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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257659 times)


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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #255 - Mar 3rd, 2010 at 4:31am
Hair - Back to the earflap knit hat.  If I need to switch to a thinner knit hat then I have to remember to pull my hair behind my ears.  Wash, 1 mins. repair conditioner, leave-in.  Looking and feeling fine.  I don't know what the problem was yesterday.

Hub - The anti-biotics worked quickly, he'd just recovered from the back ache from lying under the bathroom sink all weekend long, when he fell against the railing at work and he thought he heard a rib snap.  He thinks he's bent it.  "Of course" he refuses to see a doctor.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #256 - Mar 3rd, 2010 at 12:05pm
OMG!  Why are men soooooooo stubborn? Roll Eyes
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #257 - Mar 4th, 2010 at 6:19am
Curlgirl64 wrote on Mar 3rd, 2010 at 12:05pm:
OMG!  Why are men soooooooo stubborn? Roll Eyes

Yeah, and now it's hit the "What pain?  What bent rib?" stage. Roll Eyes

Hair - This is the first time I've used more shampoo than conditioner when I've bought the bottles at the same time.  I think I need to go easier on the shampoo.  Didn't notice I'd been overdosing. 

I've now mastered knit hat wearing without getting hat hair! Smiley 

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #258 - Mar 4th, 2010 at 10:13am
Do share your secret for not having "hat hair"!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #259 - Mar 5th, 2010 at 2:58am
I'm afraid there's no secret to share.  It's just luck and it probably helps if I'm only out for short walks so the hat doesn't have time to do its thing.  It's not really awful on me with hat hair if you like a messy layered style but that's not the look I want.  Ideally, my hair would just look (and be) well kept, classic, timeless and look fabulous all the time. Wink

Hair - Wash using shampoo sparingly.  Condition, leave-in.  I think I've overshampooed, not conditioned enough, got my hair caught in zippers and the dry, hot heat from my mom's stove which was diagonally behind the dining table because I'm seeing split ends that don't go up the shaft as far as they usually do but I've got ends that are split 5-8 ways.  No kidding! Sad  Been dusting a bit but I need to get a trim, at least by next month, so I'm saving up now.  I'm going back to the Gliss Oil Nutrive products when I've used the Nivea products up I have now.  I've started using the leave-in daily too late I guess.

I think I was too quick in judgement when I thought the Gliss Oil Nutrive products were hiding damage.  My new theory is that it's the best line I can afford and that switching to lighter formulas, no matter how popular with other women, quickly deteriorate the state of my hair.  I guess I just have to accept that my har prefers the heavy formulas that weigh down and make even most medium thick hair look greasy.

However, I'll still be looking for something better in the supermarket range because while it's not a bad line of products I'd actually like the conditioner to be a bit heavier/thicker.
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« Last Edit: Mar 5th, 2010 at 4:39am by Drear »  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #260 - Mar 7th, 2010 at 10:08am
Hair - For the past couple of days I've been treating my hair the same as I did before the bob in Dec. 07.  I've only used shampoo sparingly, used more conditioner, and a good sized dab of leave-in conditioner which I didn't back then.  It's not even leaving a nasty coat on my hair so I think my hair needs it.  CVR, deep condition, regular conditioner on the ends and finally leave-in on the bottom 1/3 of my hair.  My hair hasn't been feeling dry or looking unhealthy, I just want to make my hair less vulnerable to split ends.  The round diameter means my hair easily absorbs moisture but it also loses moisture fast. 

Weekend - Lazying around.  Ate too much cake today and had too much dinner last night.  I'm paying for it now.  So I'm drinking a lot of water and green tea.  I'm glad I began to walk again last week and I'll just pick up walking again tomorrow. Smiley
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #261 - Mar 8th, 2010 at 3:12am
Hair - Had "perfect" hair yesterday.  Then I absentmindedly ran my fingers through my hair while washing some greasy dishes up.  CVR, deep condition, leave-in.  Woke up with perfect hair should've left it but no; Wash, condition, leave-in, rush out the door in freezing temperatures and hat.  Wrong hat, stupid deep kink on the right side only. Sad

Oscars - Didn't watch them, didn't want to, spoke to dad on the phone who didn't want to watch them either so he'd invited my aunt and BIL over to watch 'A Mockumentary'.  I'd really like to watch that one too.  Woke up this morning to find out that some Danish short film I've never heard of won an oscar - 'The Tenants'.  The news people talked at length about it.  *Yawn!*  What else happened in the World while I was asleep? 

Pampering - Took good time on my nails, hands and feet yesterday afternoon while the boys were playing quietly and hub was taking a nap.  Small stuff that makes me feel a little pampered and lifts my mood for a while.  Still trying to use up a deep/bright pink polish I'm tired of.  I'll toss the bright pink one at the end of the month whether I've used it up or not.   EmbarrassedIt's nearly past expiration anyway and I feel it's changed a bit.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #262 - Mar 9th, 2010 at 4:14am
Hair - Wash, condition, finger comb.  Couldn't find a brush and I seem to have lost my combs at my mom's but she can't find them either. Undecided
So I decided to forego the leave-in which would just look greasy if I can't comb or brush my hair once it's somewhat dried into my hair.

The salon I go to is on the way to the supermarkets.  I asked for a cut that would suit my facial features and give the greatest amount of natural movement and volume.  They must think it's strange that I've had my hair compressed under a tight knit bonnet ever since my last hair cut.  When I get home, I always use a bit of water on the ends as I run my fingers through the lengths, a bit upward and away from my face.  Quickly fixes any funny bends if I'm not in a mood for cute unruliness. 

Blah - I had to go to the pharmacy anyway so right after that I went over to the supermarket and bought a comb.  Needed a new tea egg too.  Absolutely broke but I can't live without a comb and a tea egg! 

Uhuh - Hub think he got flashed by a speed camera yesterday.  He was only following traffic and may only have been 2 miles over speed limit but he saw the camera flash. Sad  He was behind a truck and though he knew the camera was coming up and he was really watching his speed (he's not a regular speeder) he couldn't see the camera in time to brake and get way below speed limit.  They often put these cameras up where you come over a hill or around a corner or where the speed limit suddenly changes drastically so anyone unfamiliar with the area won't know they're there.  I thought these cameras were supposed to have a preventive effect and not just trap people.  Hub's only been in that part of the country on seldom occassions. 

Back home - I've been really bad and I also treated myself to a "shooting" star which is a toast bread with a fish filet, "caviar", asparagus ad some other stuff, at the supermarket so that's my lunch. Smiley  Tried to wet my hair a bit and apply some leave-in.  Not sure that was a smart thing to do.   Hope my hair dries soon.  Otherwise, I'll be vinegar rinsing earlier than usual.

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #263 - Mar 10th, 2010 at 3:25am
Hair - Wash, 1 min. repair cond., leave-in which I'm still only applying to the last 1/3 because I worry  it'll otherwise look greasy.  I'll probably apply it right up to my scalp when/if ever it gets sunny and warm.

Rushed - Can't get anything done on days where I have to pick the middle one up from school and the youngest one up from kindergarten early because the middle one doesn't want to walk home and then down to the kindergarten.  So I cleaned my bathroom last night. 

The youngest one got dropped off at kindergarten early this morning to buy me a little time.  He's been acting up like he promised to do to act really small because he doesn't want to start in school at the end of August.  *Sigh!*  It used to be a pleasure to pick him up from kindergarten.  Now I dread it because I don't know what kind of mood he's in or how long the "list" of bad things he's done is going to be.  I'll hear about it, try to be sympatic and then have to read about it again in his contact book when we get home.  So in some sense, there litterally is a bad list. Sad

Photos - Mom sent me a mail with photos she took while we visited.  I wasn't even aware of some of the photos being taken.  When I get time I'll transfer them to our computer and then post some here.  It might be a little while.  I'm not in a mood now.  I just want my coffee!

Then I'll listen to some Jimmie Rodgers and Patti Page.  It's gotta be absolutely easy listening.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #264 - Mar 11th, 2010 at 1:47am
Hair - Condition, leave-in.  It's still drying.

Feeling strange - Can't really wake up.  The coffee helped keep me physically awake but my brain's feeling the same way I often do if I take a long nap and wake up groggy and stay that way for a while and I feel like I'm still partially dreaming.  I guess that's why I didn't notice that I didn't wash my hair with shampoo but I read some where that unless your hair's really dirty, the conditioner will usually be enough to rinse anything off.  My scalp is a bit dry so I don't want to overload on the shampoo.

Yesterday - It wasn't as bad as I'd feared.  Youngest one had been reasonably good and only a tiny bit upset a couple of times.  The oldest one was at the movies for the first time and he'd been good and quiet.  I had to pick the middle one up and it's the same again today.

Today - Got several loads of laundry to get through as usual and that's all I'm going to have time for because I have to get the groceries too.  I usually mail hub the grocery list and then he gets it after work but he's at a trade fair this week. 

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« Last Edit: Mar 11th, 2010 at 3:50am by Drear »  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #265 - Mar 11th, 2010 at 5:50am
More photos from my mom.  She took these ones.

Sort of defeats the purpose of the bird house


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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #266 - Mar 11th, 2010 at 12:30pm
First pic: aww, cute kitty!

Second pic: Nice pic.  I think you're very pretty!

Third pic: hey!  your hair's getting long!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #267 - Mar 11th, 2010 at 12:30pm
Finally we get to see your pretty face!!  I had to look twice at the bird house photo, then laughed out loud when I spied the cat.   Grin  By the way, your hair is lovely; very shiny and healthy.  Thanks for sharing!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #268 - Mar 11th, 2010 at 12:52pm
Thanks Trisha and Sakina. 

Third pic: hey!  your hair's getting long!

I can see a difference between the photos taken at Christmas and these photos so I'm optimistic.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #269 - Mar 13th, 2010 at 6:38am
Hair - I think now that I'm more aware of how much shampoo I use, and I've cut down, my hair looks better than it did in those photos.  There were other photos I was going to post but it could be camera angle but either my hair looked messy or the outfit I was wearing didn't look as flattering from the camera angle as it did "in real life". 

My parents are both good amateur photographers but sometimes they don't understand that people might be vain and they don't pay attention to which angle might be most flattering to the live subject being photographed. Sad  That's the nicest way I can think of putting it.

It could be wishful thinking but I think I can tell that my hair has grown in the few weeks since the photos were taken.

This weekend - I'm not doing any laundry, I'm sick of laundry!  So everyone's gotta make their clothes work for two days and since we're not doing anything because this past week has been so busy and stressful for all, this shouldn't be difficult. 

I'm just sitting here listening to various Emmylou Harris live recordings of 'Beneath Still Waters'.  Sadly, none of the recordings are very good and I regret to say that I've probably thrown the old tape out it was on and we don't have a tape player.  I'm sure it would be more pleasurable to listen to that way.  I find an alright upload of 'My Songbird' to listen to with EH.  Some of my favorites to listen to are still 'Two More Bottles of Wine', 'Leaving Louisiana', and 'Even Cowgirls Get The Blues'.  Brings back childhood memories of where I was some of the times my dad played his EH tapes while we were in his apartment or out driving when he still lived in Denmark.  He lived here for 12-14 years.

Gotta fix lunch for the boys then I think I'll just sit here and listen to some Danny And The Juniors.  I'm in that kind of mood now.  Was going to walk but the weather's changing. "Danced"/hopped a bit around in the youngest boy's room earlier this morning for about ˝ hr. so that's gotta count as exercise. Wink

I'll do a face mask and my nails this evening.

Tomorrow - Have to sort through the boys clothes and dump a bunch of old clothes and broken toys.
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