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Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff (Read 122409 times)

Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #15 - Jan 12th, 2008 at 1:37pm
Dear Hair Dairy,

Was down most of the day yesterday with cramps but was able to wash my hair.  I did a clarify and my hair came out really nice. Later after my nap we went out food shopping and I got some Olay Classic beauty fluid!  I love it!  And so does my skin!  The scent brings back so many fun memories.  My mother knew a lady she woked with who told me that if I wanted to look beautiful I was to wash my hair with herbal essence and put oil of Olay beauty fluid on my face.  It's the same pink lotion and it does come in a crème form, which I am dying to try next.  I remember years ago being fed up with the skin crème I was using and went to the drugstore to get the beauty fluid only to find they had changed the formula.  So I bought what they had and it gave me a rash!  Angry  So the old lotion still rocks!  I wish it came in the old glass bottle.  I was lucky to get one as there was only two bottles left!  I guess word got out! LOL! I remember when Olay had there makeup line.  I loved the lipsticks, they had a good feel and taste to them. The mascara was good too!  Sadly they ended the line.  

Tomorrow were going downtown for the engagment meeting thingy..whatever.  Huh

Anyway I'm off! Smiley

Bye for now!
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #16 - Jan 14th, 2008 at 11:11am
Dear Hair Dairy,

We went downtown to the engagment thingy.  I got to see my SIL A's place which was kinda neat.  We went to the resturant where A's boyfriend works.  Good food!  When I walked in I could tell the place was haunted.  I went to the washroom and saw a lady in 1800's clothes on the stairs.  Later I mentioned it to A's boyfriend and he was suprised I picked up on it as the place is known to be haunted.

Now here something I have to look into.  My neice M has an imaginary friend, okay that's normal.  However, M was not told her mother was pregnant.  She said her imaginary friend told her in a dream that mommy was pregnant.  This freaked out her mother.  I'm like okay this needs to be checked out.

Anyway time to clean the house and bellydance!

bye for now...
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #17 - Jan 14th, 2008 at 5:12pm
Shocked  You've just crossed over into...The Twilight Zone!
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #18 - Jan 14th, 2008 at 11:51pm
Shocked  You've just crossed over into...The Twilight Zone!

I've always been able to pick up other worldy vibrations, see ghosts and spirits.  It's a normal thing for me.  My Dad who was a no nonsense guy and whose favorite phase was "Bulls*%t!" Could detect parannormal stuff too.  Thing is this imaginary friend does worry me a little...
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #19 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 12:02am
Dear Hair Diary,

I'm loving my Olay classic lotion!...  It works well under makeup and makes my skin feel soft and not dry yet not oily and gross!

Dancing went good.  I did my Bellytwins core workout, my shoulders always hurt from doing the weights.  My balance is geting alot better.  I'm still 140lbs.  I thing it is because the its winter that I cannot loose more weight.  Hopefully the summer will be better!

Been playing with different updo and did a S&D lastnight.  

At the moment were very broke and I hate it!  Hopefully that will change.

Bye for now!
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #20 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 2:12am
*nods* Yup, the 6th sense runs in my family too. I have it, my father has it, his mother had it...

Perhaps what your neice is talking to is not just "imaginary."
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #21 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 10:36am
You know, that's a good point...I wonder how many children talk about an "imaginary friend" when what they are seeing is actually a spirit?
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #22 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 11:07am
Angel, Trisha: I agree, it's a good chance it is a spirit.  Sometimes it a harmless one, like it could be a grandparent or an angel . Or it can be a something unspeakable. Shocked  The feelings in there house is a little unsettled  but not "spooked" as far as I can tell.  When I see my neice again I'll talk to her and see what I can get.
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #23 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 4:36pm
I had an "imaginary friend" of sorts as a child. Her name was Samantha and she had long, gorgeous black hair.  Smiley  She also had pale skin and turquoise eyes like me. Makes me wonder if she was a figment of my imagination or a reflection of my spirit. Or maybe I just made her look the way that I wished that I looked...  Roll Eyes

But children are typically more receptive to those "other wordly vibrations" than adults. So who knows?
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #24 - Jan 16th, 2008 at 11:16am
Dear Hair Dairy,

Man I'm sore today!  Some workouts are a killer Tongue.  I need to wash my hair and trim my fingernails today.  I'll make it my break/facial day.    No shrinks this month as he's been called away on a family emergency. Smiley 

Anyway off to pamper self! Cool
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #25 - Jan 17th, 2008 at 10:35am
Dear Hair Dairy,

 Well I rested and pamapered myself yesterday.  My back feels a little better today so I'll do my walk. The only thing that has me stressing is the school kids outside.  I hate them, ugh!

My paranoid neighboor K came over lastnight to use my computer.  He changes his pasword monthly and this time he forgot what he changed it to.   Oye vey ismir!  Then he locked himself out and we had to break him back into his place. Angry  Apprently he needs a operation (man stuff) and is on medication, thing is thought he's drinking on top of the meds.  I feel bad for him and I don't, its strange Lips Sealed    

Did some henna lastnight on my hand, can;t wait to see how it turned out.

Bye for now!
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #26 - Jan 18th, 2008 at 8:13am
Dear Hair Diary,

Hairs been silky soft!  I've been spraying it with water mixed with jojoba oil that I scented and its really working out well.  Lastnight I was in pain... Embarrassed  My hip was just screaming.  But a nice rub down helped (thank god!)  I did got for my walk yesterday.  I did half and hour in the morning and half at night.  The school kids were around the corner braking up some garbage in the street and being rude to cars driving by.  I was thinking not today!  But they knew who I was and moved out of my way and did say a word.  They know they can be suspened for bothering people on my block, the little butt pains.  ...

On other fronts the henna I did on my hands is still going!  It went black after the first day and is fading very slowly.  I started using an AHA cream to help it fade.

Tonight is pizza night!  I get a whole wheat crust pizza with veggies!  Yum!! Cheesy

Bye for now!
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #27 - Jan 18th, 2008 at 1:34pm
the little butt pains.

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joeydog 1992
Ex Member

Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #28 - Jan 19th, 2008 at 9:14am
Hey Lisabelle,

Just thought I would drop in, check how you are doing and say HI!!  Ya, school kids can be soooooo bad.  I live in the middle of nowhere and one of my neighbours keeps getting egged and some houses have been broken into (videos and booze stolen so you know it is kids since they took no jewelry etc).  I figure I am safe from break in since the kids seem to be hitting houses that have teenagers in them (as in they have been in the houses to case them) plus I have a really noisy alarm system and neighbours that are home all the time and keep an eye on me.

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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

Posts: 2797
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Lisabelle's Hair and Stuff
Reply #29 - Jan 20th, 2008 at 11:24am
Hey Lisabelle,

Just thought I would drop in, check how you are doing and say HI!!  Ya, school kids can be soooooo bad.  I live in the middle of nowhere and one of my neighbours keeps getting egged and some houses have been broken into (videos and booze stolen so you know it is kids since they took no jewelry etc).  I figure I am safe from break in since the kids seem to be hitting houses that have teenagers in them (as in they have been in the houses to case them) plus I have a really noisy alarm system and neighbours that are home all the time and keep an eye on me.


Hi!  its great to hear from you!  I was wondering how you were doing!  Man its been cold latley in our neck of the woods.  We had -17c last night hope your keeping warm!  Smiley
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