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Strange As Angels (Read 254998 times)


Posts: 909
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #540 - Dec 9th, 2009 at 3:19am
As an astrological goat (Capricorn), I like the sound of "Go goat!"

Another Cap! Smiley  I didn't actually give up.  Someone "helped" me make that decision by unplugging one instrument, placing me behind another instrument, unplugging that one, never allowing me near the kit, unplugging my mike, putting me on backing vocals without a mike, and finally.....I got the message!

Oh, this is MA's journal. Embarrassed  I'm gonna research that ELOO.  Sounds like my hair might like it.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #541 - Dec 9th, 2009 at 7:51pm
Trish & Drear: Yep, Capricorn here too. Stubbornness is both a blessing and a curse.
    Sorry that music isn't your forte, Drear, but thank goodness you listened eventually. I don't mean that as an insult, but there are far too many people out there who like to play and sing, and think they're really good at it when they aren't.

Bass: I did eventually master the exercise that had caused me so much grief for 2 days; at which point, I threw down the guitar and treated myself to a peppermint mocha from Borders and a sexxxy new pair of Guess earrings. Wink

Hair: Tried out a new wash method this morning: conditioned the bottom while washing the top and rinsed both out at the same time. Sort of like a CWC without the light conditioner...or rather, using the regular conditioner in its place and not having to do a final conditioning at the end.

With the usual leave-ins & single braid, I don't detect a difference in the overall effect as with any other wash method. I am, however, considering switching products once the current supply is exhausted.

Also, I'm using a new conditioner blend: Pantene Moisture Renewal with Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship. The latter definitely irritates my skin even when blended with Pantene, so I won't be buying it again.

Etc.: The new floor in my mother's bathroom is done and the shower is almost done. So jealous of all the tile in there, even if it is all beige. Tongue Mother is very inclined towards beige.

Anyroad, I think I'll go heat up some leftover spaghetti and maybe get laundry started. Cheers!
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Posts: 2375
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #542 - Dec 9th, 2009 at 11:09pm
there are far too many people out there who like to play and sing, and think they're really good at it when they aren't.

Yeah, and unfortunately lot's of them are famous and over crowding the airwaves. Tongue

Yep, Capricorn here too. Stubbornness is both a blessing and a curse.

Ugh...and I thought that stubborness was an Aquarian trait.  Sometimes I'm way too stubborn for my own good. Undecided
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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the 'Burgh
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #543 - Dec 9th, 2009 at 11:36pm
What about us Aries? Don't we even register on the stubborness radar?  Cry
Or maybe we're just violent anger-mongers.  Grin

MA, could you find it in your heart to let us hear some of this bass-magic you keep telling us about? Maybe in the form of a youtube video? Pretty please?  Kiss

I essentially do the same sort of wash routine. Condish ends, shampoo scalp, rinse, and vinegar rinse. I find it pretty nice, and it seems to minimize the amount of condish that gets caught in my ears.  Roll Eyes

Eep! Tile! I hope your mother has put sealant down. My friend just spent a week trying to clean out the grout in her new house, and she hates bathroom tile now with a vengeance!
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Posts: 909
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #544 - Dec 10th, 2009 at 3:47am
I don't mean that as an insult, but there are far too many people out there who like to play and sing, and think they're really good at it when they aren't.

It would've never occured to me to perceive it as an insult. Smiley  It's just so darn true!
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #545 - Dec 10th, 2009 at 11:33am
kittennoodlesoup wrote on Dec 9th, 2009 at 11:36pm:
What about us Aries? Don't we even register on the stubborness radar?  Cry
Or maybe we're just violent anger-mongers.  Grin

So says she who is holding a gun in her avatar!   Grin 
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

Posts: 221
the 'Burgh
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #546 - Dec 10th, 2009 at 10:24pm
Hehe. The cardboard zombie (my target) was totally asking for it.  Wink
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #547 - Dec 11th, 2009 at 1:20pm
LD: Quote:
Yeah, and unfortunately lot's of them are famous and over crowding the airwaves. Tongue

That's your penance for listening to top 40...but I'll spare you the sermon. Roll Eyes

Ugh...and I thought that stubborness was an Aquarian trait. Sometimes I'm way too stubborn for my own good. Undecided

Stubbornness is an Aquarian trait. Supposedly.

KNS: Quote:
hat about us Aries? Don't we even register on the stubborness radar? Cry   
Or maybe we're just violent anger-mongers. Grin

Pretty much the latter. Aries are major douchebags of the zodiac, second only to Leo. Roll Eyes Again, supposedly.

MA, could you find it in your heart to let us hear some of this bass-magic you keep telling us about? Maybe in the form of a youtube video? Pretty please?  Kiss

Grin 1.) I have no means of recording it, 2.) I wouldn't subject the world to that just yet. Wink

I find it pretty nice, and it seems to minimize the amount of condish that gets caught in my ears. Roll Eyes

You're not supposed to put it in your ears, babe. Wink

Eep! Tile! I hope your mother has put sealant down. My friend just spent a week trying to clean out the grout in her new house, and she hates bathroom tile now with a vengeance!

Relax, kitten. Wink My mum's not doing the tile herself, and once the trained professional who is has finished it, of course it will be sealed.

Hehe. The cardboard zombie (my target) was totally asking for it. Wink

Grin Totally. What kind of gun is that anyway?

Drear: Quote:
It would've never occured to me to perceive it as an insult. Smiley It's just so darn true!


Hair: 'Twas after noon before I got a shower yesterday, so I guess what I ended up doing was a CWCW? Washed the top twice anyhow. It needed it.
    Yesterday's style was a single braid, and I guess I took the hairtie out before bed last night but didn't bother undoing the braid because it was still braided when I woke up this morning.

Not sure what I'll do with it today. Perhaps just a CWC with a vinegar rinse. I'd like to be residue-free before tomorrow.

Etc.: Tomorrow night is Carols By Candlelight, so I'm having to overhaul my appearance a bit. Making sure the brows and nails are neat. Things like that. Roll Eyes Speaking of which, today's new manicure will be a rich, metallic burgundy-red, rather like my toes.

Last night, I gave in and made another shimmery topcoat just for fun...and I've more or less decided to do a pure glitter mani-pedi for NYE. Roll Eyes I'm almost 30 and I like sparkly things. Snicker all you want.
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #548 - Dec 11th, 2009 at 1:56pm
Nuttin' wrong with the sparkly!   Cool
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Posts: 2375
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #549 - Dec 11th, 2009 at 2:04pm
LD: Quote:
Yeah, and unfortunately lot's of them are famous and over crowding the airwaves. 
That's your penance for listening to top 40...but I'll spare you the sermon.

No, no, no...I don't listen to that mess...when I can avoid it.  I'm more of an 80's, new age and neo soul kinda girl. Wink
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #550 - Dec 14th, 2009 at 10:46pm
LD:  Grin I love how you can narrow it down to 3 main cagegories.

Hair: The usual routine today. CWC, spray conditioner, ELOO, contained style. Yesterday was a W-CWC with the usual leave-ins and a flipped rope braid.
    My mother has brought it to my attention that the ends of my hair get quite cold at night. The oil there must be helping it take on the temperature of the air around it.

Tonight, I might drive down to my hair lady's place to get her address so I can send her a Christmas card. Stalker-ish much? Roll Eyes I already have $5 saved for next month's trim.

Etc.: My sister had a court date today for the guy who broke into her SUV, but it was cancelled so he must have pled guilty. Her car has been repaired.

Carols By Candlelight was ok. Didn't get to hear nearly enough of Boscoe's guitar wizardry and it rained during the part when the audience joins the headliners outside to sing. I thought it was cool, but I was probably the only one. As usual. Roll Eyes

Last night, I got last minute notice of a Disneyland trip with my parents, sister and her bf. Thank goodness I had enough time to put myself together. We had an epic time. All of the Christmas (no, I won't use the word "holiday") decorations were up, which always makes the park more magical than ever. The castle looked amazing all covered in frosty white lights shaped like icicles. One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
    We had drinks and a bite to eat in Disney's CA Adventure and did a few rides there before heading into Disneyland, doing more rides and finishing the night with hot drinks, cookies and shopping. Didn't get to bed until after 3 AM.

Today, I've been decorating our tree and listening to Cohen. Really should pick up my bass again before I forget how to play. Undecided

Hope all of my Jewish friends & family are having a fun Hanukkah.

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
And dance me to the end of love
Yeah dance me to the end of love

  -Leonard Cohen, Dance Me To The End Of Love

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Posts: 909
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #551 - Dec 15th, 2009 at 2:45am
I'm glad they found the guy who did it.  That's so unusual.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #552 - Dec 15th, 2009 at 7:45am
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WWW Curlgirl64  
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

Posts: 221
the 'Burgh
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #553 - Dec 15th, 2009 at 10:13am

Tonight, I might drive down to my hair lady's place to get her address so I can send her a Christmas card. Stalker-ish much? Roll Eyes I already have $5 saved for next month's trim.

Nope. Stalkerish would be finding her address online or through the phone book and then sending her a card without any warning, thus scaring the poor lady out of her wits.  Cheesy

How close are you to Disneyland? You make it sound so accessible in your posts. When I lived in Florida, nobody just popped over to DisneyWorld for the evening. It's way out in the middle of nowhere, probably to coerce you into staying in one of the local or Disney hotels. 
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #554 - Dec 15th, 2009 at 1:41pm
Drear & Curlgirl: Yes, they found him a few days after the burglary. He's in his 40's and has quite a colourful record, most of which involves drugs. ...

KNS: Quote:
Nope. Stalkerish would be finding her address online or through the phone book and then sending her a card without any warning, thus scaring the poor lady out of her wits. Cheesy

Well, I tried that but she wasn't listed. Good thing she only lives about 5 minutes from me, although searching for her house numbers in the dark was a bit challenging. Roll Eyes Hope I got them right. She gave me her address years ago, but it got lost.

How close are you to Disneyland? You make it sound so accessible in your posts. When I lived in Florida, nobody just popped over to DisneyWorld for the evening. It's way out in the middle of nowhere, probably to coerce you into staying in one of the local or Disney hotels.

It's a 2 hour drive and my family and I are annual passholders.

Hair: Has it really been 12 days since I last clarified?? Shocked Tongue It might explain a few things, but for goodness sake, let's not make this a habit, mmmkay?
    So that's the routine for today. Blended clarifying shampoo, DWV rinse, regular conditioner (which I'm in a hurry to get rid of), leave-in spray. Style will be contained; most likely a braid or bun.

Etc.: Just Jazz & me today. I hope to play until I master the current exercise and then some, even (or especially Wink) if blood, sweat and tears have coated every string by the end of the night. ...
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