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Amanda's Hair Adventures! (Read 37818 times)

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #30 - Jul 6th, 2008 at 1:04pm
I haven't gotten gum in my hair in years but thats never any fun! Tongue  Glad you got it out okay. Wink

You probably have a delayed sleep phase.  That basically means that you fall asleep later than the "normal" time range, which I believe is between 10 o'clock p.m. to 1 a.m.  I don't recall the exact times, but it's something like that. Without medication, I tend to fall asleep between 3 and 5 a.m. sometimes later, but I absolutely hate still being awake when the sun comes up, although that happens to me sometimes as well.

Reading up on different types of sleep disorders would be a good idea and also discuss it with your doctor but PLEASE don't let your mother (or anyone else) make you feel bad about it.  I've dealt with so much crap from my mother and grandparents when I was growing up.  I wasn't diagnosed back then (nor did they have me evaluated), they instead chose to believe that it was something that I was doing on purpose. Angry  
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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #31 - Aug 3rd, 2008 at 2:17am
Hello everyone! There is no way I've been gone for nearly a month!! But apparently so, I feel awful! But for a period of time we had no Internet, and then I couldn't get back into the groove of using the Internet once we got it!!(also, another series finale...my shows and fandoms are very important to me!) So I was concentrating on those for the last month... either way, here I am!!

Hair: My hair is almost to my waist!!!!! Cheesy I'm getting very concerned about my poor ends though. I need to start applying oil to them I think like a lot of you do. What kind am I supposed to use?
Also, I need to buy bobby pins and clips. I need to put my hair up more often, I've been very lazy about it. MY new favorite hairstyle is to put these curlers in my hair after I take a shower, lust rolling up to my shoulders. It looks very nice!!!

Exercise: I actually got into a rather good groove for two days! I figured as long as I was awake at like 6 in the morning, I could exercise. So I exercised from like 6-15 to 6-30. I ran around my block, and did ab work mostly. Push-ups and stretching too of course!! Although I haven;t done it the past two days(I was reading Breaking Dawn this morning, and the morning before that I think I was sleeping at the usual time, so I gave up or something) I hope to exercise tomorrow morning though!! I need to lose a few pounds, and like flatten stomach. I would just like to lose like... 5 pounds maximum(I can't remember what I'm at right now, but I remember not liking it!), my obnoxious round tummy bugs me whenever I wear tight shirts; it kinda looks like I'm pregnant when I breathe O.o.

Sleep: Very, very interesting. I haven't slept the same two nights in a  row for like a month! I had a habit of falling asleep around 10 am, but then one day my friend and I went out, so I was up until like 11:30 pm. And then, for unexplainable reasons, woke up at like 4:30am. Falling asleep at 10 am again!! And now I'm completely nocturnal, seeing as I just woke up for the second time today at 8 pm. Earlier I had fallen fallen asleep for a few hours. I stayed up longer than normal reading. So I have to stay up about 24 hours, to get a good schedule for babysitting. I am convinced I have some sleeping disorder, and only Delayed Sleep-phase Syndrome makes sense. I need to keep a journal of my waking and sleeping times...

Birthday! My 16th birthday is on August 5th!! I've already received a couple presents. My grandma got me a video iPod Nano(in blue! I was ecstatic it wasn't pink!) Although I hate iPods, I really can't complain seeing as I had nothing before, and it was a very generous gift. My best friend got me a Pirates of the Caribbean themed Chess set. It is so awesome(Will Turner is the bishops on Jack's side... I got 2 of him!! XD) And my sister ought me Breaking Dawn. I went to a midnight release party for that book, the Twilight series is amazing!!
And on my birthday I am...babysitting. Wooooooooh.
*Is still angry because her sister was supposed to babysit this week, and promised like a month ago, but then went and got a real job so she wimped out on the promise*

School: Starts on September 3rd, I get my schedule on August 19th. I wish I could just like get my GED or something, but my family would never go for that... agh, I hate school. I'm not even looking forward to any of my classes for next year I remember signing up for!! My schedule is so messed up... I think I'll be in weight training and conditioning, which would be the hardest and easiest gym classes, respectively. What did I do? Shocked Plus AP US, which is a very hard history class. I'll have to switch out, which means I have to take normal US, which is a sophomore class(I'll be a junior). Grr. I'll deal with it somehow though!!

So that's it, I think!! Neat! 1616 characters left too! XD
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #32 - Aug 3rd, 2008 at 11:33am
Happy Birthday on Tuesday!!!

You need to experiment w/oils to find the ones that work for your hair.  I really like camellia oil.
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my 3b/m/ii to mid back.

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #33 - Aug 3rd, 2008 at 11:45am
Happy Birthday on Tuesday! Smiley
That sucks about the babysitting on you birthday. Sad
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #34 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 11:12am
Happy Birthday Amanda Wink

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Angel Spun
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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #35 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 5:09pm
http://www.maniatvblog.com/cjchristy/uploaded_images/Sweet16-733534.jpg" rel="gb_image[nice_pics]" title="...">http://www.maniatvblog.com/cjchristy/uploaded_images/Sweet16-733534.jpg" name="post_img_resize_7" alt="..." title="..." border="0" style="display:none" />
Happy birthday, kiddo.  Cool
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wishing I had Long Locks....

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #36 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 6:17pm


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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #37 - Aug 7th, 2008 at 2:15am
Happy Belated Birthday! Cheesy
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #38 - Aug 8th, 2008 at 11:30am
Well, I'm 3 days late but Happy Birthday!   Smiley
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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #39 - Sep 2nd, 2008 at 6:33am
Aw, thank you all!!!! That's so nice!! (about a month later, but our internet has been wonky >.<) I feel so little and young! Kiddo...  Cheesy

So yeah, what with our internet being awesome now instead of annoying, here I am!

Hair: My conditioner actually ran out about 2 weeks ago(it was a huge bottle) and I finally got new conditioner. Those two weeks I had to use my sister's tea tree conditioner, although I only used it twice. The main reason being it made my hair feel so gross, and the other reason being it cost her $11 and she didn't want me using it. No problem, seeing as it was AWFUL.
My only problem now is I have mis-matching shampoo and conditioner. Both Suave, but this new conditioner is for dry hair and is extra moisturizing. It makes my hair soft enough, but I liked my old one better.  Sad Oh well!!

And I saw "The Dark Knight" Hairstix, and I intend to own them someday! I have a pair of earrings that would match perfectly. It really would seem like they came in a set!! I must own them. All I need is a job!!Ewww...

Oh I forgot to mention the aweosme news that my hair grew 7/8 of an inch in a month!! Almost an inch in a month! Aweosome! Smiley

School: Starts on the third, and this Summer assignment I have is due on the 4th. I've been trying to do it and all but I just don't feel smart enough for it or the class it's for! (AP Language and Composition) I think I'm going to switch into regular LA 11. I'm about a third through the assignment, and for the rest of it I have no idea what he wants!! It's confusing me so much. I do love the book they assigned though, Fahrenheit 451. I really don't want to explain the similarities and differences between Faber and Mildred. He wants us to do a lot of comparing and contrasting, but I have a feeling I am missing the entire point of the book/questions.  Undecided
Oh well!! I intend to go to the library tomorrow and  really concentrate on it!!

Job: I need one. I wasn't responsible enough to save any of my babysitting money in case of a hairstix emergency, and I generally enjoy money, so I need a job!! My mother doesn't want me to get a job at the mall, however, because I can't drive, but I can't drive without driver's ed which we don't have the money for XD And the mall is really the closest place to us with employment options for an inexperienced teenager. Although I don't much like the idea of walking home at 11pm(that was the time my sister usually got off when she worked at the mall) at night, so I am content to agree with her on the point that I need to drive.

Well, hello again after another long absence! It shouldn't happen again though!!!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #40 - Sep 2nd, 2008 at 6:15pm
Welcome back, Amanda.

Congrats on the growth. And I've seen the Dark Knight stix too and they are lovely.  Smiley

You might want to check with people you know if the places where they work are hiring. That's how I got my first job (at 16) and my mother drove me there & back every day because I didn't have a license yet either.  Tongue  Might there be a way for you to carpool with people you know? Just a thought.
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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #41 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 3:11am
September 4th, 11:53 PM

I'm gonna start dating the top...it seems more organized.  Grin

Hair: I really need to wash it. I did curls for the first day, and then I got home late so I couldn't shower. Then the morning after that, my curls looked even better than the first day! My hair actually had volume!(at least in the morning) so I neglected it again. Plus, I might've gone overboard with the hairspray. I hate using it, but on curls I think I have to, so I just go mad. My hair feels all right, although maybe a bit greasy, but I just need a good conditioning.

And I intend to play around with it a lot. I love wearing my hair up, I feel all fancy when I do it and it looks really pretty.  Smiley Which would be a good reason to get those gorgeous hairstix!! Argh...
Plus, I really wanna dye it a red color. Maybe Auburn or real vibrant red! I used to hate that color, my mom and sister have it, but now I think it is so gorgeous!(also, my sister dyed her hair blonde XD And my mom dyed it a really, really RED shade) I am going to look into henna for it. The color would totally make my green eyes pop out! And I need to do somethign new with myself, desperately.

School!: Haha, I don't know why there's an !, I'm not excited about it. And today was our first full day(yesterday was only a half day, plus like an hour long assembly so we did like nothing) so now I know what all of my classes will be like.. boring.
First period(Culinary Arts) will be fun. Preparing food for the cafeteria, and doing dishes, which I found oddly fun today! My group[ only had dishes until Tuesday, then we switch. I'm nervous for that, I'm not great in kitchens, ever. People will be getting lop-sided sandwiches!!  Cheesy
AP Composition is going to be really hard. But two of the funniest people I know are in there so they'll help make it better.
Pre-Calculus, my best friend is in it, so I have that! The teacher was bland, though, and math has never been my thing.
Ugh, PE is just ewwww, I can't handle it and am switching ASAP. I feel like a bit of a quitter and a failure because I'm not even trying. But feeling like a failure and actually failing the class are very different, I don't need another F...
US History! My class full of 10th graders... the teacher is incredibly animated, loud, and energetic(like really!) but I'm still bored in it. The only aspect of history I like studying is the Civil War, so I can't wait for that!! Damn other wars we'll have to study... who cares about the American revolution anyways? Not like it was important XD

Ooh plus I might already be behind on homework! I think I have math, oh and all those syllabi. But now my parents are both sleeping... whoops.

Job: Even though just the idea of working at a fast food place grosses me out, I might try for Jack in the Box. There's one about 15 minutes from home(walking), and I get my food handler's permit from my culinary arts class, so it would be a good place to go.
I might go get an application after school tomorrow... technically today because it's past midnight!

Sleep: I sleept all afternoon, so I think I'm just gonna stay up, got to school, and sleep after school again. I like that much better, I won't worry about being late!

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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #42 - Sep 7th, 2008 at 10:26pm
September 7th, 7:21 PM

Hair: I have to put this down, because I love it! On Friday morning I blow-dryed by hair because it just wouldn't dry in time for school. I did remember to put on this heat protectant stuff, which I've never used before. Well today I was playing with my hair and realized it felt fantastic. I'm guessing it must be the heat protectant, and I just love it! Way less tangles and it was still all sleek and straight. I hope I never have to blow dry it again, but once a week I might use this protectant as a leave in! I'm in love with it!! Although it says heat activated styling creme, so I'm not sure if it will have the same effect without the blow-dryer.

My sister is killing her hair: My sister is dying her hair for the second time this month, and even worse, the last time she dyed it she dyed it blonde(today it should be a light brown). For someone who wants their hair to grow, she isn't really treating it very kindly. Undecided
Just today I told about some vitamins that make hair healthier and might help it to grow, so I suppose that made her think of her hair and she decide she should dye it.  Roll Eyes

I have homework that I doubt I'll finish... bye!
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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #43 - Sep 25th, 2008 at 2:24am
Hair: I tried using honey on my hair. It didn;t make it any shinier, but I'm betting that's because I forgot to actually leave it in. I applied like 3 drops to the conditioner on my hand, mixed it all up, applied it, and then I wasn't thinking and washed it right off a second later. >.<
I also mixed a drop in with my shampoo.

Also with hair, I can't get over how long it is!! I keep enveloping myself in it. I just turned and noticed the longest part is at my waist. My waist. Ah!  Grin I can get it all the way around my head, and... it's just so long! I'm just loving it right now!! I need to get a good picture somehow.

School: Not doing so well, I either gotta pick up the pace(ew!) or switch out of half of my classes into easier ones. Leaving behind these 2 adorable guys in English(they're so funny I couldn't bare to not have them in a class), and this one really cute guy in preventative medicine. Embarrassed Also Culinary Arts is killing me. It's first period and as you know I'm late a lot so... a class that the only grade is participation + missing it a lot = Worst idea ever!

Guys: In my US History class there is a boy named Ian with the most amazing smile ever! I need to start like, talking to him more. I am actually finding myself looking over at him, just to see if he's smiling, or waiting for him to smile. It's that gorgeous(although then I remind myself how old I am and that if I want to talk to him, I should) He's also funny and has the Constitution on his wall in his room XD Perfect! He's totally adorkable! So I'm gonna have to make that move.. hopefully I'll deal with the shyness! ^.^ Hahaha, I feel kinda lame

I think that's it, bye!
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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #44 - Sep 25th, 2008 at 10:37am
Adorkable...what a good word!   Grin
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