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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257344 times)

August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #120 - Sep 15th, 2009 at 12:23pm
When I'm in pain, I like to listen to music.  I hope you're recovery is a speedy one!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #121 - Sep 15th, 2009 at 6:40pm
Awww...poor thing. Embarrassed  I never knew that getting tonsils removed was so painful.  My only reference was seeing kids on sitcoms having it done and eating lot's of ice cream afterwards.  Apparently, that's not a very realistic portrayal.

Hope you feel better soon. 
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #122 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 6:11am
Thanks to all. Smiley It's apparently one of those things you always remember.  Definitely stay off the creamier types of ice cream which can get stuck at the back of your throat which I imagine will feel really gross.  Am listening to music today.  For once following good advice; Resting, resting, and more rest.    Bill Cosby never features on Danish TV anymore. Sad  We don't have Jello in Denmark. Cry  Was a little too brave/stupid and tried to eat white bread with the crust on.  *ouch!*  Just like I thought I was ready for meat balls yesterday *ouch!*.  Excuse the lack of quotations.  I'm still a bit unfocused.

Hub's colleague had his out, then went to work 3 days post surgery.  Was sick for 14 days after that.  Don't overestimate yourself!  Let your immune system recovery<<<unsolicited advice, I know.

Just crusts left in my throat.  Things are falling back into place.  Got soreness and ear ache though but that's normal too.
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A womens hair is her life

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #123 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 12:15pm
Oh no...no Jello in Denmark?? ((((hugs))))
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #124 - Sep 16th, 2009 at 5:56pm
Drear wrote on Sep 16th, 2009 at 6:11am:
Hub's colleague had his out, then went to work 3 days post surgery.  Was sick for 14 days after that.  Don't overestimate yourself!  Let your immune system recovery<<<unsolicited advice, I know.

You are absolutely right! 

No Jello?  Not even gelatin of any kind?  Wow!  It's always interesting to find out about other countries and what they  have and don't have.  I'm sure you guys have wonderful treats that we don't have. 

Glad you seem to be feeling better and healing steadily.  Smiley
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #125 - Sep 17th, 2009 at 4:57am
Sorry Michelle, I haven't thought that far.  I'm definitely not venturing out to the grocery stores now. Smiley  I wish I'd thought things through pre-surgery.  

Recovery - Everything was fine yesterday until I went to pick up the youngest one.  He drained me of all my energy and I passed out on the couch for a couple of hours after we got back from his kindergarten.  His reaction is quite understandable for someone with his mental disability which means that even though he's nearly 6 y.o.  He has the mental age of someone aged 2,5 in some areas, 3,5 in most areas.  

He can't understand the dangers of post surgery until recovery is complete.  He just knows that mommy isn't really herself.  She can't talk much and he can hardly understand me now or recognize my voice, he can't kiss me because I smell and it would hurt, and he can't hug me as tightly as he'd like to because that hurts too, we can't play hide and seek and the kindergarten when I pick him up and mommy just lies on the couch or in bed most of the time. 

I see improvements every day but it takes very little to set me back yet I recover from set backs pretty quickly too so overall I can't complain.  My lip's looking normal and you can hardly tell it was cracked on the inside.

It's early pre midday here and that's when I have the most energy and at least try to do some of the laundry so hub has less to do.  He's asked me not to do it but I don't want to be responsible for making him sick with all the things he has to do.  No, help from family isn't the sollution, they'd just stress the hell out of us and make us both sick!  

Hair - Remind me to have a new photo taken after my next trim in late Fall/early Winter.  Because my hair was quite a bit longer than in the picture when I had all the layers cut away I'm not sure it's going to look much longer after next trim.  I decided not to measure until January 2010.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #126 - Sep 20th, 2009 at 12:36pm
Hair - I don't know what to make of it.  My hair has suddenly decided that it likes the Garnier Olive and lemon deep conditioner.  I really like the look and feel of my hair today.  VR for the first time in a few weeks.  I always vinegar rinse before a deep condition so I haven't actually done anything different.  

Make-up -
Played a bit with lipstick and gloss because it's only in these products I have anything that's seriously moisturizing.  Other than that I only have supermarket lipbalms and while they've improved greatly since the 80s and 90s they aren't quite hydrating enough.  I'm also experiencing a maturing of my skin so on the upside it's not as greasy as it used to be, on the downside my body and lips require intense moisture care.  Nothing water based like lotions.  Must be grease and oil based.  Sadly, those heavier products are usually costlier too.  No more supermarket value sized body lotions for me. Sad

I don't know why I feel so old this weekend. Roll Eyes

Lazy -I've sat and watched hours and hours of Creepy Canada Season 1 on youtube.  I've made time to listen to The Carpenter's, Patti Page and Emmylou Harris as well.  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #127 - Sep 24th, 2009 at 4:21am
I was writing a long entry here last evening but I can't remember what I was writing because my husband suddenly came running into the livingroom saying that his sister had been hit on her way to work on her bicycle.  I feared the worse and was confused that after having been taken to the A&E, she was now home.  Turns out that the in-laws had communicated unclearly (possibly shocked themselves) and that she'd been on foot and had been hit by a cyclist but I know that in the cities cyclists do ride fast and even if a kid accidentally hits me at slow speed it still hurts like hell so I can understand that she was in terrible pain and staying at home in bed.  She's got a bruise on her neck. 

Hair - I'm curing an itch for a crop by wearing it up as much as I can stand the feeling of my hair up.  I like all sorts of hairstyles on other people.  I've seen "outgrown" crop styles that look good on round faces.  I just remind myself of the styling time, that styling products upset my scalp, the cost, and how restless and tired I soon become of a new hairstyle when I feel an itch for a major chop. 

A Wasted Day - Yesterday I went to the allergist and they only confirmed what I already know; that I'm allergic to dust mites which isn't a problem in our house.  They eased my mind by confirming that I don't have any dietary allergies or pollen allergies but I'm still left with a bunch of questions and I knew at least as much as the allergist so we were talking on a high academic level and my hubby looked completely confused the whole time. Grin 

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DFW area, Texas
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #128 - Sep 24th, 2009 at 12:17pm
Do you have nutritionists available to you?  If you still have issues with certain foods and products, it could be a sensitivity as opposed to an allergy, and a nutritionist can often help you pinpoint that. 

For example, my boss's wife was having terrible problems with digestive upset, weight loss, diarrhea, stomach aches, etc.  She went to many different doctors (one of whom told her she may have cancer) and was at the end of her rope before going to a nutritionist in desperation.  This nutritionist tested her for Celiac's disease and sure enough, that's what it was.  It's basically an auto-immune disease and I believe it has something to do with the body lacking the enzyme to digest gluten (wheat product), so it causes the body to attack itself.  Technically this is a sensitivity or an intolerance, not an allergy and can't be tested by the traditional allergy test methods.  She follows a gluten-free diet now and is totally fine. 

Not saying that's what you have, just holding it up as an example of how there could still be an explanation even if an allergy test comes up clean.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #129 - Sep 26th, 2009 at 8:38am
I've thought of the nutritionist option too and I've given celiac disease some consideration as well.  I understand the difference between allergy and intolerance so even though I don't have a wheat allergy I could have a gluten intolerance; Celiac's disease.  From what I've been able to gather online about Celiac's disease I don't really recognize the symptoms described.  Many people have Celiac's without symptoms and there are other complications that lead to a diagnosis. 

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #130 - Sep 29th, 2009 at 4:52am
Hair - It's actually better behaved now than it was in the summer.  I don't sweat and I don't have my hair flowing loosely when I'm outside either.  Wash, rinse and condition routine is the same year round.  No matter where I try to part my hair, I have little stupid hairs sticking up along the parting line.  So it's my opinion that those little stupid hairs look less stupid when my hair's center parted than when it's side parted to one or the other side.

Crazy shopper - I thought I needed more knits and leggings but then I saw two wool coats for $68 each on sale from another online shop and ordered them instead.  They were originally $156,50 each.  One's a red duffelcoat with hidden zipper under the traditional closing and with hood.  The other one's dark chocolate brown and belted, no hood just a classic collar.  I have poor experiences with finding affordable, functional coats or jackets in high street shops or malls here in Denmark.  When I get rich, I'll go to a sports shop and buy a ski jacket that'll last me for decades.  The way our winter climate's been the past few years, maybe I won't ever have to buy a ski jacket.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #131 - Sep 30th, 2009 at 3:13am
Hair - I watched The Tender Trap on TCM yesterday and one female character (Debbie Reynold?!) had long hair in a snail bun and just rolled under bangs.  I don't have bangs and my hair isn't long enough for a snail bun yet but it would be a nice retro style if I grow my hair longer.  I want that book from the 50s called How To Handle Long Hair.  I think I saw a few other extras that were a bit older than Debbie with similar long updos.  I know it wasn't the trend but as long as it's period correct I don't care for trends.  I'm pretty sure that had a I lived in the 1950s I would've been no more trendy than I am now which is absolutely untrendy! Wink

Hypocricy?!  - Talked to mom yesterday.  Between more serious issues she mentioned that she'd bought a very useful sequin vest.  Good for her!  I mentioned the two wool coats I'd found at 50% off online and that I had ordered to pay for later after having tried them should I decide to keep them or one of them.  She reacted with shock that I'd ordered two coats.  I told her I didn't want to ever only have one jacket again like I have for most years, that I suddenly find is worn down completely and then be forced to buy something that doesn't meet my needs or I can't really afford the former being the case with the thin down jacket I have now.  She just seems to think that it's money out of the window.  

I don't want to get into a political hot debate but lets just say that I do have another winter coat I felt pressured into accepting and I really do think it's beautiful but I don't feel as good about wearing it as most Danes do now, whether young or old.  I'll wear it around my family in-law because one of my SIL's gave it to me but it'll never become my every day coat.  My mom knows I have that coat but she doesn't understand about the cost and care of more formal coats and she doesn't have an issue with it so she would of course wear something like that all the time.

I'm 32 and hub's 41 but our parents can still push those buttons!
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« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2009 at 4:56am by Drear »  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #132 - Oct 1st, 2009 at 4:31am
Hair - I'm still forced to get my hair trimmed every 3-4 months and shouldn't put it off too much longer but I can't afford it right now that hub and the boys desperately need cuts too.  Unfortunately, some of the hairs aren't quite long enough for me to pull them far enough in front of my eyes to see if the ends look like they need trimming. 

Exercise - I've completely neglected walking this year.  I haven't got on my bike at all.  I used to be addicted to walking for at least an hour a day come rain or snow but now I'm coming up with all sorts of excuses for why it's inconvenient to go for a longer walk.  I haven't been able to do any form of exercise for the past three weeks but I've slowly started up this week. 

Family - My brother's gone missing for some months now.  It's a long story.  I don't know what to make of it and I can't find any activity online of his either which isn't really a surprise because he's completely dyslexic.  He can strangely write a bit of English because we've caught him on Skype but he can't read or write Danish at all.  He's only my half brother on my mother's side so he doesn't have any English speaking relatives and never learnt any English in school. 

We know he wanted to go abroad.  We know he's been chatting on Skype with a girl from China for the past two years.  It is possible that he's gone to see her.  His dad got a letter from the county saying they'd found out that he'd "wandered out to China".  What a strange way to phrase it.  We don't know what the visa laws are like in China now but some 25+ years ago when his dad was there, you could only get a three month visa and my brother's been gone for longer than that.  He's ignored my mother's request to be added on facebook.  We're not on facebook but we've got him on Skype but we can't get him to tell us anything and often he'll ignore our "hello!" or he'll clam up as soon as we ask where he is or what he's doing.  Since he only writes a little in English and won't talk directly to us, we actually have no way of knowing if it's really him we're communicating with.  His profile pic has been updated regularly so he must be alive.  He's 19. 

My brother could at least have told us that he doesn't want us in his life or whatever and that he wants us to leave him alone while he travels to where ever and roughly when he expects to be home and just once in a while give word so we'd know that he's okay.  I understand that he's at an age where he wants to declare his indepence and show that he can manage on his own and that it's common at that age to think that your family's done you wrong,etc.  but he's wrong if he thinks we don't care.  We're worried out of our minds. 

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #133 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 9:38am
Hair - Wash condition day.  Couldn't think of anything to do with it.  Scalp is less itchy now that I frequently VR but I'd be a lot happier if I didn't have all those short hairs sticking up every where.

Exercise - Did lower body yesterday.  Did upper body today.  Stretch and vein pump exercises every day. 

Doc - Called and was on hold for 30 mins. but it was worth it and I could sit and listen to my Jo Stafford 4 CD box set so I didn't really mind.  Well, nothing's shown up as suspicious or alarming in any way in my extensive blood tests.  Might as for a new print out now that the allergist kept the first print out.  There are some results in I didn't have back then.

Purchases - Sending back brown coat.  It's dark brown but not a really dark chocolate brown and I've realized that I'd be annoyed with the belt.  Brown has to be quite dark a purple/brown or a grey/brown to suit me.  I'm keeping the red duffelcoat.  Alright quality for $68.  Finishes aren't the nicest but you can't expect much for $68 or even the original $159.  I'm also keeping the grey wool skirt.  I have this obsession with wool skirts.  I believe you can never own too many.  I don't even know any grandmothers who wear these any more.  Which I hope is to my advantage; I hope I'll see high quality ones sold very cheaply in thrift shops.  I did last year.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #134 - Oct 2nd, 2009 at 11:12am
Well, if there were a world wide quote of wool skirts for every woman, I'd give you mine.  I cannot wear wool.  It cannot touch my skin or I am miserable and in pain.

Good for you on your exercise!  Keep up the good work!a
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