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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257355 times)

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #105 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 5:38pm
"Are your parents home?" I was smiling from ear to ear.

Wow, who would take offense to that? Cheesy

The irony is that I've never been a believer of food intolerances

I wasn't convinced of food intolerences either but I know they're real.  I can't eat too much soy.  I don't break out or anything, but too much really bloats me unlike anything else.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #106 - Aug 22nd, 2009 at 4:23am
"Are your parents home?" I was smiling from ear to ear.

Wow, who would take offense to that? Cheesy

The irony is that I've never been a believer of food intolerances

I wasn't convinced of food intolerences either but I know they're real.  I can't eat too much soy.  I don't break out or anything, but too much really bloats me unlike anything else.

As far as I can tell from what I've read, lots of people don't realize that they have food intolerances that show its symptoms through overweight and/or bloating.  I cut out nearly all wheat when I wanted to lose weight and most cheese too.  I began to gain a few lbs. and suffer with the itching after I thought: "oh, a bit of white bread and cheese here and there isn't harmful.  My dietary habits have become hysterical".  I've generally been eating too much fastfood and cake this summer.  Not daily but one or the other or too much bread every week.

People with citric allergies (not just intolerance and I'm not the right one to explain the difference) can't use many shampoos or conditioners either.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #107 - Aug 26th, 2009 at 5:05am
Hair - Wash, 1 min. deep conditioning treatment.  A little more than regular conditioner, a little less effective than a real deep conditioner.  Fine mid week. 

Life - I'm so busy, stressed and pre-occupied with my health that I just don't have the energy to write much.  If I rant, at least I'm coping.  I go silent when I don't think I can cope, at least not for much longer.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #108 - Aug 26th, 2009 at 3:28pm

When you get overwhelmed, breathe slow and deep.  I hope you find a positive way to deal with your stress.  And remember we're here to listen to those rants!!!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #109 - Aug 27th, 2009 at 1:50am
Well, in 1˝ hr. I'll be sitting in the doctor's consultation or probably still in the waiting room. Roll Eyes  It's a start...Thanks Sakina.
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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #110 - Aug 29th, 2009 at 9:44am
Doc - It was worth the ˝ hr. wait.  I'm glad I booked a ˝ hr. double consultation so she had time to read my 4 pages of typed observations and speculations and demands for serious allergy, intolerance, blood and organ examination!  So she filled seven tubes and she couldn't even read off the long list of tests she's going to have done on me.  Examined some more private parts but didn't find anything obviously wrong there.  I've told her that week 43 is too far away and it's hell when I can potentially react to anything in my every day life that I either touch, come too close to, prepare for someone else or eat.  I've got a referral to an "allergolog" too who's going to get the blood test results too.  The first results will be back next week earliest, some won't be back for several weeks. 

Rant - I've always had extremely dry skin as if I have no natural moisture barrier, I've always had recurring bad eczema, nettles/hives have come in adulthood, and greasy skin on my face but often times itchiness and eczema under the grease and I look like a mess on my arms, legs, and face.  I don't even know what my scalp looks like.  That's so cronic I don't even think of it.

What's frustrating me is this attitude that despite the skin being such a large organ, skin conditions are examined and treated separately as if the skin condition has no connection to any internal organs but I think this historical traditonal way of thinking is wrong!  Never mind how sick I am of hormone creams (okay, only 0,1% but I'd still rather go without for longer periods) and now some really expensive anti-histhamines.  We really can't continue to afford this. 

Excuse me if I'm repeating myself but I'm afraid that all these negative reactions to ordinary foods are causing vitamine and mineral deficiencies I didn't have before August aside from the D-vitamine deficiency.  I had to go off fish oil and last time my skin was this bad was before I began taking fish oil supplements so they can say what they want but there has to be some sort of connection to what we consume and the allergic or intolerance reactions we have even if it's a skin reaction. I think they're only taking my skin reactions seriously for the first time in my life because I've also got other more classic intolerance and allergy symptoms.   Typical cock sure medical experts! Angry

Organic vs. hypoallergic - The media etc. keep touting organic products especially the high end ones.  However, organic doesn't mean that it's hypoallergenic and we have at least fragrance and paraben free hair and skin brands at very cheap prices in our supermarkets here in Denmark that get very little mention.  Quite frankly, while organic too would be nice, right now I'm more concerned with not setting off any more histhamines and causing reactions to things I've never reacted to before.  Urtekram comes closest to both low price, organic and some products are completely free of any forms of fragrances!  Some organic, nature derrived fragrances can cause allergic reactions in some people.

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #111 - Aug 29th, 2009 at 9:45am
Hair - Oh, and my hair's fine despite all the changes but I'm going to use up the more synthetic, paraben and fragrance including ones before I shift. Grin  Of course, if I begin to suffer bad reactions from the short times they touch my hands, they're going too.  Too bad about the money then.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #112 - Sep 3rd, 2009 at 9:19am
Hair - It was in fine condition this morning but after I wore a rain hood, it just looks limp.  Part of my hair got wet any way.

Stuff - There's been a technical error with the blood tests I've waited a week for so now I have to get a quick appointment with the nurse (apparently they have one now) to have her take them again.  I hope they get it right this time.  I only have tomorrow and Monday, then Tuesday I'm having my tonsils removed if all goes according to plan.  Then it'll be at least a week before I'm well enough to go and have new blood tests and the allergist appointment is on the 23rd of Sept. plus it takes some weeks to get all the blood tests back so I worry that all the results won't be ready for the 23rd and that the allergist appointment will be a waste.  I already got them to move the allergist appointment one week because the original appointment was too late in the afternoon and too soon after the surgery.  

There are so many little things that are irritating me that I'm not getting around to other important stuff like calling social services to ask who our new social worker is and so many other things.  I'm just feeling drained and I know hub is with work too so he's no help.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #113 - Sep 5th, 2009 at 12:27am
I too would be irritated having to go back to the hospital because they made a mistake.

You really have a lot going on right now. I'm wishing you the best. Smiley
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #114 - Sep 5th, 2009 at 10:08am
[b]Mother in-law-[/b]I told my family I was going to relax this weekend and not answer phone calls (because I knew it would stress the hell out of me) so predictably mother in-law wrote an e-mail with some unsolicited advice regarding what I should eat post surgery! Angry  Hello!  All good intensions and so on but I'm 32; Doesn't she think I have a brain cell in my head?!  I'm proud to have a MIL who's fully there physically and mentally and very active but she also has this "superior" know it all attitude and has this (insecure???) need to be the one who rescues the day, has all the right answers and thought of the sollution, be the hero, etc.  I am so fed up with that!

Initially my response was to mark all e-mails as unread and ignore it.  But it really got to me because none of her advice were anything I hadn't thought of myself.  I finally lost my patience and called her up and I don't think I concealed very well how irritated I was.  I am grateful that they'll be watching the boys for a night and I'm not ungrateful for all the things they're willing to do for us and they'd probably do more if we'd let them.  Her need to be in focus and have the light shine on her halo is just so *ough!*.  Well, consider me immature but it just makes it very difficult for me to be as grateful as I want to be.

Bloodtests - Well, the nurse can't do the blood tests until Tuesday the 15th and my allergist appointment is on the 23rd so I worry that, that appointment is a waste if the blood test results aren't ready.  I'll have to call my doc. on Monday.  

Weekend - Hub's at a 24 hrs. ham radio contest so I'm alone with the boys.  Won't be doing much of anything.  I'm preparing a huge dish with coconut milk, chicken, egg noodles, vegetable broth and a can of tomatos.  I'd usually add squash but I don't have any.  Garlic is supposed to be blood thinning so I won't add that this time.  I had my last clove of garlic yesterday.  I'm also leaving out the curry paste.  I'm not sure my stomach's ready for that after all the problems I had in August that I still have no explanation for.

I'm going to try to get in a better and relaxed mood after dinner by re-watching my Dion Dimucci and Carpenters DVDs.  

Shopping- A few years ago I only had slumber clothes and nothing to wear out, not even nice casual wear.  Now I'm in the opposite situation and my leggings and tunics are all down to their last threads so I've ordered three pairs of leggings, two knit dresses and two long turtleneck sweaters that I can't really afford and I've no idea how I'm going to pay for them.  Huh  My favorite wool dress is ruined Undecided  I've worn it to pieces because it was thin, soft, classic cut, and so appropriate for informal dinners,  day wear and lounging about.  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #115 - Sep 15th, 2009 at 4:19am
Hair - Looking decent for the first time in a week.  Couldn't really wash it properly when I felt like beat meat. 

The uninteresting stuff:

Tonsils - Had them out last week.  I for one am grateful to be among the first four patients to be given a shot of cortizone.  Seems to aid healing and make recovery less painful. 

Tuesday 8 - Came in at 12:50pm, surgery at 01:00pm.  Came around and was only drooling a bit of blood around 2:30pm in the clinic.  Shortly before I woke up in recovery I dreamt that I'd slept over and missed the surgery.  No pain but that was probably the drugs.  Refused to try to talk.  Home in bed by 03:30pm.  Later that evening I had ice water and loli ice.  Felt guilty about money spent on prescription painrelief so decided to try some.  That made me nauseus and the ice cubes worked fine as painkillers.

Wednesday 9 - Woke up feeling generally sore.  More ice water and ice cream.  Felt I should try the other prescription drug.  This one lodged itself in my throat.  Really unpleasant to say the least so aside from two regular none prescription painkillers for a headache, I didn't take any pills.  Still living on ice lolis and ice water.  Great diet. Wink  Still in bed.

Thursday 10 - Had some "breakfast" of soft, cold foods I sampled to find out which would lodge itself to the shortest and least painful time in my throat.  Yoghurt burnt so that wasn't an option.  Stayed in bed.  Mom came around in the evening with a colleague and a bunch of clients waiting in a car outside so she just popped in to check on me and drop off some bottles of wine.  Erh...thanks.  I'm not sure how that was supposed to help me.

Friday 11 - Lay on the couch most of the day.  Still not really saying anything.  Same "diet".  Same ice water and ice lolis.  I've never watched so much day time crap! Roll Eyes  Couldn't concentrate to read.  Had a general feeling of soreness sort of going out to my ears and that nasty taste and smell of metal that still won't go away. 

Saturday 12 - My memory's quickly getting blurry because the days were pretty much repeats of the day before with some improvements.  Talked a bit.  Hard, didn't sound myself, and hurt like hell just like swallowing, sneezing and couching does.  Other than that, it's just been overall discomfort and soreness.  Worse was and is actually my lower lip which the surgeon some how busted. 

I didn't have the swollen tongue some people have described so I assume they had something clamped on my lip because the left side hurt like hell and was swollen badly, then the inside cracked after a few days.  *Ouch!*

Sunday 13 - On the couch again, this time watching a lot of Disney DX premier with the boys and watching the repeats again the afternoon.  Talkied too much and even had to attempt to shout at the boys once while their dad was taking a nap. He's been fantastic for me.  Tolerated more stuff beign stuck in my throat until some higher power took mercy on me and let me swallow it.  Soup burns a bit too even when it's cooled off.  Was burnt out at 8pm.  Then my dad called at 9pm and I just let him do all the talking and sort of nodded off to sleep with the phone next to my ear.

Monday - Hauled into the clinic at 12pm for check up.  Was told everything looked just fine and that it will be yet another few weeks until the scabs, soreness and smell goes away.  Have read others blogs and know that for some adults it takes a month to recover completely.  Still don't sound myself and don't care to talk to much but when hub broke some glass in the kitchen I some how found the voice to shout at the boys to stay in their rooms.  Hurt like hell!  Didn't say a word after that.

Tuesday - Went to doc to have blood tests re-taken after the last technical error with a note saying: "I had my tonsils out a week ago so I can't talk too much".  Home now.  Dead tired.  Long walk.  Gonna rest until I have to pick the youngest up from kindergarten.

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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #116 - Sep 15th, 2009 at 4:24am
Wow! Shocked  I hope you feel better soon!!!  ((((hugs))))
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A womens hair is her life

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #117 - Sep 15th, 2009 at 8:39am
(((hugs)))  I know it totaly sucks having your tonsils out.  I had them out when I was 8 years old and I still remember how much it hurt.  I found Jello to be a very soothing thing to eat.  ...
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #118 - Sep 15th, 2009 at 11:31am
My goodness!  I thank my lucky stars I've never even had so much as my wisdom teeth out yet.  Have you ever listened to any of Bill Cosby's old records?  He has a hilarious account of getting his tonsils out as a child.

Hope you heal quickly and feel better soon. *hugs*
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #119 - Sep 15th, 2009 at 11:36am
Hang in there, honey. 
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