaked my new piercings in a saline solution, had breakfast and cleaned out and refilled my humidifier...all before having to leave for work.  Smiley
   Every day, I've been doing some kind of cleansing/renewing ritual, be it clarifying, exfoliating, shaving, using masques, whatever. Slowly filtering K out of my system. I want to be completely revived before I start seeing anyone else.
   In days to come, I will visit places around town that we had gone to together. Both for my own benefit (just getting reaqcuainted with said places) and so that if I ever go to any of them with someone new, I won't ever have to think, gee...the last time I was here, I was with K.  Tongue  New memories shouldn't be tainted with the old.

Anyway, back to work.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #40 - Jan 16th, 2008 at 8:27pm
I love Amphigory!  As for the lipstick...next time you decide to try it, after you do what you usually do:
split a tissue into 2 pcs.
lay one pc over your lips lightly
gently powder the tissue w/colorless powder
reapply layer of lipstick until you get the effect you want

I am pale and wear dark red lipstick.  This really works for me and not only prevents smudging but keeps it on even after eating/drinking.  Just the top layer comes off and you can reapply after and it looks great again!!
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #41 - Jan 16th, 2008 at 10:36pm
As for clown white, yeeeaaagh!!    Real goths don't use it.    It's heavy, loaded with oil and gives horrifically uneven coverage. Egad, I hope you are not still using it! It's death for skin!   

LOL! Oh heck no, I don't use it anymore. But in the 80's it was the only stuff they had. Tongue  Now if I want to have a pale look I use geisha makeup (not cheap!)  Oooh got to check out Amphigory! Cool
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #42 - Jan 17th, 2008 at 6:53pm
Sakina: Thanx for the suggestion. I will keep it in mind if I ever wear lipstick again. But generally, I find it to be quite cakey, nasty and totally not worth the effort. Guess I'll just stick to glosses.

Lisabelle: Geisha makeup, yikes! That's more than pale, it's stark white! I don't know where you find the patience... hehe

Hair: The usual CWC today. Leave-in crème, air dry, braid, done. It's looking and feeling much better since I started using Restoratives - clean, soft, smooth and straight. I need to get back into the S&D habit again. Products can only do so much.

Other: Still doing ritualistic cleansing. I am now making oil-free sugar scrubs and attempting to exfoliate every part of my body. I also vacuumed my room, had breakfast, soaked my ears and did another load of laundry this morning before work.
My ears are still itching a bit. The new holes are scabbing and getting crusty, which is part of the healing process, but the itching drives me a little batty. The saline soaks help though. I can't wait for these 2 months to be over!

Also very sick of being broke. I still haven't been able to repay my boss for the giftcard that he lent me for Christmas.  Embarrassed  I hope that my next paycheck will take care of that, but I'll also have my next car payment to deal with. Ugh. I need a new job.  Sad
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #43 - Jan 18th, 2008 at 5:23pm
Hair: The usual WTC for Fridays. Current products used for the process are:
  • Pantene Restoratives Time Renewal shampoo
  • Pantene Restoratives Time Renewal Replenishing Mask
  • Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense Conditioner

I wash all of my hair once and squeeze the water out with a microfiber towel. Then, I work the treatment into the length of my hair and twist it into a loose bun, covering with a shower cap, and leave it that way for an hour. After rinsing, I condition as usual.

Restoratives Breakage Defense Detangling Leave-In Crème was worked through the length also and I've left it to air dry. Instead of braiding, I'm going to leave my hair down today so it can be straight for a S&D tonight.

Other: Change is imminent. I sense it.
   After looking over my W-2, the disappointing reminder that I desperately need a new job, I realize that finding one will probably happen for me later this year.
   And I find myself looking forward to February. A new month will bring a new hair measurement, a new avatar, a new exercise regimen and goodness knows what else.
   Also, I can't help but wonder if this will be the year that I finally become completely straight edge. Since K was the only thing keeping it from me this year, I secretly wondered, if we were ever to part ways, whether I would convert. Now that we have gone our separate ways, I still don't know whether I'm ready to completely commit to the X. heh Maybe one day, I'll wake up and realize that I already have. Whatever.

So, that's about it for now. Need to wash my car, change my buddy icon, pick up my bass again, find a job and figure out my life.  Tongue
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #44 - Jan 19th, 2008 at 11:11pm
Hair: Had the simple CWC, leave-in crème, air dry, braid routine today. Nothing special. The S&D didn't happen yesterday. D'oh!  Sad
    Waiting, waiting, waiting to take another hair measurement. Come on, February!

Paranormal? Ok, so last night when I went to bed, everything on my dresser was sitting in its usual position. My chamber door was locked all night, so no one could have gotten in and no one was with me during the night either. Yet, when I woke up this morning, things were askew. The runner on my dresser was turned up at the very end, where my grandmother's picture usually sits. And the picture of her was lying face up in the middle of my dresser.  Huh  This, of course, was my gypsy grandmother who passed away nearly 2 years ago. My chamber is something of a shrine to the deceased, with pictures of friends/family members who have passed on.
    But anyway, I stayed in bed last night without getting up. So my only conclusion is that my grandmother - or someone else (possibly someone who knew her) - had visited me during the night. Did she think that I would forget her?  Huh
    I took her picture in my arms and hugged it, whispering that I loved her and couldn't possibly forget her. When I told this story to my mother this morning, she didn't believe me. When she told my father, he didn't believe me either. *sigh*

Other Stuff: Went on a small shopping spree last night and picked up 2 new light conditioners, thank you cards and sea salt among other things. My poor little bank account is suffering again, but it was necessary.  Sad
    The new conditioners are Suave Tropical Coconut and Cucumber Melon (we goths tend to like fruit  Wink), the thank you cards are for the Christmas/birthday presents from my family in WA and the sea salt is for the saline soaks that I must do twice a day for 2 months.

Also, my car finally got washed today! God only knows how many months it had been. It needed it! It's still disgusting on the inside and under the hood, but the outside is quite clean and even had a little detailing.  Wink  My father waxed it in a few places, but the air got too cold for the wax to dry. So we abandoned the project and vowed to finish it tomorrow. That poor car needs waxed so bad, it ain't funny.
    Tomorrow, I'll also work on part of the interior - maybe do one quadrant at a time. I tend to be very meticulous when cleaning and my car is no exception. Soon K's influence will be purged from my body, my car and my chamber, and dating him will only be a memory. Moving on...
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #45 - Jan 20th, 2008 at 11:32am
I've has similar paranormal stuff happen here too. Last halloween something trashed the bathroom: shampoo bottles and soap all over the place.   I think maybe your Gand was just saying hi. Smiley
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #46 - Jan 20th, 2008 at 10:01pm
The new conditioners are Suave Tropical Coconut and Cucumber Melon (we goths tend to like fruit  )

maybe we're all a bunch of Fruit Bats?  hehe

I've had enough experiences like that that I know what you mean about people not believing you.
  Undecided *hugs*
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #47 - Jan 21st, 2008 at 4:55pm
Kiraela: Fruit bats, yup. That's how I've referred to myself for years. *hugs* And I'm not sure why I still bother to tell the 'rents anything. They've never believed a single word I've said.  Roll Eyes

Lisabelle: You could be right. And egad @ the Halloween disaster. Some people have anger management issues even after they die.

Hair: Clarifying day! Two have passed since I broke things off with K. I think it's safe to say that I've "washed that man right outta my hair."  Roll Eyes  Yeah, I'm old.
    Hair is doing pretty well though. It's either at BSL or dangerously close. And yesterday, I did find time for a S&D.

Other Stuff: It's raining today!  Cheesy 
    My car didn't get waxed before the storm hit, but it doesn't matter anymore. I'll just wax the bejeezes out of it after the next wash. I did get one quadrant of the interior clean, however. Needed it badly! There was coffee all over the place. Guess that's what happens when 2 goths date...and neglect to clean their cars.  Roll Eyes
    I also put my floormats through the wash, and I'm pretty sure that they're cleaner now than when they were brand new. Still have the other ¾ of the interior to clean...and the trunk...and the seats to disinfect. But it's coming along nicely.

Also, I'm apparently getting a new desk for my chamber. Dad said he ordered one that matches the rest of my furniture. Hope it has room for all of my stuff...
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #48 - Jan 22nd, 2008 at 10:54am
Also, I can't help but wonder if this will be the year that I finally become completely straight edge. Since K was the only thing keeping it from me this year, I secretly wondered, if we were ever to part ways, whether I would convert. Now that we have gone our separate ways, I still don't know whether I'm ready to completely commit to the X.

Okay, you're gonna have to educate the old woman again...what do you mean by "completely straight edge"?
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #49 - Jan 22nd, 2008 at 7:47pm
Trisha: For me, it just means not sampling alcoholic beverages anymore. Giving up on the random sips here and there to taste something. Now that I'm no longer dating a bartender, that should be easy enough. In all other ways, I am straight edge and always have been.

Hair: The usual CWC routine, which now entails:
  • Suave Tropical Coconut conditioner
  • Pantene Restoratives Time Renewal shampoo
  • Pantene Restoratives Time Renewal conditioner

When I got my break at 3:00, I combed out my hair and first tried to part it down the middle and pin it up on the sides. But the barrettes that I brought were crap and one wasn't holding very well. So I took them out, tossed the one and combed my hair out again. I wanted my natural side part to just do its thing, but for some reason, it wasn't cooperating either. I tried to create one, but it didn't look right. So hair is down and partless. Blah. Whatever.  Tongue

Other: Got a few texts from K last night with the usual "I miss you" bullcrap. Now, I don't mean to sound heartless, but maybe he should have thought about that before giving me so many reasons not to see him anymore. I told him that I missed him as well, but stood by my decision that things are better this way.
    Oh, I've thought about going back to him more than I'd like to admit, but I know that would be a mistake. Nothing would change. He can't take back what's already been done, he isn't likely to change his ways and he most certainly cannot change mine. Bottom line is he's not what I want and I'm not what he wants. Case closed.
    Don't think that giving him up is easy though.  Cry

In other news, I managed to put myself together today. Rockin' cool gray eyeshadow and my favorite mascara ever: Maybelline Great Lash in Blackest Black.  Cool  Plus plum lip stain (which I think I can actually do without) with matching liquid lipgloss over. And my nails are now a shiny patent leather black (matching my toes).  Cool  Surprisingly, though, the look isn't terribly gothic. Need to fix that...
    Still not happy with the foundation sitch, I hate to say.  Sad  This morning, I experimented with applying it only to the ruddy areas of my skin (which kind of worked) with a makeup brush (which totally didn't). Were I not Celtic and my skin tone was perfectly even, I wouldn't even bother with foundation. Hate it!  Angry  I'd just dot on concealer, sweep on deathly pale powder and be done with it. But alas...not that I'm complaining about being Celtic.  Wink

Been contemplating hair color again.  Shocked  Every time I'm near the haircare aisles in a store, I always check out the semi- and demi-permanent auburns that appeal to me and just think.  Undecided  Auburn is a heck of a lot more gothic than my natural light brown...
    I'd love to go all out burgundy, but that would require a heck of a lot of maintenance! Plus, it's a strong color and I probably don't have the personality to pull it off. Also, it would look obviously artificial, and that's one thing that distinguishes the true goths from the trashy poseurs. The idea is to look like a beautiful, natural goth - not like an attention [glut] going out for Halloween.  Roll Eyes
    In any case, regular coloring is not something that I can commit to right now anyway, so it probably won't happen. Maybe I'll worry about it in 20 years or so when I start going gray.

Well, about 15 minutes left at work. Time to start closing down.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #50 - Jan 22nd, 2008 at 9:49pm
I love Maybelline's Blackest Black mascara, it's the only kind I use.

Yep, been there.  It's really difficult not to go back when a break up is still fresh, but it'll get easier as time goes on.  Although, I'm sure you already know that. Wink
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #51 - Jan 23rd, 2008 at 9:24am
Bottom line is he's not what I want and I'm not what he wants. Case closed. 

At least you know what (or who) is right for you, what is not, and have the cajones to do something about it.   A lot of people aren't strong enough to climb out of the hole they dig themselves into...  Cool
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #52 - Jan 23rd, 2008 at 7:31pm
Yep, been there.  It's really difficult not to go back when a break up is still fresh, but it'll get easier as time goes on.  Although, I'm sure you already know that.  Wink

Yeah, I imagine so. Although, it's technically not a "breakup." We were never officially together in the first place. Just dating. And I suppose that does make it easier to deal with than if we had been a real couple. *sigh* I keep telling myself that next time will be better.

At least you know what (or who) is right for you, what is not, and have the cajones to do something about it.   A lot of people aren't strong enough to climb out of the hole they dig themselves into...  Cool  

Well, I don't know exactly who is right for me or if he's even out there at all. But I do have a pretty darn clear idea of what I will put up with and what I won't.
   Years ago, I was one of those unfortunate women who couldn't climb out of the hole. But eventually, I did realize that it was only going to keep getting deeper and deeper and would kill me before too long. Nothing was ever going to change if I didn't change...so I did.
   My former husband was the absolute love of my life thus far, and it took a LOT for me to be able to let him go...but I did. And honey, if I can let go of him, I can let go of anyone.

Hair: WCC routine today. Hair is successfully pinned up on the sides with functional barrettes.  Smiley  The left side sits slightly lower than the right, which I just realized mirrors the new piercings in my ears.  Grin

Other Stuff: Yes, I just realized that my new piercings are uneven. The holes on the left are a little closer to the bottom of my earlobe than the ones on the right. It's not terribly noticeable. My first holes aren't perfectly symmetrical either. In fact, I don't think that any piercings on both sides of the body can be. I just hope that it won't be a problem when I wear different earrings.

Put myself together again today - I'm on a roll! Hair, makeup, jewelry, the whole 9. The look is definitely more gothic today. White eyeshadow, black liner and Blackest Black mascara, very subtle plum blush, and foundation etc. applied in the usual manner. I've decided 2 things though: 1.) That Cover Girl Lipslicks in Edgy is my favorite lipgloss ever, and 2.) The super pale L'Oréal foundation that I just bought isn't quite right for me. I like the paleness of it, but the tone is rather ashy. Plus, it's a moisturizing formula and quite a bit thicker than my usual light CG foundation. I'll probably just switch back and use a white toner in it. Or I might try mineral makeup. Whichever.
   hehe A co-worker just told me that I "look cute today" as she passed through my office.  Grin

The ritual deep cleaning continues. Going to just keep washing, clarifying, scrubbing, shaving, plucking and disinfecting until I finally feel like K is out of my system. This weekend, I'll try to finish my car if it doesn't rain. It needs to be washed again and that's just fine with me.  Smiley
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #53 - Jan 24th, 2008 at 6:41am
If ya try mineral make-up,I have a company that I use owned by husband and wife that I swear by.  I used to use Bare Escentuals,but there was something just not right when I wore it.  I think it was the mica and something else in it.  I have a "peaches and cream" complexion and am considered either fair or porcelain.  Finding something is very tough,I know!!!  PM me if ya need info. Wink
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #54 - Jan 24th, 2008 at 11:02am
My former husband was the absolute love of my life thus far, and it took a LOT for me to be able to let him go...but I did. And honey, if I can let go of him, I can let go of anyone.

AMEN to that, sistah!!   Kiss
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #55 - Jan 24th, 2008 at 12:35pm
Curlgirl: You're on, girlfriend.  Wink  If I decide to go the mineral route, you'll be the first person whom I consult.

Trish: Uh huh.  Wink

Hair: The usual CWC routine today. I'll comb & braid during my break - need to have my hair secured if I'm going to work on my car later.
    Last night, I confirmed that my hair is now indeed BSL. I'm still going to leave the ticker up, though, because I'm not sure whether my hair has reached its final measurement for the beginning of February. It could grow a bit more in 8 days...  Undecided  Stranger things have happened.

Other: Today would have been my 8th wedding anniversary, had I stayed married. Not a healthy way to think, I guess. I wish that I just didn't even notice when a would-be anniversary comes around each year. But I always do.  Embarrassed
    It's not that I miss it or long for my former husband or grow wistful at the memory of our relationship. Sentimental hogwash! I'm not that kind of person, and I was over it long before it was officially "over."
    But every year, it still registers: "hey, this would have been my anniversary." No sentiment attached, no remorse. Just the cold, hard, bloody fact. To use a truly geeky expression, it is what it is.  Roll Eyes

In other news, rain is the awesomest thing in the world (yes, I'm aware that "awesomest" isn't really a word). I rank its beauty right up there with the rose, the human eye, the ocean, the full moon and the sky on a really clear winter's night.
    It's strange weather we're having, with vast, simultaneous patches of rain and sun. But the combination of them both hitting my windshield at the same time had a brilliant effect as I drove to work this morning. The sunlight illuminated the drops as they landed on the glass, sprinkling my entire windshield with little stars. So beautiful were they that I almost didn't have the heart to wipe them away - curse the necessity of being able to see while driving! lol

Alright, it's almost time for my morning break. Yes, morning. I hate this shift.  Tongue
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #56 - Jan 24th, 2008 at 9:28pm
Congrats on reaching BSL!!   Smiley
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #57 - Jan 25th, 2008 at 7:44pm
hehe Thanx, Curlgirl.  Wink  Although, I'm going to go right on letting it think that it's not quite there yet.

A short entry today, because I really don't feel like writing.  Cry

Hair had the usual WTC routine for Fridays. All Time Renewal products. The usual leave-in crème, air dry, braid. Still 1 week before I'm "officially" BSL. But yeah, I'm there. Probably have been for awhile.

Realized this morning that I'd been soaking my new piercings incorrectly.  Shocked  The glass that I'd been using was 12 oz. instead of 8. D'oh! So I will begin using our little 8 oz. juice glasses today.

Yesterday, I was able to clean and disinfect another quadrant of my car's interior. Now the front half is done.  Smiley  This weekend, I'll address the backseat and maybe wash & wax the outside.

K sent me a few messages this morning, as well as a song that ripped my freaking heart out: The Promise by When In Rome. ... I've been a mess all day.
   So this is where the real pain starts. It took this long for the wound to finally bleed. The good news is that this is the worst part. It might last awhile, but after it passes, things will get better.

As much as all of it sucks, K cannot change the past and isn't going to change the present. I'm not going to say that it's impossible - nothing is impossible. But it's very unlikely, and my best move is onward.

'Til next time.

Did I throw away the best part of my life
When I cut you off, did I cut myself with the same damn knife
Hide my tears in the pouring rain
Had my share of hurt and pain
Don't say my name
Run away
'Cause it's all in vain

            -Bon Jovi, Hearts Breaking Even
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #58 - Jan 28th, 2008 at 6:59pm
Doing a little better lately. Used a few of my Christmas giftcards over the weekend. I have some new lingerie and body sprays.  Smiley

Today was a clarifying day for my hair (need to get some more Pantene Purity shampoo). I also exfoliated quite a bit in the shower. My hair, skin and spirit are feeling kinda stripped.

While looking at my hair in the mirror this morning and seeing all of the pokey, damaged ends sticking out everywhere, I decided that I'm going to stay at BSL for awhile. Probably this year and next. And just grow out some of the damage. That will mean getting trims every 3 months rather than every 6, but it's alright. Long hair is useless if it's not healthy.
    BSL is still considered "long," right?

4 days until I reach BSL officially, resume my nocturnal power walks and begin saving hairs that fall out naturally. I still plan on making a lock of my hair for someone. heh Perhaps I'll save it for a wedding present...to the 2nd husband that I'll never have.  Roll Eyes

Woohoo! A vendor just came by and left me a free bag of peanut M&M's! hehe Front desk operation is not without its perks.  Grin

A la prochaine.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #59 - Jan 28th, 2008 at 7:03pm
4 days to BSL? You're so lucky.. I'm about 4 MONTHS! Lips Sealed
Can't wait to see a pic hopefully! & an early congrats on BSL!!!!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #60 - Jan 29th, 2008 at 1:17pm
waiting4longlocks wrote on Jan 28th, 2008 at 7:03pm:
4 days to BSL? You're so lucky.. I'm about 4 MONTHS! Lips Sealed
Can't wait to see a pic hopefully! & an early congrats on BSL!!!!

Hey, thanx, Waiting4longlocks.  Smiley
3 days now. Can it be??
Don't get discouraged. When I first joined these forums, my hair was 20" long (just below shoulder length) and BSL was too far off to even worry about. You'll get there.  Wink
    And I bloody wish that I could post a pic! But I have camera issues for the moment.  Tongue

So, today I have the morning shift again. Bleh.  Tongue The only good thing about it is that I'll have the rest of the day to clean my car since it's no longer raining. The storm over the weekend interrupted my progress there, but I'm not complaining. Rain is one of my favorite things on Earth.

Hair got the usual CWC routine. It badly needs a trim - the ends are really dried out.  Sad  I know that I've made the right decision in holding at BSL, but I want my waist length hair back!! I've waited 8 years now!  Cry
    Long and healthy must go hand in hand, not compete with each other. *sigh* I was just hoping to be at waist length by age 30. By the time I actually reach it, I'll probably start going gray.  Roll Eyes  Such is life.

Went on an online shopping spree last night. Woohoo! Ordered more lingerie from Victoria's Secret, 2 shirts from Newport News and a necklace from Target. The latter place also has a garnet & marcasite pendant that I am absolutely in looove with! It would be a perfect replacement for the enormous fake garnet necklace that I already own (garnet is my birthstone), but it will have to wait at least until my next paycheck.

In other news, I pity anyone who is both curious about the goth culture and unwise enough to rely on search engine results for guidance. They're only about 50% accurate, if that. hehe Such a mystifying little "subculture" that I belong to.  Wink  But please, people, if you're curious about it, consult a real goth. Be not misled by ignorant assumptions and mainstream ideas.  Roll Eyes

Yeah. Anyway, I've just acquiesced to the fact that my new purse is too small. Bother. I had hopes. But much like the perfect man or the perfect S&C, the perfect handbag is either hard to find or not out there at all.

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #61 - Jan 29th, 2008 at 1:30pm
You should put on a Goth 101 class for us, Angel.  I'd be the first to sign up!  ...is there such a thing as a 46 year old goth?!   Roll Eyes
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #62 - Jan 29th, 2008 at 6:14pm
I'd sign up for the sheer heck of seeing what big sis has to teach... and Trish.. you can be whatever you want, at whatever age you want.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #63 - Jan 30th, 2008 at 10:14am
cool   Cool
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #64 - Jan 30th, 2008 at 5:28pm

Trisha wrote on Jan 29th, 2008 at 1:30pm:
...is there such a thing as a 46 year old goth?!   Roll Eyes

Oh, absolutely. In fact, the vast majority of real goths are in their 30's and 40's now. However, most of them have also been part of the movement since the '70's and '80's. It's not very common for a person to start looking into it at that age.

Kiraela wrote on Jan 29th, 2008 at 6:14pm:
I'd sign up for the sheer heck of seeing what big sis has to teach... and Trish.. you can be whatever you want, at whatever age you want.

Ahh, Kiraela. Dear, sweet, young Kiraela.  Roll Eyes  I think what you really mean is that it's never too late to start doing something. I have a saying: "It's only too late when you're dead."  Wink  But as far as being whatever you want, there are most definitely some age restrictions there and with good reason!!

hehehe Goth 101...  Grin  Anyway...

Hair: Another CWC day. Dad had the day off, so I couldn't take too long in the shower. Didn't even get to exfoliate.  Sad 
    I haven't detangled at all yet and I just know that I forgot to bring a hairtie to work, so my hair will be combed during my break and will probably stay down for the rest of the day. If I'm lucky, I might be able to get my natural side part to cooperate.  Roll Eyes
    And still seeeriously considering haircolor.  Shocked

Other: Waiting as always. Waiting for the stuff that I ordered to arrive, waiting for an official BSL measurement, waiting to start my nocturnal power walks again, waiting for my piercings to heal, waiting for my ship to come in and Mr. Right to come along.  Grin  The biggest thing that I'm waiting for though? The big move to WA. I thought that I would have made it 8 years ago. Everyone including me is wondering why I haven't gone yet - it's not like there's anything holding me here in SoCal. I'm to the point where I no longer care about the things that I was going to take care of before I left, like finishing school. I need to save up and just do it before 8 years turns into 10.
    Pardon me, I'm just thinking out loud. ...
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #65 - Jan 31st, 2008 at 12:22pm
Shaken. Again. ... K has been texting me this morning. Empty stomach + anxiety = almost tossing my cookies at work.  Tongue

I did tell him that it would be best if we didn't talk anymore. Only time will tell if he listens, but I know I cannot continue allowing him to shoot me down when I only want to stand up. Not that he's deliberately trying.

Hair had a WCC routine today. It's soft and the air has dried it already. I'll leave it down until I get home. After that, it goes into a braid so I can finish cleaning/disinfecting my car's interior.

Tonight, I might go to the mountains. I want to revisit the places where I went with K. Not in the interest of sentiment, but of healing. And the mountains sometimes help when I'm feeling down anyway.

May grace return my enthusiasm tomorrow.
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #66 - Jan 31st, 2008 at 1:29pm
((hugs))  Tell K to piss off!  It's over anf that's that! If he won't stop get a restaining order.  I had to do it once and it works.  
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #67 - Feb 1st, 2008 at 5:41pm
Tell K to piss off!

lol I kinda did.  Grin  I love the way you put things, Lisabelle.  Wink

Hair: Washed once (and for the last time) with Time Renewal shampoo, then left a blended conditioning treatment in for an hour. Emptied my bottle of aloe vera gel in the process, and my EVOO is almost gone. After rinsing the treatment out, I finished with Time Renewal conditioner. Leave-in crème and air dry as usual, but I'm not braiding today - it's measure day.  Wink  No kinks allowed. I'll measure when I get home from work, but today I am officially BSL. My 2nd hair goal is reached.  Cheesy

Other Stuff: My trip to the mountains was quite helpful, as it turns out. I drove a bit, cried a bit, sang a bit, and mostly walked around in the cold air. Cleared my head up nicely. As I walked through the outlet center, retracing the steps that K and I had taken together just a month before, I noticed that the area itself seemed to mirror and incarnate what I was feeling.
    The stores had replaced their luxe, festive holiday merch with the new arrivals of spring. Both the ice rink and giant Christmas tree in the courtyard had been ripped out, leaving naught but empty space and gaping holes in the ground. The specialness of the holidays is gone - now it's back to real life. The exact same things can be said for my now bygone holiday romance with K. Back to life. Turn the page.

There's a new desk in my room now where my mother's old hope chest used to be. I had to rearrange practically everything to accomodate it, but gives permanent residence to my laptop and makeup box.

My nails are also a very dark shade of purple called Who Are You Wearing? Another OPI concoction that looks great in the bottle, but not on. You can't even tell that it's a metallic. Blah. I am not a fan.  Tongue

One of my mail orders has supposedly been delivered. I say supposedly because it claims to have been delivered before I left for work and...there was nothing there.  Huh  My emotions about this are mixed. If it has been delivered, then I'm happy that it's here, but also worried because my parents have been opening my mail again, and I can only imagine the grilling I'd get if they saw what I'd bought. *sigh* God, I wish I lived alone.

Anyway, new month, new measurement, new length, new avatar, new ticker, new sig, new stuff, new Angel.  Smiley
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #68 - Feb 3rd, 2008 at 9:46am
i second trisha re: k!

yeah for BSL! i've explained those acronyms to my husband and told him to expect the BSL happy dance when i reach it in several months, but you can do it now! so you better-happy dance for all of us still growing to BSL!!! *fyi-my happy dance is similar to the dance the muppets do, arms straight feet kind of irish jigging and head from side to side with mouth open in ecstatic grin*.

as for the items not yet delivered (mr. right and online purchases), go to the mountains and forget about them for a while. they will show up eventually!  Wink
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #69 - Feb 4th, 2008 at 3:58pm
Congrats on reaching BSL, my love   Cool  Now move forward with the non-hair goal of moving to WA, yes?
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #70 - Feb 4th, 2008 at 5:52pm
RTG: LOL @ the Muppet happy dance!  Grin  Would a Snoopy dance also be acceptable? Or how about Elaine from Seinfeld?  Wink  Better yet...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... Get down, everyone.

Trisha: Thank you! Oh, thank you all so much! This is truly a momentous occasion, and I could never have done it without the support of everyone here at LongLocks! I'd like to thank God and Mother Nature, everybody at Pantene and last but certainly not least, all the fans! God bless you all! LOL  Grin  Yeah, anyway...

Hair: Did the clarifying routine today. Products currently used for this process are: Pantene Purity shampoo, distilled white vinegar, Pantene Restoratives Time Renewal conditioner, and of course, lots of tepid water.
    Right now, hair is down, dried and awaiting a braid.

Other: Brought dark chocolate and cherry cordial Kisses into work today. Both get Angel's goth stamp of approval.  Cool
Spent the entire weekend cleaning and re-vamp-ing my chamber. hehe I also bought electric tealights, placed them in little ivy bowls and scattered them around for "mood lighting." Très romantique!  Wink  Especially when you consider that my chamber is quite Victorian anyway.

My Target and Newport News orders finally arrived. Woohoo! More gothly additions to my wardrobe. I think it's safe to say that K's loss is the next guy's gain. Big time. lol And I'm not even referring to myself.

Everything is getting cleaned, sterilized, spruced up and refreshed. I'll greet life's next adventure anew, whatever and wherever it may be.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #71 - Feb 5th, 2008 at 12:19pm
Congrats on reaching BSL... and your new outlook on life! Wink
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #72 - Feb 5th, 2008 at 7:13pm
hehe Thanx, LD.  Wink

Hair: Did the usual CWC routine today. Products that I'm currently using for this are:
  • Suave  Tropical Coconut conditioner
  • Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense shampoo
  • Pantene Restoratives Time Renewal conditioner
  • Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense detangling leave-in crème

Braided as usual. I'm noticing, though, that my hair is becoming more difficult to detangle. The ends are really dry and I actually found my first split end in over 10 years a few days ago.  Shocked  Not good. So I'm scheduling a trim close to the 1st of March.

Good Things: The 2 seamless combs that I use most often have been cleaned after much neglect. And I got a hair compliment from my sister a few nights ago.  Smiley
   I was leaning over the bathroom sink and she came up beside me, eyed my braid and cooed, "Preeetty hair." She has always been a fan.  Wink

Piercings: Are healing nicely. No adverse reactions whatever. Apparently, the surgical steel that they used is a high enough grade that it doesn't bother my ears. I'm allergic to surgical steel most of the time. I don't even die anymore if a little bit of pressure is applied to them, though my work is still interesting. I have to aim the phone receiver away from my piercings while talking into it at the same time.
   The saltwater soaks are a pain in the neck though. Literally.  Tongue  And if I don't remember to tie my hair back first, the saline solution gets all over it. I can't wait for these 2 months to be over!

Other: The perfect way to get rid of K? Talk about something serious.  Roll Eyes  Dude just can't handle it; and that's a big part of why I broke things off with him. My men need a backbone - sissies and shallow thinkers need not apply.

My sister is working as a Bacardi girl downtown tonight for Mardi Gras. And tomorrow is her birthday (24). And I'm beginning to suspect that one of my guy friends might have a crush on me. Egad to all 3.  Undecided
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #73 - Feb 5th, 2008 at 10:21pm
I have an idea regarding using the phone at work.  Try asking them for a little headset.  I use to use one in the days I did front desk and it was alot easyer.  Luckly I never had any real piercings problems.  When I got my nose done it didn't even bleed! And she used an ear gun to boot!  To clean my nose I used a shot glass with warm salt water, put my nose in and blew bubbles! Cheesy
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #74 - Feb 6th, 2008 at 4:50pm
Lisabelle: LOL What a visual!  Grin  You crack me up, sister.
    As for headsets, yech! Can't stand them. The foam part of the earpiece would sit right on my new piercings. And being that I'm only in the office for half a day and have to share the phone with someone else, it wouldn't exactly be convenient.  Undecided  I'm cool with a receiver - it's just funny how I have to hold it now.  Wink

Hair: Another CWC routine. The usual.

Work: Insanely busy. Just finished cataloguing and labeling term files for '06. Now there's a big shredding project to do, and every moron in town has been calling in with more than the usual amount of cluelessness. Phone is often flooded. And now, mother wants me to create an entire document for a list that will sit in a drawer in our desk and never see the light of day. Oy.  Tongue

Health: Back to walking every other night. I notice an immediate difference in the way I feel. I've also finished the "exfoliating my entire body" project. Between the walking, sweating, drinking, meditating and other ritual cleansing, it shouldn't be long before K is flushed out of my system.

Other Stuff: Today is my little sister's b-day. She had a lot of fun as a "Bacardi Gras girl" last night and made $200. This morning, she showed me the "battle scars" left behind from her costume.
Once again, I'm in need of a manicure, so I'm thinking Lincoln Park After Dark this time.  Wink  Ta!
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #75 - Feb 7th, 2008 at 11:37am
A Bacardi Girl... ah memories!  I did stuff like that when I was young.  Lots of fun and easy money! Cheesy
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #76 - Feb 7th, 2008 at 1:29pm
Hair: Had to do a WCC this morning after 2 days of CWC's. Can't allow too much conditioner build-up. Washed once with Breakage Defense shampoo and left Time Renewal conditioner in until the end of my shower. Then conditioned again with Suave Tropical Coconut. It has a lovely scent, but burns the back of my neck.

After the usual leave-in & air drying, hair is just down today. Might as well be since I just washed it. But I'll braid it before my walk tonight.
Had a dream (actually, more of a nightmare) last night that I'd gotten all of my hair cut off! As in above shoulder length! Shocked  It wasn't my idea at all. I think my parents had actually arranged it and I have no idea why I went along with it instead of running away screaming. I was very against it, but I also didn't seem to have much of a choice in the matter.
    My first thought was, "how am I going to explain this to the folks at LongLocks?! They'll consider me a traitor!" But I tried to stay optimistic, thinking, "well, even though I have to start all over again, at least I can grow it out with no damage." Even so, a traumatic experience. You can imagine my relief when I woke up still having long hair.  Wink
    As far as what it may mean, I put dream analysis right up there with astrology on the ol' BS meter.  Roll Eyes  According to various "dream dictionaries," possible interpretations could be:
  • A forced loss of strength, power or identity, as if someone is trying to hold me back
  • Feeling weak, vulnerable, victimized or unfairly criticized
  • A perceived threat to my identity or hair itself
  • Being forcibly deprived of sensual or physical drives
  • That my passiveness will cause me loss, mental anguish and generally getting screwed over
  • That I feel someone is trying to make me conform to their ideals (which I may view as too conservative or confining)

The only thing I can say to any of that is no $#!%, Sherlock! Oy. Why can't I ever just have happy dreams? All of mine are like ...

Other Stuff: Probably going to dinner tonight for my sister's b-day (which was actually yesterday, but she wasn't home). Work is retarded, especially the phone. I can barely keep up with it. Pretty sure that a certain male friend of mine does indeed have a thing for me (very unrequited, I might add). My Victoria's Secret order still hasn't arrived. Payday is tomorrow and that doesn't seem to be soon enough! Was hoping to see a certain musical co-worker from the Fire side today, but it didn't happen. Ah well.
Hope everybody has a good day. Peace.
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #77 - Feb 7th, 2008 at 7:09pm
I don't know how much truth is in it but I have heard that when a person is overstressed they tend to have bad dreams and/or nightmares.

It sounds like you are stressed mainly at work (which I can relate to a lot) so I would suspect that might be what triggered this nighmare.

I used to stress too much about work to the point it was making me sick so my boss made me go to a stress class and as much as I didn't want to go I did.  And, I actually did learn a few things and I still have stress at work and life in general but now I am better able to deal with it instead of letting it run and ruin my life.

And, I am sure there are lots of people in this world that would deny their stress is that bad but some are terribly mistaken.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #78 - Feb 8th, 2008 at 5:29pm
Hair: Friday WTC routine. Washed once with Breakage Defense shampoo and treated for an hour using Time Renewal Replenishing Mask + the last of my EVOO. I'm done with straight oils for awhile now, I think. Anyway, chased that with Time Renewal conditioner, which I'm almost out of. I need to go to the store and get a new bottle of Breakage Defense conditioner.

Other: Payday didn't help nearly enough.  Sad  And as much as I need to just not spend any $$$ for 2 weeks, that just isn't an option. My tax return is my only hope now and I won't have it for a few months yet. Ugh. Everything's pretty much sucking eggs at the moment, and of course, this is when the whole world wants to mess with me.  Tongue
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #79 - Feb 11th, 2008 at 5:47pm
Hair: Clarifying day. Washed once with Purity shampoo, white vinegar rinse, washed again with Purity shampoo, conditioned with Breakage Defense conditioner. Done.

Health: Nocturnal power walks are going well. I'm going faster now than ever before. Lost 1 lb. the first week, so now I'm down to 115.2. That tiny little rock & roll figure of mine is beginning to peek through again.
    Lately, I'm all about antioxidants. On Saturday, I began drinking green tea (decaf, mint-infused) and taking vitamin E every day, and will continue for a month or so.

Work: Between solemn and devastating today. Budget constraints forced 2 departments to merge and cost 6 people their jobs. One of which was my favorite co-worker. ... I feel like I've been socked in the gut.

Life: K sent me an e-card over the weekend to say that he missed me. It never fails...every time he messages me, I'm determined not to let it ruin my day. But it always does. Fed up, I sent him a not-so-nice reply.  Lips Sealed
    And whom should I find in a chat room last night but the distant former love interest before K? We actually talked casually in the company of a mutual friend. It was predictably awkward, but for the first time, I was able to bring up obscure bands that he had never heard of. Bands that K had introduced me to. So I suppose it was all worth something in the end.

Healing: Only 27 days until my piercings are healed enough that I can change jewelry and stop doing the torturous saline soaks.
    Still in "detox mode" where getting over K is concerned. This will probably take awhile.  Sad
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #80 - Feb 12th, 2008 at 6:51pm
Hair: CWC routine. My new hair schedule is as follows:

Monday: Clarify
Tuesday: CWC
Wednesday: CWC or WCC
Thursday: CWC
Friday: WTC
Saturday: CWC
Sunday: CWC

Baaadly need a trim! My last one was in November and I already need another. The last inch and a half of my hair is really dry. Clarifying yesterday and the Santa Ana conditions haven't helped that.

Lately, I've been wondering if having long hair is really worth it. My hair is sooo fine, sooo thin and tangles sooo easily.  Sad  Perhaps my parents are right and it really does look ridiculous long. Can something look wrong and feel right? I guess I'm kind of having second thoughts about the whole long hair thing in general.
    Don't get me wrong, I love, love, LOVE long hair and I absolutely have a long-haired spirit. I'm just not sure if it's right for the hair that I was given during my time on Earth.
    Is it normal to have second thoughts or reconsider?  Undecided

Other: I think I still have a vitamin E capsule stuck in my throat. Ack!
    I also find myself in the paradox of wanting to fall in love, yet being in no shape to do so. It's been so long since I had a real honest-to-goodness romance. But I know that I must deal with the residual K business first.
    Also, I've decided that OPI's Lincoln Park After Dark shade sucks. It turns black when it sets completely, and if I wanted black nails, I would have just used black polish. Oy. I may well go back to drugstore brands.  Tongue
    Oh! And Cover Girl finally came out with a suuuper pale foundation that I can't wait to try. Yays.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #81 - Feb 13th, 2008 at 7:03pm
Hair: Washed the entire length with Breakage Defense shampoo. Conditioned from the ears down with Breakage Defense conditioner. But for some reason, I forgot to do a 2nd conditioning. I thought that perhaps I could make up for it by using a little EVOO in addition to my usual leave-in, but I was short on time this morning.  Undecided
    It's dry as usual and a bit gunky from the leave-in, but I have it braided, so I'm going to just forget about it until bedtime.

Devil In Disguise? My boss confronted me a little while ago about a really embarrassing e-mail that I'd composed (just for gits & shiggles) and promptly deleted. Trouble is I didn't delete it from the Deleted Items folder as well. Oops.  Embarrassed So I guess my mother must have discovered it and showed our boss. Boy, did I have an interesting time BS-ing my way out of that one!  Grin

With my account overdrawn and a check for the water bill on its way, it came down to begging, borrowing and stealing to make ends meet. Begging never got me anywhere, so that only left the latter 2. I raided the coin jar in the office and asked to borrow $50 from my dad. Of course, I'll reimburse him...but probably not the coin jar.  Embarrassed
    Yeah, I can be evil when pushed to the brink. ...  Smiley

Other: Did a video workout last night with my mother & sister, so my, er, hindquarters are killing me today. I'm still power walking tonight though.

My father invited me to take a tiling class with him on Saturday so he & I can install the new tile floor in my bathroom.  Shocked  He also wants me to take bass and guitar lessons from a musician buddy of his once a week. After about 6 months, he says, he wants me to start playing in his band!!! ...

Anyway, to spare me the nervous breakdown, it's tea time. Cheers!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #82 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 12:47pm
Hair: CWC + leave-in crème + just a leeettle bit of EVOO on the ends and the underside strands which were very dry. As a whole, hair is feeling remarkably soft today. It seems to have absorbed at least some of the oil as it air dried, but I'll be braiding it anyway. I dislike using oil, but with the weather as dry as it's been, it was necessary.  Tongue

Nails: 2 coats black, 1 coat sheer, shimmery navy blue. Makes for a just-barely-metallic black.  Cool

Other: A storm was rolling in as I went for my power walk last night. I was still sore from my workout the day before, so I took things a little slower than usual. I still jogged across streets and large driveways, but took time to notice and savor things as I walked...like the wind as it whistled through the 2nd and 3rd hoops in my ears, the dark stormclouds swallowing the moon in the sky and she glimmer of my nails under the streetlamps. It was an absolutely beautiful night.
    This morning, there were faint remnants of rain.  Smiley  And I really hope that it's not done.

K sent me a pic last night of Steffen Keth singing and it appeared to be a live shot. That bloody booger might have gone to the De/Vision show in LA last night. Grrrrrr! I so wanted to go. Alas...
    And why, oh why, can't men ever just LET GO ALREADY?!?!?! ...  Honestly, the way they desperately try to hold onto a person or relationship that has clearly moved on without them is pathetic. Get it through your thick skulls, guys - over is over! If you can't handle letting go, then you shouldn't have screwed up in the first place. Sheesh!  Tongue

Anyway, after wondering for weeks what became of my Victoria's Secret orders, I checked the UPS website this morning and tracked them. Turns out that both were delivered several days ago. So it was family interception.
    So, I texted my sister to find out if the 'rents had tossed my packages into her room by mistake (even though they would have been clearly addressed to me) and she said that she hadn't noticed any packages, but gave me permission to search through her room. ... lol So I'll do that this afternoon. If I don't find them there, I'm searching the rest of the house because my real suspicion is that my OCD mother took them and hid them somewhere.  Angry  I'm not one to rush to judgment, but for the last few months, she has been opening my mail. I had to cancel my paper bank statements just to prevent her & my father from reading them. So is it illogical to think that they (she) may be behind the disappearance of my packages?

The Fleet Manager at work brought Valentine's Day goodies from See's for my mother & I.  Cheesy  He's such a sweet guy. My mother got a bag of toffee-ettes and I got hot hearts, which are like heart-shaped Hot Tamales. hehe I love cinnamon.  Wink

So anyway, that's what's going on in Angel's world of late.
Happy Heart Day! ...
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #83 - Feb 15th, 2008 at 6:00pm
Oh my.

So it turns out that K did see the De/Vision show in LA. He wanted to take me along, but he also knew that I would refuse if he asked. My sister told me all of this, naturally, since she works with him.
   What a boob.  Tongue  But at least he's starting to figure things out...I guess.  Undecided

Oh, but I have something to best him. The fire tech that I seem to have a little bit of a thing for came to my office when I got to work today and gave me 2 tickets to his band's show on Saturday night. Ever since then, I've been feeling like  Smiley

Hair is messy but ok. I did a WTC this morning + the usual leave-in.
My parents got V-day presents for my sister & I, among which were beaded hair clips (which my sis calls "cleepees" lol) so I'm going to try and put them in today when I get my break. Just to see how they look. The rest of me looks like crap.  Tongue

That's interesting. Why is it that guys only show up when we ladies are looking our absolute worst? Par exemple, I've been off of my meds for almost a month, so my skin is absolutely horrendous. I haven't detangled my hair at all yet, so as I' mentioned, it's a mess. No makeup, no jewelry...even my saline soaks have been falling by the wayside (oops  Embarrassed) and I'm wearing one of the most juvenile shirts that I own - my Nightmare Before Christmas hoodie. And today the cutie in Fire swings by my office.  Roll Eyes  Totally figures.
   Of course I'm not blaming him. I totally should have seen it coming. But I do wish that I could have had my act together even a little bit more!  Embarrassed  You can't win 'em all. It was a  busy morning.
   Guess I'll just really have to step up my game tomorrow night. At the beach. When I see Silver Side. For free.

Oh my. ...
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« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2008 at 4:41pm by N/A »  
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Posts: 60
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #84 - Feb 18th, 2008 at 12:13am
Hey Angel Spun,
Haven't checked in for a little bit so am doing some rapid catch-up now!  Hope you really enjoyed yourself at the show!
Keep well.
P.S - Congrats on reaching BSL  Wink  
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #85 - Feb 18th, 2008 at 3:53pm

Posted by: Angel Spun Posted on: Feb 12th, 2008, 3:51pm
     Lately, I've been wondering if having long hair is really worth it. My hair is sooo fine, sooo thin and tangles sooo easily.    Perhaps my parents are right and it really does look ridiculous long. Can something look wrong and feel right? I guess I'm kind of having second thoughts about the whole long hair thing in general. 
    Don't get me wrong, I love, love, LOVE long hair and I absolutely have a long-haired spirit. I'm just not sure if it's right for the hair that I was given during my time on Earth. 
    Is it normal to have second thoughts or reconsider?

Honey, it is TOTALLY normal to have second thoughts about the care and feeding of long hair...as I'm doing right now--although for different reasons than you.  Remember, the bottom line is that it's just hair, and if you cut it off it WILL grow back (if you want it to).   Cool 
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #86 - Feb 18th, 2008 at 7:17pm
JL: Thanx!  Cheesy  I think my hair is actually past BSL now. And if not, it soon will be. And I had a fantastic time at the show!  Smiley

Trisha: Thanx, mom. I needed that.  Kiss  You're totally right though. It's just hair and it grows back.

Speaking Of Which: I clarified today. The usual routine and products. However, on Friday night, I trashed my shower cap and went back to pinning my hair up in the shower with a plastic pteradactyl beak clip. I'd absolutely had it with shower caps getting loose, breaking, letting water in and just generally feeling awkward. Not to mention the whole "greenhouse effect" from scalp heat.  Tongue  So I'm done with them.
   It's a little weird right now adjusting to my beak clip again after so long...but I'll get used to it.

Saturday Night: Silver Side. Incredible. I can't seem to say enough good things about this band. There's not one weak musician in it. The guitar player is great, the bass player is OMG amazing, and...who knew that my beloved co-worker was such a bloody amazing drummer? My mother even described him as "sick good." lol The singer isn't my favorite by a long shot, but he does a really great job engaging everyone in the audience and making them feel included. Even people in the back of the room. And that's so important.
   Great show though. They even had a bellydancer for one song, which was a new feature. And wow, quite a few hot guys there that night. Both on and offstage.  Grin  

Hottest of all was my co-worker who spotted me right as I walked in and gave me a hug!!  Smiley I don't even know how he even recognized me with so much makeup and jewelry as I was wearing - I was pretty punk-goth that night. Perhaps it was the black clothing...and maybe the hair.  Wink
   I actually got to hug him twice that night. Once when mother & I arrived and once more when we left. *swoon* What started as a subtle fascination has grown into a legitimate crush...even though he smokes  Angry  and I'm pretty sure that he has a gf.  Cry  I don't stand a ghost of a chance anyway, so what's the harm if I like him and just keep it to myself?  Wink  I know my secret is safe with all of you.

Anyway, yeah, great night. Totally made my weekend. Heck, that might have made my whole month! Awesome, awesome show. Not my mother's favorite type of music by far, but even she enjoyed it. I can definitely see why this band is a local phenomenon.  Wink  And I wish that my father could have seen them as well. Maybe I'll bring him to the next show.

Other: I was hoping that said co-worker would swing by my office today and ask what I thought of the show in true rock star fashion, but no such luck.  Undecided  I gave myself a new manicure last night and put on a little makeup this morning just in case. It won't be the last time I see him anyhow.

Nails: 2 coats black, 1 coat black rainbow microglitter.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #87 - Feb 19th, 2008 at 8:56am
Thanx, mom

Awww!   Kiss   Cool
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #88 - Feb 19th, 2008 at 5:52pm
Trish:  Kiss  So glad that you weren't offended by that!

Hair: The usual CWC routine. I used a little too much leave-in crème and now my hair feels gummy.  Undecided  I brought some corn oil to work with me so I can oil my hair before I braid it during my break. Corn oil is heavy. I used it a few days ago just to see what would happen. But if I keep my hair braided, it's not a huge deal.
    Hair is sooo dry right now, it needs all the help it can get. I've definitely decided to schedule my next trim around the 1st of March.

Other: Haven't seen hide nor hair of Fire cutie/drummer boy since Saturday night (which is a rather ironic joke, given that he has no hair). Gah! It's driving me bonkers! When you like someone, you want to see them all the time. So my ears perk when I hear the back door of the office building open or when I hear someone's footsteps in the hall, heading toward my office. ... I keep hoping against hope that it's him...but it never is. My heart leaps into my mouth at the very thought of him dropping by my office again.
    Drooling over his pictures on the internet isn't enough. I want to talk to the man himself! lol  Grin

My stupid manicure is chipping already. Argh! I can never manage to keep one decent for more than a few days.  Tongue

Anyway, my break's coming up in about 10 minutes, so...later, gators!
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #89 - Feb 20th, 2008 at 5:58am
Ooooh! A bald guy! Smiley  Bald is very nice and can be sooooo sexy! Wink
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #90 - Feb 20th, 2008 at 9:42am
I agree; bald can be sexier than the longest of hair--on the right person.   Cool
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #91 - Feb 20th, 2008 at 4:18pm
Um, yeah! Can we say Patrick Stewart?! I had a mad crush on him in Star Trek TNG. ... lol

Although, it's not hair (or lack thereof) that attracts me to drummer boy. It's his personality, his talent, his looovely sky blue eyes...and pretty much everything else.  Wink

Haven't seen him yet today, but then, I've only been at work for an hour now.

Hair is doing well today. Not even frizzy despite the rain. Yeah!! It's been raining since dawn. Smiley Thank God for small favors.
    The corn oil from yesterday washed out with a simple CWC, and my hair felt remarkably soft afterwards! I'm still in desperate need of a trim, but I'll settle for the usual braid.

Just 18 days until my ears are healed enough to change out these earrings. The saline soaks that I do twice a day are now down to 5 minutes each. 10 was just too time consuming and always put 2 dreadful kinks in my neck.  Tongue  I'm more likely to keep up with them now.
    For months, I've had my eye on sets of silver ball earrings in different sizes, so I'm hoping that my next paycheck will allow me to buy them. It will be nice to switch to studs after dealing with these hoops for so long. And it will be nice to be able to clean my ears & jewelry normally, without having to do the blasted saline soaks. Sooo looking forward to that! You have no idea.

Nails are shot. Polish is intact on some nails, completely missing from others and chipped on the ends of most.  Tongue  Yesterday after work, I tried to find the Sally Hanson Teflon Tuff polish that Maggie once mentioned in her journal, but had no such luck.  Undecided

Well, I'm off to answer phones, sip (decaf) mint green tea, open the blinds and enjoy this gorgeous gray weather. Cheers!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #92 - Feb 21st, 2008 at 2:02pm
Hair: I decided to wash the entire length this morning even though I'm going to do so again tomorrow. Hair has had a strange, almost moldy, scent about it. Especially toward the ends.  Tongue  So in an effort to get rid of this, I washed the entire length, conditioned twice and used warmish water the entire time.
   No, I don't think that my hair is actually growing mold. lol It's probably just the scent of my leave-in crème turning over time...or something.  Undecided
   Hair was also gummy-feeling today and difficult to comb through when dry, so I used a little corn oil, especially on the ends, and braided it. Fini.

Other: The manager of the Fire division at work reserved the conference room next to my office for a meeting this afternoon. If it involves his employees, they will all (including my crush) pass by my office. The problem? I have the morning shift today and will be gone by the time the meeting takes place.  Sad  This is my luck in a nutshell.
   Oh well. I look like crap today anyway.  Tongue

In other news, tomorrow's payday!!!  Cheesy
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #93 - Feb 22nd, 2008 at 7:32pm
Smiley Smiley Smiley
Guess who came into my office today...3 times?!?!?!?!  Wink  Cheesy
Yup, looks like Angel's going to another beach bar tonight to see her beauuutiful co-worker.   Wink  And yes, he invited me. *giggle, shiver, spaz* STOKE!

Immediately after work, I have to run to the bank, then pick up my father from his work, then brave an hour's worth of rush hour traffic in the rain.  Tongue  If I can wash up, get ready and get to the bar in time to see him, it will be a small miracle (but ohhh so worth it!  Wink). Wish me luck!

In hair news, the usual WTC for Friday, only this time I held my hair up with my pterodactyl beak clip instead of a shower cap. And the usual leave-in & air dry. Hair is just down today. I forgot to bring a hairtie to work (again!) so I wasn't able to braid, but that ended up being a blessing in disguise. I want to wear my hair down for the show tonight & wouldn't have wanted it to be all kinked & wavy.
   I wish I had time to fix it a bit. There's a red carpet style that I'd like to try out. But it will have to wait for some other night.

So, what else is there to say? Oh yeah, it's payday. Whatever.
Time to get my rock on. ...
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #94 - Feb 23rd, 2008 at 7:19am
Right on!  Hope you had a great time! Cool
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #95 - Feb 23rd, 2008 at 1:45pm
Hope ya had a great time!!!!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #96 - Feb 24th, 2008 at 3:09pm
Curlgirl & Lisabelle: Oh, I did.  Wink  But more on that later.

Hair: Just simple, basic CWC routines over the weekend. The roots have been extra greasy when I wake up for some reason. I am not myself until I've had my shower!

The drummer of Silver Side seems to like my hair.  Wink  Friday night, he remarked upon its softness & lightness. He also told me that he loves redheads...and I said that that was funny, considering I'm a brunette.  Wink  My hair does have a definite reddish tint to it (Celtic heritage), so he's at least partially on the mark.  Grin

Friday Night: Man, I can't even put it to words. Just awesome and everything that I never could have expected. I met my crush at his apartment and he drove us to the bar. We hung out in the area for awhile and I got to meet the guys in the band that we were there to see. Just before the first band went on, I paid for our tickets (girl power!) and my crush felt totally emasculted  Grin  so I let him buy me a Shirley Temple. Ha.
    Then, we claimed a red velvet couch in the back of the bar and cracked jokes about the first 2 bands, which were rather terrible. I felt like we were the 2 old heckler dudes from the Muppets. lol
    People were always coming by and saying hi to my crush (he's something of a local celeb, much like my father) and most of them said hi to me as well since I was with him. And he would get up for a few minutes to talk to people that he knew, but always came back to me. We spent most of the time like that, just hanging out and heckling. About halfway through the 2nd band's show, some people came and invaded our couch. They were friends, so we hung with them a bit, but my crush wanted to be alone with me.  Wink  And there just happened to be another red velvet couch available against a different back wall.  Wink
    Foil, the main band that we'd come to see, was quite good. Not as tight as Silver Side, of course...but good. Both bands are fans/supporters/friendly rivals of each other, as my crush explained to me, so they attend each other's shows. Good stuff.
    After they left the stage, we made our exit, not sticking around for the last band. My beloved co-worker was quite tired and it must have been past midnight. So we went back to his apartment...holding hands the entire way.
    Once there, he told me that he'd been crushing on me just as long as I'd been crushing on him.  Smiley  From the moment we met...over a month ago, when he came into my office to check the fire extinguisher. I was still dating K at the time, but this beautiful new stranger appealed to me in more ways than one. Now, I was in his arms and not K's. As for the rest, well...ladies never kiss and tell.  Wink
    It was just after 3 am when I got home, and I slept for a whopping 3 hours.  Tongue

The Rest: Yesterday, I had a horrible experience at Panera and have decided never to return. I waited a full [censored]ing hour for my order and it never came.  Angry  So I spoke (as politely as I could under the circumstances) with the manager and got a refund. Their crappy service has cost them a customer for life! Screw them.
    Disgusted, I went to my favorite shopping center, had lunch (at Boudin, which is so much better and less expensive!) and then went to Macy's in search of silver ball earrings. I got a set of 3 pairs in different sizes so I'll have something to replace the hoops that are in my ears now when it's time to take them out. 3 simple silver balls in each ear...I think that will be a nice look.  Smiley

As of today, I haven't heard from my lovely musical crush. I tried calling him this morning, but I think his phone is dead.  Undecided  Hopefully, he'll come to my office tomorrow. I have a plan to really mess with him.  Wink

Anyway, 'tis time for lunch once again. I just might go back to Boudin.  Cool  Ciao!
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #97 - Feb 24th, 2008 at 3:35pm
I am glad to hear you had a great time Cool

It sounds like you and your crush are starting something special Cool  I hope it works out a lot better than your last relationship Wink

BTW, I checked out the links you provided in my heavy metal thread for Silver Side and even though I have not heard much of the samples yet I do like what I have listened to so far.  I will listen to more and let you know what I think after I do listen to more.

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #98 - Feb 25th, 2008 at 2:15am
You go girl!!!!  I'm so happy you had a great time!  From what you said and described alittle of the scene,I almost felt like I was there!  Ya know,fly on the wall type of thing Wink  Thanks for sharing!  Hope to hear more of this happy event,(hint,hint!)
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #99 - Feb 25th, 2008 at 8:40am
Right on Angel! Cool
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #100 - Feb 25th, 2008 at 9:56am
I'm sitting here, giggling like a school girl while reading about your latest crush.   Smiley  He sounds dee-vine and I think it's too cool that he's in a band!   Cool  Go ahead with yer big bad self!! 
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #101 - Feb 25th, 2008 at 6:19pm
Your date night seemed like a lot of fun!  I'm glad you found someone to take your mind off of that K guy. Wink

My sister and I were on the phone the other day trying to figure out how to make a Shirley Temple. Our grandparents used to order those for us all the time when we were kids, they're so good!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #102 - Feb 25th, 2008 at 7:48pm
Jerry: Hope you like them! I'd love to be able to tell the drummer that he's got a fan all the way up in Montana!  Wink

Curlgirl & Lisabelle: ...

Trish: tee hee, Mom. Oh how I wish that you could just see his eyes or stand in his "aura" for a few minutes. He's so much hotter than any picture can convey.  Wink  Most definitely "dee-vine."

La Diosa: It wasn't a date, but it was an awesome night.  Cool  Sadly, I don't think that I'm 100% over K yet...but this lovely new friend is certainly helping with that.  Wink
   And Shirley Temples are easy to make. They're just grenadine & ginger ale. If you don't have ginger ale, you can use 7-Up...or cherry 7-Up. Top with as many maraschino cherries as you want!  Grin

Hair: Did the clarifying routine today. Washed with Purity shampoo, did a white vinegar rinse, washed again with Purity shampoo, then left Breakage Defense conditioner in the length while finishing the rest of my shower. Hair feels a bit stripped, but at least the grease is gone!
   Still in desperate need of a trim. I should call my Scissor Lady soon.

Other: A certain musical co-worker dropped by my office today, as I'd figured he would. I greeted him with a quirky, comical "how dare you not call me?" glare at which he smiled and offered an apology/explanation. His phone had indeed been dead as I'd predicted and he had left its charger at work. But I only smirked, "You think that's the first time I've ever heard that one?" I mean really, how many men have pulled out the "my phone was dead" line?  Roll Eyes  lol I couldn't resist.
   He went on, but I stood up, hugged him and let him know that I was just teasing. I think he was fully aware of the fact anyway.
   Then he showed me the new phone that he'd gotten on Saturday...and gave me his new number.  Wink  So yeah, we're cool...except that he signed up with Cricket who screwed me out of $300 last year. ... They'd better hope that he has better luck with them than I did...or Angel might have to pound some [censored].  Lips Sealed  Wink

Anyway, it's time to start closing up shop here. 'Night, everyone!
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #103 - Feb 25th, 2008 at 8:54pm
Yes, you can tell the drummer they have a fan in Montana Cool

I ordered the CD Trail Of Stones a few minutes ago Wink

I am sure my boss at work will like their music too.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #104 - Feb 26th, 2008 at 5:30pm
Jerry: Rock on, dude. I told the drummer that the band now has a fan in Montana and his response was, "Right on...Guess we have to tour there now, hehe."
    But seriously, I'm glad that you liked them enough to order the CD. Thanx for helping Silver Side go national.  Cool

Hair: CWC, no leave-in's. Hair is 100% dried now and I'll oil & braid it during my break. I guess one way to get rid of oil that has expired is to use it in your hair. Such is the case with my corn oil.

Life: Ugh...draggin'. Tired today. It was a busy morning and I feel like a slug.  Tongue

Work: A co-worker got me a small smoothie from the Robeks down the street.  Smiley
    I've been drowning in leases since my arrival this afternoon and being as tired as I am doesn't help them get organized any faster.
    Lost all concentration when my crush stopped by. His cool blue eyes made me forget about everything else for a moment. And I blushed like crazy when he spoke... ...
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #105 - Feb 26th, 2008 at 6:24pm
If they did tour here I would go see them Cool

We have had some big name bands and artists come to our town but most of them only go to our largest city which is Billings.  That and/or Bozeman and Missoula.

That would be cool if they make it as big as metallica or others because then I/we could say I/we knew about them before they were really popular.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #106 - Feb 27th, 2008 at 6:34pm
That would be cool if they make it as big as metallica or others because then I/we could say I/we knew about them before they were really popular.

I suppose we could, Jerry. ...

On that note (ha, bad pun), I have a movie date with the drummer at the local drive-in tonight. Smiley This is just one of those moments where I wish that life would just stop so I could savor it forever...because it just doesn't get any better than this!
   I have also learned that I cannot fall asleep to Silver Side's music. Not because it's metal, but because it makes me too excited. My pulse races, my nerves tense, my psyche puts up its devil horns and screams, "RRRRock!!" and I find myself zoning in on the drums (wonder why?).  Grin  A compliment, no doubt, to the band. But not such good news for the sleepless. hehe

Hair was absolutely disgusting this morning, still coated in oil from the day before. Corn oil on the bottom, natural scalp oil at the top. Blegh!  Tongue  To make matters worse, I didn't have the option of washing it immediately because 1.) my towels were still not dry and 2.) my father called and needed me to pick him up at the Ford dealership where he'd gone to have an alarm installed on his new SUV. So I had to throw on yesterday's clothes, my body still coated with dry sweat from last night's dancing  Tongue and hit the road that way. God, it felt gross!
   My bath towels were dry by the time I returned (I'd thrown them in the dryer before I left) and I didn't hesitate to jump in the shower and take as long as I needed!
   Hair got a W-CWC with lots of rinsing time. I'm still using Breakage Defense S&C, but my light conditioner has changed to Suave Cucumber Melon for the time being. It smells weird, so I'd like to try some other fruity conditioner next.

Hair is down today. Dry and staticky as the weather makes it, but at least not coated with oils.  Tongue  I'll most likely leave it down for tonight's outing if not just for the chance of drummer boy running his fingers through it again. Ahhh... ...

*Footnote: Corn oil has been tossed out as I'm swearing off straight oiling for good. I mean it this time!
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #107 - Feb 27th, 2008 at 9:52pm
I hope you have fun tonight Wink

We used to have two drive-in's.  One is where our Walmart is now and the other has a Mcdonald's where it used to be.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #108 - Feb 28th, 2008 at 12:06pm
So I am now indeed dating the drummer of Silver Side. It's strange and surreal saying that since it was only weeks ago that I'd been harboring a secret flame for the guy. But nevertheless, it now seems to be quite true. We're dating. Wow...

Drive-in plans have been postponed until he gets a stereo in his car, so we went to the conventional movie theatre by his apartment instead. After sitting through over half an hour of cheesy commercials and previews, I finally got to see a movie of my date's choosing that was actually good: The Bucket List.
    Yay. No more cheeesy sci-fi.  Grin

Hair is doing ok today. Did the usual CWC + leave-in crème + air dry routine. It's a bit staticky again, but that's pretty normal where I live. ... I'll probably comb & braid during my break as usual.

It's also a bit strange to think that it's almost time to take another length measurement. With things going on as they have been lately, I've been thinking about my hair a little less. I daresay it's not as much of a priority as it once was...not that I'm doing anything all that differently. I've had time to grow accustomed to the routine, so maybe haircare has gone to the autopilot section of my brain while the conscious part of it focuses on other things...like dreeeamy metal drummers.  Wink
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #109 - Feb 28th, 2008 at 2:56pm
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #110 - Feb 28th, 2008 at 5:41pm
Trish: Unfortunately, all links to that site default to the homepage, but that's definitely the right band.
The best pics of him (and the rest of the guys) are in the Dreamstreet 2/16/08 section on the Pics page.  Wink  That was the show I attended, and no, I did not end up in any of the audience shots. lol
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #111 - Feb 29th, 2008 at 9:09am
Oh, I didn't realize that link simply went back to the homepage.   Angry  Actually, yes, the photo I saw was in the Dreamstreet section.   Smiley  He's wearing a bandana, no shirt, cammo shorts, and shades.   Cool  If that's him...what a hunka-hunka burnin' love!   Grin 
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #112 - Feb 29th, 2008 at 5:35pm
Trish: Yup, that's him. Cute, huh? Wink  Way hotter in person.

Hair: The usual WTC routine for Friday. Washed entire length with Breakage Defense shampoo, treated for an hour with Time Renewal Replenishing Mask, then conditioned with Breakage Defense conditioner. The usual leave-in crème & air dry, but no braid today. Playing the "rock vixen" role tonight requires that my hair stay down.  Roll Eyes

Tomorrow is, of course, measure day. And I really must schedule a trim soon after.

Health: Weight hit 113.6 this morning and I haven't even been exercising. Only 1.4 more lbs. before I return to my high school weight. God, what a relief! I thought I'd never see numbers that low again.
    Tomorrow, I resume my nocturnal power walking routine. Had to stop mid-February because it was just too darn cold.

Nails: Bought a few new nail polishes yesterday from (ACK!) Wally World.  Tongue  Got Maybelline Express Finish in Onyx Rush (solid black), Sally Hansen Salon Laquer in Pat On The Black (which looks just like OPI's Lincoln Park After Dark) and a base coat by L'Oréal.
   Started a rock & roll manicure last night and finished this morning. Nails are solid, shiny black, and on the ring finger of each hand, I have some pretty sick nail decals.  Cool  They're skull and crossbones, and the skulls have glowing red eyes, a missing tooth and the number 13 carved into their foreheads. Between the crossbones are red dice. I hope drummer boy notices.  Wink  hehe
   Maybelline's black is thicker than OPI's and not as easy to apply or remove. But it dries way faster.

Other: Yup, goin' out again tonight with the lovely co-worker. Hopefully this time, I won't lose my cell phone in his truck.  Undecided  Ah well. At least he found it and put it on my desk yesterday morning. And didn't do anything obscene with it first (I checked). You know how Navy boys can be.  Roll Eyes  Tongue
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #113 - Mar 4th, 2008 at 5:43pm
Hair: Clarified yesterday and did a CWC-C today. Don't know why, but my hair just felt in need of an extra light conditioning in the shower. I'm paying for it now though. Suave conditioners make my hair gummy. The strands all stick together and tangle hopelessly. I wonder how on earth I used Suave all through high school.  Shocked
    Right now, hair is down, dry and combed. But of course, I forgot a hairtie today, so I won't be able to braid.  Undecided

Work: Woooooo! Gorgeous just left my office. hehe  Grin  Now I'm all giddy. I even had to cover my ears with my hair because I could totally feel myself blushing. ...
    I wish that I had more time in the mornings to put myself together for the offhand chances that he does walk into my office. I know I've said it before, but he's sooo beautiful. I wish that I was at least wearing makeup or something.  Undecided

Otherwise, I'm still sorting through leases, surfing the net and being impatient with the droves of idiots on the phone.  Roll Eyes

Health: Weight is back up to 115. Bugger. I blame Aunt Flo and the mass amounts of Godiva that she demanded yesterday. I still haven't resumed my power walking routine either. It becomes less of a priority as my weight decreases, but I still want to do it. If worse comes to worse, I could just end up scheduling it around dates with the lovely drummer boy. Speaking of which...

Dating: Once again, it seems, I've reached that familiar point where I know that things are not going to work out as I'd like them to and yet I'm not ready to walk away from it all just yet. On the fence as ever.  Undecided  Man, why can't this stuff ever just be simple?

Other: The weekend was a gas! I earned $50 for one night of housesitting.  Cheesy  My room was cleaned and partially rearranged: my dresser now has 5 electric candles on it and looks awesome, my laptop is again being stored in its case under my bed, my desk was moved into my sister's room and replaced by my mother's old hope chest. I'm hoping to get 2 more electric candles for it to mirror the ones on my dresser.
    Also, on Sunday night, drummer boy invited me to see the studio where his band rehearses...which just happens to be about 5 minutes from my house. It's a very small, heavily textured burgundy room, taken up mostly by the drum kit. Gear was piled up against every wall and cords covered the black floor.
    My co-worker showed me pictures on his computer, which he had recently set up in the studio and then let me hear 2 unreleased Silver Side songs. One of which has never been heard by anyone besides myself and the band.  Cheesy  Talk about an insider's pass!

So anyway, things are going pretty well, all things considered. Enjoying the good stuff, taking the less-than-perfect stuff in stride.

Oh yeah, and I'd also like to offer a big WELCOME BACK!!! to my Pantene sista, Maggie.  Smiley

'Til next time!
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #114 - Mar 5th, 2008 at 8:55am
I wish that I had more time in the mornings to put myself together for the offhand chances that he does walk into my office. I know I've said it before, but he's sooo beautiful. I wish that I was at least wearing makeup or something.

My mother, a pretty smart woman, always used to say that if men don't like you at your worst, they aren't going to like you at your best.   Cool
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #115 - Mar 5th, 2008 at 10:55am

Oh yeah, and I'd also like to offer a big WELCOME BACK!!! to my Pantene sista, Maggie.  Smiley

Awwwwww, thank you, my love!  Smiley Kiss

Yes, I have been gone far too long, but things seem to be getting back on track so I will be around much more often now!

I agree with what Trisha's mama said, once a guy's seen you at or close to your worst, there's no where to go but up, right?  If he likes you as a plain-jane (you know what I mean..) he'll think you're a knock out when you really do your magic.  Better this way than the other way around.  If he's only ever seen you dressed to the hilt, then you'd feel like you had a standard to keep or you might be afraid of what he thought if he were to ever see you undone.  Good logic, right?  Right.  hehe

I'm cheating on Pantene right now my sistah  Embarrassed  I've been temporarily strayed away by the likes of Herbal Essences, I know those Sirens have called you in before too!  I just needed a change and it's actually a good change right now, believe it or not.  I know that I will inevitably resort back to my good ol' Pantene though, and it will probably work better than ever having taken a break from it.  I hope!

So you've been lured in by a drummer boy, too?  lol  Watch 'em, they're tricky little buggers those drummers.  We love 'em though...

Congrats on the new length, btw!  I think you were around 24" before I took my hiatus, nearly 2 inches, that's awesome!!  Hopefully you're not like me and can surpass 27", that's where I always get stuck  Angry Angry  Maybe if I tie weights to the ends of my hair...

Good to drop in again!

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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #116 - Mar 5th, 2008 at 9:44pm
Trisha: Reminds me of something Marilyn Monroe once said: "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

Maggie: Eeeek, the HE sirens! Curse them! It was a vicous fight, but I was able to free myself from their terrible clutches long ago.
So you've been lured in by a drummer boy, too?  lol  Watch 'em, they're tricky little buggers those drummers.  We love 'em though...

Yep, yep, yep.  Wink

And thanx! It's actually grown over 2 inches since then! I'm at 26¼" now. And no, I've never had any trouble passing 27" before. My hair used to be waist length.  Wink

Speaking Of Hair: Did a WCC today and used a vinegar rinse after the wash. Actually, I've used vinegar rinses every day this week. The roots have been getting sooo greasy lately.  Tongue
   Still using the leave-in crème and air drying, but for the past 2 days, I haven't braided. Just left it down. Usually, I will leave it down if I know that I'm going to see my drummer boy later on. It just sends a slightly sexier message than a neat, perfect braid. Or, ya know, I could just be lazy.  Roll Eyes

Other: My old friend anxiety has returned.  Tongue  This came shortly after the dude that I'm dating gave me some very troubling news. It is extremely personal in nature, so I won't go into detail for his sake, but I will say that the outcome of it could destroy our relationship entirely. Very, very heavy stuff.  Sad
   So I would like to once again call upon my friends here and ask them to please pray to whatever powers you perceive that things work out in our favor. I would be ever so grateful.
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« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2008 at 11:32am by N/A »  
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #117 - Mar 6th, 2008 at 12:18pm
Morning shift today.  Tongue

Been blitzing on antioxidants lately. Taking 2 vitamin E capsules per day, finished off my green tea yesterday and got started on fruit tea, been using white tea bodywash as well as white tea & ginger body spray...I even have green tea toothpaste.

A few days ago, I drove to Predisio Park after work and walked around there until nightfall. I retraced the steps that K and I had made on our last date, stood in the giant pentagram that I hadn't seen since I'd gone there with my last real boyfriend, and explored a bit more on my own. It's a beautiful place, much bigger than I was aware of. And it was a bit easier to face while being on the phone with the new guy half of the time.

Now, I have only to visit Balboa Park and maybe downtown before I feel satisfied, and I need to familiarize myself with those areas anyway. K is becoming more of a distant memory, and his predecessors seem like a whole other lifetime ago. I think they call it closure.

In hair news, just the usual CWC routine this morning. No vinegar rinse. Again, I forgot a hairtie, so I won't be able to braid at least until I get home...if at all. The length smells pretty good though. I'm not sure if that's from the S&C's that I've been using or from it brushing against the body spray on the back of my shirt, but it's rather nice nonetheless.
    Still haven't scheduled a trim, but I have written myself a note to do so. Roll Eyes

Today, I'm just kinda feeling ho-hum. Just sort of going through the motions of life even though the life has been temporarily sucked out of me. I say temporarily because no matter what happens, I know it will come back eventually. Life's all ups and downs...it can't rain all the time and it can't be roses all the time. That's kinda the beauty of it.
    But for now, I'm just in sort of a gray period. Light gray like fog or mist, but with less presence. Subtle and a bit dreary, but barely there somehow. It's hard to explain.

A friend of mine told me something last night that helps him stay more positive than he otherwise would be: out of something bad comes something good.
Hope he's right.

It's a bitch, yeah, life's a roller coaster ride
The ups and downs will make you scream sometimes
It's hard believing that the thrill is gone
But we gotta go around again, so let's hold on

                         -Bon Jovi, Lie To Me
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #118 - Mar 6th, 2008 at 3:18pm
*hugs* to you my darling; keep your chin up.  *hugs*
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #119 - Mar 6th, 2008 at 4:26pm
hugz!  I'm hoping and praying for the best for you Smiley
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #120 - Mar 6th, 2008 at 10:40pm
... We're here for you.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #121 - Mar 7th, 2008 at 5:52pm
Trisha, Curlgirl & Lisabelle: Thanx, guys. ...

Hair: The usual Friday WTC. Washed entire length with Breakage Defense shampoo, then pinned it up with my beak clip while finishing the rest of my shower. Rinsed again and squeezed the water out with my microfiber towel, then applied Time Renewal Replenishing Mask to the length and pinned it up again. I'm really not sure how long I left this in today, since I neglected to look at the clock at first...but I know that it was over an hour.
   Anyway, rinsed and conditioned as usual, then ran the usual leave-in crème through the length and let it all air dry. Hair is a bit tangled, but healthy as can be under its present circumstances. And I still haven't scheduled a trim.  Undecided

Other: Weeeeee! I'm strung out on caffeine and laughing at the stupids on the phone. One particular example...the first part of my phone answering spiel is "Airgas San Diego," and today, one caller asked, "Is this Airgas?"  
"Yes," I said.
"The one in San Diego?" they ask.
"Yes," I smirk.
Jeez. No, this is actually Barnes & Noble in freaking Seattle.  Roll Eyes

I love my job.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #122 - Mar 10th, 2008 at 10:50am
LMAO   Grin 
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #123 - Mar 10th, 2008 at 6:03pm
Man, I crashed so hard on Friday, it wasn't funny.  Undecided  From just one Frappuccino. That's how much of a caffeine virgin I am. The slightest little bit and...whoa.  Tongue

Anyway, today was a clarifying day. My hair's been feeling really soft lately. I'm not sure if it's the extra sebum, the vinegar rinses, the vitamin E, the antioxidants or just using Restoratives all year...perhaps a combination? Whatever it is, it's working and I'm not gonna complain!  Smiley
    Right now, my hair is down and completely dry. I'm just waiting on my break so I can go braid it.

Yesterday marked 2 months of healing for my new piercings, so I got to take the hoops out. Actually, I couldn't take them out normally, so my father had to take wire cutters to them!  Shocked Silver balls and hoop parts went flying all over the living room and our weekend guest was sufficiently freaked out while observing this.  Grin
    But all went well - I cleaned my ears normally for the first time and then dressed them with the silver balls I'd been saving. I can now hold a telephone receiver normally, and I even salvaged a few of the snipped silver hoops to wear as fake nose/lip rings if the urge arises.  Wink

Spent Saturday evening with drummer boy. We hung out for awhile at the studio while he worked on promo pix for the band and I shared a box of girl scout cookies with him. He was housesitting for the band's guitar player over the weekend, so we headed there afterwards and laughed at cheesy stuff on TV. Then I helped him change out the bead in his nipple ring. Ay caramba!! *faint*  Wink  Grin

Still haven't called my scissor lady. This is getting ridiculous.  Tongue
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #124 - Mar 11th, 2008 at 11:34am
Then I helped him change out the bead in his nipple ring.

Whew...that's just almost wayyyy too much information for my virginal eyes to read!!!   Shocked   Grin   Roll Eyes 
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #125 - Mar 11th, 2008 at 12:15pm
Grin Grin Grin
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #126 - Mar 11th, 2008 at 5:05pm
Whew...that's just almost wayyyy too much information for my virginal eyes to read!!!  Shocked  Grin  Roll Eyes  


Hair: The usual, simple CWC routine today.

Products currently used for this:
The routine is still the same: CWC with lots of rinsing, leave-in crème on the length, air dry, braid. I detangle once in the morning before my shower with a Conair seamless comb, once before braiding during my break at work with a Creative seamless comb, and once before bed with a Creative seamless comb. And I do finger comb a bit while my hair is drying.

Other: HAAAAALLELUJAH!!!  Smiley It's finally happened. The scale read 112.2 this morning - a number I've not seen since my senior year in high school.  Smiley The rock & roll figure is BACK!  Cool
   Both my mother and sister have commented recently that I look skinny. hehe An encouraging word for my long-locked sisters who are trying to lose weight: it's possible. Diet, exercise and discipline! Good things happen if you really work your butt off. Literally in this case.  Wink  Oh, and stay away from steroids - that $#&%'ll kill ya!
   So yeah, I'm stoked.  Cool

In crappier news, some idiot rear-ended me on the way to work today.  Angry  Lucky for him, there wasn't so much as a scratch on my car. Judging by the '70's POS he was driving, I'd say that he didn't have any money and was probably without insurance, so the most I could have done was gotten out of my car and pounded the living snot out of him.  Angry  Again, fortunately for him, I was in a hurry to get to work and decided that it was not worth my while.
   Then, at the intersection by my work, I was almost struck head on by some airhead broad who was turning against a light, not watching traffic, and didn't seem to know or care who had the right of way. ARGH! The morons are on the loose today, man.  Tongue

Got a random text from K last night. Either he was drunk or just can't let go. Not my problem either way. Considering that I'm now dating someone else, I thought it most inappropriate to reply.

Later on, I dreamed that my last boyfriend told me that he was still in love with me, handed me a ring with 2 diamonds on it and asked me to marry him.  Huh  Then I reminded him what a lying scumbag he was and we got into a fight. Needless to say, I did not accept his proposal!  Tongue
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #127 - Mar 12th, 2008 at 10:29am
Congratulations on the weight loss!  You're right, being diligent about diet and exercise DO pay off in the long run.   Smiley 

Sorry to hear about the bad day, car-wise...sounds like you should have stayed in bed!  I'm extremely happy that you weren't hurt. 
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #128 - Mar 12th, 2008 at 12:28pm
Woo Hoo!!!  Congrats on the wight loss!! Smiley
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #129 - Mar 12th, 2008 at 1:38pm
Right on Angel! Cheesy
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #130 - Mar 12th, 2008 at 2:08pm
Congrats on your weight loss Angel! Cheesy
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #131 - Mar 12th, 2008 at 2:58pm
Trisha, Curlgirl, Lisabelle & La Diosa: Thank youuuuuu! ...

Big Ol' Pile O' Shift Work: Got called into work early today. Made it in at 10:44 and am stuck here 'til 5. But I have the easiest job in the world, I have a few menial tasks to keep me busy (updating lists, answering the phone, surfing the web) and I brought things to eat. Had a nice vegan breakfast of açai purée, sliced bananas and organic granola.
   One other little perk is that the longer I'm here, the greater my chances of seeing my fire tech crush.  Wink

Hair: WCC today. I often have difficulty with my hair in the shower. What happens is I'll work conditioner through the length, then twist it loosely and pin it up on my head with a beak clip, but it will often start sliding down and falling out as I go about the rest of my "shower duties." It's getting to be a hassle as my hair gets longer, and that's part of why I started using a shower cap years ago to hold my hair out of the way. But it seems both options are not without flaw.  Undecided  I'll figure something out.

So far, hair is down and almost dry. I still haven't called my scissor lady and I'm disgusted with myself. So I took Maggie's trick and wrote scissor lady's first initial in the webbing between my thumb and index finger. Hopefully it will work this time. I really need a trim!

Other Stuff: I washed my car last night - with a reject Pantene 2-in-1, no less - and it worked wonderfully!  Cheesy  I also gave her a coat of spray wax as I dried her. This morning, she looks absolutely beautiful and I haven't even done any real detailing yet. I'll try to take care of that when I get home from work. Yes, I clean and detail my own car, and I'm more obsessive about it than most guys I know.  Grin
   Good thing is she's clean, shiny and shows no trace of ever being hit yesterday. Thank goodness for clear coated plastic parts made in Japan.  Roll Eyes
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #132 - Mar 13th, 2008 at 4:58pm
Hair: CWC routine today. Actually remembered to bring a hairtie to work with me so I can braid during my break.
   Once again, Maggie's webbing reminder trick failed as I was sidetracked by other projects. So my hair still waits for a trim. Maybe this weekend.  Undecided

Ears: Daring to be just a leeeettle bit fashionable today. 1st holes: scrolly, drop-style pewter hearts with dark pink gems; 2nd holes: small pewter balls; 3rd holes: tiny pewter balls.
   I love coordinating 3 pairs of earrings. It's fun, but also a lot of work. Don't think I could handle 4!

Other: Got one little text from drummer boy yesterday and that's all I've heard from him since Saturday. Apparently, he's having a dreadful week.  Sad
In other news, I now have the cleanest, shiniest car in the parking lot at work.  Cool  I like just staring at her. ... She cleans up so nice.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #133 - Mar 14th, 2008 at 5:49pm
Hair: The usual Friday WTC. Products used for this are:
Used a shower cap instead of my beak clip today. I guess it's just better that way - I give.  Tongue  Haven't braided yet, but I will soon.

Finally scheduled a trim for tomorrow at 11 am.  Cheesy  Goodbye, dry ends!

Other: Still no word from drummer boy. Argh! Whatever.  Angry
My father's birthday is on Monday, and his father (my only surviving grandparent) is flying in this afternoon to stay with us. Woohoo! Need to stay made up and put together this weekend as I'll likely have to make a few public appearances.  Roll Eyes

Bon week-end, tout le monde.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #134 - Mar 15th, 2008 at 1:36am
Yay for your trim appointment!  I hope it goes just like you want it to.

I hope you have a great visit with your grandpere.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #135 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 4:59pm
Sakina: Thanx, sistah.  Smiley  The trim went well, but as far as visiting with my grand-père, it has been minimal. He's mostly been spending time with my parents.

Weekend Stuff: Yep, I did get a 1" trim. My new length is 25½" and I hope to see some growth before this month is over.
   Our weekend guest/family friend went home sick yesterday morning. Walking pneumonia, she presumes. And my sister just came down with the flu. My parents had to pull her out of work yesterday because her idiot boss wasn't going to let her go.  Angry  She went to urgent care and got some antibiotics...should be better in a few days.
    And on Friday night, drummer boy finally called. His pitiful excuse for basically ignoring me all week was that he was [ticked] off and didn't want to talk to anyone.  Angry

Boys, Boys, Boys: K called last night to ask about my sister's condition and tell me that he still loved me. Balderdash! He didn't love me to begin with!  Tongue  We ended up texting back & forth for over an hour, like we used to do when we were dating. He said that he hasn't been able to see anyone else because he thinks of me constantly. And instead of hard-lining him, I broke down, poured my heart out and cried like a [censored] sissy.  Tongue
   All this while I was waiting to hear back from drummer boy, who seems to be neglecting me once again, and after spending hours in a chat with Mr. Michigan (aka: Mr. Clueless/The Distant One). It was like revenge of the old flames.  Tongue  The Angel Dumped Me Club must have been having a party or something...pretty wild night.

Hair: Needless to say, this morning, I felt more than the usual need to clarify. And wash. A lot. Perhaps I should have rinsed a little less or conditioned a little more because with the dry weather, both my hair and skin are freaking out today. I can't even comb (LOL I almost typed "bomb") my hair to detangle it because the static just creates more tangles. Figure I'll save the combing (or bombing, if I get frustrated enough) for my break when I can just braid and forget it.

St. Patty's Day: I was going to bring some green curling ribbon to tie around my braid today, but forgot. I usually don't give much thought to wearing green on St. Patty's Day. I figure that being half Irish kind of makes me exempt.  Roll Eyes  But after a few people at work inquired about my lack of greenage, I took a green felt tip pen and drew an X on the inside of each of my wrists. I kind of dig the irony of being an Irish straight edger.  Wink  No green beer for me, thanx.
   Today is my father's birthday, however (good thing his favorite color is green). My grandfather and his gf are coming over and we're apparently having pork for dinner.  Tongue  Rephrased: Everyone else is having pork and I will have whatever's left. Well...maybe a little pork. Maybe.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #136 - Mar 18th, 2008 at 5:36pm
Hair: CWC with ACV rinse before the final conditioning. My last 2 vinegar rinses have been with ACV, actually. I'm giving it another shot. Why not?
   Hair is a bit gummy today from the leave-in crème, but I'd rather it be gummy than staticky, as it otherwise would be.

Pet Peeves: Indeed, I have a few. And one of them is conceit. People who think, for whatever reason, that they are all that and a box of gritz. A step (or ten) above the rest. And can't manage to get over themselves.
   Another one is people who stand way too close...usually while waiting in a line of some sort. I always want to say something to people like these...and never do. *sigh*
   God just didn't give me enough arms for the people I'd like to smack on a daily basis.  Roll Eyes

Other: Day 4 not hearing from drummer boy. No calls, no texts, nada. I've heard of being busy, but people can be busy and still have enough consideration to acknowledge people who care about them. Perhaps he's still having his little emo tantrum.  Roll Eyes  Whaaatever. I'm not going to wait around.
   My dad had a good b-day yesterday.  Smiley  There was salad, baked potatoes, garlic bread and pork. I only had a leeettle bit of pork...gave the rest to my dad. Oh, and ice cream cake. And mother & I entertained our out-of-state company with stories from our work.
   Oh bugger, I totally just wrecked my manicure.  Tongue
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« Last Edit: Mar 18th, 2008 at 7:09pm by N/A »  
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #137 - Mar 19th, 2008 at 3:10pm
Another one is people who stand way too close...usually while waiting in a line of some sort.

Just start coughing really loud and hard in their direction, like you're about to hack up a lung or something...   Roll Eyes
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #138 - Mar 19th, 2008 at 5:00pm
Trisha: lol  Grin  The sad thing is that probably wouldn't work.

Hair: WCC routine.

Skin: Absolutely freaking out, it's so dry. The stinging and itching actually kept me up a bit last night. Sad  So, I went to the store and picked up 4 new suuuper moisturizing bodywashes and 2 new facewashes for sensitive skin. Gotta love Santa Ana weather.  Tongue

Dating: Has become a joke. 5 days and not so much as a text from drummer boy. I'm giving him until the weekend before I call him and tell him we're done.  Angry

Other: My little sis is recovering well from the flu. She went to the ranch and worked the horses with my dad & grandpa today. Her bf has also been around and he doesn't seem to be falling ill himself, so this is a good sign. Speaking of him, he seems to be a great guy. Treats my sister like gold. I kind of wish that I could find someone like him.

Also, I have discovered the secret to wearing multiple earrings when the 1st holes require disc backs. It probably sounds complicated, and it was! I had to wrestle with the things to get them to lay right, but it paid off in the end.  Grin  I'm wearing jet drop earrings  by 1928 in the 1st holes and black crystals in the 2nd and 3rd. I love having 3 in each ear! Coordinating multiple earrings with my outfits is so much fun!

Alright, time to see what else is on the net today. Ciao!
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #139 - Mar 19th, 2008 at 6:58pm
Trisha wrote on Mar 19th, 2008 at 3:10pm:
Another one is people who stand way too close...usually while waiting in a line of some sort.

Just start coughing really loud and hard in their direction, like you're about to hack up a lung or something...   Roll Eyes

I've done this!  And it works! ...
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #140 - Mar 19th, 2008 at 10:12pm
Lisabelle wrote on Mar 19th, 2008 at 6:58pm:
Trisha wrote on Mar 19th, 2008 at 3:10pm:
Another one is people who stand way too close...usually while waiting in a line of some sort.

Just start coughing really loud and hard in their direction, like you're about to hack up a lung or something...   Roll Eyes

I've done this!  And it works! ...

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #141 - Mar 20th, 2008 at 8:55am
1928 has some great stuff!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #142 - Mar 20th, 2008 at 1:37pm
They most certainly do, Sakina.  Wink

So...morning shift on the vernal equinox. Meh. Could be worse.
Wait, it is worse. Working the morning shift means that I have to wake up at 5 am. Not cool! And the vernal equinox means that my favorite season is now officially over. I've not heard from a certain musical dufus in Fire for 6 days...and as if all of that weren't bad enough, my parents have claimed the majority of my tax return to insure my car.  Angry  No savings for me!

Aaand without savings, I can kiss things that I've desperately needed for months goodbye. Such as a dentist appointment and a new pair of Ariats. Grrrrrr...
   So yeah, life pretty much sucks right now.  Tongue  Not that that's anything new.

In hair news, did the usual CWC routine today and noticed something. The little wisps of hair left over from when I severed a lock and sent it to a former sweetheart last year are now long enough to get leave-in conditioner when I apply it.
   It's fascinating how Nature manages to recover itself over time with a constant flow of growth and change. When forests are destroyed, new plants and trees grow in place of the old...at least some of the time. When the air is polluted, a good rain purifies it. When a starfish loses a limb, it grows a new one. And naturally, hair grows back. And why shouldn't it? If the same plants are able to blossom and produce fruit year after year, shouldn't animals have the same regenerative abilities? Such a resilient little planet we live on. hehe Uh oh, Angel's getting philosophical again...she must be tired.  Roll Eyes

Work is busy, but I'm staying on top of it. Had to do commission this morning, but everything went off without a hitch. Helped a few people within the company with little things. All in addition to my regular receptionist duties, of course. And eavesdropping once in awhile on the Fire division, barely hoping to catch a glimpse of my (former) crush.  Undecided

*sigh* Indeed, it has come to that. Seems he's pretty good at putting out fires.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #143 - Mar 20th, 2008 at 5:48pm
Ack!  I also had to be up at 5 am this morning to sub a 6:30 am yoga class.  I'm pretty non-verbal until 9 or 10 am sooo not fun.  We'll survive though, won't we!

Sorry about your dufus.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #144 - Mar 20th, 2008 at 11:08pm
Sad Angry poo poo on "former crush and your 'rents!!! Hope things look up for you  Winksoon!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #145 - Mar 21st, 2008 at 4:41pm
Thanx, amigas.  Smiley

Hair: The usual WTC routine for Friday. Today's treatment lasted almost an hour and a half! Hair is air drying at the moment and that's as far as it goes until I get home from work. Somehow, I managed to drive to work without my purse today  Shocked  so I am without a comb or hairtie or anything. These things are the least of my worries.  Tongue

Fashion: Daaahling! Got a few new accessories @ Claire's in the mountains yesterday. Fishnet glovelets, silver toe rings and a few other "gothy" rings. One of which is a mood ring that I've had on pretty much ever since. It fascinates the heck out of me.  Grin

Other: Spent another late night texting with "the illustrious K" who claims that he still loves me.  Roll Eyes  For whatever reason, this gave me the courage to text drummer boy this morning and ask just how long he planned to ignore me. Shockingly, I got a response!  Shocked  Apparently, he's just been extremely busy with band stuff.  Roll Eyes 
Boys.  Tongue
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #146 - Mar 24th, 2008 at 7:44pm
Hair: Clarifying day. The usual routine, ACV rinse, no leave-in's, yada yada.

Work: Busy today. My monitor died shortly after I arrived this afternoon, so my boss brought in a temporary replacement. And I've just finished a special assignment for my other boss.  Roll Eyes

Fashion: Bought a cute tank top at the outlet center in the mountains on Saturday. It has lace, ruching and little buttons...a nice little addition to my summer goth wardrobe for about $13.  Cool

Freaking Boys:  Angry  So I've officially given up on drummer boy, which is a shame. I really liked him. But I wasn't a priority to him at all.
   Also been texting with K on a daily basis.  Embarrassed  I miss certain things about him, but talking to him again has only reminded me why parting company was the best decision.
   *sigh* There just aren't any good ones left.  Undecided

Other: My grandfather & his gf left last night to return home. Easter was ok...I stayed home all day doing laundry and sprucing up my room.
   Yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of my paternal grandmother's death. God bless her.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #147 - Mar 25th, 2008 at 11:28am
There just aren't any good ones left.

Sure there are!  Unfortunately, we have to wade through the smelly bog to reach the daisy-filled field.   Cool   Grin  
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #148 - Mar 25th, 2008 at 4:30pm
Trisha: The further I wade into the bog, the less I believe in the existence of a daisy field.

Hair: The usual CWC routine.
Lately, I've been terrible with taking my hair, skin & nails vitamins. It seems to be pretty sporadic. I'll take them every day for a few days, then forget for a few days, and so on. They don't seem to have any effect on the growth or condition of my hair from month to month anyway, so I don't suppose it's a huge deal.

Fashion: The new manicure has been holding up pretty well since Sunday, but the color is decidedly not goth. It's a Sally Hansen shade called Wholesome Earth, which is more of a dark, reddish berry.

Other: Once again, I'm resisting the urge to run back to K. If for no other reason than being entirely straight edge now. I love the X more than I love any guy at the moment, so I must try not to do anything to jeopardize that. Dating a bartender who smokes would surely be a step in the wrong direction.  Undecided
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #149 - Mar 26th, 2008 at 8:43am
The further I wade into the bog, the less I believe in the existence of a daisy field.

It's there, honey, keep walking.  *hugs*   Smiley
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #150 - Mar 26th, 2008 at 5:48pm
Trisha: *hugs* Thanx, love. I wish I was as certain of that as you are.  Wink

Hair: WCC routine. Hair is not yet braided. I was thinking about getting a few new hairtoys so I can wear my hair up on hot days. Wonder if I may be able to goth out a simple claw clip...  Wink

Fashion: Yeah, baby! Blew another staggering amount on Urban Decay goodies at Sephora last night. Came home with 2 glitter eyeliners and 2 new plummy-purple eyeshadows. Today, I'm wearing a matte purple shade called Cult. O-M-G, I am in looove with this eyeshadow!!!  Cheesy  Fantastic color, super intense pigment, great finish, doesn't fade and brings out the green in my eyes. Love it, love it, love it! Wow, my mood ring just turned purple right now as I was typing about it. lol
   Sephora gave me a free mini "Lash Plumper" mascara with my purchase and though I'm not impressed with it, I am pleasantly surprised because it's very subtle as volumizing mascaras go and doesn't leave you with that charming "tarantula" effect.

Somehow, I did manage to put myself together today in only an hour's time. Clothes, makeup, jewelry - the works. I wish it was this easy every day!

Anyway, mad props to Urban Decay - I really can't praise them enough.

Dating: Yeah right.  Tongue  Pix from the last Silver Side show are still saved in my phone and the drummer's phone number is still collecting dust on my dresser.
   This morning, as my father & I were coming home from the Mustang shop (he's restoring my mother's '64½), I told him what happened - or rather, what didn't - with drummer boy. My dad's words only reaffirmed what I had already known for sometime: "Yeah, it's over."

To further complicate matters, I find that I can't stop thinking about K. The silliest little things remind me of him - sushi restaurants, Sephora, whatever jewelry I happen to be wearing...
   Mood ring just turned cobalt blue.  Embarrassed

I even tried out a perfume in his honor last night. Midnight Poison by Dior - a blend of dark rose and patchouli. K loved roses and patchouli.

Other: Random thought: my last boyfriend favored a brand of tools called Kobalt...but he pronounced it "ka-bolt."  Roll Eyes  Reject.  Grin  Dad & I devoted a few seconds' discussion to this guy's brilliance as well.

Also...wishing a very happy 60th birthday to the greatest rock & roll singer ever and one of my musical heroes. Hope you have a great one, Steven!  Wink
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #151 - Mar 27th, 2008 at 12:19pm
Wonder if I may be able to goth out a simple claw clip

Everything is goth-able!!   Cool
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #152 - Mar 27th, 2008 at 7:44pm
Trisha: You know what? I almost disagreed with you. But then, I checked with K, who is naturally my most reliable expert on all things goth, and he concurred that everything is indeed "goth-able."  Grin  An eye-opener for me, to be certain. But this is a valuable lesson for all of you baby bats: Should you ever find yourself in question, always consult the elder goths!  Wink

Hair: The usual CWC routine. No braid today. Just wash, air dry, comb and go. Au naturel. Well and the usual leave-in, of course. I've definitely been more comfortable with my hair since the trim. Nasty, dry ends are a thing of the past and I am looking forward to replacing 4" of damage with healthy hair each year.

Also, last night, I ordered my first pair of LongLocks Hairstix!!  Cheesy

Fashion: Bother. My berry red manicure is showing signs of wear.
    Oh, and I've entered to win a $100 shopping spree from Newport News. hehe

Dating: Last night, I returned to the theatre where drummer boy & I had gone on one of our (few) dates and saw a movie by myself. A movie that I was originally going to see with him.
    On the way to the theatre, I pulled the little yellow Post-It note from my purse on which drummer boy had written his new phone #, tore it into even littler pieces and tossed them into the trash. Ha!
    Later that night, I deleted his phone number and all of the pix from the Silver Side show from my phone. It hurt, but it was necessary. That's how ladies deal with men who ignore them.  Angry  Good riddance.

As for the illustrious K, we're still talking. Been working a few things out. The only thing I'll admit to is that my feelings for him are returning a bit. ...

Other: Ordered a large popcorn at the movies last night and they hadn't made any recently, so I got bottom-of-the-bin burnt kernels (which were hot from lying in the metal tray for so long) covered in oil that seems notorious for making people ill.  Tongue
    This morning, I found that I was no exception. When I stepped into the shower, I discovered that I was quite nauseous and every time I thought about last night's popcorn, it nearly came back up.  Tongue  I had to distract myself with thoughts of cool water and nature (and most certainly not boys!) to keep from vomiting.
    Thinking about popcorn even now is a bit unsettling. All day, I have stuck to a rigid, healthy, vegetarian diet and drank plenty of water and herbal tea. Should feel more like myself again soon.  Undecided
    K even called to ask where I got my "vegan stuff" from since he's in the area.  Roll Eyes  Hope he's not planning on any surprise visits - especially when I look & feel so crappy.

Ok, bye for now.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #153 - Mar 27th, 2008 at 9:17pm
Congratulations on your first pair of LL hairstix!

Sorry you're not feeling too great.  I hope it passes quickly.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #154 - Mar 27th, 2008 at 9:26pm
Yike! I hope your feeling better soon!...
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #155 - Mar 28th, 2008 at 3:02am
Congrats on your first pair of LL hairstix!!!  I hope you enjoy them when they come!  Hope ya're feeling better  Smiley
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #156 - Mar 28th, 2008 at 6:19pm
Wow, thanx, everybody!  Smiley

Indeed, I am feeling much better. Had a hypoglycemic attack yesterday evening, so I had to ruin my vegetarian streak. Mass amounts of protein are the only way to stop them.  Undecided  But I'm all even keel now.

Vitamins are sketchy. Sometimes I take Biotin, sometimes I forget. I do take 2 vitamin E's every workday and have only 42 more to take before my bottle is empty. After that, I'll just focus on the Biotin. I also have just 4 more bags of herbal tea before I run out, but I plan on getting at least 1 more box. It will take a little longer before I feel renewed inside & out.

In hair news, I did the usual Wash-Treat-Condition routine for Friday. Things got pretty embarrassing when my sister's bf showed up while I was running around the house in a bathrobe & shower cap. *whistle*  Tongue
    But I'm dressed now, hair is dry and awaiting a braid.

Went shopping yesterday (so what else is new?) and came home with a new purse (which is kind of huge), 2 new camis and a new satin shirt. The latter of which, I realized, still has that little anti-theft thingamabob attached to it, so I have to take it back to the store today and have them remove it.  Angry

It seems that this August, I'll be going to Bats Day with K. This understandably raised a few eyebrows from my friends & family who are all well aware of how my last Disneyland trip with K went. But I've assured them that if he acts *ahem* the way he did last time, I will just leave him there.  Wink  We'll see what happens.

Lately, I've been very nonchalant about any romantic prospects. It's as if my entire attitude toward dating is "whaaatever" and I'm starting not to give a [censored] anymore. Jaded, I think they call it. And after the last 2 *ahem* "gentlemen," who could blame me?

Anyway, looking forward to the weekend. My father's band is playing at a car show on Sunday, so I will probably go.

'Til next time.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #157 - Mar 31st, 2008 at 11:15am
Lately, I've been very nonchalant about any romantic prospects. It's as if my entire attitude toward dating is "whaaatever" and I'm starting not to give a [censored] anymore. Jaded, I think they call it. And after the last 2 *ahem* "gentlemen," who could blame me?

I think in your case, a healthy dose of the "whaaaatevers" is probably just the ticket!   Cool
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #158 - Apr 1st, 2008 at 5:25pm
Trisha: Um, thanx?  Huh  Not exactly an ideal outlook on love though. You have to admit. lol

Hair: Clarified yesterday as usual, but totally spaced and used my leave-in crème. ... I don't like to use leave-in's on clarifying days.
    So today, I washed the entire length again, did another vinegar rinse, conditioned twice and did not use any leave-in's. Au naturel. And I'm leaving it down until after I've measured.

Stuff: I no longer have wireless access at home as our router (less than a year old) has died.  Angry

Aunt Flo arrived this morning and has been making my life miserable ever since.  Sad

And a new month has begun, which I usually look forward to. But now, I'm dreading having to see drummer boy when he comes into my office for the monthly fire extinguisher check.  Tongue

Just shoot me.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #159 - Apr 2nd, 2008 at 12:35pm
What I meant, honey, is that you had two "relationships" fairly quickly, one right after the other.  So you probably need to step out of the race for just a minute and heal (a case of the "whatevers")  Kiss  BTW, I love your new avatar.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #160 - Apr 2nd, 2008 at 2:51pm
I even tried out a perfume in his honor last night. Midnight Poison by Dior - a blend of dark rose and patchouli.

Oh, now that sounds awesome.  I must must must get a chance to sniff test that.  Dior makes such sexy scents, I wish I could afford Addict, that's my ultimate favorite scent right now, just can justify spending that on myself...yet.

I'm sorry to hear about your man problems, I know first hand how hard it can be to redirect a musician's attention, it's a whole different lifestyle.  But, you know that, I don't need to tell you!  Honey, it will all work itself out, who you fall in love with and who falls in love with you is just out of your hands, so lay back, relax and let it all happen.  It will, believe me.  There are some things I'm sure of.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #161 - Apr 2nd, 2008 at 7:23pm
Trisha: Ohh, ok. That does clear things up a bit.
    For the record, there was over a month between K and drummer boy and neither were terribly serious involvements. That's why it's called dating.  Wink
    But I am taking a few weeks to a month to get over the last fool before moving on to the next.  Roll Eyes

Oh, and thanx for the avatar compliment. You should see what I have planned for next month.  Wink

Maggie: I didn't enjoy Midnight Poison at all. But if you'd like, I could send you a little sample of it...and maybe Addict as well.  Smiley
    Absolutely agree about the love game being out of my hands. It really is a lot like gambling. You can sway the odds a little, but ultimately, it's all up to chance.

Hair: Finally, a normal hair day. The usual CWC routine, the usual leave-in, the usual results, the usual braid. I'm ok with it.

Last night's measurement was 25½", so my hair didn't grow at all since the trim. But it's alright since I'm staying at BSL for the next 2 years anyway.

Health: Weight has skyrocketed to 119.2.  Shocked  I don't get it. I've had a strictly healthy diet (no crap allowed!), I've been power walking every night and exercising twice a day. So WTF, mate?? 7 lbs. in 3 weeks? That's a new pound every 3 days, for Pete's sake!

Fashion: Bought some cute rings from Claire's yesterday and they were all the wrong sizes.  Angry  So today, I'm returning them. One of them is an adorable little silver snake with black crystal eyes, so I'm going to exchange that one for a different size. Then, I'll head to the dept. stores and see about replacing the rejected Claire's rings with something better...and less cheap.  Wink
    Also, I now have my ring sizes down to a science - a collection of 4's, 6's and 8's.  Cool

Other: Really, what else is there? Oh yes, I still don't have internet access at home. With more bills coming up, that will have to wait awhile.  Sad
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #162 - Apr 2nd, 2008 at 10:15pm
It might be muscle gain.  That is a good thing!
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #163 - Apr 3rd, 2008 at 2:23pm
Curlgirl: I don't know very many people who could pile on 7lbs. of pure muscle in 3 weeks. At least not without "performance-enhancing drugs."  Shocked

Hair: Another CWC routine. Hair is down until I get home.

Health: Scale read 119.4 this morning. Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!...

Other: The world is exploding. Angry customers ranting and raving to managers in my lobby, kids putting other kids in the hospital over a bit of weed, and...

Dating: Just as I was planning to return to K's eager company, who should come into my office for a fire extinguisher check?  Tongue  Who else? And predictably, I looked utterly terrible.
    But do you think I ignored him? Do you think I stuck it to him for ignoring me lo these last 3 weeks? Did I glare, hold a grudge and stand my ground?
    Of course not.  Tongue  One look into those mystic blue eyes and it was all over for me. Might as well say it: Angel, you're pathetic.  Embarrassed

Apparently, drummer boy's been having a rough go. So I am now awaiting "the story" behind his actions...er, inactions for the last few weeks. This oughtta be good, eh?

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #164 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 5:13pm
I would LOVE to see 119 on my scale again.  Lately, my scale has been reading 127. Tongue  Even though I'm 5'8", this is the most I've ever weighed in my entire life so I'm not too happy about it. Roll Eyes  Oh, and if it's that time of the month for you, you could just be retaining water.

I suppose that's the danger in dating someone that you really can't escape from.  I wouldn't call it pathetic though.  I'm sure it could happen to the best of us in that situation. Wink
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #165 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 7:33pm
La Diosa: Oh honey, if you're 5'8" and complaining about weighing 127, something's wrong. My little sis is 5'7" and in the 130's and still smokin' hot.  Cool  lol

Hair: The usual Friday WTC routine. Air dried, braided, done. At least until tonight when I take the braid out and pin the sides up with barrettes. Or just leave it all down and rely on my natural side part. Either way, I anticipate my hair to be touched...  Wink

Health: Scale read 116.2 this morning. What? 3.2 lbs. in just 1 day? Something's whacked.
    Yesterday, I finished my last bag of antioxidant fruit tea. I also have just 32 more vitamin E's to take before the bottle is empty. I'm no longer on an antioxidant blitz, so now I'll just take one every day. Maybe that will help me to remember to take my meds & Biotin every day as well.  Undecided

Missed my power walk last night and I'll miss it tonight as well. But it's ok. I'm going to start doing them just on the nights that I have free.
    My latest junk food strike has also ended prematurely due to circumstances beyond my control. Not lack of willpower, lack of resources.  Sad  I'm not about to go binging on crap though, so no worries.

Dating: Ok...drummer boy & I are back on again. Or at least as "on" as we can be under present circumstances. He has indeed been going through a lot and right now, we need everyone's prayers more than ever. I myself have been praying for him every day.
    Don't think for a moment that I've abandoned my feminist ways, however. He's well aware of the consequences for his actions - I got my point across - and surprisingly, he took this like a man.
    In any case, we still have feelings for each other, but he's on a probationary status with me until the storm he's under either passes or consumes him.

And K is standing by in case things don't work out with drummer boy & me. And yes, they know about each other.
    For the moment, I'm just going to try and enjoy this wild ride and not get too serious with anyone.

Other: Today is payday! And for the first time in a long time, I have a purse big enough to fit my paycheck in...among other things!

Yesterday, I got my eyebrows waxed for the first time. It was interesting. The shape is nice - very feminine. But my skin didn't like it at all and immediately erupted into a rash of tiny blemishes. It's extremely particular about what gets done to it and put on it. Oy.  Undecided

Tonight will be the first time in nearly a month that I'll see my beautiful, musical co-worker. God help us (but mostly him)...
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #166 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 8:56pm
La Diosa: Oh honey, if you're 5'8" and complaining about weighing 127, something's wrong. My little sis is 5'7" and in the 130's and still smokin' hot.  Cool  lol

LOL, no, nothings wrong.  Everyone carries weight differently and also there's BMI to consider.  Personally, when my weight starts to move beyond 123, things begin to jiggle. Roll Eyes

Have you tried plucking your eyebrows?  I find it easier because once you get it done, you just pluck the new growth as it comes in.  That way the original shape is always maintained.

I hope things work out for you and your drummer. Smiley

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #167 - Apr 7th, 2008 at 12:31pm
Angel, might there be something wrong with the scale and not with you??   Huh  
I've considered getting my brows waxed but have never taken the plunge.  I don't pluck, except for the obviously stray hair now and then, and am blessed with non-bushy eyebrows.  But for me, again, it's a matter of money and then having to keep doing it...eh.  *shrug*  
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #168 - Apr 7th, 2008 at 7:42pm
Alright, just a quick update since I only have about 40 minutes left at work. Still no internet at home.  Tongue

La Diosa: I know the feeling! lol Government standards are bunk, if you ask me. My ideal weight is between 105 - 110. Anything over that and it's like moving underwater. Unfortunately the last 5-10 lbs. are the hardest to lose.  Tongue

And I've been plucking since I was 17...you silly thing.
Thanx for the well wishes too. We need them. And all the prayers you can send us.

Trisha: My scale is on drugs. I'm pretty sure.  Grin

Hair: Clarifying day. Purity wash, ACV rinse, 2nd purity wash, condition. Air dry, braid, done. Hair is always so dry & difficult to comb on clarifying days. Static creates tangles, so with every stroke of the comb (heh almost typed "bomb" again), new tangles form. Best thing to do is just get it into a braid so I don't have to keep combing and combing...
    I might add another conditioning to the clarifying routine in the future.

Health: Ignoring it for awhile. Too tired & busy & my schedule is too erratic right now. Time is precious. And sadly, there have been a few "indulgences" here and there.  Undecided

Dating: Oh boy. It seems that the AVP of our company is onto us!  Shocked
And we still need as many prayers as possible that things work out in our favor. We - or rather, he - is faced with something very serious and very personal.

Other: Friday night was fabulous. Had dinner at Olive Garden with drummer boy. Lord, he is so beautiful! ...
    Also, my nails are now a deep, hot rod, OPI blue.

Ciao for now!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #169 - Apr 8th, 2008 at 5:37pm
Hair: The usual CWC routine. But no braid today. Nope, the length stays down and I'll rely on my natural side part and straight hair for style. Sleek & chic. Or something.
    Oh yes, and the first C in the CWC is now Suave Refreshing Tangerine...which used to be called Citrus Smoothie...which used to be Anais Satin's favorite. It's a bit thicker than some of Suave's other light, watery conditioners, but not quite as thick as Tropical Coconut. I haven't made up my mind about it one way or the other.

Faaashion, Dahling: Put myself together today. Woohoo! Rockin' low cut jeans, a long tunic with a huge scoop neck and a lace scarf. All black, of course. All 6 earrings are black crystals...the 1st pair are drops. Eyeshadow is smouldering purple - thank you, Urban Decay. Yup, definitely goth chic today. lol

Other: The boss hassled me again today about which of the Fire employees I was dating. He has a good idea already, but I'll neither confirm nor deny.
    After realizing that my current foundation/powder combo gets a distinctive yellow tint to it over a few hours, I decided to counter the effect (yet again) with white loose powder from Amphigory. Perfection! What I need is a fragrance-free loose powder that I can blend with the white. Having doubts about my foundation as well...but I'll keep it around until I find something better.
    Bye for now.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #170 - Apr 9th, 2008 at 10:03am
I'm curious... Does the company you work for have a policy against employee dating? 
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #171 - Apr 9th, 2008 at 6:08pm
Trisha: Nope. In fact, we had a pair of employees awhile back who were married and worked in different departments.

Hair: A typical WCC today, but I used 2 leave-in's: Pantene Restoratives Detangling Leave-In Crème and V05 shine spray. The latter I apply only to the ends in small spritzes and I don't even care that the first ingredient is denaturated alcohol. It makes the ends of my hair as slick as the top is naturally and helps my combs to slide right through them. So I'm going to keep using it until I see concrete proof of damage.

Not sure what to do with it today. I'm leaving the length down and I've brought a thin satin headband and a pair of barrettes to use during my break, depending on what my hair feels like doing. If nothing else, I'll just leave it down with a side part like yesterday. What's the sense in having long hair if you never wear it down anyway?  Wink

Oh yes, but one little problem with that is getting it caught in things...like the seatbelt anchor thingamambob in my car which yanked out about 6 hairs when I arrived at work. ...

Other: I managed to put myself together again today! Man, I could get used to this.  Cool
    Today's outfit is low cut jeans and a V-neck cami under a ruffly lace poet's blouse. Again, all black. Jewelry is all black beads & crystals...half of it is 1928. Makeup is monochromatic - all plum. More of an "antique plum," I would say. Nails are still dark, hot rod blue. I've gotten a few "you look beautiful" compliments from the ladies in Credit. heh If only a certain cutie from Fire would swing by...  Wink
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #172 - Apr 10th, 2008 at 12:57pm
Oy. Morning shift. ...

Hair got a CWC + leave-in crème + shine spray. I brought a pair of black barrettes to work with me, but I think I'm just going to braid. As with the rest of me, my hair could probably benefit from a "casual day."

Yesterday, I did go with the barettes, but found the overall look to be too dressy for work. Not to say that I won't wear "princess hair" to work again; just not when the rest of me is done up to the 9's.

So today's just casual (not that I had time to be otherwise). Yesterday's jeans, my "Thom Yorke shirt," no makeup, minimal jewelry. Whaaatever. Hey, even Davey Havok isn't glammed up all the time.  Roll Eyes

Work has been slow so far. Rather unusual for a Thursday. So I'm just chillin' with microwave popcorn & a Beethoven CD...answering the phone and hoping that my Fire cutie doesn't stop by. He has this infallible ability to sense when I'm looking my absolute worst and choose those days to walk into my office.  Roll Eyes  Men.

hehe...Our Information Systems Support guy just noticed that my nails aren't black.
"Moving away from the black, I see," he remarked.
"The black's not going anywhere," I smiled. "Don't worry."
"Well come on," says he. "You can't be a goth all your life."
"Oh yes you can, hunnay," I smirked.
And with a laugh, he turned and left my office.  Roll Eyes  Oy. Why is it that so many mundanes think that being a goth is something that one "grows out of" over time? It's not commonplace for someone to walk up to a Christian or a surfer or a musician and say, "Oh, you'll get over that in time." Seriously.

I don't suppose it's totally their fault though. Mundanes don't understand. Heck, part of the gothic allure is that mundanes don't get it. They misinterpret it as merely a fashion statement or perhaps a sign of rebellion, individuality, creativity or non-conformity. And while it is all of those things, that most certainly isn't the end of it. Nope, these are just the superficial details that (usually) allude to a much bigger picture.

Think of a stick poking out of a large body of water. Why do boats swerve wide curves around the stick rather than just sailing over it? Because they know that the stick is likely attached to a fallen log or tree beneath the surface of the water that could seriously damage the boat.
   And there you have it: a study in what lies beneath. What you can see is a mere indication of what you can't.
   For the true goths, the affinity for all things black is only a reflection and a by-product of an all-over æsthetic, a mindset, a subculture. We don't do it to look scary (at least not all the time  Wink), we don't do it to freak out the faceless sheep* of society (although it usually has that effect and we certainly don't mind  Wink) and we don't do it to rebel against absolutely everything YOU do because it sucks (even though, for the most part, it does).
   The reality is that it's just part of who we are. We're not going to "grow out of it" and we're not going to change for anybody except ourselves. If that upsets the happy mundane pastorale, then well...we've done our jobs, haven't we?  Wink

*faceless sheep term borrowed with kind permission from an illustrious elder goth
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #173 - Apr 11th, 2008 at 5:42pm
Hair: Got the usual Friday WTC treatment. No shine spray today. Length is just hangin' out. I brought barettes and a hairtie to work, depending on what my hair feels like doing during my break. I'm hoping that the barrettes will work because I'm going out tonight ... and don't want my hair to be all kinked and wavy from a braid. Drummer boy seems to like my hair, so I always wear it down when I see him.

A few days ago, I bought a set of 6 small claw clips by Goody. 2 black, 2 clear, 2 tortoise shell. I gave both tortoise shell clips and one of the clear ones to my sister and kept the 2 black and one of the clear ones for myself.
   Right away, I took a black one and began filing down the seams and refinishing the teeth with black and clear nail polish. I left it in the freezer overnight, then took it out this morning to let it finish drying. The project seems to be a success, though I may yet add another clear coat. When that's done, I'll hot glue a few long, black ribbons onto the thing for decoration and voilà. Another goth hairtoy creation by yours truly.  Wink
   I'll figure out what to do with the other clips later.

Other: There's a going away party for one of my co-workers after hours, but I don't think I'll attend. I'll be pressed for time as it is racing home and getting dolled up for my date with drummer boy. Plus, I've not eaten much, so I may be in the midst of a blood sugar attack by 5:00. ...
   I have a smoothie at the moment...we'll see if it helps. Cheers!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #174 - Apr 14th, 2008 at 5:01pm
Hair: Today, like every other Monday, was clarifying day. The usual routine, no leave-in's. I've been finger combing periodically, but am saving the actual combing for my break. My hair gets staticky on clarifying days and lately, we've been having another Santa Ana.  Tongue  Static causes tangles and combing causes static. So I'm only combing once today before I put my hair in a braid (where it can't be staticky) and forget about it.

Last night on What Not To Wear, a lady with very long, thin, fine, burgundy hair got cut to above shoulder length. The stylist kept telling her that the length was making her hair look as thin as possible. He then divided her hair into 2 sections, tying them at shoulder length with rubber bands  Shocked and snipped above them. He then evened out the color (which didn't look half bad, I'll admit, and he did use a demi-permanent) and blowfried it to "perfection," using a round brush on the ends to turn them under.
    My father, who was watching this episode with me, looked at me and said, "That's how you should do your hair, [Angel]."
    Uhm, I've had my hair done that way before (with the exception of the burgundy coloring) and it made me look 1.) like Jodie Foster, and 2.) older than I was comfortable with.  Tongue  So yeah, no thanx, dad. Though, I might consider the burgundy demi-permanent.  Grin
    My family talks about nominating me for that show all the time. hehe God help them if they ever do.  Wink

Health: Last night, I began power walking again. And I feel like a slug - especially going up the steep hill toward the middle of my walk - even though weight seems to be around 113 - 115 this week. I need to get used to the terrain again.

Faaashion, Dahling: I'm put together today, but nothing fancy. Jeans, t-shirt, 2 rings, 1 bracelet, 1 pair of silver hoop earrings and 2 pairs of silver ball studs. Makeup is just concealer, powder, clear mascara and lipgloss. Simple, natural and not trying too hard. It's rather a waste to get dressed up for work anyway.  Roll Eyes
   Newport News has a rather stunning satin cami with corset-style boning that would make a flattering addition to my summer goth wardrobe. And my mood ring currently matches my eyes...weird.
   Tonight, I should find time for a new manicure. I was pleasantly surprised that the last one held up for a week without looking too ratty, so I'm back on OPI with a vengeance.  Wink  I've brought a few files to the office so I can get my nails in shape and even out the surfaces that need it.

Other: K and I still talk (well, text) occasionally like friends, though it's become more of a casual acquaintanceship at this point. I know that life will either bring him closer to me or totally phase him out over time...so I'm not really worried about it.
   As for drummer boy, we're still seeing each other, but I decided over the weekend that I do not want a relationship with him. Quite simply, he just isn't what I need. Of course, I have been known to change my mind, so I will continue to see him until I'm quite certain and comfortable with the idea of letting him go.
Still no internet at the house, and I don't expect that there will be for some time. Finances are tapped out. Thankfully, I do have a laptop and can get access from just about anywhere. The trick is keeping it charged.  Tongue

That's all for today. Peace.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #175 - Apr 14th, 2008 at 6:36pm
I thought about you earlier when I tried on my new coat that arrived today, from Newport News.  It's pretty and it has a nice fitted shape, but the sleeves are too short for me so I have to get it altered  (story of my life Tongue).  Anyway, I was thinking that it would be cute on you as is, and probably something that you would like because it's all lace.  The only thing is that it's...gasp... CREAM!!! Shocked  BWAAAhahahahahahahaha!!! (to quote Trisha) Grin  

And I believe I know which cami you're talking about.  If it's the one that I'm thinking of, it's very cute.  But I'm not sure, because the one that I'm thinking of is trimmed in white lace which I think is a goth no no.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #176 - Apr 14th, 2008 at 7:17pm
LD: Oh, you must have gotten the lace trenchcoat, yes? It is cute.  Wink  I hope you'll post some pix after you have it altered.

And lace just happens to be a gothic staple. Ahem. As long as it's black lace.  Wink

Anyway, this was the cami that I was talking about:
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #177 - Apr 14th, 2008 at 7:46pm
Ooh, that cami is cute too!  

This is the cami I was thinking of

And yep, I got the cream trench.  Don't you just love Newport News?  They always have such cute, frilly stuff.

I'll take pics when it's altered.  I already took the seams out so it should be an easy fix.

And lace just happens to be a gothic staple. Ahem. As long as it's black lace.
I know, I'm learning. Cheesy  

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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #178 - Apr 14th, 2008 at 10:40pm
Sweet!  I would love one too!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #179 - Apr 16th, 2008 at 7:55pm
LD: Ah, that one! It's caught my eye quite a few times, actually, but I would never wear it. 1.) I'm not into wearing ivory (except on a wedding dress) and 2.) It looks less to me like 2 layered camis and more like a bra peeking out of a cami...which just screams Madonna. lol But more power to any woman who can rock this without looking like an early '80's throwback.  Grin

Hair: The usual WCC routine. Leave-in crème throughout the length and shine spray on the ends (though not enough of it, I fear). Hair has been down all day with the front part held back by a slim, satin headband (black, of course) which matches my shirt. The drawback to this was that a great big project from HR arrived at the office today and every time I leaned over a file, my hair would slip off of my back and dangle in front of my vision, in the way of whatever I was doing. It came close to getting caught on a sticker once or twice, so I tucked the length into the back of my shirt. Then, I took it out and combed it when I was done.

Other: Had my father not demanded that I go into work early and relieve my mother, I would've had time to be totally put together. *sigh* But instead, I just put on my "natural" face, grabbed a few simple jewelry pieces (black pearls - always classy) and dashed out the door. So ends my last opportunity to wear makeup to work for the next 2 weeks. ...  Oh well.

Why, you ask? Well, lovelies, my mother is getting a facelift on Friday and will be out of work on medical leave for 2 weeks afterwards, meaning that I will be working full time, covering both my own shift and hers. Yours truly is going to be one verrry busy little bee, but it should be well worth it. Not only because I'll have my first 40-hour paycheck in God knows how long, but for the experience. Whatever the company throws my way will be all up to me to handle...alone...without being able to ask mother's help.
    To say that I'm nervous would be a grave understatement. Terrified would be more accurate - I'm nowhere near ready to take this on. Yet, I don't exactly have a choice in the matter. Besides, the best thing to do with challenges is to face them head-on. So ready or not, my full time tenure begins this Friday. If all goes well, I will have proven my capability in my position to myself, my mother, my boss and everyone that I work with.
    Conversely, if anyone reads about a giant mushroom cloud erupting in San Diego where a large gas plant used to be, you'll know that things didn't go so well. And that it was probably my fault. Undecided  Here's hoping, right?

Bye for now.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #180 - Apr 16th, 2008 at 10:28pm
Ah,Angel.....you're going to shine when this is all over!  I just know it!  You can handle it and more over you'll be so proud of yourself! Wink Smiley
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WWW Curlgirl64  
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #181 - Apr 17th, 2008 at 6:36am
You can do it! You go girl!...
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #182 - Apr 17th, 2008 at 12:26pm
Curlgirl: Shine? Nay, that's just the glow from the fiery explosion.  Grin  And I have never believed in pride. But I'm flattered that you have so much faith in my, um, "abilities."  Wink

Lisabelle: I'll try, sister. ... And I'm totally with you on the bleary-eyed "bleh" feeling this morning. It's too ... early.

Hair: Got the usual CWC routine this morn. No shine spray, though, because I'm just going to put my hair in a braid when my break rolls around. The length probably looks a bit unkempt at the moment, but feels quite silky. Restoratives has been doing a decent job so far. I wonder if I'll have similar results with Ice Shine and other products from the classic line next year. If nothing else, it will be cheaper.
    Being that my OCD mother will be home for the next 2 weeks, the usual Friday treatments will have to be canceled. ... So to compensate, I'll be doing overnight treatments. Probably with EVOO and/or my Restoratives Replenishing Mask. Hope my hair won't suffer too much. ...

Health: Missed yesterday's exercises altogether. And didn't have time for this morning's exercises either.  Embarrassed  Another thing I'll have to compensate for, but I can do that this evening.
    Power walks will have to be scheduled earlier for the time being...like around 7pm. I'll have to go to bed earlier now, being that I have to wake up at 5am every weekday. ... The good news is that I still haven't been totally binging on junk. I've had a little of this and a little of that...and some beef jerky.  Grin  But haven't gone overboard, so that's good.

Other: What else is there? Guys are still a source of constant disappointment. 99% of the music industry is still going straight to Hades. And it's almost time for my break.

Ciao for now.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #183 - Apr 17th, 2008 at 2:53pm
You should also keep in mind that the company wouldn't allow you to fill in if they didn't have faith in your ability to do this job.   Cool
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #184 - Apr 17th, 2008 at 4:18pm
Ack!  5am!?!  I will pray for you, Angel_Spun.  There's no way I could get up that early and shower and be coherent for work.  On the rare occasion I have to sub the 6:30am yoga class I bathe the night before and spend the previous day anxious that I won't get up on time.

I'm sure you'll be fine.  Hopefully your mom will have some good drugs and she won't notice your Friday treatments.

Also, start planning your reward for getting up so bloody early.  I mean beyond the $$.  You'll have earned it!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #185 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 9:23am
I don't know what y'all are talking about...I get up at 5am every day, even on weekends!   Grin
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #186 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 5:21pm
Sakina: Quote:
There's no way I could get up that early and shower and be coherent for work.

Who said anything about being coherent?  Grin
It's no big deal, really, since I already have to get up that early to work the morning shift every Thursday anyway.
A full paycheck is all the reward that I need.  Cool

And lol @ "good drugs." I'm sure she'll have some, but I won't have time for treatments anyway.

Trisha: My mother & I are the only 2 receptionists, so if one of us is out, the other takes over and the company doesn't have a choice in the matter. Buahahahahaaa! ...

Hair: Did an overnight treatment of EVOO + my replenishing mask, and it took awhile to get it all rinsed out this morning. The usual WCC routine followed. Now, my hair is braided and out of the way. I didn't spend much time touching it as I combed it out, so I'm not sure how well the overnight treatment worked. Right now, the important thing is just giving my hair whatever I think it needs, then getting it out of the way so I can work. It's neither being ignored nor obsessed over.

Also, I calculated that my Hairstix should be ready between May 23rd and June 6th. That's a freakin' long time to wait, but I know that I should love the stix.  Smiley

Other: No word yet on my mother's condition.  Undecided

Work has been really busy. This morning was especially crazy. Payroll + commission on the same day, packages arriving, more HR stuff to tend to. Oy. I'm trying my best to stay on top of it all, but I feel like Amelia Bedelia in the process.  Roll Eyes

K is now out of the picture while I continue to see drummer boy. Though if I change my mind at any time, he is not far off. Not that I'm likely to do so. Neither one of them are what I want. Meh.

Anyway, now I shall resume killing company time perusing gothy fashion sites. Adios!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #187 - Apr 21st, 2008 at 1:25pm
Hair: CWC's over the weekend. ACV rinse on Sunday just for the heck of it. Last night, I was supposed to oil before bed and didn't. I would like to do heavy EVOO treatments every other night and then do a WCC with an ACV rince the next morning. Then balance the other days with CWC's.
   This morning, I just did a WCC, which took bloody forever with the water temp & pressure freaking out all the time. Part of it was from the sprinklers...the rest I'm not sure about. But one minute, the water was scalding hot. The next, freezing cold. One minute, I had normal pressure. The next minute, pressure was a joke. Half of the time, I had to pretend that I was in a hotel with typically crappy water pressure. What should have taken about 50 minutes total was stretched to an hour and a half.  Angry  Really looking forward to the next water bill, I gotta say. ... ... ...

Aaanyway, after working the usual leave-in crème through the length, I rushed about with more of my morning routine for a few minutes, then worked a little EVOO into the ends and underside of my hair. After that, I left it to dry amid the freezing air and frenzied pace of morning.
   During my break, I combed my hair out and then realized that I'd once again forgotten to bring a hairtie to work. Funny, I could swear that I threw one in my purse this morning...  Undecided  So now, it just has to be down, greasy and tangled all day. Fun.  Angry

Health: I'm not sure if it was helpful, crazy or a little bit of both, but I got up early and power walked on both Satuday and Sunday mornings. Both times, the sky was deceptively cloudy and I thought it safe to venture out...and then 20 minutes later, the sun would come out and I could almost hear it singeing my flesh.  Tongue  A necessary sacrifice, I'm afraid, for the plentitude of pure crap that I ingested over the rest of the weekend.  Embarrassed
   In any case, this morning, I am back on track. Breakfast this morning has been a tuna & cheese sandwich and a vegan açaí bowl...which may lead to a week-long junk food strike. Much needed, since the scale read 116.4 this morning. I blame an impending visit from Aunt Flo.  Tongue

Work: Insane. The phone is ringing off the hook and there are at least 3 pieces of mail that I have absolutely no idea what to do with.  Embarrassed  Such is life. I guess whomever usually takes cancelled insurance forms will just have to wait a few weeks. *sigh* I can't [bleep]ing do this by myself.

Other: Missed a Silver Side show on Saturday since it was in the boonies and I had to stay home and take care of my mother. Despite her not wanting to be the reason that I couldn't go, she was in no condition to take care of herself. Her ice bags and gauze needed to be drained, refilled, changed, soaked and reapplied every half hour or so. And I had to keep track of her various medications. Alas, I did not get to meet Joan Jett  Grin  or (more importantly) see my beloved drummer boy play.
   The good news is that my mother is recovering well. There are stitches everywhere and she thought it was funny when I told her that she looked like Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas.  Grin  But she's coherent, talkative and able to do many things on her own now. Today, she's having the fluid drains removed from her face and her hair will be washed. Although...I don't really trust the spa that is doing her hair - they want to use a blowfryer  Shocked  and heat of any sort is forbidden at this point.
   I told her that I would teach her "hippie haircare."  Grin  And even though my mother was a hippie in the '70's, she didn't know what that was. So I told her a little bit about "no heat" and aloe gel. hehe

A few good things that I was able to accomplish over the weekend were getting laundry done, getting dishes done, getting my shower poofs washed with the dishes, power walking (as I mentioned), an in-shower facial and a new pedicure: 1 coat of black, 1 coat of navy blue metallic and a sparsely glittered topcoat. Cute, but sleeping with socks on messed up the topcoat a little. Plus, I think another clear coat would help anyway. I'll get to that when I get home...maybe.

Jeez, this post is long enough and it's not even lunch time!
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« Last Edit: Apr 21st, 2008 at 6:31pm by N/A »  
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #188 - Apr 21st, 2008 at 3:58pm
Hippie haircare...  I like that.   Cool  Hope the insanity that is your job (at least for now) calms the h**l down SOON. *hugs* 
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #189 - Apr 22nd, 2008 at 11:41am
Trisha: This is how it always is. The pace was slower when I started working for this company 3 years ago, but...business is business. Its constant growth makes it a good company to invest in.  Wink

Hair: The usual CWC today. Water pressure was consistent so my shower time was back down to under an hour. Yay.
    Leave-in's this morning were Restoratives Detangling Leave-In Crème on the length and VO5 shine spray toward the ends. And I brought a hairtie to work with me today so I can braid. Yay again.

Other: Nails remain the same. Toes haven't gotten another clear coat and fingers look dreadful. There just aren't enough hours in the day.  Sad
Over the weekend, I exchanged my wireless router and I have a tech coming over tonight to hook everything up. My father is paying for it, thank God, but it's going to be a much costlier fix than he expects. He'll probably take that out on me. *sigh*
Day 2 of the junk food strike. I considered having frozen yogurt before bed last night, but...no. Been thinking about going off of my meds for 2 months to see if it would help to bring my weight down. But it's a huge risk that I don't know if I'm willing to take.

Aww, an applicant for the Fire division just walked in for an interview with the manager and the kid doesn't appear to be any older than my sister. heh Slowly but surely, the 20-somethings are taking over the company...

With that, I'm off to do more online shopping  Lips Sealed  er, I mean working. Yeah, that's it.  Grin
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #190 - Apr 22nd, 2008 at 11:48am
Why not simply leave a generic go-with-everything hair tie in your purse?  Then you wouldn't have to worry about forgetting one...
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #191 - Apr 23rd, 2008 at 2:06pm
Trisha: You have no idea. I've tried keeping them in my purse, in a desk drawer at work...it's hard enough just keeping them in my hair!  Grin  The problem is that no matter where they start out, at the end of the day, they all end up getting taken out before bed and I just tend to forget to bring more. lol I am hopeless.  Roll Eyes

Hair: Did a WCC routine this morning after an overnight EVOO treatment. Oh, and I found out exactly how much it sucks to get even a single, diluted drop of Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense shampoo in your eye. O-M-G. It still hurts a bit even now and I don't have eyedrops of any kind. ...
   Anyway, only one leave-in today. The usual. And hair is braided now.

Rant: Alright, I need to say... ... thank you, GEEK SQUAD for providing some of the worst customer service in the history of business! ...
   Less than 1 year ago, I requested their services for wireless access in my home. I know just enough about hardware to be dangerous, so I thought it best left to the pros. For the record, it costs about $200 just for an "agent" to visit your home. So the first one came out and hooked things up...or so I thought. The next day, we realized that the service had been incomplete (ie. botched), so that was $200 out the window. ...  So I called again and had another "agent" dispatched as soon as possible to fix the problem (another $200 ...). And it worked...until recently.
   A few weeks ago, I noticed that the wireless router that Geek Squad had brought for the last service was no longer working...and it was less than a year old. ... So I called up Best Buy and said ... and they informed me that the warranty on the router was good for another 2 days. The router was exchanged free of charge...lucky for them.
   My next call was to Geek Squad to schedule yet another wireless hookup. My appointment window was yesterday between 6-8 pm. And no one showed up. ... In fact, the "agent" never even called to cancel.
   So I called Geek Squad again to find out just WTF was going on and (after 5-10 minutes of being on hold) they said that they had no idea. They didn't know why the "agent" didn't show up, where he was or why he never called to cancel. They tried contacting him, but he was not answering his phone, so they transferred my call to dispatch.
   After being on hold for 15 minutes, my call never made it through to dispatch and another representative picked up where the first (incompetent) one left off. .... This one said that she would find out what was going on without putting me on hold for 15 minutes. So after she put me on hold for about 5 minutes, she came back and told me that she had no idea why the agent didn't show up or call to cancel. ... She then asked if I wanted to reschedule. Being that I had to go to bed early, I had no choice. So my new appointment is on Saturday, between noon and 4 pm.
   Unbelievable! ...

Other: Ahem. So yeah, while all of that was going on, I was able to put another clear coat on my toenails. One of them is still not perfect, but I'm not going to spend anymore time on a pedicure that no one's ever going to see anyway. Time to focus on my hands. Oh Lord, do they need it! I'm going to make them match my toes. Black + navy blue metallic + sparsely glittered topcoat.  Cool
   This morning, I even had a little shaving time, which was nice and quite needed. With my time so short in the mornings, I can't just do everything at once like I used to (it takes awhile. Believe me, it's a process for many goths  Grin). So I've had to divide it into a schedule of certain areas on certain days. Kinda weird, but it saves time and "things" get tended to more often.  Grin
   Only another week and a half of this left. Then, I can just be myself again. And oh, am I planning a comeback...  Wink
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #192 - Apr 23rd, 2008 at 2:25pm
Hang in there, babe!  *hugs*   Smiley
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #193 - Apr 24th, 2008 at 2:30pm
Trisha: I'm trying. *hugz*

Hair: Another CWC + the usual leave-in + air drying + braid. I want so badly to do a conditioning treatment, but it will be another week yet before I can. My hair doesn't seem to have suffered from what I can tell.
   Only another week and a month before my next trim. I think I might like to make a ticker for that, since I'm not counting down to any other goals for awhile. It would give me something to look forward to. But of course I won't be able to do that until after the wireless problem at home is resolved. Tickerfactory.com is blocked by surf control software at work. Bugger.  Angry

Angel Falls Off The Wagon: Yup, it's happened. Yeserday forcably put an end to the junk food strike, and as long as it was over, I figured that I'd have a little fun. Might as well. I also blew off my power walk last night. *sigh*
   For what it's worth, I did exercise a bit indoors. Today, I've not touched a stich of junk and I've already done my morning set of crunches.

Féroce Mode: Another fashion site has come to my attention which has me gleefully wringing my pallid hands for the many gothic styles that it offers: http://www.chicstar.com/. The selection is rather small, but the threads are pretty cute. It's not a gothic site by any means, so I don't mind passing the link off to any mundane fashionistas who might be looking for something new.  Wink
   I personally am in love with one of the velvet jackets that they offer and may well buy it eventually.

Yesterday, I bought the lightest shade of Maybelline Shine Free loose powder and mixed it with Amphigory pure white. Actually, I accidentally dumped in a lot more of the white than I'd planned to so it might look a little ghastly (even for me) when worn. If that's the case, I'll just buy another Shine Free loose powder and mix it with the current concoction.
   Pressed powder will only be used for touch-ups henceforth. It really isn't suitable for initial makeup setting and the color cannot be adjusted.

Faux Pas: My hands need serious attention. Egad! My skin is dry and the remnants of my 2-week old manicure are an eyesore. I must address that tonight!

Other: Mother got an eye massage at the spa yesterday to discourage scar tissue and some of the stitches removed. Tomorrow, the clinic will take the pins out of her eyes. No, they're not actually in her eyes.  Grin  They are fixed at the outer corners to hold the skin in place while it heals.
   She looks great and is recovering really well. The surgery took at least 10 years off. I think she'll be very pleased when she's fully recovered.  Smiley
   She also wants me to relay this message to all of my friends: Never take your skin for granted!

Indeed, remember that it's not just your hair that is a reflection of your life. Your skin is too. You look like you live. Think about it.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #194 - Apr 24th, 2008 at 3:29pm
Chich Star has super cute clothes!  Thanks for sharing that link!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #195 - Apr 25th, 2008 at 11:15am
Nice threads at the site you mentioned!

Tomorrow, the clinic will take the pins out of her eyes

Yeesh!  *faint*

Never take your skin for granted!

Amen to that!! 
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #196 - Apr 25th, 2008 at 11:42am
"Never take your skin for granted", words I truly live by.  Hence my addiction to way too expensive facial washes and lotions, all natural and all good stuff.  Not that I can afford it, but I do deserve it.  Wink

Just wanted to pop in quick while I *actually* have two seconds to myself, I hope you're surviving the work week.... I didn't see any huge mushrooms clouds on the west coast news, so I guess you haven't blown the place up yet.   Grin  I've been watching!

Hope you're mom's slowly shedding the "Sally" look and returning to normal, although, I rather dig the "Sally" look.  Roll Eyes  So sweet of you to be her caretaker, btw.

Hang in there, Sis!  Kiss
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #197 - Apr 25th, 2008 at 2:00pm
Sakina: No problem, babe!

Trisha: I'm sure that the pins in her eyes are nothing compared to the staples in her head. Those are what she complains about most, but I think that they might be the last things to come out.  Undecided

Magz: Nope, no mushroom clouds. But hey, the week ain't over yet.  Grin  And I still have another week to go!
   As for mum's Sally look, it is slowly going away with the stitches. Soon, she'll be back to her pretty self again.  Smiley

Speaking Of Mum: I realized something a few days ago while we were talking about her skin. I told her that I could already see the difference in before vs. after even though she isn't fully healed yet. She asked what was different.
   I told her that before, her skin had looked worn and tired. It sagged and drooped as if exhausted with the stresses of 53 years - most of which hadn't been kind to her. It had had a dry, haggard appearance, as if it had just completely "had it" and given up.
   My mother's response was, "I looked like I'd lived."

That day, I realized that a life of hardship is inherent in my family. That all of the tragedies, defeats, losses, daily stresses and seemingly eternal stretch of bad luck that I had battled constantly throughout my life were not atypical. Both my mother and sister had had more than their fair share as well. Adversity was every bit as hereditary as our blue eyes.
   But for as much life has thrown at each of us individually, we have endured and overcome all of it. For as many times as I've heard my mother refer to her side of the family as "hearty stock," I see it now in a new way. Not just physically healthy and strong, but physiologically.
   I've learned that I am not the only person in the family fighting the proverbial uphill battle - we all have and still do. I'm part of a long line of women who have faught their way through so much trouble and are strong enough to keep fighting. And because of this, I know now that I was not born to suffer - I was born to persevere.

Hair: Despite the "late" hour, I did manage to load my hair up with EVOO last night before I went to bed. This morning, a simple WCC washed it out.
   No time for leave-in's as several last-minute wardrobe changes delayed my usual morning routine.  Grin  So, I just allowed my hair to air dry, then combed and braided it during my break as usual.

Health: Yeah, so much for the junk food strike.  Tongue  After I got home from work yesterday, my sister gave me a spontaneous invite to go to Claim Jumper with her & a friend. We had appetizers...and desserts. hehe  Roll Eyes  But it was fun. My sister's co-workers all came to our table to say hello and chat/joke with us a bit. And one of the bartenders did hilarious impressions of K for me. I think I kind of needed that - to see K as other people see him instead of an "illustrious elder goth."
   Anyway, the scale read 117.8 this morning. Bleh. Whatever.

Dating? Speaking of K, something about being in his workplace in the company of my sister and so many others with whom he's acquainted gave me a wild hair up my butt and I broke down and texted him. I was almost hoping to see him last night, but as fate would have it, he was at a concert. So we texted a bit back & forth. Nothing serious. I suppose I can deal with us being casual acquaintances. Whatever.
As for drummer boy, eh. Haven't heard from him in a week. I suppose that he's once again been too "busy" to so much as text me to say hello. ...  Whatever.

This casual stuff is for the birds, man. ... ... ...

Other: Nails are still not done. *sigh* Guess it will just have to wait for the weekend.

Another thing that happens this weekend: Geek Squad returns to set up my wireless network! If they actually bother to show up this time, that is...

In other news, GOD, I hate smokers! HATE them! Well maybe not them, but certainly their habit. Bleh! Tell you what, if all of them boarded a rocket ship and left the planet, it would certainly make finding dates a little easier for yours truly. Not to mention cleaner air for the rest of us. *cough cough*
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #198 - Apr 27th, 2008 at 5:03am
I couldn not agree more (cough,cough)  I can't stand smoke!   Either I have an allergic reaction to it or something because I can't breathe right when I smell it.  It's one of the main reasons I'm happy to move.  The old Chinese man next door (that mom and I share the driveway with) smokes morning,noon and night!  No kidding.  The tenants next door that I'm attached to are no better.  It got so bad that lat year I had to go for a chest ex-ray and a pulmonary test!!!
I'd like to stick them in a plastic box and let them smoke in that! Angry  My air filters go constanly,purifyers too!  My windows are seldom open because of the problem.  When they are open I have window fans in them that blow the air in reverse so the smoke doesn't come in through the windows.
So I am with you 100% on your feelings towards smokers.  When I dated I refused to date a smoker.  I wouldn't even have coffee with a possible date!
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #199 - Apr 28th, 2008 at 1:04pm
I'd like to stick them in a plastic box and let them smoke in that!  Angry

lol Curlgirl. I totally hear ya.
And I can't stand guys who smoke...but somehow, I seem to wind up dating all of them!  Tongue

Hair: Yesterday required a W-CWC with a vinegar rinse after the first wash. After a night out with drummer boy and then having to wait until noon for a shower, my hair was in nasty shape.  Tongue  But afterwards, ahhhhhhh...all better.  Smiley
    This morning, all it needed was the usual CWC. Today, I've used my leave-in crème and shine spray and am just going to leave my hair down. I want to do a S&D this evening after work. Haven't done one in a long time. Actually, I'd like to do one every day this week if I have time.

Health: Is being virutally ignored until May. With my work schedule as it presently is, I cannot commit to diet or exercise. In fact, I cannot commit to anything except my work schedule.  Tongue

Dating: Went out with drummer boy on Saturday, as I mentioned. We saw The Forbidden Kingdom, which was awesome. I'll have to get the DVD when it comes out!
    And afterwards, we had dinner at California Pizza Kitchen, where I discovered that drummer boy follows sports. Who knew?

Other: Finally, I have a brand new manicure. And it matches my pedicure: 1 coat black, 1 coat shimmery navy blue and a sparsely glittered topcoat. Like a midnight sky.

Mother is still doing well. I think she has another appointment at the clinic this morning. She mentioned something about her eyes. Not sure.  Undecided

Went to the ice rink at UTC yesterday evening to watch my youngest cousin's skating competition. It was a small event, but she came in first.  Smiley
    After that, I went to dinner with her and her family - my aunt, uncle and other 2 cousins. I had to explain to them what sort of work my mother had had done since she still hasn't told many people. My uncle made an offhand, sarcastic comment to his son about how facelifts are "for vain people."  Angry  I could have smacked him. My mother is the least vain person on the planet and this surgery was not her choice. Bloody imbecile. I don't care if he was just being snarky.
    My aunt even looked at him and said something like, "How dare you talk about my sister that way!" Oy. She could have done so much better.

Ahem. Anyway, so the workweek has begun and I have a whopping $25 to live on until Friday. Ohhh boy...

By the way, has anyone else noticed how Danzig's music is perfect for driving?  Wink
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #200 - Apr 29th, 2008 at 1:56pm
Hair: Didn't do an overnight EVOO treatment last night and I probably should have. Oh well.  Undecided  It was 10:00 and I was exhausted. Yes, me! Exhausted at 10 pm. Between an early full time schedule and Aunt Flo's impending visit, I'm wearing out before I even get home from work. It sucks.  Sad
    Anyway, got up this morning and did a WCC. Then, it was the usual leave-in crème and air dry. No shine spray today. During my morning break, I combed and parted my hair on the left, as it is naturally inclined. The super straight, sleek look with a side part is very modern and I'm grateful that my hair can pull off such a chic style all on its own. I certainly don't have the time or patience to style it every morning!  Grin
    Yesterday, I did indeed do a S&D on a section of hair, so I want to do another today. Whether that actually happens, though, is up to fate.
    Also...it's almost measure day!  Cheesy

Faaashion, Dahling: Ok, I cannot praise Demonia enough for their adorable collection of subcultur-y shoes. Punk, goth, rockabilly, fetish, you name it. Cute stuff!
    They are a division of Pleaser USA, Inc. which makes costume footwear that might just appeal to folks outside the goth subculture as well. Remember Dorothy's ruby slippers from The Wizard Of Oz? They've got 'em in red and silver.  Wink

Other: Mother is improving. She had some more stitches taken out yesterday and the tape on her eyes replaced. She does indeed look younger, but her eyes are what I'm most worried about. They don't look so much like mine anymore. They're stretched out to a more almond shape...almost like an American child impersonating Asian eyes. But it could just be the tape. I'm hoping it's just the tape.  Undecided
    A few times I've told her that I wished I could have gone into the operation room with her, pointed to my own eyes and told her surgeons, "This is what her eyes are supposed to look like. Do not deviate from this pattern!"

So our new wireless network was set up over the weekend and works perfectly. Thank God. I'm back online at home.
    My sister is not so lucky. Her laptop has a virus so severe that her entire hard drive must be wiped clean. So the same Geek Squad agent is returning tomorrow to fix poor little sister's computer. Thank God, again, that it's not on my dime!

Speaking of my little sis, her bf came over last night with 2 enormous brownies from Claim Jumper: one for my sister and one for me. What a lifesaver!  Grin  It helped with PMS and served as breakfast this morning since I didn't have time to eat anything else.

Anyway, with any luck today, I might be visiting drummer boy at the studio after work. We've been talking much more often this week, which should help it go by faster.  Smiley

Ciao for now!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #201 - Apr 30th, 2008 at 2:10pm
Hair: The usual CWC routine. All is braided & well. As much as the rest of me, my hair can't wait to return to its normal schedule.

One Musician Wrecks My Day: Cramps had me laid up for most of the night yesterday...which was unfortunately the night that I agreed to practice in a rock opera project with my father. I'd been looking forward to it all week only to have to cancel.  Sad
    But rather than be understanding, sympathetic or otherwise paternal, my father assumed that I was flaking out on him for no reason, then stomped about the house talking all kinds of smack about me to my mother as he got ready to leave. Nothing he said was true, but I had the pleasure of hearing all of it...how undependable I was, how he couldn't push any more buttons for me, etc. etc. etc!!  Angry
    That's how he is though. He'll make a huge deal out of an assumption he's made, no matter how untrue it is in the first place.  Angry

Ever wonder where my hatred of men stems from? Every issue starts at home.

Anyway, after briefly getting up for dinner (after dad left), I went right back to my chamber to lay down until bedtime. The insane amount of painkillers that I had taken earlier had finally kicked in, but my father's words and the disdain in his voice echoed in my blood.

Another Musician Saves My Night: In all of this time, I'd been texting a bit with drummer boy who was practicing with his band at the studio (not far from my house) that night. When they'd finished, he asked me to visit him there if I was not yet asleep. So I changed out of my red, sexy, Mickey Mouse pj's  Roll Eyes  and drove over.
    Just talking to drummer boy had made me feel a little bit better. He was concerned, understanding and sure as heck didn't assume anything. Being around him was enough to make my father's words lose all significance and melt away.
    He showed me a few videos from the El Centro show that I missed on the 19th and also introduced me to the latest cymbal on his kit. hehe

I was feeling much better by the time I left and when I made it home, I was able to sleep. Thanks be to my musical Superman.  Wink

Other Stuff: So my ears have been ringing pretty loudly for about 18 hours now...as if I've been to a rock concert, but more persistent and much less cool. Even Silver Side didn't torture me this much and they are one of the loudest live bands I've ever seen. *sigh* I wonder if it could be stress. Last year, I learned that enough stress will cause your ears to ring. But I can't pinpoint a direct cause of stress. At least nothing new.  Undecided

Anyway, less than an hour until lunch. Now the question is how do I live for 3 days on $16?
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #202 - Apr 30th, 2008 at 4:47pm
So I changed out of my red, sexy, Mickey Mouse pj's

Hey, if you say Mickey Mouse pj's are sexy, I'll believe you. Grin 

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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #203 - May 1st, 2008 at 7:00pm
LD: Ohh yeah, my "big reds." Well worn and complete with a hole in one hip. Hot stuff.  Grin

Hair: Well, I failed yet again to do an overnight EVOO last night.  Embarrassed  Bad Angel! ... The problem is that I've been going to bed later (guess you can't keep a night person down) and it leaves me with no time for my night routine. Next week, I'll be back on my regular schedule.
   Today's method was a WCC anyway, with both leave-in crème and shine spray. Hair has been left down all day so it could dry perfectly straight for today's measurement...which I suppose I'll have to record here tomorrow. More about that later...  Angry
   Also, I have begun saving individual hairs as they fall out to make a lock for my future true love...whomever that may (or may not) be. I've finally reached a point in my life where I can be neutral and objective about it. Not thinking about making it for anyone specifically. If I don't have anyone by the time it's ready to give away, I'll probably send it to my Pantene sistah, Maggie.

Health: Any sort of diet would be a bust at the moment. At least I recognize when I can't commit. But I will start power walking every other night tonight. New month, new start and all that jazz.
   In all honesty, life may cause some deviation from the "every other night" schedule. But I'll make up for it as best I can. The scale has been embarassing me of late, so I won't even mention the numbers.  Lips Sealed  Embarrassed

Other: More praises to OPI. My manicure is 5 days old and still going strong.  Smiley

So the Geek Squad agent fixed my sister's laptop yesterday...and ruined mine in the process. ... So I'm calling him when I get home from work, and ohhh, there will be words... ... ... ...

In other news, this emoticon looks a scary lot like my former husband: ... Er, that's how I remember him at least.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #204 - May 2nd, 2008 at 9:08am
Will your mother be healed enough to go back to work next week?  *fingers crossed for both of you!!*   Wink
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #205 - May 2nd, 2008 at 7:28pm
Trisha: She should be. The clinic removed the tape from below her eyes this morning so far as I know and she'll have this weekend to continue healing. All other traces of the surgery are well hidden.

Hair: Needs some serious TLC.  Sad  I might do an overnight EVOO treatment tonight if I'm not too tired and then a WCC tomorrow morning. Or I might just do CWC's until Monday. Can't freaking wait to clarify and do conditioning treatments again.
   Today's routine was the usual CWC + leave-in crème + air dry. I left my hair down until my morning break at work when I went into the ladies room and measured my hair. I brought my mirror and measuring tape to the office with me because I didn't have time to measure last night. And the official reading for May is 25¾." A whopping quarter inch of growth in the month of April, which I suppose is typical. Plus, I haven't been taking my hair vitamins.  Embarrassed  One can only swallow so many pills in a day.
   Anyway, hair has been braided ever since and will stay that way until bedtime...unless I go out tonight, which I probably won't.

The Perks Of Front Office Work: A pair of reps from a local health clinic came into the lobby to get some information and left me a parting gift of Belgian chocolate coins. heh heh  Wink
   And upon returning from lunch, I found a rather (ok, considerably) attractive gentleman filling out an application in the lobby for a Fire Tech position. He is caucasian and Middle Eastern and just over a month older than me. Ooh la la, I hope he gets hired!  Lips Sealed  Embarrassed  Grin

Speaking Of Gorgeous Fire Techs: Drummer boy came to check the extinguishers in my building today. His timing was typically awful, considering that I looked like something the cat dragged in and was in the middle of a conversation with another co-worker.  Tongue  He talked to both of us briefly about his music and then went on his way.
   After he left, the other co-worker remarked to me about how I light up whenever drummer boy is around.  Grin  hehe I was aware of this, but I didn't know that it was obvious to others.

And The Rest: All of last night's plans were dashed when my father invited me to practice a rock opera project with him at another musician's house. Now, I have been officially recruited. That's how it works. When musicians run out of people for their project du jour, they recruit their children...especially if said children have musical abilities as well.  Grin
   So I spent the evening practicing harmonies with my dad and the guys - all of whom happen to be some of the most accomplished musicians in San Diego. And these are older guys who know their stuff and have been around every block in the musical district a few times. Hence, it was quite a nerve-racking experience for a gawky small town kid with very limited stage experience.  Shocked
   But the guys were really cool. Half of the time, I just made up harmonies on the fly because I didn't know how they were supposed to sound and the guys would say things like, "Sounds great, kid! Use that!"  Grin  Fun stuff.

K is once again trying to squirm his way back into my life.  Roll Eyes  Too many boys, man.

Well, today was payday and my check was indeed enough to save my overdrafted keister. Thank God! I might do a little splurging this evening. K says that I've worked hard these past 2 weeks and deserve to be spoiled. He may have a point.  Wink
   Anyway, so ends my 2 week full time tenure. I'm grateful as heck to have it over with, but at the same time, I'll kind of miss it. Ah well.

Adios, amigos.
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #206 - May 3rd, 2008 at 1:41pm
So I spent the evening practicing harmonies with my dad and the guys - all of whom happen to be some of the most accomplished musicians in San Diego. And these are older guys who know their stuff and have been around every block in the musical district a few times. Hence, it was quite a nerve-racking experience for a gawky small town kid with very limited stage experience.   
    But the guys were really cool. Half of the time, I just made up harmonies on the fly because I didn't know how they were supposed to sound and the guys would say things like, "Sounds great, kid! Use that!"    Fun stuff.

Actually that does sound like it would be fun.  I could understand why it would feel nerve racking but it sounds as though they're being very supportive and encouraging. 

It also seems like a cool opportunity to bond more with your dad.  Good luck and have fun with it! Smiley 
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #207 - May 3rd, 2008 at 10:01pm
And the official reading for May is 25¾." A whopping quarter inch of growth in the month of April, which I suppose is typical.

I'm currently in the same boat, 1/4" growth.

Too many boys, man.

Mmm, I have to disagree...no such thing as too many boys.  Grin

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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #208 - May 4th, 2008 at 9:09pm
LD: Indeed, the guys are great. And my father did say that it would be good for the 2 of us to spend some time together anyway. Although, I'm not sure how much actual "bonding" there will be when he's drinking the entire time.  Grin  

Sakina: lol Down, girl! You're a married woman!  Grin

Hair: Not much to report. Been doing CWC's all weekend and am very much looking forward to clarifying tomorrow.
   The water was ridiculous today. First, there was no pressure and it was scalding hot. Then, the pressure adjusted and all of the heat was gone! I had to take the last half of my shower in totally cold water. But it actually wasn't too bad. I love cold weather, I love the rain and the snow, and I've been swimming since I was able to walk. So cold water doesn't kill me. My hair probably appreciated it, and my body parts eventually got used to being numb and covered in goosebumps.  Grin

Picked up another set of Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense S&C today. I plan to use this formula until September, then switch to Time Renewal.

Health: The plan is to power walk tonight and tomorrow night and keep up with my other exercises. Weight is back down to normal, but still not good enough. Those last 10 lbs. want to hang on forever.

Other: This weekend proved to be a veritable shopping spree. I got 2 new shirts, 3 new OPI nail polishes, a pair of expensive diamond tip tweezers, a boatload of new earrings, new batteries for my electric tealights and a new foundation. And I may not be done just yet.  Shocked

Haven't heard from dummer boy at all this weekend. I miss him.  Sad
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #209 - May 5th, 2008 at 7:56pm
Hair: Did an overnight EVOO treatment last night, then woke up and clarified this morning. The usual routine - Pantene Purity wash, ACV rinse, another Purity wash, condition. Sing Halelujah!

No leave-in's as usual, so my hair was difficult to detangle. Especially at the ends. And naturally, I forgot to bring a hairtie to work, so I just twisted my hair into a bun and used a pencil as a hairstick. This 'do only lasted until I crossed paths with drummer boy on my way back from the Warehouse. He issued a typical male cat call and I smirked, putting my nose in the air as I kept on walking.
   "Oh, you're ignoring me now?" he smiled.
   I glanced back at him over my shoulder, giggling a bit, and when I turned back around, I felt a small ~pop!~ on the back of my head as my pencil bun came loose and started falling down. But I don't blame my hair for coming all undone around drummer boy. My insides do the same thing. He's bloody hot!  Wink

Other: The attractive applicant came into the lobby again today, and I realized his resemblance to my father when he was young. This fellow is apparently of Hebrew descent and my father is half German-Jewish, so their coloring and features are very similar. Anyway, he called a few hours later to speak with the manager of the Fire division. He seems very interested in the job...all the best to him.
   So yeah...boys, boys, boys.  Tongue

Nails are now a dark OPI indigo shade called Siberian Nights. And today, I actually had some time to put myself together before work, so I'm a bit gothed out. Maggie told me that I looked "stunning" and "very sexy."  Grin  And a co-worker whom I passed in the hallway of my building earlier called me up a few minutes ago to ask what perfume I was wearing. lol Guess I'll call this a pretty good day.  Wink

Rock opera rehersals are tomorrow and I've been trying to study the harmonies. But singing in my car is one thing...singing in front of my father and the guys who wrote the music is another! Even if I know the tunes, there's no guarantee that my nerves will cooperate.

Anyway, it's almost time to close down the office and head out. Catch y'all tomorrowz!
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« Last Edit: May 6th, 2008 at 4:26pm by N/A »  
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #210 - May 6th, 2008 at 9:42am
But I don't blame my hair for coming all undone around drummer boy. My insides do the same thing. He's bloody hot!

What is it about the right (or wrong?!) men that cause strong and otherwise sane ladies like us to turn into giggling schoolgirls?   Grin  Whatever it is, I think I like it...   Cool

He seems very interested in the job...all the best to him.

Er, maybe it's not only the job he's interested in...??  Roll Eyes
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #211 - May 6th, 2008 at 7:18pm
Trisha: Quote:
What is it about the right (or wrong?!) men that cause strong and otherwise sane ladies like us to turn into giggling schoolgirls?  Grin  Whatever it is, I think I like it...  Cool

hehe Who said anything about sane?  Wink
Er, maybe it's not only the job he's interested in...??  Roll Eyes


Hair: Last night, I found 3 unused tubes of VO5 hot oil in my junk drawer, so I heated one up and used it as an overnight treatment. I'm trying to recover my hair as much as possible after 2 weeks of virtual neglect.
   This morning was the usual CWC routine. I have also recently come to the disturbing realization that my hair is the same color as a daddy longlegs spider.  Shocked  Being deathly arachnophobic, this gives me one more reason to color!

The lock of hair that I'd started building was trashed over the weekend by office custodians, so I've had to start over. It's going well...

Boys, Boys, Boys: Got a random e-mail from an old flame who is apparently directing a video for Ex-VoTo.  Huh  That started a texting session with (another old flame) elder goth K. What I really want is to be with drummer boy, but he's obviously been too busy to even text me today.
   *sigh*  Sad  Lately, I can't help feeling like I'm going to snap. It would be better if I had nothing whatever to do with guys. At all. Ever. Except...

Other: I'm psyched for practice tonight! I know the harmonies to the first 4 songs and am looking forward to showing it tonight. Oh Lord, let my nerves hold out...

In other news, I did walk last night.  Smiley  And we're having gorgeous rainy weather today!  Cheesy
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #212 - May 7th, 2008 at 6:03pm
Darkest greetings once again.

So practice was cancelled yesterday, and just as well since it was my mother's b-day. She didn't want to go out, so she had my father & I go to KFC and bring dinner back. Dad also made margaritas (of course I didn't have one...sillies).
   I basically got to sit on my keister all night since I didn't have to walk or sing.

Apparently, the rock opera lineup is changing dramatically. Not sure where that leaves me, but I'm hoping that I'll still get to participate. It would be most inconvenient to learn all of the harmonies for nothing.  Undecided

In stupid boy -er, I mean "dating" news, K has been eliminated as a contender. I can no longer put up with his crap. ...  Now, I just miss drummer boy...though it will be awhile before I get to see him again. *sigh*

Hair got the usual CWC routine again today, and wouldn't you know it? I forgot to bring a hairtie to work. So that means no braid 'til tonight.

Yick! Just got a call from a co-worker's nasty husband. Or ex-husband. Or whatever he is. He's nasty.  Tongue

So anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah, hair. Side part takes it today. I wish I'd used my VO5 shine spray on the ends since it helps to combat tangles.

Oh yes, and I had time this morning, so I'm kinda gothed out again.  Wink  Cheers to Urban Decay's Heavy Metal glitter eyeliner. Love it, love it, love it!  Cheesy  Jeers to L'Oréal's Visible Lift foundation. It does not stand up to oil well at all!  Angry  Guess I'll just have to tint my old Cover Girl foundation (yeagh!  Tongue) with white. Such is life as a goth.

Anyway, it's time for my break. Peace!
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #213 - May 7th, 2008 at 6:48pm
In stupid boy -er, I mean "dating" news, K has been eliminated as a contender. I can no longer put up with his crap.   Now, I just miss drummer boy...though it will be awhile before I get to see him again. *sigh*

Ahh...to be single, with all of it's exciting and unpredictable twists and turns... Cheesy

Yick! Just got a call from a co-worker's nasty husband. Or ex-husband. Or whatever he is. He's nasty.

Grin Grin

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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #214 - May 8th, 2008 at 9:50am
In stupid boy -er, I mean "dating" news

I hope you get to sing in the rock opera, too...  I live somewhat vicariously through you, ya know!   Cool 

Oh, another suggestion for the forgotten hairtie situation (yes, I sit around thinking of ways to help you--at least in this aspect!)...  Why not leave one or two AT WORK?  Does your desk have a locking drawer where you could leave them?  --Do you HAVE a desk?   Huh  Or if you don't have a desk/locking drawer, is there any place else at the office where you could leave a hairtie or two?  File cabinet?  Medicine chest?  A coworker's drawer? 
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Angel Spun
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Re: Diary of a Dark Angel
Reply #215 - May 8th, 2008 at 7:51pm
LD: The grass is always greener, eh?  Roll Eyes  I'd take married life over this nonsense any day!

Trisha: Quote:
I hope you get to sing in the rock opera, too...  I live somewhat vicariously through you, ya know!   Cool

Grin  Thanx, Trish. Guess we'll find out where I stand tonight.

Oh, another suggestion for the forgotten hairtie situation (yes, I sit around thinking of ways to help you--at least in this aspect!)...  Why not leave one or two AT WORK?  Does your desk have a locking drawer where you could leave them?  --Do you HAVE a desk?    Huh  Or if you don't have a desk/locking drawer, is there any place else at the office where you could leave a hairtie or two?  File cabinet?  Medicine chest?  A coworker's drawer?

You're too funny. Of course I have a desk - I'm an operator/receptionist. My afternoon break is the only time that I'm allowed to leave it.
    And sadly, I've already tried leaving a hairtie in the drawer. Guess what happened? I used it, wore it home and that's where it stayed.  Grin  Now you see the conundrum. lol You're sweet to think of it though. It's flattering to know that someone I've never even met takes time out of her day thinking up ways to help lil' ol' me.

Recovery Efforts: Last night, I did another overnight EVOO treatment. Then this morning, I did a variant of a WTC routine. Washed the entire length with Restoratives Breakage Defense shampoo & squeezed excess water out with a microfiber towel. Then worked a treatment of Restoratives Time Renewal Replenishing Mask mixed w