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Short-Long by livingandlovingx3 (Read 121879 times)

Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

Posts: 449
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #165 - Sep 3rd, 2008 at 2:10pm
Here's a great tip, that'll probably make you hate the scale a little less. Every single person gains roughly 5lbs every day throughout the course of the day, probably food consumption. They say to get your most accurate weight to way yourself first thing in the morning, before you've eaten, after you um... visit la toilette , Embarrassed and sans clothing that's your true weight. So avoid weighing yourself in the evening because everyone weighs more, it'll only make you grumpy, besides everyone wants to see the lowest weight possible.  Wink It still sounds like you're making progress!  Smiley
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #166 - Sep 4th, 2008 at 3:51pm
Yeah, I know. I like to see how much I fluxuate in one day though.

Did my rinse with my "flavored" acv. My hair is really soft. Followed by my BB avocado treatment, followed by co on ends and no poo on sclap. Afterwards, I put in my leave in, and sprayed with the moisture lock. I didn't use any gel. I also didn't scrunch my curls, I let them dry loose. When I do this I have bigger curls, if I scrunch my hair I end up with corkscrew like curls. When hair was dry, I put some oo on the ends to help keep them from being frizz. The hair on top is more straight than curly, and the hair on the sides is kinda wavy. The hair twords the neck is where my curliness really shows. I don't know if the other parts are still under the effects of the straight perm or what.
I don't know how bad it looks to everyone around me, but leaving my hair this way actually makes me feel like it's actually growing. If I do it super culry it just shrinks soo much! Maybe I will leave the scrunching for when it is chin length or longer.

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #167 - Sep 4th, 2008 at 4:57pm
Nice pics.  I've been wanting to get a look at yr curls!  Yr color is pretty.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #168 - Sep 4th, 2008 at 6:18pm
Shrinkage is the curse of curls.  Frizzies is a close second, I think.  Its totally normal to have different types of curls on one head.

Your hair looks great, I like the color!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Slowly, but surely growing
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #169 - Sep 4th, 2008 at 7:42pm
Skyfire, thanks. I am no sure if I like my hair like this or with tighter curls. There is a pic back in the start of my journal that shows my curlier side, and before when I first started growing my hair, before my trim to delete all my bad ends.

Sakina, soo true!

The last inch or so of my hair, red and blonde, is left over from when I colored it. The rest is my natural color. I never liked it before, but I haven't seen my "real" color for a long time.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #170 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 2:22pm
I am no sure if I like my hair like this or with tighter curls.

But that's the cool thing you can make your curls go both ways to suit your mood. Drying straight hair differently still results in just straight hair.  Tongue

I like your natural color.  Smiley Because see I'm the crazy blonde who never wanted to be blonder I always wanted to be darker.  Wink
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Slowly, but surely growing
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #171 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 9:25pm
Ever wake up in the morning and you instantly know things aren't going to be good? today is that day, although I have to admit I have alot of those days.
My husband J and I have been together for a total of 10 years, married for 8. Everything in the start was great. I felt loved and wanted, but things have changed in the last 4 years. He is never home, I don't get that feeling of want. I am the one who does everything around my house, and if I ask him to help or do something, he never does it. He is always on the phone, and can't tell anyone but me no. A few months ago he was voted president of the QRU and I wasn't happy and I made it known. He told me that it didn't involve anymore than he already does, and assured me things would change. I should have known better, they never changed any of the other times, so why would it now? I am just tired of being by myself, and feeling so alone. I think having no where to go, and feeling like family would shun me has made me tolerate it. People have told me to get a job and save money so I can leave, but I can't work, I have three kids and daycare alone would cost more than I could ever make. Sometimes I feel like I don't know where I would be without him, but I think that might just come from being with him for so long, and not wanting to be "alone". Everytime I try to talk about my feelings to him, he tells me to knock it off and he doesn't want to hear it. Sorry about my rant, I know it's pretty personal. I just have no other outlet.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #172 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 12:26pm
(((hugs)))  Ranting is what journals are for!
I've been married 11.5 years.  We don't have kids, and I work minimally.  I'm home by myself a lot and can get really down w/o anybody to talk to.  Not much conversation with my cats!

I think you should go away for a weekend.  He might start to appreciate you if he has to take care of the kids.

Perhaps you can find a class to take to get you out of the house and interacting w/others in something fun.  Our parks & rec has really great classes that are very affordable.

Swimming is joint friendly, as is an elliptical machine.  Exercise always lifts your spirits, and you can find a way to accomodate your particular challenges.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Slowly, but surely growing
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #173 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 2:22pm
Thanks Sakina.
I think part of mt problem is that I just need to go and get back on some meds. I was diagnosed with bipolar type two about 4 years ago. I really only tried one medication and I hated my Dr. so I discontinued. I am usually ok, and I can recoginize my mood swings, but I have trouble with the spending and rapid thoughts running through my head. It's not like I spend money on stupid stuff, I will go grocery shopping and see something that wasn't on my list and think I have to have that or I might get home and find that I need it ( I won't ). I also tend to think people are talking about and looking at me, when they really aren't. The other thing is I have to check and see if I locked my car a few times, or locked my house cause I can't remember. My only problem is I really hate talking to some random person about why I am like this, there are just some things I can't tell even my parents. Plus insurance only pays 50% of outpatient mental health services. Ugh, and then we are so close to the end of the year that in order to stay on the meds I would have to continue next year and that mena starting over with the deductible which is oh, only 2,000 per person!!!!! I really am not crazy, I just have several bad days! Grin
I would love to go away on a little vaca, but right now money is super tight and there is no one to take care of the boys.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Wherever it is I need to be to do whatever it is I'm doing.
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #174 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 5:41pm
(((hugs))) Undecided Ooh hunnay you sound like you need marriage counseling and a hobby. Lips Sealed I'm absolutely not an expert on anything marriage related seeing as I've never been married. But you do seem to have communication issues. And you do have to remember the relationship is no longer just the two of you, you're kids will be heavily impacted by whatever descision you make. I know how you feel about the talking to a random person thing I can't do it either so maybe I'll just shut up about that.  Embarrassed However if you're bored out of your brains a hobby that you could do at home might be something worth looking into. And yes I know loneliness really is all it's cracked up to be. I know I'm in that boat myself, and it actually feels more like a rubber dingy to me.  Undecided  Cry

I also tend to think people are talking about and looking at me, when they really aren't.
That's my problem too, however I believe that particular behavior may be linked more to low self esteem then an actual medical condition. Confidence certainly is hard to come by. Anyone know where it's being sold?  Embarrassed Undecided
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #175 - Oct 15th, 2008 at 9:33am
livingandloving, are you still with us?  I was just rereading your last few entries and you seemed rather down.  *hugs*  Let us know how you're doing.
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Slowly, but surely growing
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #176 - Oct 15th, 2008 at 11:02am
Thanks Trisha.  Smiley
Yep, I am still here, I pop in every now and again. I've just been rather busy lately. I started having pain and swelling in my elbow, and then it moved down to my wrist. I've had tests and an MRI, only to show that I could have gout, and there is no tumor or cyst there. Monday I got the enjoyment of having a shot of cortisone in my tendon!  Shocked OUCH! I have to say it felt better before the shot, at least I could hold a pencil anyway.
Hair has been doing well. I bought some of Deva Curl's deep treatment and my hair seems to love it! Sometimes I use heat, sometimes I don't. I think I might have to use it 2x a week though. Using it on Mondays after a ACV rinse just don't seem to be cutting it. I also bought their pomade, I forget the name. I like it, but it leaves my hair feeling greasy the next day, and not being able to go with out washing. It hasn't really grown any. I had to have my neck trimmed up, as it looked as if I was trying to grow a mullet! I am starting to be able to pull the sides back, and wear a headband, which gives me hope. You know I always thought that hair grows faster or better in the summer, but I think mine is the opposite. Thinking back, it always seemed to do better in the winter. Huh
I have to say that with everything going on in the economy, we are feeling the belt tighten. Food prices are rising, so we thought that shopping in our small little town would help. Boy were we wrong! It's 7 miles give or take to a larger town and cheaper prices! Believe me what we would use in gas, wouldn't even add up to what we would be saving by driving those 7 miles! Shocked  I paid $6.89 for a 4 pound jar of peanutbutter and here it is over $10! Add that up for multiple items and I could actually save money by driving!!!!!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #177 - Oct 15th, 2008 at 11:35am
Cool, I'm a winter grower too.  Smiley

Everybody's feeling the squeeze of the economy right now. And the sucky thing is that there's just too much greed out there to do anything about it.  Angry
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #178 - Oct 22nd, 2008 at 5:44pm
Glad to see you're still with us I was getting worried when you suddenly disappeared.

We're all hanging in there. The world's not exactly turning good for any of us right now.  Angry
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