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Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox (Read 185347 times)

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DFW area, Texas
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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #330 - Dec 13th, 2009 at 1:36pm
Definitely the do-a-little-bit-at-a-time thing is the way to go.  I'm terrible at housework too.  For me it's not so much how to do it; I do know how to clean stuff, it's the procrastinating.  I try to keep things tidy, and then do the bigger stuff like mopping or vacuuming once a week or so.  I do get obsessive about keeping the kitchen clean every day since we live in an apartment and I'm afraid of getting bugs.
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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #331 - Dec 14th, 2009 at 5:02am
Sakina,I think of how lucky my Grandma is to still be at home with two excellent home attendants.  We are very fortunate.  I try always to remember not to take it lightly and am thankful.  I truly hope your Grandmother receives excellent care and that gives you much peace. Smiley
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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #332 - Dec 14th, 2009 at 6:12pm
The housecleaning discussion made me laugh, sort of.  I have married 2 packrats who both suffered from nearest convenient flat surface syndrome (whatever your have in your hands when you come in the door, drop it on the nearest convenient flat surface and leave it there ad infinitum).  I am a compulsive thrower-outer: if it isn't in its assigned place and I don't know where it goes, I throw it out.
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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #333 - Dec 14th, 2009 at 10:41pm
I am a compulsive thrower-outer: if it isn't in its assigned place and I don't know where it goes, I throw it out.

I'm the same way! Wether items are thrown out or donated. 

Although so many times over the years, I'll throw something away and only to later regret it (just recently that item turned out to be a 5 year old michael  jackson shirt that I made).  But anyway, I'd rather be a thower outer than a keeper of stuff that I don't need.  Although I regret it sometimes, I get over it in the end...or I'll replace it. Roll Eyes

I'm sure I get that from my mother too. As kids, if my sister or I left our toys on the floor, my mom would throw them away, no questions asked.
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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #334 - Dec 15th, 2009 at 2:46am
I'm guilty of both the flat dropping and compulsive throwing out.
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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #335 - Dec 15th, 2009 at 7:41am
I think my husband suffers from the same syndrome! Roll Eyes  Whether its a piece of paper or larger,it stays near the garbage or a flat surface until it grows legs and finds its own way to the garbage or it waits for me. Angry  I'm learning quickly to apply the rule of "If it has a place,file it.  If not,throw it out!
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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #336 - Dec 15th, 2009 at 10:06am
Haha, you guys would hate me.
I'm not quite as bad as a compulsive hoarder. I toss stuff that I know without any doubt that I do not need.
However, if I can possibly conceive of a slight glimmer of a possibility that it might eventually be a potentially vaguely useful object MAYBE... then I will keep it.  Grin

What can I say? That inane scrap of paper, metal, plastic, or fabric might eventually be the pivotal part of some project I'm working on. And DH can't complain, because all too often, I DO find a use for it.  Smiley
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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #337 - Dec 15th, 2009 at 10:49pm
There ya go,creativity at work!  Gotta love it! Wink
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #338 - Dec 18th, 2009 at 12:49am
Last night when I got home from my ren fest workshop my scalp was really tight and heading toward a headache.  So I took out my pony tail, rope accent braid and flower clip and started to massage my scalp.  My skin was tender in some spots and then it started to itch.  Real bad.  So after a long massage it was still itching, I did some scritching w/ a horn comb.  Now the itching was getting worse.  At 11:30pm I'm itching so much there's no way I can go to sleep so I'm washing my hair with my Max Green Alchemy scalp treatment shampoo & conditioner.  I did an acv rinse with a generous dose of honey and then used my Kinky Curly Knot Today leave-in/detangler (I rinse most of it out 'cause I'm wavy) and put in my KCCC.  After plopping for about 20 minutes I applied some Deva Curl Mirror Curls to let it air dry and I turned out very wavy/curly.  Its been weeks since I did an acv rinse and I guess I really needed it.  My hair was still damp at the roots when I woke up at 8am.

Earlier this week I did a scalp massage w/oil, and added oil on the ends which I left on for an hour before washing it out.  Maybe the eos in the oil were too irritating or I didn't get my scalp thoroughly cleansed with my No poo.  Its nice to not be itchy!!!!!

I had a major Myofacial Release treatment today-got into stuff going all the way back to my original injury...almost 19 years ago.  I hope I'm not sore tomorrow.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #339 - Dec 18th, 2009 at 1:06pm
My mom's recent surgery didn't get all of the cancer.  At this time in cancer treatment they don't think they can cure the type of cancer she has.

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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #340 - Dec 18th, 2009 at 3:07pm
Sakina, I'm so sorry to hear that.   Sad
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #341 - Dec 18th, 2009 at 3:08pm
*sigh* I'm so sorry, Sakina. Sad *hugs*
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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #342 - Dec 18th, 2009 at 3:42pm
I'm sure you'll find a way to relish the time your mother has.  *hugs*  She's lucky to have you for a daughter.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #343 - Dec 19th, 2009 at 2:14am
MichelleR, Midnight Angel and Trisha, thanks for your support.  It sucks beyond words.

Monday I'm meeting with a seamstress who has done renaissance costumes before.  I was really starting to stress about it.

I think I'll reschedule my trim for next month.  My hair is in good shape as far as damage goes, the layers are getting a bit out of shape though.  I almost feel like my hair is long.  I've caught glimpses of myself in window reflections and I think "Wow, my hair's getting pretty long".  When I try certain braids I still think my hair isn't long.  I don't know how long it will be when its long enough.  Maybe I just need a new hair toy.  I've been eying these for a few months now: http://stores.ebay.com/QueCraft .  I've been holding off 'cause I've got such a large collection all ready.

Hubby got me a Garmin for xmas.  I used it today for the first time and I really like it.

Ooh, Craig Ferguson is on-gotta go!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Sakina 2009, Year of the Ox
Reply #344 - Dec 19th, 2009 at 3:30am
I'm so sorry to hear the news about your mother's cancer!  Trisha is right,your mom is lucky to have you as a daughter.  I bet you're thinking you're the lucky one though. *hugs*
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