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Trisha 2009 (Read 200958 times)

Posts: 2375
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #105 - Apr 14th, 2009 at 2:46pm
*sigh*  It's always something. 

Yeah, life can feel like that sometimes but at least it's nothing you can't handle. Smiley

Keep your fingers crossed...

Will do! Wink
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #106 - Apr 14th, 2009 at 4:22pm
Good luck, Trisha's hubby! Smiley
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #107 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 12:10pm

Monday 20 April 2009
Hair  Wash day, hair is down.  Still haven't trimmed and don't intend to for a long while.  Even though my hair is thin at the crown, I'm still clinging to my long hair dreams.   Sad 

Other  Hubby's last day of doing custodial work at his mother's church will be tomorrow.  He volunteered his time, rather than getting paid to do the work, so he could leave whenever he wanted to.  --And he will not be applying for the job on a full time basis.  The physical demands (and mental!) of this job are simply too much for his poor old body.  Those church people expect their custodian to get there on Sunday in time to make coffee before the service begins!  Sheesh. 
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #108 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 4:40pm
Those church people expect their custodian to get there on Sunday in time to make coffee before the service begins! Sheesh.

Sheesh is right! That's not a custodian's job. Angry Besides, I doubt that the congregation wants the same person who scrubs floors and toilets making their coffee! Tongue
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #109 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 8:41am
Ah, but they do...because their a**es are too lazy to do it themselves.   Angry  I think the church motto should be, "As long as I don't have to do it myself..."  Grr.  Okay, time to change the subject.   Cool
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #110 - Apr 22nd, 2009 at 1:19am
Trisha wrote on Apr 21st, 2009 at 8:41am:
Ah, but they do...because their a**es are too lazy to do it themselves.   Angry  I think the church motto should be, "As long as I don't have to do it myself..."  

Well, I guess that would sort  of  Roll Eyes explain a story that I saw on tv a few weeks ago.  

You know those reality tv programs that are filmed in the E.R.?  Well, there was a church in the mid west, where the whole congregation had gotten very sick and all ended up in the ER.  No one knew how everyone could all possibly get sick at the same time.  That is, until the police investigators figured out that it was the church custodian who poisoned everyone by putting arsenic in the coffee.  This was a true story btw.  Everyone survived except for one elderly man.  Pretty sad.  

Perhaps the guy got fed up with being the custodian and having to make coffee too? Undecided  

But to change the subject...have you gotten any hummers yet?  I'm not sure when I should put out my feeder.
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #111 - Apr 22nd, 2009 at 5:58am
Yes, sheesh!  Some people...
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #112 - Apr 22nd, 2009 at 8:49am

Wednesday 22 April 2009
Hair  Wash day...not much else to tell. 

Other  La Diosa:  Yep, that would explain a lot!   Shocked 

HUMMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Cheesy   Grin   Cheesy   Cool  Yes, they have returned to our area and I'm so excited!  Hubby caught a glimpse of the first one Sunday afternoon, so I put out a feeder.  On Monday I thought a saw the tail end of one zooming past the front window.   Yesterday morning I saw another hummer as it flew away from the feeder.  Then this morning I got to see one actually drinking from the feeder.  So, yes, they are back!  La Diosa, there's no need to put out a feeder until you actually spot a hummer.  They will make their presence known.   Cool

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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #113 - Apr 22nd, 2009 at 11:50am
*covers my virgin eyes since the word "hummer" has a completely different meaning where I'm from* Shocked
    In any case, SoCal has hummingbirds year round. The other day, I spotted a green and purple one feeding from our bottlebrush plants. Never seen that colour combo before.
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #114 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 9:17am
*covers my virgin eyes since the word "hummer" has a completely different meaning where I'm from*

See, now you have to explain...   Huh
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #115 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 12:55pm

Thursday 23 April 2009
Hair  Washed again this morning.  I think I'm going to play it by ear for a while; if I feel like washing I will, if not then I won't, etc.  In other words, no set schedule.  Need to do a vinegar rinse this weekend.  Posted a pic so everyone here can see me in all of my glory.   Grin  I really like the length I'm at now.

Other  Some things never change...  Army son has been going through money as fast as kernels of wheat fall through a wide-guage sieve.  Granted, it is his money and he's free to be broke if he wants.  But he's supposed to return home on the 27th for his divorce hearing and he MUST buy a round trip airplane ticket to do so.  Sigh. 
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #116 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 4:31pm
See, now you have to explain...   Huh

Not here. Shocked Lips Sealed You can PM me if you really want to know.

And don't worry yourself over your stepson's money problems. If he got himself in, it's his responsibility to get himself out. He's a big boy now and needs to figure out  how to fend for himself. His problem, not yours. Capisce? Wink
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #117 - Apr 24th, 2009 at 10:24am

Friday 24 April 2009
Posted by: Midnight Angel Posted on: Yesterday at 1:31pm
You can PM me if you really want to know.

And don't worry yourself over your stepson's money problems. If he got himself in, it's his responsibility to get himself out. He's a big boy now and needs to figure out  how to fend for himself. His problem, not yours. Capisce?

I sent you a pm.   Wink  And yeah, I know it's his responsibility.  But you see, when Army son left for basic, he asked his dad to handle his checking and savings accounts.  Hubby should have known better than to say yes, but he always tries to help.  Well, as you can imagine, it's been a headache from the get-go.  So when Army son is here on the 27th for his divorce hearing, hubby plans on handing everything back to him--and basically tell him what you said...this is YOUR responsibility and I do not need the
aggravation.   Cool

I am so excited because yesterday I found out that my hummers (sorry Angel!) will eat simple sugar water instead of the expensive store-bought stuff!  YAY!   Cheesy   Cheesy   Cheesy 
I tried sugar water last year and the finicky little buggers turned up their noses at it.  But that was halfway through the season, so they had already become accustomed to one sort of food.  They apparently do not like change.  For those interested, the recipe is 1 part white cane sugar (table sugar) to 4 parts water.  Now, I heated up the water a bit to ensure that the sugar completely dissolved.  I'm excited because table sugar is WAY less expensive than the store-bought stuff.  Have I said yay?  YAY!   Cheesy   Cheesy   Cheesy 
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #118 - Apr 27th, 2009 at 1:30am
Thanks for sharing the nectar recipe! Cheesy  I still have half a bottle of the purchased stuff.  I'll try making my own once I run out and see if they go for it.  If not, I'll have to wait until next season.  Do you think it would be safe to add food coloring to it?
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #119 - Apr 27th, 2009 at 4:20pm
No, I would not use food coloring, honey.  It is not necessary to do so to attract the little darlings.  There are even some unverified reports of the red dye/food coloring causing tumors, so why take the chance?   Wink
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