Hair: Clarified yesterday, and the only leave-in was my new Kenra spray conditioner. Single braid as usual.
Today, the routine is CWC and the style will likely be a bun since I expect to be pressed for time. As usual.

Also, I've all but decided that I will colour my hair in 2010. Probably a few times. With a harmless Level 1 semi-permanent, of course.
Etc.: Spent much of yesterday cleaning. I was up past 3 AM doing laundry as my sis & her bf had been using the machines all day. Living with this many people and a dog is nuts.

I need to move out again. But that's a whole 'nother can o' worms.
Anyway, I somehow managed to get myself suckered into an interview with another staffing agency this afternoon.

I already know that it will be an utter waste of time and I might not score well on the typing test due to an injury. Something on my father's work bench sliced up my right index finger yesterday and it's been bandaged ever since. I've used this entry, in part, as a test to see how much of an impact said injury will have.
Also, the glittery mani-pedi that I was planning for NYE isn't going to happen now since open wounds and nail products don't usually mix. Still no plans for NYE or my b-day. The more time passes, the less I care about either one.
Ciao for now.