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Skyfire's Journal (Read 68670 times)
Angel Spun
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #45 - Sep 22nd, 2008 at 4:44pm
It's up when I'm driving.  I'm a terrible driver, I don't need that kind of distraction.

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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #46 - Sep 23rd, 2008 at 3:12am
Today was supposed to be a no wash day.  That was before the popcicle incident.   Embarrassed  I did a water only and put oil on the ends while it was wet; I've never done the oil when my hair was wet and I liked the result, it ended up being more evenly distributed.  Although, I can't really tell if my hair soaked up the oil, or the skin of my hands.  Either way, I bet it was needed.  My hair's in a braid right now.  I'm getting better at braiding it myself; it's a matter of arm strength.

About driving.  Perhaps it's just my natural timidity showing, but driving scares me.  No one seems to know what a space cushion is!  DH can handle it, he's like ice, but I just go all to pieces.  On the bright side, I ride my bike everywhere it's practical, so at least I get exersize.

This game, Spore, is sort of wierd.  Parts of it I like.  The cell stage is like pac man, except you can use your points to buy speed and weapon attachments, and the creature stage is fun because you can make a creature in any wacky bizarre shape you want.  The other stages are more like real time strategy, which I have never enjoyed.  I'm going with it, though, and so far it's not that hard.  I can't wait until I get to play the space stage, where I can teraform planets.
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #47 - Sep 23rd, 2008 at 6:54am
The only time I hate driving is when I have to drive in 8am or 5pm traffic when everybody is either rushing to get to work or get home which luckily is not too often Angry

But, I have had those times when I was given the one finger salute or I was so angry I was too compelled to give it Roll Eyes

My favorite time to drive is when we are out on a country road enjoying the scenery taking whatever time we feel like Smiley

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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #48 - Sep 24th, 2008 at 6:59pm
I meant to do a CWC today, but I forgot the initial conditioner.  I hate that.  How long does it take a good habit to take hold?  My hair actually squeaks afterward when I do a WC.  I run my hair through it and it squeaks, like when you rub a balloon; so I definitely waited until my hair was dry to even put a wide tooth comb through.

So I oiled with a drop of jojoba oil.  I could probably use two drops and my hair and hands would drink it up.

I'm thinking about changing to a gentler shampoo.  I'm wondering if the itchyness and the thinning at the top are linked to the harsher chemicals in shampoo.  The one I've been using has ammonium lauryl sulfate.  I'm going to spend some time in the shampoo isle checking things out.  and maybe take home one of the pantene anti-breakage leave-ins, too.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #49 - Sep 25th, 2008 at 10:53am
Posted by: Skyfire Posted on: Sep 23rd, 2008, 12:12am
Today was supposed to be a no wash day.  That was before the popcicle incident.

Wait, wait--what was the popcicle incident?!   Huh

Posted by: Skyfire Posted on: Yesterday at 3:59pm
I meant to do a CWC today, but I forgot the initial conditioner.  I hate that.  How long does it take a good habit to take hold?

Habits, good or bad, form in about 30 days of consistent practice.   Smiley
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #50 - Sep 25th, 2008 at 3:57pm
I get these popcicles from the asia mart.  They're made in Japan, and they're sort of like an otter pop, in that it's a sealed packet with liquid and you put it in the freezer.  Now these aren't flat like an otter pop, but more cylindrical, and there's a tab at the end that you cut off to access the stuff inside.  This makes a hole smaller than the diameter of the rest of the popcicle.

They're about 8 inches long, and typically melt faster at the bottom where you're holding it, because of the heat of yr hand.  I tend to sort of squish them up to distribute the liquid and solid portions evenly, so that it's like a slush.  Yum.

The day of the incident I was doing this, and I don't know what happened; perhaps there was a chunk of frozen blocking the narrow exit that got suddenly dislodged in the middle of a squish.  Anyway, melted popcicle sprayed everywhere.  It shot up two feet, got on my husband who was sitting in front of me at the computer, all over the front of the tower, and all over me.

Anyway.  today's a no wash day.  I'm happy with my hair at this point, and learning patience.  Journalling really helps me keep track of when I did stuff, and how it came out.

I got a job! Cheesy  I'll be filling out the paperwork on Sunday.  Retail, but it makes me feel waaayyy better to know that I'll be having some money coming in.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #51 - Sep 25th, 2008 at 5:23pm
Ooh, retail fun.  Grin  At least it's something. Congrats on the new job and here's to wherever it may lead you.  Smiley
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #52 - Sep 28th, 2008 at 3:25am
CWC today.  I remembered!  My hair is fairly happy.

I mentioned offhand to my mom that my hair seemed to be thinning in a strip from my front hairline to my crown, and she said, "That's the only thing you got from my side of the family."

Apparently, she and my grandmother had this same issue, and just parted their hair to hide it.  My grandmother's hair was quite wavy and coarse, my mom's somewhat less so, but I have finer hair so it's more obvious. Gr!

On the upside, maybe this means I'll get their white streak at the cowlick when I start graying.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #53 - Sep 28th, 2008 at 11:44pm
No wash day.  I put in a drop of jojoba oil; I'm still not sure if my hair or my hands is getting it.  I'll try two drops tomorrow, I think, after a WO.

After eight years with someone, you start to know when something's bothering them.  Sigh.  I suppose I should also know by now that when something's bothering him, he absolutely hates to talk about it.  When I was growing up, if something was wrong, in my family we'd talk about it, sometimes yell, and work it out.  I never had to badger my brothers to get them to tell me what was up, in fact sometimes B would keep me up half the night telling me all about it (and vice versa).  But DH grew up in a household that never ever ever talked to one another.  So now he has no idea how to talk about things without getting so upset he can't talk anymore.  So I go to him trying to make things right and it only makes things worse.  I don't know what to do.  Cry  Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it, but then I remember that my parents got divorced when I was the same age my daughter is now, and I love my husband, even if I don't understand him.  He drank the last of the sake this evening (there wasn't that much left, maybe 3 drinks worth) and sake always knocks him out.  I can hear him snoring in the bedroom nextdoor.

I went to my first shift at my new job today.  It's going to be fun, but not enough hours.  I'll have to get a second job.  Angry

At least everybody will be at work or school tomorrow except me, so I can have some time to myself.  I'll take a long bath.  Too bad I won't be able to drink any sake! Tongue
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #54 - Sep 29th, 2008 at 3:51pm
Did a WO today, with two drops of jojoba oil. I think I'll just stick with one drop from now on, my hair is all kinda oily.  That's okay, though, I've got it up in a hairstick, and tomorrow's wash day.

DH is feeling better today.  I wish I had been patient and waited for it to pass, these things always do.  I wonder if he even knows what's bothering him?

Today I did laundry and chores, and footled about on the internet.  I was going to play video games, but it hasn't happened yet.  I took a walk and stretched, too, and I haven't eaten anything bad for me yet, but the day is far from over.  Roll Eyes
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #55 - Sep 30th, 2008 at 6:16pm
CWC today.  I've run out of Classic Care.  When I next have money, I will get a lighter conditioner for my CWC's.  I think the beautiful lengths is too heavy to do twice.  I need to do a vinegar rinse next time I wash.

Everything else is blah.  I'm tired.  I have an interview tomorrow, another retail place.  If I have two jobs, my husband can't bitch that he does all the work!  Smiley
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #56 - Oct 2nd, 2008 at 1:32pm
DD has been sick with a fever yesterday and today.  I've been pushing water and half-diluted juice on her.  All she wants to do is sleep, the poor thing. Sad

I had no money to buy tylenol, but my mom brought some over today, and she's feeling much better. Smiley

My interview was pushed back until Friday.  Darn it!  Angry

Today is no wash.  Tomorrow will be wash and ACV day.  Laters!
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« Last Edit: Oct 3rd, 2008 at 1:09pm by N/A »  
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #57 - Oct 3rd, 2008 at 1:08pm
Today was wash day.  I did a CWC and a ACV rinse.  Usually what I do is I wash with conditioner, do the rinse and then condition.  My scalp is super itchy, but I'm not scratching.  I've promised myself a sundae if I can keep from scratching all morning.  Measuring day.  I'll post the results and possibly a picture later.

DD is feeling much better today, and she went to school.

I didn't exersize yesterday because DD was ill, and today I soooo didn't want to, but I did anyway and almost fell asleep stretching.  Certain ones relax me that much.  I hate stretching my arms, though, because it bothers my neck.

I'm going to help my mom move her couch today.  Late!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #58 - Oct 3rd, 2008 at 4:41pm
I was having a terribly itchy scalp, too!  Last month I started using Neem oil directily on my scalp where it was itchy and a neem therapy shampoo and conditioner.  I hardly itch at all now!  I feel the shampoo and conditioner working on my scalp like medicine.  It is wonderful!!  I got all the neem stuff at my local health food store.

I still do acv rinses when I use the neem, btw.

Good luck, I hope your itchies go away!!!
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Salon Board Moderator
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Re: Skyfire's Journal
Reply #59 - Oct 6th, 2008 at 6:32pm
CWC today.  No itchies.  I think I'll do ACV once a week; my hair looked so nice.

Sore all weekend from helping Ma with her couch.  Didn't exercize; probably should have.

Went to work on Sunday!  It was fun, even!  Had 2 interviews this weekend, another tomorrow.

That's it.
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