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Luc's Little Journal (Read 74091 times)

wishing I had Long Locks....

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #75 - Jul 2nd, 2009 at 5:32pm
Hair: Either the humidity (I doubt it) is really doing wonders for my hair, or my hair all-of-a sudden really likes oil!  I've been using Jojoba Oil every day this week.  I CWC on Monday with the usual routine of breakage defense and aloe vera gel, but then before I went to the hospital I oiled the length.  Then every morning since then I have been one-drop oiling the length.  My hair feels so silky!  It's a noticeable difference to me.  But maybe I'm just losing my mind....  
Also, no more critics on the length.  In fact - I've had more people tell me that it's beautiful, and this week when anyone has touched it, I get the "Wow" reaction.   Smiley

School: Final due by 10.00 am tomorrow, and there are rumors of computer issues with the exam.  Next class starts Monday, but I already have the first paper written - just waiting to edit it and submit next week.

Pilot News: He should return sometime Saturday for 6 days.  He has offered to help me with my papers that I need to write for this new class.  He's been such a doll going to the hospital with me everyday that he's home.  He even thought to bring her treats when we visited.  He takes her for walks in her wheelchair.  He's just so awesome.  It's almost unreal.

In Aunt news: Today she had a Picc line installed.  It's like a semi-permanent IV that goes in a large vessel in her upper arm and all the way in to her chest by her heart.  They're dumping massive intense antibiotics into her, and the drugs had started to blow the veins in her arms, so the Picc line is necessary.  Her face lights up whenever the Captain calls and I'm sitting with her.  She loves to say Hi to him, and asked him to pray for her when he's "way up there - close to God".   Cry
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #76 - Jul 2nd, 2009 at 11:39pm
I hope your aunt responds quickly to the treatment.  (((hugs)))
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #77 - Jul 3rd, 2009 at 12:15am
My best wishes to your aunt for her treatment.  And to you.
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #78 - Jul 3rd, 2009 at 3:21am
I wish the best for your aunt's treatment.
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #79 - Jul 3rd, 2009 at 8:41am
My best to your Aunt!  My prayers to  her and you!
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #80 - Jul 3rd, 2009 at 12:20pm
Aww, hon. All the best to your aunt. I'm sure she takes comfort in having you at her side.
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #81 - Jul 23rd, 2009 at 7:13pm
Wow - so much has happened in three weeks....

Hair: Still going strong with CWC every third day, and oiling during the day.  1 drop in the length, then wrap it up in a bun until night time.  It's so happy!   Smiley

School: Passed the last class - barely.  New class - turned in two papers, working on another due Monday.  Emailing with City of Phoenix to verify my current education plan qualifies as "closely related field" to work there.  Until I get an answer, I'll keep plugging away.

Pilot News: He hasn't been working as much - which is awesome for me!   Grin  He has helped me with each of my papers so far.  We went to the drags with his car, and then almost found a car for me!  But it got away from us in auction.  But now that he knows I'm interested, he's all excited about finding one for me.  He left this morning to return next Wednesday.  We started planning our vacation that we are taking in August.  I can't wait!   Cheesy

In Aunt News: She came home to our house on the 11th.  They took the Picc line out.  She then went home to her house on the 18th.  There is a nurse coming every day to change the dressing on her foot.  She's trucking along with her walker now, and getting strong enough to walk on her own.  She is so happy to be home.  We still visit her, just not every day. 

Thank you all for your prayers for her!  They SO worked!!  Smiley
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #82 - Jul 23rd, 2009 at 8:41pm
Glaad to hear that she's doing well!! Smiley
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
WWW Curlgirl64  
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #83 - Aug 11th, 2009 at 2:17pm
Hair: CWC every third day, oiling the length lightly twice a day.  Decided to start growing my bangs out, but I have no idea how long that will last.   Huh

School: Got a B in my last class, and got one of the SEVEN  Shocked books I need for fall.  The rest are on order.

Pilot News:  Well, here we go!  On Monday, we are going on vacation together.  We are going to Colorado - and I am going to meet his parents!   Shocked  He hasn't brought a girl home to them in years.  So once I'm over that panic...

We are going to borrow his brother's Harley and go for a four day ride.  We are going to a couple state parks, and just enjoy how pretty Colorado scenery is.  We are going to stop by the band's house one night and hang out.  I so can't wait!  My biggest concern is how I'm going to pack four days of stuff into saddlebags!   Huh

In Aunt news: More roller coasters.  They found out that her heart was not functioning at even half capacity, so they put a stint near her heart.  During that procedure, they discovered that she needs three more, and then some in her legs.  During the tests they do before the stints, they found an infection in her lower intestines.  They discovered yesterday that she is bleeding again and gave her blood, so today they are doing tests to find out where she is bleeding and hopefully fix it.  
So, she is back in the hospital, and we have to wear gowns and gloves when we go to visit her.  I told her that I would stay home from my vacation to be with her, and she said "Absolutely not!  You go be with your honey.  Meet his family, and then come tell me what they're like.  I'll still be here."

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #84 - Aug 11th, 2009 at 3:58pm
If she says she'll be there,have faith she'll be there!! Wink
Sounds like an exciting time is in store for you!  Enjoy the trip,your honey and his parents!!  Don't sweat it,you'll be fine! Smiley
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
WWW Curlgirl64  
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #85 - Nov 28th, 2009 at 1:12pm
Wow.  It's been way too long... Sad

Hair: Going to try to measure this weekend.  The fall shedding is driving me just batty!  But otherwise its happy, and I've been keeping it tied up mostly.   Still growing the bangs out!  They are just below my eyes now, so I'm using little clips to hold them back or to the side.  And the waist length by Christmas goal?  That's not going to happen.  I have about two more inches for that, and since my hair grows two inches in six months... yeah....  Sad   But I'm still CWC every third day, and oiling daily before it gets wrapped up in a bun.

School: Almost finished with fall semester.  Mostly signed up for spring.  Have two classes enrolled, and now I need to pick two more. 

In Pilot news: Things are still going wonderfully!  We had a blast on our trip!  Meeting the family went rather well.   Smiley  He's been working and being very supportive about the school work that I need to get done.  He helps me write papers when I need to, and is even helping me fill my spring schedule.  I am so looking forward to spending Christmas with him!  He asked if he can get me anything for my hair for a present!   Smiley

In Aunt news: She is still on disability from work, but thankfully no more time in the hospital.  She is still not as strong as she used to be, but she's doing good.  She's back to her ornary self!   Cheesy
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #86 - Nov 28th, 2009 at 2:06pm
Good to hear from you,Luc!  Sounds like things are going smoothly!
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