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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257390 times)


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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #150 - Nov 1st, 2009 at 5:14am
Hair - Forgot vinegar rinse but remembered to deep condition.  Leave-in is working really well though it's very runny and I need to watch it that I really only use a tiny dab.  My cheeks are acting up again so once again the layers are doing a great job at hiding my cheeks until they clear up.  I like the shape of my hair I just hope I can keep it and still grow it longer.  I'll have a mini trim at the end of December.  If she objects to only mini trimming this style, then I'll switch to one of her other colleagues and work my way back to one length though that didn't really make me happy either but  I'm not willing to give up on this hair growing project nor am I willing to live with long hair at the cost of anything else; condition, how the shape works for me, etc.

Halloween - Passed without incident.  We even forgot to turn the TV on for a widely advertised children's Halloween movie. Embarrassed  Halloween in Denmark is just so...well, it makes me feel the way Christmas made me feel in CA;   I just couldn't ever get into it there and I just can't get into Halloween here. Sad  I find it embarrassing when they try to make a big deal out of it on TV but when I look outside of my windows, everything's just pitch black except for street lamps and I think that pretty much describes how most Danes feel about it.

We have our own costume celebration in February so it's not like the kids get cheated out of dressing up completely. 

Health again - I feel like a complete hypochondriac but I just feel that it would be unwise to ignore chest pains even though I can't really localize them or say if it's the breast, the heart or some hidden muscle.  It can feel sore and I've had a few stabbing pains but it is left sided so I've booked an appointment with the doc just to [hopefully] be on the safe side.  I couldn't get an appointment until the 10th of November and it's the doctor I like the least but he is a doctor and he's been there for over 10 years so I have to assume that he's alright.
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #151 - Nov 1st, 2009 at 7:53pm
So you are going to slowly clip the layers even? I can't quite envision what micro trims would mean.  They way I got into my layering predicament was by having the layers lengthened at each trim. No loss of overall length, but shortest layers kept being chopped back up to my chin, and the rest spaced out within the two distances.

Your Halloween sounds similar to what our neighborhood is like most years, but for some reason, this year the spirit was more lively. We actually had, like, four groups of kids ring our doorbell. Shocking! Usually we get candy just in case, and end up eating it until Easter since nobody rang the bell.

I'm really sorry to hear about your chest pains!  I hope nothing is wrong and you start feeling better soon. I personally had a few chest pains earlier in the year, but they were fixed(?) by getting new bras that fit me better.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #152 - Nov 2nd, 2009 at 12:14am
I certainly hope the chest pains are nothing serious.  I remember having some unlocalized weird pains when I was going thru the change, but I researched and found that random chest pains were associated with menopause and went away after a while.  Which is what happened with me.

We had about 20 kids for Halloween, double what we had last year.  Since the two large families in the neighborhood moved 3 yrs. ago we just don't get as many kids.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #153 - Nov 2nd, 2009 at 3:18am
How long is it dark there during the winter?  It would seem to me that the darkness would be perfect for Halloween.  More scary. Cheesy   

I'm admitting to being somewhat of hypochondriac too, but if you're having chest pains, get them checked out.  Never be afraid to have a checkup if you think that something is wrong. You'll never know what it is unless you do.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #154 - Nov 2nd, 2009 at 4:01am
So you are going to slowly clip the layers even? I can't quite envision what micro trims would mean

No, I'm going to continue to trim the layers too.  At least for a while.  For some odd reason, my hair behaves better with layers.  It wasn't always this way.  I don't know why or when this change happened.  I won't lie, while I like the look now, it does irritate me that layers work best but I'm not willing to go for an overall shorter length to avoid layers.  Not again.

I remember having some unlocalized weird pains when I was going thru the change, but I researched and found that random chest pains were associated with menopause and went away after a while.  Which is what happened with me.

I'm such a cyberchondriac that I've resisted researching this.  Thanks for pointing out that possibility though.  I started precocious puberty so why not precocious menopause?  I'm 32. 

How long is it dark there during the winter?  It would seem to me that the darkness would be perfect for Halloween.  More scary.   

On one of our national TV stations news sites says that sun rise is at 07:30am and sunset is at 16:34pm.  Of course there'll be some regional differences from east to west. 

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DFW area, Texas
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #155 - Nov 3rd, 2009 at 12:35am
My hair looks better with some layers too.  Mine is fine and mostly straight with some body wave (although it seems to have gotten more wavy in the last few years) and it looks really bad if it's blunt cut. 

I hope your chest pains are something minor!  I think you're doing the right thing by going to the doctor, and also not freaking yourself out by researching too much on the internet.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #156 - Nov 3rd, 2009 at 4:01am
Thank you all for supporting my decision to have the doc check it out.  I don't feel quite as crazy or guilty about being concerned as I initially did.

Hair - My preferences have changed from very tidy and tight updos to preferring the feeling of layers framing my face and low, loose, updos if I must put my hair up so for now layers work best.  When my hair is down, which is how I prefer it most of the time, then layers flatter my face best.

Ordinary wash and condition day.  Since the layers are still relatively short around my face, I've yet to find out whether I prefer to just smooth out the layers after I take off my knit hat when I come in or if I prefer to tuck my hair behind my ears and just have two smooth waves on either side of my face or little cute kinks if I leave it down.  I'm odd, I think hat hair is cute. Grin

Grammar - It's not entirely accidental but I don't try to correct my grammar either.  Neither when speaking Danish nor when speaking English and the same goes for my writing.  It's just a personality quirk.  In case anyone was wondering or itching to correct me. Wink  Go ahead and scratch that itch but I won't promise that it'll change anything. Cheesy
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #157 - Nov 8th, 2009 at 7:01am
Did the whole hair thing.  Wash, VR, deep condition, leave-in.  I love my hair on Sundays because I don't usually have to go out so it stays that freshly washed way the whole day.  I just wish I could find a way to make my hair look and feel like that every day.

I'm on hub's laptop which I hate so that's all!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #158 - Nov 10th, 2009 at 8:49am
Hair - First time I was out I had a good hair hat moment when I came home.  I just came in for the second time and now I'm having a bad hair hat moment.

Doc exam. -
Just my muscles behind my breasts due to unfortunate habits.  This doctor isn't my favorite because he's shouted at me and hub in the past, run out and kicked patio pots in the middle of consultation and cusses a lot but he was very interested and attentive this time.  Well, I've been avoiding him for over 6 years so I suppose he's had time to change.

Then he gave me a long lecture aboud the inbred gene pool in Denmark and how fortunate I am to be adopted from another country, ranted about this, media hysteria and traditional lifestyles.  Okay, okay, lets all calm down! Shocked  I'm not going to post his whole rant.  Heart complications usually happen later in life if they happen and in young people they're usually born with them and I would've been diagnosed a long time ago, blah, blah, blah, and more ranting. Okay, old habits die hard. Here's finally someone who talks more than me! Cheesy 

Why do all he doctors who examine me seem like total loons?! Huh

Vaccination - Talked back and forth with the female doctor who knows our family health background the best and decided that all things considered, she thought it was best if we had the A-vaccine.  You get it in two portions here.  Don't know if it's the same around the world.  So we have to come back in three weeks. 

I forgot to ask if the vaccine needs to be repeated every year or if the experts expect it to give lifelong immunity?  3. They don't have a clue?!

The oldest one was home all day because the school cab won't pick up or deliver out of hours so I had no other choice.  He'll also have to take the 2nd of Dec. off.  Hub picked the wet and dirty middle son up from school and the oldest and I picked the youngest one up wet and dirty from kindergarten. Roll Eyes

Tomorrow I intend to relax a bit and read everyone else's journals just to get up-to-date with ya'll.
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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the 'Burgh
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #159 - Nov 10th, 2009 at 9:10am
Whew! I'm glad to hear it was just a musculature problem, and not a heart problem! That being said, I still hate musculature problems. I take it the prognosis was good?

Your doctor sounds like a hoot! Is there no chance to switch to another doctor? Anyway, I think I would find him pretty amusing. We'd sit together and share conspiracy theories!  Grin

I'm not familiar with the A-vaccine. Do you mean a vaccine for hepatitis A?  Huh

And yikes! That sounds like a lot of mud! Sounds about similar to what happens to all my friends when they try to play soccer here in Pittsburgh. They show up rain or shine, and more often than not, it's rain.  Smiley
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #160 - Nov 10th, 2009 at 10:54am
Well, I'm glad it's not a heart problem!  Since it's muscular, can it be remedied with exercise or some kind of physical therapy?  Your doctor sure does sound like a character!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #161 - Nov 10th, 2009 at 6:20pm
Glad it's just muscular!  Although that can be painful too!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #162 - Nov 11th, 2009 at 12:18am
Doc exam. - Just my muscles behind my breasts due to unfortunate habits. 

Thank goodness it wasn't anything more serious.

This doctor isn't my favorite because he's shouted at me and hub in the past, run out and kicked patio pots in the middle of consultation and cusses a lot but he was very interested and attentive this time.  Well, I've been avoiding him for over 6 years so I suppose he's had time to change.

Grin Boy, does he sound wacko and I'd imagine very entertaining, but not if he's your doctor. Huh  Good thing he changed.

Then he gave me a long lecture aboud the inbred gene pool in Denmark

Is there any truth to that? Huh
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #163 - Nov 11th, 2009 at 12:40am
I am very glad it wasn't heart.  You are much too young for that.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #164 - Nov 11th, 2009 at 3:21am
The way it works out here in our rural area is that we have a doctor house and several doctor's connected.  If you have patience, you can select your favorite doctor for each consultation but I really wanted this checked ASAP.

Reg. vaccination; it's for N1H1, my brain just wasn't working last evening.  I was in so much muscular pain from the vaccination and breast examination. 

The doctor did make me laugh and relax and I do appreciate that he didn't just push me out of his office with a short "well, it's not breast cancer and it's not your heart" and no further explanation.  His nature is just....colorful!

One of my SILs is a physioterapist.  I'll talk to her next time I see her.  I hate going back to the doc to get a referral to a physioterapist in some other town.  For now, I'll just mind the left, upper side of my body, shoulder, and arm.

I don't know if his argument that native born Danes are generally inbred works in practice.
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