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Skyfire '09 (Read 51218 times)
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Skyfire '09
Jan 16th, 2009 at 4:52pm
Okay, I got tired of my mistake and decided to start again with the correct year.  Cheesy

Here are my current products I'm using:

Treatment: Pantene's Moisture Replenishing Mask.  I used this for the first time today, 30 mins then a CWC, and my hair is soft and behaving.
Light Conditioner: Suave naturals Juicy Green Apple Conditioner
Shampoo: Trader Joe's balanced moisturizing nourish spa (it's mostly organic, cruelty free and has no lauryl/laureth sulfates)
Heavy Conditioner: Patnete Restoratives Breadage Defense Conditioner
Leave in: Pantene's Protecting Damage Defender spray, which I haven't used yet.  I wanted to get a true sense of what the mask did for me first.

DD still uses the Beautiful Lengths shampoo and conditioner; shampoo every other day and conditioner every day.  Her hair looks much shinier and smoother since I started washing it less and conditioning more.  I also gave her a trim yesterday, about two inches.  She's never happy with a trim, she doesn't quite understand the idea of making hair shorter so it will grow longer.  My explanation about damage didn't make her feel any better. Sad

Anyway, I haven't measured her hair in a while, but I'm guessing about 32 inches.

I had a trim on the 9th.  Back in September I started taking my hair vitamins.  Has it been that long?
Goals: This year, 24 inches, next year, 27.
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Non-hair stuff
Reply #1 - Jan 16th, 2009 at 5:11pm
DD has monday off from school, and since DH usually doesn't have stuff like that off, I made plans with my Mom.  Turns out, they offered him the day off, without pay, and he called me to ask what I thought.  Well, so, I told him about the plans I'd made, and also said that we could use the money if he worked.  He said, then, that's all I need to hear, and I said I'm sorry, and he said if you're really sorry, get a job so I don't have to work these times.

He's not nasty.  He's never nasty.  But I hear the frustration in his voice and I feel so bad.  I don't know what to do.  I do have a job, but it's like one shift a week.  I can't make the economy turn around, I can't make someone need an employee, or look at my resume.  All I can do is put it out there and hope.  Sometimes I feel like it's too late to do all the things I want to in my life, like I missed my chance at it, because I didn't recognize the oppourtunity.  Maybe if I was more outgoing, less afraid to take a risk.

Sigh.  Sorry about my ranting.  I feel better now that it's out there.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #2 - Jan 16th, 2009 at 11:36pm

Inform your husband that unless he wants his daughter stuck in daycare or after school programs until she's in high school, working full time is out of the question for you. The parent who isn't working has to take care of the kids. C'est la vie.

The good news is that there are still part time jobs out there that will allow you to be home in time to pick up your daughter from school and watch her for the rest of the day.
    The bad news is that finding an employer who will work around your home schedule can be very tough. Just keep putting it out there and hoping. And watch your budget like a hawk in the mean time. Wink

You haven't missed out. You have a family whom you love and who loves you back. And you may be surprised how many "privileged" people want that desperately and don't have it.
    Be a good mother, hon. Those are hard to come by. Smiley
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #3 - Jan 17th, 2009 at 12:16am

You haven't missed out. You have a family whom you love and who loves you back. And you may be surprised how many "privileged" people want that desperately and don't have it.
   Be a good mother, hon. Those are hard to come by. Smiley

Thanks, Angel.  I so need to not take them for granted, and keep working as hard as I can to make things work.  It's easy to lose sight of that when yr frustrated.  Things could be a lot worse. (Knocks on wood)
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #4 - Jan 18th, 2009 at 1:59pm
So, yesterday, while I just brushed and put my hair up in a  ponytail for work, I gave myself a manicure, which is something I don't usually do.  My nails are absolutely horrible in the winter.  In the summer, they just grow and get long without my even thinking about them, but in the winter if they get much longer than my finger they crack and break and split and get all nasty and rough and snag my hair and clothes.  So last night I trimmed and filed and buffed them and rubbed lotion into the skin all the way around.  My hands feel much better.  I haven't done nail polish since high school, since it feels heavy and smells funny and just chips off the same day anyway.  I also have been lotioning my feet, another body part I tend to neglect.  The skin's been splitting and peeling and so rough it snags my socks, though, so *shrug* a little TLC seems necesary.

The girls (my pet rats) have taken to sitting on my shoulders and grooming my ears, and now they try to burrow up into my ponytail or braid.  The problem is they get stuck, and I have to pull them out, which is no fun for anybody. I have to have my hair down or up in an updo when they're on my shoulders, because they can't get into the updo, and they don't get stuck when it's down.  Sigh.  I have all these little scratches on the back of my scalp from their little claws.  Angry  They're still just babies, so I have some hope that they'll grow out of it.

I woke up with a headache, and coffee didn't help.  After lunch I may take some ibuprophen.  This happens on the weekends sometimes; I get up weekdays at 5am, so I have my coffee a lot earlier than on the weekends when I get up later, at like 8 or 9.  So the caffiene addiction does me ill.  It's only one cup!  Gr.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #5 - Jan 20th, 2009 at 1:50am
Busy day today; I decided not to wash my hair this morning because there was no way it would have dried before I left the house.  I'm feeling a little better about my job search.  Things'll pick up.  And I cleaned the kitchen before bed.  Woot!
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #6 - Jan 21st, 2009 at 9:22am
CWC yesterday, and I used the leave in spray I got last week.  I think I like it; it certainly made my hair easier to finger comb when it was wet.  Problem was I took my shower before I had to take DD to school, so I had to bundle up on top of my wet hair.  The fleece didn't make it too staticky, though, and I wore a ponytail to work and half-up in a clip when I got home.  I wish I could find good scarf fabric.  When I was little my mom just bought lenghts of shiny polyester.  Everything I find these days is too stiff.

I am beginning to think the weather is affecting my moods.  It's been sunny for a week and I was starting to feel optimistic and very happy, Monday and yesterday, and today it's cloudy and rainy and I'm all depressed again. Sad  

Course, it could just be PMS.  Roll Eyes  

And we need the rain, so I refuse to complain.  I rhyme!
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« Last Edit: Jan 21st, 2009 at 7:20pm by N/A »  
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #7 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 11:55am
No wash day today.  Ignoring hair.

Something's wrong with my baby's foot!  Um...one of my rats, not DD.  She won't walk on it, she just holds it up near her body.  There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it either, no swelling or discoloration or funny colored bumps.  WTF?  I've checked her all over, and she doesn't seem to be in pain, no squeaking, and she eats and wants pets and to play.  I've e-mailed the rescue to see what they say.  Most of my research suggests a sprain or minor break (except there's no swelling or bruising...), and that a vet can't really do much for her because she might hurt herself trying to remove a splint or cast.  I'm also checking her over three times a day and taking notes, and I've moved her food and water down to the first level of her cage so she doesn't have to climb.  She climbs anyway, though.  I even saw her tripoding in her wheel this morning.   Huh  You'd think she'd take it easy if it was bothering her.
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #8 - Jan 26th, 2009 at 10:46am
Maybe she's just faking it to get extra attention!   Grin  (j/k)
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #9 - Jan 26th, 2009 at 11:21am
You'd think she'd take it easy if it was bothering her.

That's human mentality, not rat. When have you ever seen an animal let an injury prevent them from following their instincts?

She may have sprained her foot or slept on it wrong, twisted a joint, etc. Even for a minor break, the bones are so small that there isn't much to be done. Whatever it is will likely heal itself in time.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #10 - Jan 26th, 2009 at 11:46am
I did a CWC on friday, and used my spray.  IDK.  My scalp is pretty greasy by the third day.  I'll try just putting the spray on the very ends next time.  Otherwise, it might be too heavy for my every third day washing technique.  Or else maybe the shampoo isn't powerful enough.  The last time I tried washing every other day it didn't go well.  I hate that the top is greasy but the ends are dry.  It's very inconvenient.  Maybe every other day is ok with this shampoo, or I might alternate it with a CO.  I think i'd rather try that than every other day shampoo.  But in any event, today is a CWC day, and maybe I'll treat the ends and do a vinegar rinse.

I added a no wash day to DD's wash schedule.  Hers is now: WC, CO, NW.  The more I condidtion and the less I wash her hair the shinier it seems to get. Smiley

My bank did a bad thing. Angry  They put DH's paycheck into someone else's account.  I didn't catch it until Saturday night because the account balance it said on the reciept was about what it should have been, and it was a joint account with our same last name.  I'm going to go down there today as soon as they open and lay down the law.

Smokey's foot is a lot better.  She's scratching with it and putting a little weight on it.  I tied their wheel to the side of the cage to keep it from spinning, and covered their wire levels with fleece to make her a little more comfortable.  The rescue told me it's probably a sprain or a break, and just leaving it alone to let it heal is best.  I won't feel better til she starts spreading her toes again.

I honestly think there's something wrong with the water heater.  There's only two apartments in our little complex, and we share a huge water heater, but in the almost three years we've been here, we've never run out of hot water until just recently.  DH says that it's because we've never had two young women living next door (the first set of neighbors was two young men, the next one man, one woman), but I just don't see how they're using more water than the others did.  I talked with one yesterday in the laundry room last night.  She'd been doing a warm water load, but in the past that had only made the water run a little cooler in the shower, not ice cold like it was last night.  DH wants to wait til the water runs cold all the time before we call the landlord.  I am all for waiting until rent's paid, but I do not want to take cold showers waiting for him to fix it.

In other news, it's sunny again, hooray!!  I wish it would rain hard and fast at night and be sunny during the day.  Then we could have all the rain we needed and still have nice, cool, sunny days to run around in.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #11 - Jan 27th, 2009 at 12:54pm
I was lazy yesterday and didn't bother to wash my hair.  TCWC today, with an ACV rinse after the W, and a little of my leave-in spray.  Hair is in a...oh, I can't remember the name.  you loop yr ponytail through over the scrunchy and it looks twisted, and I have black barettes keeping the sides in.

The bank was reasonable and got our money back right away.

It's still sunny, but very cold for this region; 39 right now, but it got down to 31 last night.  I guess that's only a few degrees below our average low.  This afternoon it will be warm, though, so layers!

Oh, and DH has expressed his displeasure at being refered to as DH on my forums etc, so henceforth he will be known as OW, or Odub.

I'm off to spread my resume about and pray.  ... Tongue Roll Eyes Embarrassed Smiley

I put my resume in at one place and the manager asked me several questions, like about my availability, and seemed interrested.  So maybe I'll get a call!  The only problem I see is that the job involves a bit of lifting and I only saw men working there.  I am strong enough, but because I'm a woman they might not think so.  No sense imagining problems that might not be real, though.  My fingers are crossed!  It starts at a decent wage!
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« Last Edit: Jan 27th, 2009 at 4:25pm by N/A »  
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #12 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 12:49pm
Not much to say today.  My hair feels nice and looks better than yesterday.  Maybe this routine is a keeper. We'll see how it looks tomorrow, and the next day.  It sure looks and feels cleaner longer when I do an ACV rinse, and perhaps treating the ends first helped.  I mean...I don't think ACV rinses are supposed to be drying, but removing the cones may reveal the dryer hair beneath.  Put in cones, take out cones...it doesn't have to make perfect sense.  It's really more about what makes the hair healthiest in the long run.  At least I've stopped rubbing it roughly with a towel.  That was doing the most damage before I started posting here, that and the snaggly comb and un-careful brushing, and the tight ponytails.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #13 - Jan 28th, 2009 at 2:43pm
At least I've stopped rubbing it roughly with a towel.  That was doing the most damage before I started posting here, that and the snaggly comb and un-careful brushing, and the tight ponytails.

Shocked Shocked
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #14 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 9:26am
yeah.  I don't wonder why I had so much damage.  I was lucky to only loose a couple inches.
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