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MichelleR's hair journal (Read 165098 times)

Posts: 2375
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #135 - Nov 21st, 2009 at 8:52pm
I used to be a chapstick addict.  I never licked my lips.  However, if it wore off, my lips would feel very dry, itchy and uncomfortable to the point where applying or obtaining balm consumed my every thought.  Talk about being addicted! Roll Eyes

Once I began using Burt's Bee's I no longer have an addiction problem.  Now, I don't even go near Chapstick or any kind of petrolum based balm.

Good thing that the lady who hit your car didn't just drive away.  Unfortunately, I've seen that happen so many times. 

I use the kind of wheat litter that you use as well as the kind made of corn.  I use them instead of the Cat Genie when we go away.  They clump up nicely and flush!  They're also better than the clay litters because you don't have to worry about your cat inhaling the clay as it's bad for them.

I'm shocked that they called you back and had you explain the mental health situation.  I wouldn't have thought something like that would be legal but I guess it is. Huh
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #136 - Nov 24th, 2009 at 9:55pm
I'm noticing build-up in my hair.  Sad  I usually use Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo once a week and it works great.  When I ran out last time, I decided to try something cheaper, as the Neutrogena costs about $5-$6 a bottle.  I bought Suave's Daily Clarifying Shampoo and have been using it once a week.  It's definitely not working!  I may try using it twice a week to see if that would improve results. 

Would an ACV rinse take care of this build-up?  It's only from my shampoo and conditioner as I don't use any other products.  I've never done a vinegar rinse.  What is the ratio for dilution?
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #137 - Nov 24th, 2009 at 11:04pm
Michelle, sorry to hear about the build up!
I'll give my opinion on your problem, but I hope someone else chimes in as well, since I'm not terribly sure how to answer it.

ACV rinses are good for balancing the ph of your scalp, but it's not actually terribly effective as a clarifier. The length of time you keep the vinegar in your hair, and the acidity are more for balancing out the base (opposite end of the ph spectrum from acid) nature of your shampoo and conditioner than dissolving or rinsing out build up.

My opinion? Perhaps the problem is not with your shampoo, but with your conditioner, or more specifically, silicone. If you have really heavy-duty conditioner, you might need more shampoos to get the silicone out, or whatever other product it is you are using. Perhaps try using a double wash with a sulfate shampoo, since they are stronger, or the other option I can see is exploring cone-free conditioners as well as cone-free shampoos. Also, I've always gotten my worst build up from 2 in 1 shampoos, so I would steer clear of them.

If you are deep-conditioning more than once a week, try cutting back to just weekly, or bi-weekly, since deep-conditioning can also lead to some pretty hefty build up.
Here's hoping someone else chimes up with some other useful ideas. Good luck!
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #138 - Nov 24th, 2009 at 11:47pm
KNS: no deep conditioners, no leave-ins, no oiling, no 2-in-1s.  Only my Pantene Beautiful Lengths Shampoo & Conditioner.  I'm sure it is the silicones, and usually I don't have trouble with build-up since the Neutrogena works so well.  As long as I clarify regularly, I'm really pleased with the Pantene. 

Thanks for the info about vinegar.  Maybe I'll try using the Suave daily in place of the Pantene shampoo for a few days and see if it starts to clear up.  It is a formula meant for daily use, so it wouldn't be as strong as the Neutrogena. 

When I start working again and can justify buying shampoos and conditioners I might not be happy with I'll have to experiment with 'cone-free products to see if I can find one that leaves my hair as silky, smooth and tangle-free as the Pantene.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #139 - Nov 25th, 2009 at 12:29am
Here are a few points that I actually know something about. Smiley

1.) Suave Daily Clarifying is crap for hair. Check the back. Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate is the harshest detergent out there. You'll probably notice a strong ammonia scent whenever you use it. Feel free to clean tubs, sinks, cats, dogs, horses, etc. with it, but don't put it on your head. Shocked Invest in a quality clarifying shampoo, babe. They work well even when slightly diluted.

2.) ACV rinses do get rid of build-up. Many people here use them once a week as part of a clarifying routine. Myself included.
    The ratio is up to you. I use an empty 1L water bottle and fill the bottom 3/4 of an inch (approx.) with vinegar (ACV or DWV, they work about the same) and the rest with water. Use this after washing.

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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
Gender: female
Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #140 - Nov 25th, 2009 at 11:25am
Thanks Angel!

1.) Suave Daily Clarifying is crap for hair. Check the back. Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate is the harshest detergent out there. You'll probably notice a strong ammonia scent whenever you use it. Feel free to clean tubs, sinks, cats, dogs, horses, etc. with it, but don't put it on your head. Shocked Invest in a quality clarifying shampoo, babe. They work well even when slightly diluted.

*looking at my bottles...*  Yep, there it is on the Suave!  But, ummmm...it's in the Neutrogena....and heck! my Pantene shampoo too!   Huh 

Ugh.  I guess I need to look for a different daily shampoo? Sucks though, as I still have another bottle of the Pantene shampoo to get through.  And I really like the Neutrogena anti residue shampoo.  I thought it was a quality one.  If I'm only using it once every week or two, is it really that bad?  I guess I've been using it for so long I don't know what else is out there. 

2.) ACV rinses do get rid of build-up. Many people here use them once a week as part of a clarifying routine. Myself included.
    The ratio is up to you. I use an empty 1L water bottle and fill the bottom 3/4 of an inch (approx.) with vinegar (ACV or DWV, they work about the same) and the rest with water. Use this after washing.

So...shampoo, then ACV rinse, then conditioner?  Or ACV rinse after conditioner?  I'll give it a try at my next hair washing (I'm trying to only wash every other day since the weather turned cold and dry) and see what happens.  Does the ACV remove all the build-up the first time?  Or will it take a couple of uses to see results? 
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #141 - Nov 25th, 2009 at 1:47pm
Anytime, lady. Smiley

Most opaque shampoos have ammonium laureth/lauryl sulfates in them. The opaque Pantene shampoos in particular have a nasty way of building up on my hair anyway, so I avoid them like the plague. Tongue
    The clear shampoo formulas such as Volume, Ice Shine, Purity and Restoratives Breakage Defense don't build up on my hair and their detergents are sodium based. I don't know if there's a connection there or what.

As far as a clarifying routine is concerned, it's really up to you. Some people use their regular shampoo with a vinegar rinse, some just use a clarifying shampoo once a week without a vinegar rinse at all. Experiment and see what works for you.

If you're fond of Pantene products, the Purity shampoo is a great clarifier. The best one I've found, actually. I wash once with this, then use a vinegar rinse, then condition.
    If you want to use up your Neutrogena anti-residue shampoo, that should be fine. You may even be able to dilute it slightly so it's less harsh.

And yes, just one vinegar rinse should do the trick, though you can do them as often as you wish. They also work to combat dandruff.


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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
Gender: female
Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #142 - Nov 25th, 2009 at 2:50pm
Oh, good stuff!  I've just got to use up what I've got now and I will definitely be looking at the Purity for clarifying and a different shampoo for daily use.  Thanks!
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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the 'Burgh
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #143 - Nov 25th, 2009 at 3:01pm
Angel, I hate to disagree, but ALS is gentler than SLS.
Please check this link:
The first post goes into a pretty detailed explanation of SLS, SLES, ALS, and ALES and their differences.

And here is another link about using ACV as a clarifier versus a PH balancer.

My own personal opinion on ACV is it is beneficial for balancing Ph, might help kill bacteria or fungi on your scalp, and closes hair cuticles which increases strength & shine. All in all, definitely worth adding to your regime. But at the dilutions that are safe for hair, and when used as just a rinse, I doubt that it'd be terribly effective against significant grease or mineral build-up, let alone against silicone build-up.

I'm not saying that ALS is good, or ACV is bad. I don't use ALS because any sulfate is too harsh, and I do use ACV as a rinse. I'm just trying to help dispel a few myths.
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #144 - Nov 25th, 2009 at 4:07pm
No offense, KNS, but articles from Wikipedia aren't legit since they can be created and edited by anyone. Also, this journal belongs to MichelleR and I'm not about to hijack it with debates, kthx. Wink

I'm merely making relevant recommendations based on preference and personal experience.
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #145 - Nov 25th, 2009 at 4:17pm
Thank you both for your research and insight!  As usual, it seems it comes down to trying different things and seeing how they work.  Different strokes for different folks.  It's nice to have different options.  Smiley 

Happy Thanksgiving and *hugs* to everyone!
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

Posts: 221
the 'Burgh
Gender: female
Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #146 - Nov 25th, 2009 at 4:37pm
Also, this journal belongs to MichelleR and I'm not about to hijack it with debates, kthx. Wink

Righty-ho.   Wink

Thanks, Michelle! I hope you do find the culprit to your current problem. You never know. It could even be that your hair just doesn't like one of the other ingredients in something new you've added. I mean, we get so wrapped up in sulfates and cones debates that you forget there are like, 20 other ingredients in most hair products. I know I had a terrible time with mint extract in one of my shampoos, and if you have sensitive skin, something innocuous like orange zest or fragrance or whatnot could give you trouble.

So, it boils down like what you said, try out stuff, and see what works best.  Grin

Happy Thanksgiving and *hugs* to everyone!

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, too. Weather looks to be pretty beautiful in Austin, up until the weekend. Hope it stays clear and warm out where you are. Smiley
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
Gender: female
Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #147 - Nov 26th, 2009 at 10:29am
Well, this morning I tried washing twice with the Suave crapola.  I thought if I shampooed twice and left it in a little longer (only about 30-60 seconds) it would get rid of the build-up.  My hair isn't completely dry yet, so I can't tell about the build-up, but it sure did strip my hair of everything shiny, smooth and soft!  This stuff is either my husband's new shampoo, or it's going down the drain.  My hair is frizzy and crunchy right now.  Ptooey!   Angry I didn't do an ACV rinse because I was in a hurry and forgot to grab it.  If I still have build-up I'll give it a try next time. 
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Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #148 - Nov 28th, 2009 at 2:12am
I switched to sulfate-free shampoos about 6 months ago and have been pleased with the results.  I shampoo, vinegar rinse and condition every time I shampoo.  Burt's Bees makes a sulfate-free volumizing shampoo that I love.  Leaves my hair shiny, full, curly/wavy, and I have fine hair, just past shoulder-length.  If I wear it up all the time, I can go as long as a week w/o shampooing.  Bedhead makes a sulfate-free in three formulations (moisturizing, volumizing and one other that I can't remember) and Esencia is another sulfate-free product.  WalMart carries Burt's Bees, Meier's carries Bedhead and Walgreen's carries Esencia.  If you check Ulta, you can find other products that are sulfate- and even paraben-free.  I pay a little more ($7 or more per bottle) for these products, but my hair is worth it. 

Good luck finding something that works for you.
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
Gender: female
Re: MichelleR's hair journal
Reply #149 - Nov 29th, 2009 at 2:36pm
Thanks for your feedback, Mel.  I have a lot of options to try out!  I definitely want to try ACV rinses and see if they help with the build-up.  And when I run out of my daily shampoo I'll start experimenting with some of the others you and Angel mentioned to see what my hair is happiest with.  If anything, I may end up with a sulfate-free shampoo and continue to clarify with the Neutrogena Anti Residue shampoo every week or two since it works so well.

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