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Trisha 2009 (Read 200959 times)


Posts: 909
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #150 - Jun 7th, 2009 at 4:51am
I went to a jeweller in a mall in the 80s or rather I dragged my mom there and begged her to give her consent when I was 8 so that was in the 80s and I had little studs put in each ear with a gun.  I thought they looked like real sapphires. Grin  Back then, having the doc do it wasn't an option here in Denmark and I don't think my mom thought of the sanitation or safety. Embarrassed  I had terrible piercing infections and thought I was one of those who could only tolerate the purest of precious metals.  For two years I suffered but refused to let them grow up.  Now I can wear anything.  I guess the experience is individual how your piercing reacts.  Does your daughter have a colleague who wouldn't mind doing it?  I don't know what your laws say regarding this.
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #151 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 11:37am
Suit yourself, dearie. We were only trying to help. ...
This is what I get for offering unsolicited advice, I suppose. Just ignore us pesky kibitzers... Wink

Hey, never stop offering me advice, honey!   Cool  I'm always open to gaining knowledge from everyone here, especially you, my gothy internet daughter.   Smiley 

...Besides I haven't totally decided that I'm going to repierce the lobe.  I'm starting to second-guess myself.  The bottom line is, as usual, money.  I know another piercing would probably not cost a lot (at least I *think* not...?)  but now I'm thinking of better ways I could spend the money.  --Or SAVE the money.  Do I really need another hole in my head?   Grin  I could use more tops/blouses.  I still need a good pair of winter boots.  Am I only considering another piercing because of boredom?  Yeah, I think that's a good possibility.  *sigh* 
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #152 - Jun 9th, 2009 at 3:58am
Yikes!  Watch out for the boredom!  That led to the biggest chop of my hair, well that and I couldn't afford another tattoo at the time.  Gosh-that was more than 10 years ago and my hair is just now getting back to that original length.
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #153 - Jun 9th, 2009 at 9:55am
Yep, see what I mean? 
Boredom is a very dangerous emotion.   Sad
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #154 - Jun 9th, 2009 at 3:53pm
I'm always open to gaining knowledge from everyone here, especially you, my gothy internet daughter. Smiley


Boredom is a very dangerous emotion. Sad

It can be. It seems people become involuntarily self-destructive when bored, but it actually takes a conscious effort (and willpower) to do something productive.
    I certainly don't recommend piercing or tattooing out of boredom. You're very likely to do something impulsive that you'll regret later. Spontaneous body art with no thought or meaning behind it is pointless.
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #155 - Jun 15th, 2009 at 10:16am

Monday 15 June 2009
Other  On Friday I decided that when I got off work at 3:00 I would get my ear lobe repierced.  I had gone back and forth for a few days, trying to decide if (A) I truly wanted the hole reopened and if (B) I should fritter away the money, spend it more wisely or save it.  In the end it came down to the decision that, yes, I honestly did want the hole opened and it was all right for me to fritter away the money. 

I went to Claire's in my local mall, where I had my last piercings done quite a few years ago.  I told the lady at the counter what I wanted and she sent me over to pick out the earrings I wanted.  The lady, whose name is Julie, looked to be my age or a few years older; she had quite a few piercings herself which made me feel good.  But just for safety's sake, I asked her how many piercings she's done.  She said she's been piercing for more than 15 years.  I explained that the hole was only partially closed, which Julie confirmed when she positioned the stud.  One quick click of the gun and the stainless steel stud was in place.  --No pain and no blood.  Marvelous!  The whole she-bang cost me a grand total of $17.82 and took all of about 15 minutes.  In fact it took me longer to fill out the paperwork than anything else!  Something unusual DID happen though...  As soon as the earring was in place, I experienced an extreme sense of balance--of peace and harmony.  In fact, I'm still feeling very balanced.  Is that weird?  Is it only psychological, that I now have 4 earrings instead of 3?  I don't know, but I'm digging this harmonious vibe!   Cool  All in all it was a great experience and I'm glad I did it.
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #156 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 11:23pm
I am glad it went well and that you are happy with it.  Boredom resolved with harmonious results.  Smiley
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #157 - Jun 17th, 2009 at 10:01am
melusine wrote on Jun 16th, 2009 at 11:23pm:
I am glad it went well and that you are happy with it.  Boredom resolved with harmonious results.  Smiley

Indeed   Cool

Wednesday 17 June 2009
Hair  Nothing new...  Still washing about every other day and hair keeps doing its thing until the next trim (about August, I think).

Other  I can't stop listening to Shinedown's Sound of Madness cd.  I'm in love with their sound and also in serious lust with their drummer, Barry Kerch.   Wink
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #158 - Jun 19th, 2009 at 11:35am

Friday 19 June 2009
Hair  God, I miss my long hair.   Sad 

Other  Week one done for the piercing; five more and I can change earrings.  You know, I have plenty of room left on my ear lobes for more piercings...   Grin   Roll Eyes 

What the *bleep* are we going to do without BikerBraid around here?   Undecided   Cry 

A coworker heard me rocking out to the Shinedown cd and decided I had to give the band Chickenfoot a try. 
Don't get me wrong, they're all right but...  I don't know.  First of all, I've never been a big fan of Sammy Hagar and secondly, they sound a bit too mainstream for my taste.  *shrug* 
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #159 - Jun 24th, 2009 at 11:17am

Wednesday 24 June 2009
Hair  I've begun washing every day with a diluted solution same as Angel.  (copycat, copycat!   Grin   )  I used tea instead of water for the dilution agent.  I was surprised at how little of the shampoo mixture it takes to make a good later--much less than what I expected.  Coolness   Wink

Got a sample in yesterday's post for the Aveeno Nourish + Volume.  I'll give it a whirl once I dilute the shampoo. 
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #160 - Jun 24th, 2009 at 11:32am
Hair  I've begun washing every day with a diluted solution same as Angel.  (copycat, copycat! Grin)

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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #161 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 9:12am

Tuesday 30 June 2009
Hair  Hair is handling well the daily washings with diluted shampoo.  I feel better, more positive, having clean hair every day.  Have no intention of getting a trim for quite a while...  Yes, I'm going to let my hair grow a bit--not LONG, mind you, simply longER than it is. 

Other  Have I mentioned how much I loathe summer?   Tongue  I'm counting the days until Autumn.  *swoon* 
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #162 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 9:36am
I'm right there with ya!   I can't wait for Autumn!
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #163 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 3:28pm
Have I mentioned how much I loathe summer? Tongue I'm counting the days until Autumn. *swoon*

You and me both, sister. Tongue
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Posts: 909
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Re: Trisha 2009
Reply #164 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 4:48pm
I long for Fall too.
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