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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257395 times)

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #135 - Oct 6th, 2009 at 9:24am
Drear wrote on Oct 2nd, 2009 at 9:38am:
Doc - Called and was on hold for 30 mins. but it was worth it and I could sit and listen to my Jo Stafford 4 CD box set so I didn't really mind.

Oh, Jo Stafford...  didn't she have a dreamy voice?   Cool
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #136 - Oct 8th, 2009 at 3:14am
Trisha wrote on Oct 6th, 2009 at 9:24am:
Drear wrote on Oct 2nd, 2009 at 9:38am:
Doc - Called and was on hold for 30 mins. but it was worth it and I could sit and listen to my Jo Stafford 4 CD box set so I didn't really mind.

Oh, Jo Stafford...  didn't she have a dreamy voice?   Cool


Sakina, I'm actually the same way but they're all lined and so is my 3/4 sleeved wool jacket and duffelcoat in wool.  I wouldn't be able to wear them otherwise.  I've also always got an extra layer between myself and the wool anyway just for extra measure.

Hair - I'm having a strange day where everything seems to be moving in slow motion and I just can't get my act together.  I was running late, had to drop the youngest one off at kindergarten, my hair was still wet, I didn't want to risk getting a cold so I very unusually got the hairdryer out.  I didn't blow my hair completely dry but I could tell a difference from air drying my hair and I have to admit that I like the way it blow dried better so I can understand why other women might become attached to their hairdryer.  Thankfully I know the damage it may eventually cause so I'm not worried that blow drying could become a habit. 

So close to APL so it's a shame that I'll soon need a trim.  Well, I can't see any damage unless you count all the little broken or new growing hairs?!  Not really seeing any split or worn ends that could warrant a trim.  Ideally, I'd like to wait until January when I know I can definitely afford it. 

Blah - Occassionally feeling a bit sickly without a fever, lack energy, don't feel social at all.  Not in a bad mood or any such thing.  Have been walking a bit but not as much as I should.  Went to bed just past 8pm yesterday.  Feel better today.  

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #137 - Oct 9th, 2009 at 3:52am
Hair - I guess I was wrong as usual about the condition of my hair.  Finally stood in front of direct sunlight and took a good look at it.  There are indeed split ends and I even found a hair that was split up a couple of inches. Shocked  Some are faded at the bottom 1-2" as well.  I've been using sun protection all summer long, I've been tucking my hair into my jacket on windy days.  I don't know what else I can do.  I've also had some health issues this year and I had a couple of surgeries.  Don't know if all of that has upset my hair.  It's just up in a ponytail so I don't have to think about it.

Skin - It's never well behaved but how bad it is varies.  Today I had nettles and a terrible itch on the inside of my lower arms so that was really disappointing after I've gone out of my way to eat healthy and varied, get enough fluid, sleep, use fat or oily moisturizers at least twice daily and some antihistamine pills which I'm supposed to take preventively.  Absentmindedly scratched my arms while I was still just waking up so now I've got these ugly red streaks down my arms.  

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #138 - Oct 11th, 2009 at 6:17am
Hair - Usual Sunday routine; VR, wash, deep condition.  Around noon I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.  I don't usually care what I look like on Sundays.  But since I'm channelling the 1920s today I thought that my straight hair that isn't really long didn't go with the era so I tied my hair off in a side pony.  Easier said than done.  Then twisted into a bun and secured it off with a large fabric flower on an alligator clip of sorts.  Looks fine to me.  I would've made it lower and ear hugging if my hair had been longer.  

Asocial - Didn't want to go for a walk.  Wouldn't answer the door when the bell rang.  Hate unannounced solictors and unannounced visitors.  In-laws just wanted to drop off some clothes for the boys.  Hub finally answered the door but I didn't even feel like popping my head around the door to say hello and thanks.  Don't know what the hell's wrong with me. Huh  I've always had problems with unannounced company.  It's my mom's birthday and I don't feel like calling but I guess I'd better make the effort.  My dad always calls on Sundays and I've already decided that I'm not going to answer the phone this evening.

To make matters worse, my stubborn old father in-law who's the exact opposite of me and probably fed up with me again, left mother in-law standing in the door and drove off. Roll Eyes  This unannounced visit and father in-law's strange behavior completely threw two of the boys off.  I knew that staying put in the livingroom was the best I could do so hub could send the boys in to me instead of having me suddenly do something unexpected like having to invite mother in-law in when the boys weren't expecting it, and then hub had to jump in his car and drive after his dad.  *Aaargh!*  

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #139 - Oct 11th, 2009 at 6:21am
Yesterday was bad too.  Picture yourself in a huge supermarket with three boys who need to try on new footwear.  You know kids hate this but it's a necessity.  It's the only thing I can't buy them without bringing them along.  The oldest two were well behaved but I could tell the stress wasn't suiting the oldest one (autism) and the youngest one went off the rails (retardation).  Unfortunately, the youngest one is also very charming and some old lady couldn't keep herself from hugging AND kissing him while we waited in line. Roll Eyes  He didn't tell me she'd hugged and kissed him until I'd hugged and kissed him moments later. Angry  Lets hope we don't catch anything.  Just the thought of reeking of her perfume is bad enough.  So as you can probably imagine, this wasn't a pretty picture of a family out shopping. Roll Eyes

Some people will probably think that my behavior today warrants an apology.  I don't think so.  I didn't cause this situation.  No one informed me so I could prepare the boys and I handle things the way I know is best with my boys.  FIL needs to grow up and get his own life!  Go on tour with that old boys band!  Go on a global tour for a year!

Rant off!  I know my last outburst is childdish but...I am just so fed up with all the drama around me.  As if worrying about hub's chronic health problems, now a tax problem and the ungoing battle to get my boys needs met, isn't enough!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #140 - Oct 11th, 2009 at 8:56pm
You really have your hands full!  I don't think you have anything to apologize for.  People who aren't dealing with what you're dealing with have no clue.

In answer to your question, " What the hell's wrong w/me?" I must say you're way over taxed by your responsibilities, stressed out and don't have enough support to balance it out.

I'm sending giant hugs
to you.  You're doing your best in a really tough situation.  I hope divine help comes your way soon!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #141 - Oct 12th, 2009 at 5:18am
Thanks Sakina, if I could only make a psychic connection between you and other people so I could get them on a similar thought trail!

Hair - Think I've goofed up this morning.  Wash, condition, thought I'd apply some leave-in because it worked really well yesterday.  It seemed fine at first too.  I think I should only use a leave-in on the very tips every other day or less.  Then suffer in between. 

Having gone more than three months without a trim doesn't work.  I can't banish the split ends completely no matter how careful I am with my hair.  I just haven't had the time with unpredicted expenses, surgery, etc. 

Right now, hub and the boys are first in priority line when it comes to hairdresser expenses but if hub buys electrical trimmers and can actually learn how to use it Grin then perhaps I could afford to go in every 12 weeks for a mini trim to keep the ends from looking too split and worn. 

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #142 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 5:55am
Hair - I put it up in a ponytail yesterday afternoon.  Don't like it down anymore.  So now I'm back to ponytails and buns with slight variations and loose ends allowed to hang at each side of my face the way my hair was when hub met me.  He seems to like that. 

Today I only washed and conditioned.  I'm a little more careful with only applying the conditioner from 1/4 down from my scalp.  When it had dried I first put it up in a ponytail, then used the scrunchy to pull the ponytail through once, wrapped the ponytail around itself and part of the scruncny, then used the remaining part of the scrunchy I was holding with the other end to secure the bun.  Loose featury ends are sticking out here and there with just parts of the velvet showing between my hair.  I think it looks cute. Smiley

Weather - Cold and clear.  Was supposed to have taken the boys for a long walk but I slept in and we didn't have time for a long walk if we're going to bake too.  Besides, the oldest one had put on summer pants and I wasn't in a mood to take up the conflict with him so we briskly walked to the supermarket and grabbed three boxes of ready mix baking packages.  I only wore my duffel. I didn't wear a knit hat and the duffel hood doesn't close tight so I had to hold the hood tight with a hand, handbag over arm, the youngest one by my other hand.

Baking - We'll be baking wholegrain biscuits and scones today.  I hate baking and I'm only doing it for the boys.  They always say they want to bake when they're on break but they always lose interest and I end up alone with dough and flour every where. 

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #143 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 11:15am
I'm sending you big hugs with Sakina, honey.  Stress can cause all sorts of physical ailments, so don't discount it.  Would meditation help or something like that?  *hugs*
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #144 - Oct 14th, 2009 at 3:15am
I don't know about meditation I always fall asleep and have weird dreams when I try. Grin  For now, I get the youngest one's bedroom for a while in the evening so I can sit by myself and listen to music.  In return, he gets to watch cartoons in the evening for a while. Smiley

Hair - Wash, 1 min conditioning treatment, leave-in on the ends.  Not putting it up today.  Think the ends are growing uneven now.  It looks as if I have layers cut into the bottom even though I know for sure that she cut it off to one blunt length at the beginning of July.  I'd have to have too much cut off if one blunt length is a priority.  *sigh!*  One thing is what I think I want and another thing may be what works for me.  So maybe one length isn't right for me.  I'll think about it until December.  At least my hair looks shiny and not the least brassy today I just think my natural hair color when examined under a good light has some dark auburn tones to it.  I don't mind in the least, I've always envied that multi-tonal look.

Yesterday - Shopping, baking biscuits and scones, helping the boys agree on what movies to watch, which games to play and vacuuming was too much and my expectations were too high.  I'll break it up between 2-3 days another time.

Today - I don't care if they watch TV and play computer games all day long!  I'm going to sit here for quite a while too.  I'll be looking at hair galleries to see if there are any long hair cuts that work with the pattern my hair appears to grow in.
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #145 - Oct 15th, 2009 at 4:15pm
Drear wrote on Oct 14th, 2009 at 3:15am:
Today - I don't care if they watch TV and play computer games all day long!  I'm going to sit here for quite a while too.  I'll be looking at hair galleries to see if there are any long hair cuts that work with the pattern my hair appears to grow in.

They'll be fine!  You guys are always taking walks and doing activities and staying busy, so it won't hurt them to watch TV for a bit.  Cheesy  You deserve some down time to do the things you want to do!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #146 - Oct 16th, 2009 at 6:06am
Hair - Wash, condition, just gonna watch what it does on its own today.  Staying indoors.  Rainy.  So far it feels fine.  Typical when I don't have to go any where.

Yesterday - Got all the boys trimmed and there were no problems with anyone's behavior in the salon.  Even the little one only talked too much.  They look good newly trimmed.  Hub got trimmed after work.  Once I find out if I can afford all the moisturizing stuff my skin needs, antibiotics to keep nettles down, then I'll decide if I can afford a trim sooner than December.

Had chocolate cake when we got back.  Baked it before we went for their trim and threatened to put it in the freezer if they didn't behave! Cheesy  I wasn't worried about the two oldest but the hairdresser and I just kept reminding the youngest one about that chocolate cake.  Nothing makes his eyes light up like the word "cake". 

Hub read on our salon's homepage that they're being sold to someone new but the employees will be the same.  I don't hope there'll be reason to switch because I like that we can order appointments online and tick the treatments we want.  Not that we can afford anything other than cuts...
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #147 - Oct 22nd, 2009 at 10:49am
Hair - I'm hopeless!  It's back up to the July length or maybe the longest parts are a bit longer but I did order her to cut off anything that wasn't healthy.  Got it cut on Monday.  On a positive note, I'm glad I didn't reject the idea of long and face framing layers.  She knows and respects that I don't want a shorter or above shoulders style.  I'm really loving my layers this time.  This hairdresser knows what she's doing!  She also custom blended some leave-in conditioner in a tiny pot that I use a drop of a day.  The leave in should go a long way. Smiley  I can't complain about the look and feel of my hair.   

I don't brush my hair frequently throughout the day in frustration.  I only comb morning and evening.  It really just takes care of itself.  Need a new deep conditioner, oil, and I've tossed all the questionable hair brushes.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #148 - Oct 24th, 2009 at 2:40am
I just want to scream at my brother!  I'm both worried and frustrated with him.  So, we've found out that he's in some province of China that I can't spell.  We only found out because his mail gets sent to his dad and his dad couldn't resist opening some mail because we haven't heard from my brother in so long and had no clue where he was.  Well, there was a letter from the bank.  We can see that he's withdrawn all his money over in two portions within recent time in China. 

He's 19.  Thinks he's so grown up and all and has something to prove or whatever.....He could've just said the family's getting on his nerves, he wants some space and he's going to China for a while, from roughly x date to y date and roughly where and how he intends to finance this trip.  It would also be nice to have had an address or a phone number we could call in case of an emergency.  We wouldn't abuse it and invade his privacy.  *Grrr!*.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #149 - Oct 29th, 2009 at 6:00am
Hair - While I got layers again mainly to get rid of as much damage as possible without losing too much length but also to satisfy that itch to change something without going drastic, I haven't completely given up on my hair.  I need to prioritize a satin or silk pillow case because I suspect that I do the most damage while I'm sleeping.  I toss around a lot.  Next year, I also need to upgrade the hair sun screen I use even if it's going to cost me a bit more than I think these things should cause because I obviously have very porous hair.  If the hairdresser wants me to begin to pay for the costum blended leave-in, then I'm prepared to pay but she's going to have to blend a bit more than just a little pot in return.  A dab of that stuff makes my hair so soft and smooth.

Is there an astrologer among the longlocks members?! Wink - I seem to have completely lost my communication abilities.  I can't say anything to anyone without being misunderstood.  I wade from one conflict into the next! Roll Eyes  I've also got back into the bad old habit of apologizing for things I haven't done just for the sake of peace.  At times I'm not conflict shy at all and at other times I sense I'm just feeling too sensitive and fragile to fend for myself. 

Mom - She's being unusually generous.  She calls a lot.  Shows genuine interest in my life.  Transfers money to my account, and now she called to ask what size I wear because she wants to buy me some tunics. I think she's finally realized that I'm pretty much all the family she's got left.  My brother's "run away" (he's 19 so it's not illegal) and we've never been a close knit family where we stick up for each other so it doesn't help that we quite possibly have a lot of blood relations to my mother (I'm adopted) spread around the country.

Wardrobe reconsiderations - When one finds oneself with very little to wear each season despite having updated one's wardrobe the previous year, perhaps it's time to reconsider the way one wears one's clothes. Wink  Yes, there's something I'm having trouble owing up to. Grin  So I'm going to stop this nonesense with trying to stick to one style and clean out everything else.  Mixing fx. boheme/retro has always fallen quite naturally to me and is perhaps the style most people associate with being "your style".

I want to see how those tunics my mom wants to buy me look like tucked in with some of my wool skirts, belts, and either worn with leggings or colorful thighs and ethnic inspired jewelry.  I'll save classic and vintage knits for jeans and vintage costume jewelry.  For a long time I've felt like I had nothing to wear with jeans if I wore my knits down to the last thread because I was always wearing them the classic way with wool skirts.  I don't own any casual blouses or shirts I could've worn with jeans.  I wore out the tunics I bought two years ago along with most of the leggings I bought at the same time.  I was also afraid I'd wear the skirts out too fast and I prefer to save the old leggings for casual wear with retro 1920s inspired styles on weekends where I just want to be comfortable while lounging around.

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« Last Edit: Oct 29th, 2009 at 7:10am by Drear »  
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