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Short-Long by livingandlovingx3 (Read 121831 times)

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #150 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 11:56am
I might skip working out today. I was up late (been having problems geting to sleep), and just feel too tired. It may be because after my work out yesterday, I worked my butt off cleaning. But I see this morning it grew back! Grin I don't know if I am ready for tonight or not. It's been really cool as far as weather here the past couple of days. I'm not complaining though, I'll take weather in the 70's rather then the 90's anyday. I'll probably have to take a sweater for tonight, I know I should have yesterday when we drove the mule around delivering everyone's tickets. Shocked
Oh, and I'll have to remember to take something for allergies. They always act up when I am around the fair. When I was younger the dr advised my parents against taking me to the fair, because every year after going, I would come down with pneumonia.

Hair: Just going to conditon the ends again today. Tomorrow I am going to acv rinse, use the bb avocado treatment, no poo, and one condition. I am trying to set myself a routine for shampooing, acv rinses, and treatments. I always lose track of when I last did them, so if I pick a day, hopefully I'll stick to it. Yesterday, I didn't do the oo in my hair after conditioning before it was dry. It turned out okay, a little "fluffier" on the sides than I would have liked, but I think I'll have to get used to that until they grow longer. I started having a few breakouts around my hair line on the sides, and I am thinking it's attributed to the oil in my hair. Although I didn't go all the way to my scalp with it, my hair is short and it's hard to just get the ends sometimes.
I measured after I had it cut a couple weeks ago(?) and she had cut it all back to 5". I measured a little while after that and came up with 5 1/4" and last night I got 5 1/2"!!!! Cheesy I am soo excited, I hope my hair continues. Maybe the vitamins, fish oil and biotin is really helping!
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #151 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 1:43pm
I might skip working out today. I was up late (been having problems geting to sleep), and just feel too tired.

Never exercise if you feel very tired you can hurt yourself if you're bodies not up to the challenge. It's always wise to listen to it.

It may be because after my work out yesterday, I worked my butt off cleaning. But I see this morning it grew back! Grin

ROTFLMFAO!  Grin Oh damn that was just too funny girl!

I measured after I had it cut a couple weeks ago(?) and she had cut it all back to 5". I measured a little while after that and came up with 5 1/4" and last night I got 5 1/2"!!!! Cheesy I am soo excited, I hope my hair continues. Maybe the vitamins, fish oil and biotin is really helping!

Shocked I wish my hair would grow that fast! Apparently it hasn't grown since I last trimmed it in May but I shall find out next Wednesday if it's started up again. Biotin takes six months for it to work, the first thing I noticed, around that time, is my hair felt thicker and it was growing faster. Probably explains how my hair grew 6" in six months from October to May.  Grin I think fish oil and vitamins take a couple, but depending on any deficiencies you may unknowingly have you may notice them kick in faster.   
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Angel Spun
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #152 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 4:25pm
Remember that my hair journey started at only 6" of length. I'm past BSL now.
You can do this, L&L3. It will take awhile, but we're here for ya.  Wink
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #153 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 5:39pm
Thanks Angel Spun.  Smiley You all are a great inspiration and help, I am definatley glad I found you all! Wink

I decided to work out after all. I am the type of person that if I don't do something repeatedly, I stop all together. Six days in a row, woohoo! Cheesy
I am sure I had a serious deficiency, and while I am trying to eat better and healthier, I think the vitamins have helped. I have been taking them for two months everyday now. The fish oil and biotin probably haven't kicked in yet, but I am glad to see my hair flourishing! Skin has improved, but I am not even close to being rid of everything yet. I called the dr yesterday, and the gal that answered said I am supposed to wait three months, then call if I need to dose up.  Angry That's not what they told me or the pharmacist. The pharmacy gave me 60 days worth of pills because he was under the same impression I was. He said that if I only used one a day, then I would have 2 months supply (insurance only pays for one months worth of pills at a time), if 2 a day, then only one months! I forgot to mention that detail to the dr, not to mention I won't have to call in three months because I have an appt. with him before then. I don't know I may call again and explain what the pharmacy did.
My Mom and Dad took the boys to the fair this afternoon, and they are riding rides! Yay, mommy has some me time!! Smiley His parents and mine will do a hand off of the kids later, since J and I have EMS duty. I guess I could see it as we have together time, and not working. Hopefully things are quiet. Smiley
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Angel Spun
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #154 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 5:55pm
Anytime, babe.  Smiley  I don't know what I'd do without this place either.  Wink
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #155 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 1:05pm
You all are a great inspiration and help, I am definatley glad I found you all! Wink

I don't know what I'd do without this place either.  Wink

Same here! You're the only people I really have to talk to right now.  Wink (Ditcher friends are a whole long story Angry)
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #156 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 3:50pm
Same here Tanai.

Last night was uneventful *whew*
I help the FD with fill the boot, an event that help raise money for MD. We plan on taking the boys down tonight and having them help.
Did a acv rinse, bb treatment, put one condition on ends and then no poo on scalp. Hair is drying.
I have to take the boys to meet their teachers today and drop off their school supplies.
I got home about 12:30 a.m. and woke up at 3 a.m. wheezing and all stuffed up. I removed the pillow I was sleeping on, covered my hair and took two benedryl (sp?). That helped, except I didn't get up until 10!! Tongue Anyway, I have a pretty busy day today, so I have to keep it short and sweet!
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #157 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 1:07pm
I didn't work out yesterday or today. My youngest woke me up saying that he wanted medicine, and then preceeded to throw up on my bedroom floor.  Undecided Been up with him since 5 a.m. I think he's ok, I am trying to get him to eat saltines because all that is coming up is acid, but he isn't cooperating. He'll eat popsicles and drink sprite, but it has been coming right back up. Tongue I was just thinking the other day about how lucky I have been that the kids haven't been sick for quite some time, that shows me to think like that! Sad Took the kids to meet their teachers and drop off their school supplies. Then I took my Mom to the fair to walk through the animals and art buildings. It was fun since it was just me and her. I have to run errands today, so my Mom will be over sitting wth the kids. I dont' want to be stuck driving, when my little one is in the back throwing up.
Face is still breaking out  Sad. It looked as though it was getting better. I still haven't called the Dr. back. I was thinking of calling the pharmacist to get what he understood first.
Hair turned out great after everything yesterday. Knowing that I was going to the fair again, I added a little oil for a leave in. It seems when I do this I have less frizz later on.
I am going to try and spray with the lavender mist this morning and go on about my day, but if I have too much bed head, I'll have to condition my ends. Haven't seen any sign of the flakys *Hooray*! Smiley
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #158 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 4:47pm
Try not to let more then a couple of consecutive days slip by between your workouts any more then that and most people tend to lose the momentum they had. And we don't want you to do that.  Wink However I imagine it must be pretty hard to find time for yourself let alone to exercise with three kids running around.  Roll Eyes But have no fear... school's starting again.  Grin
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #159 - Aug 30th, 2008 at 4:53pm
Unfortunately, I have to let more than a couple days go by without working out. Sad My son is still sick and running a fever.

I was able to just spray my hair yesterday, but today I plan on co the ends.

My healthy eating habits went out the window when the fair came. Roll Eyes That's okay though cause when it's gone my eating habits will return.  WinkSchool starts Tuesday, hopefully my little one is feeling better by then so I can start working out again. The fair has had us running around like crazy! Cheesy Anyways, I re-organized my kitschen cabinets and drawers, just moved some stuff and straightened things up a bit. Feels much better to me. It annoyed J though. Grin
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #160 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 1:32pm
Tongue Erf here's hoping you have healthy kids then I was.  Tongue I used to get sick all the time when I was young. ...
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #161 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 3:33pm
Thanks Tanai, he's finally better today! Smiley Hopefully the other two don't come down with it. I wiped doorknobs, light switches, really any surface I could down with disenfecting wipes. If the other two do get it, they'll likely miss their first days of school. Undecided
Rodeo is finally over at the fair. The past couple times we went, my allergies kicked in instantly, and I think it was from all the dirt being kicked up in the air. Embarrassed Tonight is the mud bogs, if we go I plan on doisng up on allergy pills. Grin

Hair was plastered to my head yesterday, and I HATED it. I tried jojoba oil instead of oo while hair was still wet. I am going to co ends today, as I finally got a work out in! Smiley I can def tell I need to keep up with it everyday. I found it hard to do some of it today.

We had a new entrance poured for our driveway awhile back, and the old parking lines still remain, they are pretty faded. So we put cones out where there are no longer parking spaces. Friday night someone took one of the cones! Grr, so of course someone parked where they weren't supposed to. Angry I know they can tell the difference between the old lines and the new ones. They're just plain dumb, and disrespectful!
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #162 - Sep 1st, 2008 at 1:54pm
I wiped doorknobs, light switches, really any surface I could down with disenfecting wipes.

Grin You sound like me. That's what I do every time anyone gets sick or if anyone's been near anyone who's sick. I run around with my Lysol wipes.  Grin

I finally got a work out in! Smiley I can def tell I need to keep up with it everyday. I found it hard to do some of it today.

I hate that, you miss a little time and suddenly you almost feel like you've never done it.  Angry The stranger thing though is that after it becomes a regular part of your routine your body actually starts craving it.  Huh Weird I know.

They're just plain dumb, and disrespectful!

Tongue People like that just seem to be everywhere these days don't they.  Angry
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #163 - Sep 1st, 2008 at 4:29pm
Yep, I am generally a clean and organizing freak! Cheesy
I'll have to start my workouts back up when the boys go to school tomorrow. Them running around and asking me stuff is kinda distracting. My body is definately craving it, but I just have no time right now!  Sad
J and I have to work the fair tonight again. NOT looking forward to it. The wind is blowing and it is like 50 degrees out there. I am sure by the time we get off at midnight it will be even colder! Plus, today is pal day. BUy one ride pass get one free, so the place will be crawling with kids, etc.. I don't think we will be as lucky as we were the first night. Roll Eyes

Did an acv rinse, co on the ends, no poo on the scalp, rinsed, and added a little more co to my ends and left it while I finished up, then rinsed with cold water. Leave-in, gel, and moisture lock. Hair is drying as I am typing. Hopefully I will have a better hair day than yesterday! Smiley
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #164 - Sep 3rd, 2008 at 10:54am
Ugh, it spread! My middle son had it yesterday, the first day of school! Sad
Happy to say that for now everyone is healthyand at school, except for my youngest! Smiley He only goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The scale last night said 190!! In the mornings I usually weigh 194 or so, and in the evenings it has read about 3-4 lbs. more. So, it isn't alot, but it is progress!!!
Going bridal gown shopping with a friend tonight. My fear is that she is going to make me a bridesmaid and put me in a dress! Embarrassed I am not sure though, her fiance is coming home from Baghdad in less than 30 days, and they are going to move to NY where he is from. I don't know if they plan on marrying her or there, or how intricate of a wedding they plan on having.
I didn't wash yesterday, and I am not going to wash today either. Tomorrow I will do and acv rinse, bb avocado, co on ends the apply no poo. I am really starting to like my natural color, it's so shiny!  Cool It never looked that way before.
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