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Melusine's Strange Journey (Read 275372 times)

Believe and whatever you
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #390 - Jun 17th, 2010 at 7:59pm
Thank you Sakina, Curlgirl and Trisha.  Sorry I haven't been on-line, but am frantically busy.  Teaching 3 classes; norm is 2.  This is the first short summer semester, 6 wks instead of 15.  I have a ton of paperwork to grade in a much shorter time frame.  In spring semester I was working 15-hr Mondays with chorale practice on Tues nites, and was looking forward to having nites off.  The Fri before this semester started, the secretary called me and asked if I would the nite class as the person who was supposed to teach it, couldn't.  So instead of working 15-hr Mondays and Tues nites, I am working 14-hr Mondays and Wed. nites.  Huh  Let's see, I went into teaching so I could have summers off????  Only 1 more week, then I will be teaching one class that meets Mon and Wed ams.

Have been wearing my hair in a coiled bun.  Looks pretty nice, if I do say so.  I center part it and sweep it back over my ears, then make a low bun.  Sometimes I pull out the ringlets over my ears and let them dangle.  Have been attempting a braid and now that my layers are pretty much grown out, it makes a decent braid.  May try braiding it with ribbons and see how that looks.

More later. My hubby is home
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #391 - Jun 18th, 2010 at 3:34am
That sounds like a really soft and romantic hairstyle.  It's good that you've found something that works for you with all that stress.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #392 - Jun 20th, 2010 at 1:53am
Thank you, Drear.  It is fortunate that my hair is wavy/curly so the coiled bun works really well.  The only thing I worry about is that my hair is so fine that I have to use bobby pins.  I hope they aren't damaging my hair.  I have some leather barrettes that have the sticks that go thru the holes.  I have had them for at least 20 yrs.  Some bamboo ones, too.  I have been wearing those, too.  I have to pin my hair and put the barrette over the pins, to keep it from slipping.  I will see my hairdresser next Sat, and will ask her about it.

Saw Letters from Juliet tonite.  It was very good and I recommend it.  Of course, with Vanessa Redgrave and Franco Nero, I was pretty sure it wouldn't be a bad movie.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #393 - Jun 20th, 2010 at 6:20am
Saw Letters from Juliet tonite.  It was very good and I recommend it.  Of course, with Vanessa Redgrave and Franco Nero, I was pretty sure it wouldn't be a bad movie.

Sounds good with her in it.  I don't know him.

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #394 - Jun 21st, 2010 at 11:57pm
Franco Nero is Italian and about the same age as Redgrave.  About 30 yrs. ago he was every woman's heartthrob, and for an older man, he is still very attractive.

Have been using the Burt's Bees conditioner full-strength because I thought my ends looked a little dry, but it is making my hair limp, so diluted it half & half tonite.  We'll see if that solves the problem.  Dealing with fine hair is difficult.  It is wavy/curly and humidity makes it frizzy, but too much humidity makes it limp.  I will get color on Sat, so that should put some body back in.

We are having thunder and lightening, but the storms are moving north and south of us.  Drove to school in the rain today and drove home tonite under a towering black cloud with lightening flickering behind and thru it.  I love a good storm.  It is so exhilirating!  Where we live seems to be in a weather dead spot, we never get a good rocking thunderstorm.  I miss them.

I am in the throes of finals for the 1st short summer semester.  The paperwork is snowballing.  I have to turn in grades on Fri and start the second short semester next Mon.  Thank heaven I am only teaching one class that meets twice a week.
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carpe noctem

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #395 - Jun 22nd, 2010 at 2:28pm
We are having thunder and lightening, but the storms are moving north and south of us.  Drove to school in the rain today and drove home tonite under a towering black cloud with lightening flickering behind and thru it.

Oh my God, that sounds awesome! Cheesy Storms are some of my favourite things in the world.

And Franco Nero is Vanessa Redgrave's husband.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #396 - Jun 22nd, 2010 at 8:54pm
No wonder they looked so in love and good together.  Roll Eyes
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #397 - Jul 4th, 2010 at 1:20am
The first summer session is over, thank you, goddess.  I took on an extra class and tutored in the Speaking Lab 2 afternoons a week.  So that was 3 classes (2 is the norm) and tutoring.  It wasn't any easier than the spring semester.  Instead of 15-hr. Mondays and Tues nite classes, I had 14-hr. Mondays and Wed nite classes.  But now I am teaching only 1 class that meets Mon and Wed ams, so things are much less hectic.

I am in the middle of 6 days off and it is heavenly.  The school is closed on Mon for the holiday, so I have from Wed to Wed off. 

Got my hair colored a week ago and it has much more body.  Diluted the Burts Bees conditioner to 50% with water because it was leaving my hair limp.  The regular conditioner is about the same consistency as the deep conditioner.  Haven't checked the ingredients, but I bet they are almost the same.

Have seen How to Train Your Dragon 5 times.  What a good movie!  Altho' it is an animated feature, the dialogue and movement are so spot on, you forget you are watching animated figures.  Was going to buy the DVD for my husband's birthday (7/6) but it isn't out yet.  We have never gone to a movie more than once, but this one is really exceptional.

Am reading the Diana Gabaldon Outlander series for the 3rd time.  I really like the way she writes.

So having more time off, I will be able to post more.

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #398 - Jul 4th, 2010 at 10:06am
I'm glad to see you're having some time to yourself, you deserve it.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #399 - Jul 7th, 2010 at 6:49pm
I am back to teaching after 6 days off.  The students did their self-intro speeches today and I was bored.  The speeches weren't that good and their delivery really needs work.  Maybe I am just a little burned out.  Undecided

So I did nothing but read while I was on vacation, so to speak.  Finshed all 7 of the Outlander series and have started reading Lord John and the Private Matter.  Very good so far.

The Renn Faire starts this coming weekend.  Tried on some garb and I can tell that I am about 10 lbs. heavier than last year, but hopefully will lose that during faire.  Went to JoAnne Fabrics and spent $70 on fabric to make a new court set, 2 prs. of drawers and black material to edge the hem of a skirt.  Guess I had better get busy sewing.  Am going to sew extra eyes on the skirt bands to give an extra inch of ease.  I can get them hooked, but they are really tight.  Thank the goddess, when I made these skirts last year, I did cut the waistbands extra long.   Roll Eyes
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #400 - Jul 7th, 2010 at 6:57pm
Huzzah, Renn Faire!  Will you be working at the jewelry booth again, my lady?  I'm still waiting to see pics of your garb!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #401 - Jul 8th, 2010 at 3:53am
All I was told in speech was to try to stay within the 2 mins.  space alloted for each speech.  That's so tough!  I love speaking! Cheesy
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #402 - Jul 16th, 2010 at 5:57pm
Yes, Sakina, I am working for Pendragon, but only part time this year, just 4 hrs most days.  Last weekend was nice altho' hot.  I wore court garb both days with a hoop.  It wasn't too bad.  I took my bodice chiller, but didn't need to use it.  This weekend temps will be near 90 with thunderstorms predicted for Sun.  So Sat I will wear something fancy, but lightweight, with a hoop skirt and Sun I will wear something that can get wet without ruining it.  And I will take my bodice chiller.

I ordered 2 new chillers, one in red and one in blue to match my gowns, and I left the black and gold chiller to have the lip gilded.  I spend $250 on Sat.  Picked up my new royal blue silk hat which Pam at La Paloma made for me out of the royal blue silk skirt that got ruined in the rain 2 yrs. ago.  Bought a new bodice from Felix Needleworthy in black and gold brocade to wear with a red linen skirt trimmed in black velvet with black and gold ribbon and black braid.  The underskirt is black damask in the Waverly Capulet pattern.  The overskirt is done, I just need to get the trim on it.  Had intended to wear it this weekend, but it will be too hot on Sat and too wet on Sun for velvet.  So maybe next weekend.

Am sewing like a fiend now that Faire is here.  Have several alterations and 3 new gowns to make, and I also need to replace some bloomers and chemises that have seen a lot of wear, not to mention sewing for other people, too.  So far, I have replaced the ribbon on the green moire court gown, made the black damask underskirt and pink moire taffeta underskirts.

Next week, I will sew for other people and I hope to get a couple of things done for me, too.   First and foremost, the red linen skirt, then I hope to transfer the embroidered black corduroy trim from the old green skirt to the new green and black striped skirt and take apart the matching bodice (which is too small) to make a matching front panel for the black suede Elizabeth bodice.  That would be nice for the 3rd weekend, if it isn't too hot and doesn't rain.

Last weekend it rained both days, altho' not until the end of the day, which did, however, put a damper on last-minute shoppers.  I hate when it rains on the weekends.  And it seems to do that here more often than not.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #403 - Jul 17th, 2010 at 12:17am
Cool!  I bought two bodice chillers.  I have an opportunity to audition for Royal Court this year.  I think I'd enjoy it more than the tilt yard-more interaction w/patrons.

Your garb sounds so beautiful-I'm glad you give good descriptions since I still haven't seen any pictures. 

Do you have any recommendations for a water resistant cloak fabric, or would you use Scotchgard?  I hope it rains less on the weekends during the run of the Faire for you!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #404 - Jul 19th, 2010 at 7:24pm
I know I haven't posted pictures.  Sorry.  I still haven't taken the time to put a new battery in my camera and figure out how to post the pictures.  One of these days.

Scotchgard works pretty well unless you get a really heavy rain.  Or you can use lighweight canvas, if you can find a pretty and appropriate pattern.  A tightly woven wool is also good, but none of these will work as well as a rubber cape in a downpour.  The primary thing is to be sure to take the colored feathers out of your hat if you get caught in the rain.  The dye will run like mad if it gets wet.

So far we are 1 for 4 for rainless days.  It's a bummer, but at least we haven't been flooded out yet, which happened 2 yrs ago on a Sun.  The Sanitation truck came in on Mon to clean the privies and got stuck in the mud.  Then a tow truck came in to retrieve the San truck and it got stuck in the mud.  So they called the elephant trainers who brought the elephants to pull the trucks out.  It was all captured on film and posted to the Renn site.
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