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Trisha 2008 (Read 203998 times)
Midnight Angel
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #375 - Nov 6th, 2008 at 11:33am
He speaks to us all if we just listen.

Good work, Trish. Smiley
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #376 - Nov 6th, 2008 at 6:04pm
Thats a good story Trisha and so very nice of you to do. Smiley  I'm always too afraid to offer things to people (besides family or close friends) out of fear that they may be insulted. Undecided
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #377 - Nov 10th, 2008 at 10:20am

Monday 10 November 2008
CWC this morning; hair is down and loose.  Did a vinegar rinse Saturday morning, since I hadn't done one in, oh, 2-3 months.  Afterwards, my hair seemed almost TOO clean.   Huh  --And that, children, is why Mamma Trish no longer does vinegar rinses every week.  As far as what I'm considering BSL, it will be the bottom of my strap. 

It was a great weekend with lots of physical labor!   Cheesy  On Saturday hubby did a lot of wood cutting and I did the stacking.  Sunday a friend brought his truck and we hauled the cut firewood back to the homestead where brother in law and I stacked it in the shed.  Last winter was very harsh and we got caught unprepared.  Of course, last year hubby was recovering from two back surgeries!  Anyway, there's still some wood to bring up out of the woods, so hubby and I will work on that when I get home this evening. 

Daughter starts her new job today, working for a doctor at a family medical practice.  She went in Friday for some on-the-job-training and was a little freaked out to learn that she'll be Dr. T's "nurse".  You know how folks call and ask to speak to Dr. so-and-so's nurse?  Well, that's going to be my daughter...even though she is not an LPN or an RN...   Shocked  In any case, she'll be drawing bloods/running labs for the patients, taking other vitals, and putting them in rooms. 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #378 - Nov 11th, 2008 at 10:14am

Tuesday 11 November 2008
May God bless the veterans of the world  Smiley

No wash day; hair is in a flipped up ponytail (I think that's the proper name), which is fast becomming my favorite style.  

It's perfect Autumnal weather today with grey, rainy skies and a hard chill in the air.  Good day to curl up under a binky and watch old movies.   Wink

I'm excited about our (LL) secret santa exchange...wonder who I'll get this year?!   Roll Eyes  
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #379 - Nov 12th, 2008 at 9:55am

Wednesday 12 November 2008
CWC this morning; hair is down for the day.  Weather (rainy) is causing a bit of frizz in my fine, straight hair, so I ran a touch of hand creme over my tresses once I got to work. 

Another wonderfully rainy day here in Southeast Missouri.   Cool
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #380 - Nov 12th, 2008 at 9:05pm
In any case, she'll be drawing bloods/running labs for the patients, taking other vitals

I thought that only real nurses did that stuff! Shocked

I'm excited about our (LL) secret santa exchange...wonder who I'll get this year?!

I was excited too but now I'm dragging my feet a little on this.  Finding something nice that will fit in an envelope will be a challenge.  I've been looking around but still have no gift ideas.
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #381 - Nov 13th, 2008 at 11:37am
Hi Trisha  Smiley  I just went back in your journal to read about what you went through getting your big hair cut, I felt like I needed to relate to somebody else who's been through it recently, too! 

I too did it mostly because of a thin looking spot on the back of my head, and the cut really seems to help remedy the problem.  I'm hoping that since less hair will be falling out (and being ripped out from knotting) that more hair will grow in and fix the problem so I can regrow it.

I have to ask, when you got yours cut, did a lot of people notice and comment on it, or did it not seem to phase others?  I'm asking because I'm kind of surprised that people who've known me for years and know how long my hair was don't seem to be phased by such a drastic change.......NOT that they should or have to be, but many people aren't even acknowledging or commenting on it, just wierd.  Again, nobody owes my hair anything Tongue, but I know that I always make a point to notice other people's hair changes and compliment them on it, I like how it makes them feel good about it, ya know?  What I've come to figure is that maybe hair is really not a big deal to most other people and a hair cut is just a hair cut, not a life changing event like it was for you and me.  Outside of my family, only 3 other people (of several who've seen me) have said anything, I'm just surprised.  How did people react to your hair?

Just curious.  Happy growing!  Smiley
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #382 - Nov 13th, 2008 at 11:49am
Posted by: La Diosa Posted on: Yesterday at 6:05pm
In any case, she'll be drawing bloods/running labs for the patients, taking other vitals

I thought that only real nurses did that stuff!   Shocked

Oh no--as a medical assistant, she was taking vitals (blood pressure, pulse, weight, etc.) and drawing blood.  Now as a CNA (certified nursing assitant) she does the same things but gets paid a little more for doing them.   Smiley

Posted by: La Diosa Posted on: Yesterday at 6:05pm

I'm excited about our (LL) secret santa exchange...wonder who I'll get this year?!

I was excited too but now I'm dragging my feet a little on this.  Finding something nice that will fit in an envelope will be a challenge.  I've been looking around but still have no gift ideas. 

Well, you're right; it IS a challenge.  But that's part of the fun!   Smiley 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #383 - Nov 13th, 2008 at 12:23pm

I hope that reading those entries of my journal about thinning hair helped you in some way.  It's an issue that many women deal with yet are afraid to admit and/or deal with.  If you ever feel the need to contact me on a more private level, just send me an email--I think that shows up under my contact info. 

I have to say, I got quite a few responses from people, mostly coworkers, after I cut my hair.  I only warned a couple of people that I was going to do it, so a lot of folks were shocked.  Everybody loved the shorter hair and, ironically, I remember being so disappointed in them!!  Psychologically speaking, I guess I thought since long hair was important to me then the rest of the planet should love and want long hair, too.   Grin
But cutting off your hair was probably a fairly traumatic event and it's only natural that you would want some recognition of that happening.  Human beings are by nature a selfish lot. 

I just want you to remember one thing:  long hair, short hair, or no hair at all, you are still Maggie and nothing can change that.   Cool
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #384 - Nov 14th, 2008 at 1:00am
Oh no--as a medical assistant, she was taking vitals (blood pressure, pulse, weight, etc.) and drawing blood.  Now as a CNA (certified nursing assitant) she does the same things but gets paid a little more for doing them.    

Oh, okay.  I didn't know what her background was.  I wasn't aware that she was in health care at all.  I was thinking that they hired her to be a receptionist or something...who would also be drawing blood. Roll Eyes
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #385 - Nov 14th, 2008 at 8:55am
I was thinking that they hired her to be a receptionist or something...who would also be drawing blood.     Roll Eyes

Goodness no!   What a mental image that is...a syringe in one hand and a telephone receiver in the other!  Grin 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #386 - Nov 14th, 2008 at 9:06am

Friday 14 November 2008
No-wash day.  I parted my hair down the middle and am wearing two braids.  And as usual, I got a "Hi Pipi!" from my hubby.   Smiley  The ends of the braids reach about an inch past my collar bones. 

Black tee, blue jeans, short black boots.  Skinny hot pink ponytail holders on the ends of the braids.  Black Mascara.   Cool
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #387 - Nov 14th, 2008 at 1:33pm
Very '80's, Trish. Grin
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #388 - Nov 14th, 2008 at 9:51pm
Goodness no!   What a mental image that is...a syringe in one hand and a telephone receiver in the other!    

That's about the same image that ran across my mind! Grin
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #389 - Nov 17th, 2008 at 8:57am

Monday 17 November 2008
CWC this morning; hair will stay loose today. 

Hubby's heart has been skipping beats, then "flopping" pretty hard to regain its rythm, so today he'll see a cardiologist.   Undecided  I'm praying this will be an easy "fix", with simple medication instead of the S word.  We'll find out soon enough. 
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