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Skyfire's Journal (Read 68671 times)
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #15 - Aug 23rd, 2008 at 4:57pm
Today is a no wash day.

Actually, my hair's not looking so bad today.  It's weird, but I combed it and it seems more even.  The discoloration I had noticed from the damage was less than it had been, too.  I measured 21 in, but it had been up in a bun and was a little wavy from that.  I should probably wait until my trim to measure again, but I was confused by the new even-ness.  Can oil and conditioning make that much difference, that quickly?

My goals:  
Hair: Continue the better treatment I have started.  My first goal will be 24 in.

Get a job!! It will be nice to have my own money again.

Exercize:  Walking, stretching.  I took a walk today, 20min.  It's sunny, lovely and 75F.  I think it's the changing season that has my mood up yesterday and today.  All the naked ladies (amaryllis belladonna--you know, the flower) are in bloom, and some of the walnut trees are turning orange and red already.  I love autumn!

Home: Fall cleaning!  My house is a horrible mess.

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Daily Journal
Reply #16 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 11:39am
Yesterday (no journal yesterday because DH was hogging the computer Angry):
     Tried a vinegar rinse, 1/4 cup to a liter of water.  Shampooed first, vinegar rinse, conditioned.  Frizzies on top of my head, though not on the length where I conditioned.  Wonder if I should get a clarifying conitioner to use on top of my head after a vinegar rinse?  I think I'll just try a little more dilute rinse next time.  Once a month, maybe.
     I've been having itchy scalp all week.  It could be stress, I suppose, sometimes that happens.  When I was a kid I had thick scalp-gunk, and I used to get the itchies all the time if i didn't wash enough.  Rub, but don't scratch!  If I scratch, I get flakes under my fingernails.  I've never had dandruff that fell out of my hair, that I could see on my clothes.  Maybe my scalp is just getting used to not being tied up so tightly.  Perhaps an oil massage before the next wash will help, but IDK.
     I found and saved a shed hair that came out when I was finger combing.  I know it wasn't a broken hair because it had the nub at the end.  It feels much thicker toward the root, and then it thins out severely toward the end.  Hmm...  I got help measuring yesterday (last time until Sept!) and I was at 22 1/4 in.  I think this is the most accurate measurement so far because someone helped me.  Still, there's that trim next month.
     I put my hair up in a cheapo hair stick.  Worked pretty well!  Even when I was cleaning.
     Today is a no wash day, hair's up in a scrunchie.  I might do it half-up with a hair stick for my interview.

Now, for non-hair-related stuff:
     I have a job interview today at a clothing store in the mall.  Not what I would have chosen, necesarily, but a job is a job, and I can keep looking.I'm going to do my internet job search this morning when I'm done here, and call my mom.  Search first.  I'm looking for a job as an accounting clerk.  I have a JC certificate, but no experience.  I've sent my res to some promising ads, but no one wants to hire an inexperienced person.  I just need that lucky break!
     I didn't do any specific exersize yesterday, but I watched my diet a bit; I ate a salad, and I drank six glasses of water.  I only drank half a cup of coffee yesterday and today, but I have so much trouble getting enough sleep.  I get up with my DH at 5am, and then he likes to stay up 'til 11pm.  I'm crashing like a drowsy pilot by 9p.  He calls me a wimp, and whines at me to stay up, or he tempts me by offering me the computer.  If I do go to bed early, he often wakes me up when he comes to bed, chattering like I hadn't been sleeping at all.  Grr.  I'll try again to talk to him. Sigh.  He figures that because he doesn't need 8hrs every night, that I don't.
     Yesterday I got started cleaning my kitchen.  I did the dishes and mopped the floor, wiped down the counters and small appliences.  I still have a ways to go.  DH took out the garbage without complaint.

     I guess that's it for today!
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Slowly, but surely growing
my 3b/m/ii to mid back.

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Gender: female
Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #17 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 1:28pm
Good luck w/ your interview and job search. I hope someone gives you that lucky break you are wanting in the job field you want. Wink
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #18 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 3:48pm
Thank you!  Cheesy
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Angel Spun
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #19 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 4:45pm
Heya, Skyfire. Just a little pointer...it may help for you to refine your search criteria to an entry level accounting/auditing/credit position.

Best of luck with the job hunt.  Smiley
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #20 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 11:49am
So.  Today I've decided not to wash.  We'll see how that goes.  Bun with a hair stick; it stays in better than when my hair's super clean.  Tomorrow I think I'll do an oil treatment before I wash.  No more overnight oil for me, at least for a while; don't want my face to swell again.  I'm not so itchy now, either.  Either I've relaxed or my scalp has.

Non-hair related:
    My job interview was brief.  It seemed like she just wanted to get through it.  Sigh.  I almost think she had picked someone already.  We'll see.
    Yesterday, again, I didn't do much exercise, but I walked to my interview, about 20 min.  This morning I took the long way home from my DD's school (I always walk her to school; 10 min ea way) and added 10 minutes, so 20 in all, and I was pushing myself a little.  Then I stretched for 10 min.  I went to bed a bit earlier, and though I heard DH come in, he didn't turn on the light or say anything for once. Smiley
    The only cleaning I did yesterday was the fridge.  I wiped out the whole thing, cleaned the racks in the sink and everything.   Today I fill it full of food again.  This morning I did the dishes (that never stops) and maybe I'll clean the microwave and wipe down the outsides of the cupboards.  I really don't want to clean the oven or the blinds.  i wish I could figure out how to take the blinds down; that would make cleaning them soooo much easier.  I'll leave them for last.

Angel Dust:  I have been looking for an entry-level one; it's just that there are none tagged that way in my area right now.  In six weeks, only one position has stated it would be good for someone starting out, and I didn't get that one.  Angry  I'm starting to think I should have taken the Medical Assistant or CNA program instead.  Except I'm a little squeamish.
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Slowly, but surely growing
my 3b/m/ii to mid back.

Posts: 307
Gender: female
Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #21 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 11:55am
I vacuum my blinds. Easier then taking them down.
Sorry about the job interview not going the way you expected. Just keep on looking, something is bound to open up! Wink
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #22 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 3:36pm
Vacuuming them will just have to do.  Why didn't I think of that? Thanks.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #23 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 4:55pm
Two words: Swiffer duster.  Grin

Angel Dust:  I have been looking for an entry-level one; it's just that there are none tagged that way in my area right now.  In six weeks, only one position has stated it would be good for someone starting out, and I didn't get that one.   Angry  I'm starting to think I should have taken the Medical Assistant or CNA program instead.  Except I'm a little squeamish.

Angel Dust? That's a new one on me.  Grin  Kinda cute though.
Sorry that your interview didn't pan out. You can't win 'em all.
The country is going through a huge employment recession right now and employed people are being laid off and unemployed people are finding it near impossible to get new jobs...because there aren't any.

Just keep plugging along and something will turn up. Even if it's not what you were hoping for - it's something.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #24 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 5:03pm
Sorry Angel Spun...it's the stardust thing under your name that confuses me.   Embarrassed Wink

Thanks for the encouragement.  I'm sure I'll get something soon; I've never been unemployed for more than a month if I didn't want to be.  I'll just have to work a bit harder at it and take what I can get, for now.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #25 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 6:37pm
Ah, Stardust is just my "rank" here.  Wink

And I'm more or less in the same boat with the employment situation. And I've been there many times before, so I know where you're coming from. All you have to do is keep on truckin', though I know that's sometimes easier said than done.  Undecided
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Daily Journal
Reply #26 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 5:12pm
Not a lot of time to spend here unfortunately.  Running around like beheaded chicken.

Oiled hair, 30 min before washing, feels nice, though the ends are still whispy.  I can't wait until my ends are stronger.  My (BB) brush has oil in it now, though, and I'm not sure what I should do.  Was thinking of using it on DD; her hair can use the oil, I'm sure.

Other stuff:

     Made a lot of phone calls and online applications today.  Smiley Going out later to apply in person a few places.
     Straightened kitchen and wiped cupboard doors.  More of a maintenance day.  Still haven't tackled microwave, oven or blinds.  I did vacuum the living room though.
     Did the same exercise as yesterday, 20 min walk, 10 minute stretch.  I feel soooo much better now that I've started stretching again.
     I do miss the other half of that cup of coffee, though.  Am trying to get more sleep.  Ate a salad yesterday and a bunch of grapes.  Adding more vegs and fruits!  And trying not to forget water.

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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #27 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 12:09pm
No wash today.  Messy braid.  I ended up with these wierd cowlicks yesterday when my hair dried...maybe it's from putting the towel on my head when my hair is drying.  I might try just draping it over my shoulders instead.  I'm getting used to not washing every day.  And my scalp is only really itchy when I think about it, so it must be stress.

Other stuff:
     Talked to an old friend of mine who works at the Disney Store; a promising lead, though the pay won't be stellar.  Going to follow up those phone calls today.
     Same exercize this morning.  It's been very hot the last couple of days; nineties.  It's supposed to be 99F today.  I left the windows open last night to let in the cool air and then shut them all and drew the blinds this morning around 8.  We'll see if it's tolerable in here this afternoon.  I miss that autumn teaser last week.
     My diet has been okay.  Sticking with the water and the vitamins, the light addition of fruit and veg.  I'm not counting calories at this point, just trying to improve the what of my diet, and eating when I'm hungry instead of just eating.
     Did a ton of laundry yesterday.  I lost count of how many loads.  I didn't fold or put it away, though, and it's piled up on my recliner.  I'll do that today and clean the microwave, those are my goals.

That's it.  TTFN!
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Daily Journal
Reply #28 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 4:40pm
No wash today.  Hair is in a bun, and looks very sleek and shiny, with the ends all tucked in!  I can't get ahold of my sister to find out when she's coming down.  Gr.

Other stuff:
   Still no job leads, but I haven't been doing a lot in this heat.  Only what I could do online without leaving my reletively cool house.  It got up to 103F yesterday!  Too hot.  It's only(!) 92F today, and this is the hottest it's supposed to get.  It's supposed to be 85F and somewhat breezy tomorrow, so if they're not lying to me maybe I'll go out pavement pounding tomorrow.
    I didn't do my excercize today.  Gr.  Even at 8 this morning it was just too darn hot!  And the strap of my purse broke on the way to DD school this morning.  I'll have to safety pin it.  My diet has been bad, too, though I've been keeping up with the water and the vitamins.
    I folded the laundry last night and I've been keeping the kitchen clean.  Doesn't sound like much, but for me, not taking several steps backward is like taking several steps forward.

I guess that's it.  TTFN.
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Daily Journal
Reply #29 - Aug 30th, 2008 at 4:21pm
CWC today.  Hair is soft.  I let it dry without a towel around it and it isn't plastered all over my head.  I acutally left it down for a while.  Now it's loosely up in a scrunchie.
    Last night I did a herringbone braid on DD's hair while it was wet.  I'd tried it in the morning when it was dry with no luck at all, but it turned out pretty good when it was wet.  
    Then while I watched DH play video games (after DD's bedtime) I played with my own hair a bit.  Usually I sit next to him and read while he plays, but I wanted him to feel like I was actually there with him instead of in fantasy land.  I tried a herringbone on myself, with not-so-good results, and then I did a french braid, which actually worked!  First time ever!  I did a french braid on DD this morning.  The herringbone didn't leave her hair as wavy as a regular braid usually does. Huh

Other stuff:
    Not much else to tell, really.  Still no luck on the job search front.  Took a walk this morning but haven't stretched yet.  Ate a bunch of cake last night.  Maintaining the clean in my kitchen.  It is a lot cooler today than it has been the past few.
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