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Skyfire '09 (Read 51214 times)
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #45 - Feb 25th, 2009 at 12:24pm
I owe, I owe...

I did my taxes and we owe.  I hate that.  Everyone else I know is getting some kind of huge refund.  I told Odub to change his withholding.
Well, on the state taxes we'll be getting a refund.  Not enough to offset what we owe on the fed, but any is better than none.  It's the first time I've ever done our state taxes.  I wonder if it would matter to do back taxes for a few years?  Would they pay a refund, or charge me for being extremely late?

No wash day.  I dunno, I may wash tomorrow or Friday.  I put my hair up in a french twist yesterday.  Made my meat pasta dish, very popular with the fam.

Ugh, I'm being accosted by ennui.  I don't want to do anything today.  Which means I should probably find some excuse to go out, even just for a walk.  I have work today, but not until after the sun goes down.  And my FIL brought me this application for a well-paying retail job in SF, but I don't want to commute, even on the bus, even if it's free.  But he's expecting me to fill out this application and give it to him so he can turn it in for me, and if I don't, he'll think I'm not seriously looking for work.  and since it's his wife that's taking me to disneyland next week...I guess I'll just have to fill the darn thing out, and my excuse for going out can be to take it to him.  Erg.

I took some ibs for a headache I woke up with, and I can feel it hovering at the edge of the medication.  I need to stop eating chocolate cake.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #46 - Feb 26th, 2009 at 3:10pm
So I got called in early for work yesterday and worked an extra two hours.  When I came out at 9:30p, it was raining like heck.  I'd ridden my bike.  So I rode home in the rain.  Not a big deal, since I wore my raincoat, which is bright green (visibility, not my favorite shade).  The worst part is because of my glasses.  After a while it's like driving in the rain with no windhield wipers.  I ought to get a ball cap with a brim to wear under my helmet, that might help.  Look funny, but keep the rain off my glasses.  I ended up taking them off, which presents its own hazards.

No wash day today.  I did a new style for work yesterday; it was a french braid, and I looped the braid up and secured it with a bandball, and wore matching barrettes.  It stayed all night, and looked kind of cool.

Today, my right hip has been aching.  When I walk around, occasionally a sharp pain will lance down my ankle.  I wonder if it's sciatica?  I had that when I was pregnant...and I've gained weight this holiday season.  Embarrassed
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #47 - Feb 27th, 2009 at 3:13pm
CW(ACV)C today.  I used only the Suave conditioner.  My hair is a bit frizzy on top, but that's only to be expected.  It feels much lighter now.  It's in a half-up, but I'll probably braid it before I go out.

It's sunny and cold today; dunno if there's any wind.

My hip is better today.  Dunno why it hurt yesterday.

I've been in a kind of funk these last few days, and I couldn't figure out why, with my trip to Disneyland to be excited about.  I thought maybe I was nervous about spending that much time with my MIL, and I think that's part of it, but I realized today that in the 8+ years since Odub and I got married we've never gone more than a day without seeing each other.  And now it's going to be four days, in a strange place with a woman I only know so much about.  I've always been polite and friendly with Odub's mom, but we're not the closest people in the world.  I mean...she's great, don't get me wrong.  I just havent' spent a lot of time getting to know her.  This is a splendid opportunity.  But I'm going to miss Odub terribly.  I go along, figuring I'm a modern woman who can love and want a man without being needy, and the prospect of four days without him makes me all bummed!  Hopefully I'll get the funk out before we get going.  Probably once on the way I'll be too involved to be a bummer.  Maybe some lunch will help...
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #48 - Feb 27th, 2009 at 4:18pm
Aww, Sky. *hugs*

There's a difference between needing a man and wanting one around. The 4 days you're going to have without him are not your fault - they're his. I'm sure that his daughter and mother will miss him just as you will, and he's making you all suffer so he doesn't have to. Selfish, if you ask me (which I realize you didn't, so I'll save the rant), but he's made his choice.

Go and have a wonderful time without him. Do girly stuff, take tons of pix and get sweet souvenirs to show off when you get home. Don't forget to add a few, "I wish you'd been there"'s. Maybe next time, he'll think twice about staying behind. Wink
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #49 - Feb 28th, 2009 at 5:46pm
You have a point, m'dear.  Also, I'm psyching myself out a bit.  I know he can get by without me for half a week, but there I am, doing laundry to make sure he has clothes while I'm gone.    Roll Eyes  Plus, suffer is a strong word.  I think I just needed to get all the 'missing' him done before I went.  If that makes any sense. Huh

No wash today.  I may not have a chance to post til I get back, but I'll tell all when I do.
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Posts: 2318
Gender: female
Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #50 - Mar 4th, 2009 at 11:33am
Nothing wrong with missing your man!  Hubby and I have been married a little over 23 years now and I miss him whenever he's had to go on trips without me.  --Thankfully he doesn't go on many trips without me!   Grin  No, but seriously, as Angel pointed out, missing your man has nothing to do with your level of independence...only that you love him and enjoy being around him...least I hope that's what it means!!
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #51 - Mar 9th, 2009 at 12:11pm
So I haven't journaled.  Booo.

At Disneyland, I washed my hair once, a CWC using the TJ shampoo and suave conditioner.  Then I did the same thing on thursday, the day after we got back, and then yesterday, Sunday.  Same thing.  I want to get a heavier conditioner without cones.  I wonder where, and what?  We'll see.  Maybe the TJ conditioner that matches the shampoo.

I'll write about the trip another time, probaby in the 'hair down' section.  I still need to digest it a bit.  If there are any pics I can post, I'll do it there and then, most likely.  Well, I did take a bunch of pics, but I swore I wouldn't put DD's face on the internet, and most of them have her face, so...
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #52 - Mar 10th, 2009 at 2:37pm
I may not be around much in the next few weeks.  So much is going on.  Odub might get laid off, we might move out of state to find better work.  Everything is topsy turvy, I don't know what's going to happen next.  My insides are crawly.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #53 - Mar 10th, 2009 at 4:29pm
*nods* I'm in the same boat, as many of us are right now. Hang in there, sistah. Kiss
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #54 - Mar 11th, 2009 at 12:30pm
Good luck with everything.   Sad
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #55 - Mar 15th, 2009 at 11:03pm
CWC as usual yesterday, and I did braids and rags.  I posted a pic in the pic area.  I may do this more frequently, because it lets me let my hair down.
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Reply #56 - Mar 17th, 2009 at 11:31pm
I sprained my ankle today. It's all swollen, but not yet purple.  I must have sprained that ankle a dozen times since I was a kid.  It had been three years, which is sort of long for me.  Why, why, why do I keep doing this to myself?  It's almost routine.  Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation...

I have work tonight, which fortunately is inventory, so I shouldn't have to walk around much.  I can't afford to miss it.  Another reason why I should watch how my feet are angled when I step off of curbs.  Angry
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A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #57 - Mar 18th, 2009 at 6:26am
(((((Hugs)))) hope you feel better soon!
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #58 - Mar 18th, 2009 at 4:10pm
Gah! That used to happen to me all the time! I so know what you're going through, Sky.
*hugs* It will suck especially for the first few days, but you'll be functional again in no time.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #59 - Mar 22nd, 2009 at 4:47pm
My ankle is feeling much better.  There is still some pain along the inside next to the bone, but the swelling is down and there's no bruising.

I oiled my hair overnight and then did a WC with ACV.  I've got it braided and rolled right now, we'll see if it dries before this evening.
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