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Callisto's hair mumblings (Read 51779 times)

Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
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Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #45 - Oct 2nd, 2008 at 9:02pm
Well that makes sense. Smiley I do use herbal essences degunkifying shampoo, but I've never tried an ACV rinse. Forgive me if you've said this somewhere else here already, but how do you do them?

             -Jilayne Cheesy
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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
J J  
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Curly hair is crazy and
utterly beautiful

Posts: 178
Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #46 - Oct 2nd, 2008 at 10:30pm
Sorry about the shortness of my last post, I had to run off to the lab for my robotics team.

Jilayne: I always do a rinse or wet my hair first thing in the morning, so then it's pretty for school  Grin.  So, to keep it easy for myself at 6:30 when I'm not quite awake, I mix it up the night before in a waterbottle.  I almost fill it up with water, then add enough ACV so that it's a very pale yellowish.  Maybe... a tablespoon, maybe less? I don't really measure.  Others here can probably give you a more accurate recipe.

HAIR STICKS CAME!!!  I was waiting for so long I was worried they wouldn't come!  They're REALLY PRETTY!!!! I got green ones (Daylilly Dreaming GlimmerStix) and they're GORGEOUS!  I opened them up and laughed because they matched my shirt (light green with peach and orange and darker green accents)!  I'll put up photos of them in my hair sometime when I don't feel as lazy.
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Type 3bN-C(underneath)iii&&As daylight melted into shade&&A wandering music sweetly made&&Enchanted fluting, warbling wild&&For love of Thingol's elven child
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Curly hair is crazy and
utterly beautiful

Posts: 178
Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #47 - Oct 4th, 2008 at 7:08pm
Today was a fun day.  I had two dance classes and hung out with my friends at a coffee shop in between.  I was the only one that didn't get coffee though-- hate the stuff.

Only problem is that now my foot is hurting again.  I managed to get out of running the mile on Friday but I won't be able to get out of it on Monday and I don't want to miss my Monday ballet class.  Angry

Hair was washed last night using the usual Lush shampoo on the scalp only, and Pantene Condish.  Then I went to a party with some of my friends and ignored it.  Thankfully it was happy.

The party was kind-of funny.  One of my friend's parents threw a party for their church.  However, all the teens they invited couldn't come, so they told my friend she could invite whomever she wanted. 

So, three of us went and hung out in her garage, along with her nine-year-old brother, who has to be the smallest nine-year-old I've ever seen.  Including myself.  It turns out he's also a really sore looser at ping-pong.  Then we played apples-to-apples, which soon became ridiculously silly.  But fun.
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Type 3bN-C(underneath)iii&&As daylight melted into shade&&A wandering music sweetly made&&Enchanted fluting, warbling wild&&For love of Thingol's elven child
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Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
for longlocks!

Posts: 261
Gender: female
Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #48 - Oct 4th, 2008 at 9:38pm
Okay, thanks Callisto! I'll have to try that soon!
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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
J J  
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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #49 - Oct 5th, 2008 at 5:07am
Ugh, I hate coffee too. It's disgusting!
And I so desperately ant LL hairstix! Can't wait for a picture Smiley The green will probably be gorgeous with your hair color.
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Curly hair is crazy and
utterly beautiful

Posts: 178
Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #50 - Oct 15th, 2008 at 10:24pm
Still no photo...  Roll Eyes the main problem is that if my hair looks good, I don't want to put it up, and then if it is a mess, I don't really want to remember it by taking a photo.  I'll get it done sometime....

My hair is happy- I've been wearing it oiled and braided a lot to keep down on tangling.  I've also been doing S&D's.  I think I've made it official-- Tuesday nights during House is official split end DEATH TIME. 

It's pretty funny- we're playing football in gym and I am QB for our team.  Even though there are a ton of guys in our team, I'm the best at throwing a football.  Wink
Just goes to show them....

We got to burn things today in my chem class.  Pretty colors.... The girl who worked across from us was a bit of a pyromaniac... so she used these massive salt samples and wanted to take photos of all the flames (we were testing the individual line emission spectra of element salts and using them to identify unknown salts.  Just quantum Bohr stuff, though not Bohr-ing.  Sorry, bad pun, couldn't resist Grin ).
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Type 3bN-C(underneath)iii&&As daylight melted into shade&&A wandering music sweetly made&&Enchanted fluting, warbling wild&&For love of Thingol's elven child
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #51 - Oct 18th, 2008 at 4:22pm
It's pretty funny- we're playing football in gym and I am QB for our team.  Even though there are a ton of guys in our team, I'm the best at throwing a football.  Wink
Just goes to show them....

Grin lmao! You go girl! I can't even get my hand around a football.  Roll Eyes

We got to burn things today in my chem class.  Pretty colors.... The girl who worked across from us was a bit of a pyromaniac... so she used these massive salt samples and wanted to take photos of all the flames (we were testing the individual line emission spectra of element salts and using them to identify unknown salts.  Just quantum Bohr stuff, though not Bohr-ing.  Sorry, bad pun, couldn't resist Grin ).

Brings back memories of my chem class: young teacher in serious need of anger mangement classes  Grin, stupid ugly boy trying to hit on me  Angry, our group of girls who was too scared to light the Bunsen burner Grin, yep... don't want to go back there.  Grin
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Curly hair is crazy and
utterly beautiful

Posts: 178
Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #52 - Oct 19th, 2008 at 12:22am
Tanai: Yeah, I actually prefer the junior size ones (instead of just the mini ones) because my hands are too small.  But I can use both.

I like my chem class. I kinda have a reputation for actually knowing what's going on, and it's rather funny....  One of the people who sits at my table is the JV waterpolo captain, and he's always asking me to explain things and shouting, punching the air and high-fiving me once he understands it.  Grin Guys are weird.

Yeah... um... if you watch the TV show House, and know the character Chase (the australian) that's what my chem teacher looks like..... Could also be described as a surfer guy. He's a good teacher, but.... when a bunch of girls in your grade think your chem teacher is cute.... it's mildly awkward.  Thankfully, I'm NOT one of them; I have more sense than that.... Wink

hair is drying down, I've had it braided and oiled all week.  I'm going to braid it tonight for bed, as usual.

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Type 3bN-C(underneath)iii&&As daylight melted into shade&&A wandering music sweetly made&&Enchanted fluting, warbling wild&&For love of Thingol's elven child
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

Posts: 449
Wherever it is I need to be to do whatever it is I'm doing.
Gender: female
Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #53 - Oct 19th, 2008 at 1:42pm
I like my chem class. I kinda have a reputation for actually knowing what's going on, and it's rather funny....

Grin One of my friends was that person.  Smiley

One of the people who sits at my table is the JV waterpolo captain, and he's always asking me to explain things and shouting, punching the air and high-fiving me once he understands it.  Grin Guys are weird.

There was a guy in my grade who did the same thing. He would always ask me for help and whatnot and then he'd do the same thing. Some of them are just really weird.  Grin

Yeah... um... if you watch the TV show House, and know the character Chase (the australian) that's what my chem teacher looks like..... Could also be described as a surfer guy. He's a good teacher, but.... when a bunch of girls in your grade think your chem teacher is cute.... it's mildly awkward.  Thankfully, I'm NOT one of them; I have more sense than that.... Wink

At your age it certainly is. However we got a new health teacher when I was a senior. He was young and very good looking. It's was okay then because I, and any others,  was/were 18.  Cool Grin
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Curly hair is crazy and
utterly beautiful

Posts: 178
Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #54 - Oct 19th, 2008 at 7:59pm
Tanai: Grin.  We seem to be having two simultaneous cyberspace conversations. 

For some reason, I am incredibly sore today.  I don't know why, as I only had one of my usual two dance classes yesterday.  Probably the lack of sleep from the stupid PSAT is catching up with me.

Hair is reasonably happy, braided and out of my way.  Later tonight I'll probably unbraid it and put some oil on it as I left it be yesterday when I washed it.

Despite the PSAT I've had a pretty lazy weekend, and I'm feeling kinda bad about it.  I keep snacking on chocolate chips... Oh, well, at least tomorrow I have ballet class, and I won't feel lazy after that... More along the lines of ugghhh.  But I love the class, and I wish my dad would let me take more classes.  But my aunt (his sister) was a professional ballet dancer, which means classes for an hour and a half every day, at the least, starting at age 14.  Since he saw all the bad of ballet from the outside when he was a kid, and none of the power and beauty of it that you feel, he disapproves.

I wouldn't mind as much except my school requires a minimum of three classes a week for two years before going on pointe.  And I really want to go on pointe!  But, again, dad has forbidden me from doing pointe, as well as making it impossible.  My only hope is to take pointe in college, when he can stop controlling my life.  Angry
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Type 3bN-C(underneath)iii&&As daylight melted into shade&&A wandering music sweetly made&&Enchanted fluting, warbling wild&&For love of Thingol's elven child
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Wherever it is I need to be to do whatever it is I'm doing.
Gender: female
Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #55 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 2:12pm
Grin.  We seem to be having two simultaneous cyberspace conversations.

So it seems.  Grin

I had a friend who took ballet. She did pointe. And was even in a televised special of the Nutcracker. She actually quit in senior year. Because she got sick and tired of being told she was fat at 5'5" and 105lbs.  Roll Eyes Good luck with your pursuits though. Oh and make sure you get a good podiatrist when you get to do pointe, it's murder on your feet.  Tongue
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Curly hair is crazy and
utterly beautiful

Posts: 178
Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #56 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 8:26pm
Yeah, the body type thing is a little ridiculous.  I'm lucky, though, because I'm pretty close to the right body type and I look right.  It has something to do with the proportion of the head size to the length of the limbs, and having the right lines the shape of the head and length of the neck helps.  Also, as I'm NOT planning on making ballet my career, it's OK if I'm not quite right. 

Hair is braided bun again, well coated with oil.  I need to put it in a high bun for ballet tonight then I'll braid it for sleeping.

It's homecoming (also called spirit) week at school so people are wearing weird clothes.  A friend of mine ( a guy) wore a kilt over pinstriped pants today and wore the kilt to gym class!  It wouldn't have been so funny except he was playing center in football and when he tried to hike the ball it got stuck in his kilt!  Grin

Tomorrow we're supposed to be 'public service' so my friends and I are going to be secret service agents.   Wink.  Hair'll be in a bun, when black dress pants, black leather shoes, white button-down shirts, sunglasses and optional trench coats/ suit jackets.  Another friend is finding us earwires and we're going to pretend to patrol around the quad at brunch and lunch.  Grin
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Type 3bN-C(underneath)iii&&As daylight melted into shade&&A wandering music sweetly made&&Enchanted fluting, warbling wild&&For love of Thingol's elven child
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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #57 - Oct 21st, 2008 at 6:23am
callisto wrote on Oct 20th, 2008 at 8:26pm:
 It wouldn't have been so funny except he was playing center in football and when he tried to hike the ball it got stuck in his kilt!  Grin

  Grin that's hilarious!  I wish my school had such fun days (Public Serice actually sounds cool, I'll have to remember that next year and tell someone) Our spirit days tend to be lame. One of them this year was to wear a certain color if you're single, taken, or undecided  Roll Eyes although that's always better than the boring pajama day.
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

Posts: 449
Wherever it is I need to be to do whatever it is I'm doing.
Gender: female
Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #58 - Oct 21st, 2008 at 4:04pm
A friend of mine ( a guy) wore a kilt over pinstriped pants today and wore the kilt to gym class!  It wouldn't have been so funny except he was playing center in football and when he tried to hike the ball it got stuck in his kilt!  Grin

lmao!  Grin I'd pay to see something like that!  Grin One guy back when I was in school wore a kilt one day, and it wasn't even during spirit week. Then again he was also the same guy who for ID card pictures teased his bleached hair really big and the camera guy kept yelling at him to take his "wig" off.  Grin So that probably explains a lot.

Tomorrow we're supposed to be 'public service' so my friends and I are going to be secret service agents.   Wink.  Hair'll be in a bun, when black dress pants, black leather shoes, white button-down shirts, sunglasses and optional trench coats/ suit jackets.  Another friend is finding us earwires and we're going to pretend to patrol around the quad at brunch and lunch.  Grin

I remember spirit week. I didn't really do anything till my senior year. We needed the points, it looks pretty stupid if the senior class doesn't win spirit week.  We always had color day, where each grade wears a different color. But the other days varied. There was trick-or-treat day. One time two guys, wore sumo suits.  Grin My senior year I went as a hippie which also happened to be the day we took our choir picture.  Grin We also had country western day, almost always twin day, retro day, Pirates of the Caribbean day, our mascot was a pirate. *sigh* Strange times.  Grin
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Curly hair is crazy and
utterly beautiful

Posts: 178
Re: Callisto's hair mumblings
Reply #59 - Oct 21st, 2008 at 6:25pm
Yeah, we always have a theme each year, and this year it was hit the road.  So yesterday was Road Signs (class colors) today is Types of Vehicles (school bus (geeks) for freshmen, public service for sophomores, sports for juniors and luxury (fancy dresses and suits) for seniors).  Tomorrow is radio, so we're supposed to be 'hip-hop/rap' which is NOT happening for me.  After that we are supposed to be aliens (for places to eat or some such nonsense, they're always a little weird Grin) then Red and Black for school colors.

I ended up wearing my mom's wig from chemo, and very few people recognized me!  Those that did thought I'd cut it (as though I'd do that).

here's a photo of me and some of my friends, I'm the short one on the left. I twisted the faces for safety reasons:
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Type 3bN-C(underneath)iii&&As daylight melted into shade&&A wandering music sweetly made&&Enchanted fluting, warbling wild&&For love of Thingol's elven child
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