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Melusine's Strange Journey (Read 275371 times)

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #420 - Aug 13th, 2010 at 8:40pm
You and me both! Grin
It seems both of us were shopping today!   I on the other hand did my shopping on line. 
My Native American flute arrived today!!   Smiley  I decided to make a flute bag to protect it.  I have the fleece,the zipper and the outer fabric, but I needed webbing for the strap, D rings and some swivel clips.   Got a flute stand and yarn,too!
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #421 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 5:30pm
Curlgirl, I am very happy your flute arrived.  Are you musical yet?  What can you play?  I have been singing at Faire.  The young man who is our hawker (a lawyer) loves my voice and keeps asking me to come out and sing while he is hawking, so I did Pie Jesu and the italian version of the theme to Titanic.  It's fun!

Sat we went to our friend's condo (22nd fl, overlooking Lake Machigan) for the Chicago Air and Water show.  There was a big party on the rooftop deck, catered Caribbean food and music.  Everything was delicious and the service was excellent.  We had a front row seat on the air show, and the Blue Angels flew right over us and did all their tricks right in front of us.  It was fabulous!  The weather was good--sun and a nice breeze.  His condo overlooks Navy Pier, so we stayed for dinner and about 8 members of his gourmet group showed up.  We stayed for the Navy Pier fireworks, and got home about 11:30.  It was the best 4th of July party I've been to.   Wink

Bob was looking rather frail.  He had pancreatitis and damn near died.  He lost 40 lbs.  He is recovering, but slowly.  He is a wine judge and now cannot drink anything alcoholic, for at least a year, and maybe never.  He is on a very restricted diet.  At least he is still with us, for which we are thankful.  Linda, his wife, looked tired, so I and 2 other women tried to help her as much as we could. She said that Bob was so down, she wanted to do the party to cheer him up.

Sun went to Faire, but was really tired.  Wore the blue diamond dress and got many compliments, though.  When I got home, my feet really hurt.  Standing on the concrete deck Sat didn't help my sprain and I wore ballet flats, which didn't give me much support.  My foot was really swollen, and I had to use an Ace bandage and ice packs to get the swelling down enough to get my boot on Sun am.  Then I worked 3 hrs. longer than normal, standing most of the time, and I could barely walk when I got home.  Went to bed at 9:30 and slept until 9 this am.  Am doing laundry, and the drier alarm is going off, so will sign off and fold laundry.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #422 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 7:42pm
I'm so happy you're singing @ Faire!  Look up Lasciatemi morire by Claudio Monteverdi.  I recommend this one:
There's also a version that's cheaper w/o the CD.  This is my favorite arrangement of this piece.  There are others out there, and you can listen to them on youtube, but I don't think its as pretty and has no runs to show off the voice. 

Looks like I'm going to be in the Royal Court this coming season.  What is the average amount of fabric you buy for your skirts?  I don't know the silhouette yet, but it will be Elizabethan.

I hope your foot heals quickly!!
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #423 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 9:54pm
Nope, not playing the flute yet!Sad  I'm waiting to talk to the flutemaker's wife.  She had asked me to call her when the flute came so she could give me all the fundamentals on it.  Can't get a hold of her  Huh.  When I bought the paste for flutes on e-bay, she sent me a note.  She said she'd call me tomorrow,so we shall see.   I'm very anxious to start!!!!!!!!
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« Last Edit: Aug 17th, 2010 at 10:37am by Curlgirl64 »  

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carpe noctem

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #424 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 11:08pm
Ah, Pie Jesu...one of my faves. Smiley
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #425 - Aug 17th, 2010 at 6:05pm
Thank you, Sakina, I will look that up.

For skirts, I usually buy 4 yds. of 54 wide, 5 if I am going to make a matching bodice.  If you are buying home dec fabric, the pattern usually runs the length of the fabric, so you will have to cut panels and seam them.  If the pattern repeat is obvious, you may need extra yardage to match the pattern all the way around the skirt.  If you are planning on front and hem guards, you can get by with about a yard less.  Lately I have been making my skirts about 130" around the hem.  And since I am using heavier fabrics I am using shaped panels rather than the full width of the fabric.  It reduces bulk around the waist.  If I am putting ribbon down the front and around the hem, I buy 7 yds, which leaves me about 24" to trim the shoulder rolls on the bodice.

I hope that helps.

Pie Jesu is one my faves, too, Angel.  The arrangement I am singing is the one Sarah Brightman sang on the Symphony CD.

Now this week, I have to learn the Ave Maria.  I never thought I would say this, but fortunately, I had 3 yrs of Latin in high school and was a cradle Catholic when the Mass was still in Latin, so it comes easily to me and I pretty much remember the translation.  When the Church abandoned the Latin Mass and all the beautiful music and went to guitar masses, that was the beginning of my disillusionment.

Went to the fabric store today and bought unwaled corduroy in "Medieval blue" to do a hem guard on the dark blue jacquard skirt that got ruined in the rain & mud 2 yrs ago.  I let the mud dry and brushed it out, but it was ground in and left the hem pretty frayed.  I have worn the skirt a couple of times since then, and it isn't obvious to anyone else, but I know it's there and will only get worse with time and wearing.  Couldn't get the ribbon I used when I made the skirt, but found another that blends very well.

Also bought a crimson Waverly jacquard 100% cotton that will be bordered with black corduroy embroidered with rose buds and green leaves.  Will use the same corduroy for a matching bodice.  The ribbon I found is fabulous!  About 2" wide with decorative panels in crimson and white edged with gold bordered with tiny leaves and floral vines in gold and pale green.  I have been looking at that ribbon for at least a year.

Also bought a 1-yd remnant of a fleur-de-lis repeating design in greens and reds on an old gold background that will make a lovely bodice that should go with several pieces I have.  I will be in big trouble when my husband gets this bill.  It was over $100 even after the coupons and I realized on the way home I forgot to get thread and hem tape.   Undecided  Oh, well.
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carpe noctem

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #426 - Aug 17th, 2010 at 8:02pm
Pie Jesu is one my faves, too, Angel.  The arrangement I am singing is the one Sarah Brightman sang on the Symphony CD.

Good arrangement. Very powerful as a duet, although I think you must mean the Classics compilation. Wink

Will you be doing her (shortened) version of Ave Maria as well? I drove through a lightning storm in the midwest while that was playing once. Spectacular! Smiley
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #427 - Aug 18th, 2010 at 10:33pm
Hi, Angel, it's on the Live in Austria CD, I just called it the wrong name.  I will be doing the shortened Ave Maria, as I don't have time to get the longer one learned.  I may not even get the shorter version down before Sat.

Went to the dinner meeting before the new semester, which starts next week, complete with new book, which I haven't even cracked.  It is a very small book, so I imagine I can get thru it in a couple of hours.  I will have to make up my own tests again, as this book doesn't include a test bank.  Yuck!  I am so not ready for the new semester.  I taught 3 classes and kept the speaking Center open during the first 6 wk. session, which is more than double time, as it as much work as I normally do in 18 wks.  So going into it already tired, I was really drained, when it was done.  Then the 2nd 6-wk session started the following Monday and the class I had, except for 8 people, was very reluctant to do any of the paperwork correctly.  So I had last week and this week off before the Fall semester starts.

Next year I will not teach both summer sessions.  It is too tiring.  My husband has accepted that I am not going to do it, without any argument.

Tomorrow, I get color and a tiny trim.  Sigh.  Maybe I am anemic and getting that fixed may make my hair grow.  Huh  Well, I can hope.

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #428 - Aug 21st, 2010 at 1:47am
Okay, the striped (red, wine, and plum stripes on golden beige) dress is done.  Finished it last nite, tried it on, and didn't really like it.  Was wearing a white chemise and the gold flowered underskirt.  Just didn't look right.  Early this am (8:00) I looked over my fabrics and saw that tapestry remnant (7/8 yd. of 54" wide )with the flower and vase design in old gold, red, wine and khakhi green and had a brainstorm.  Laid it down with the striped skirt and it was perfect!!  Didn't have enough length for a skirt panel, so back to JoAnne and got a khakhi green wide wale corduroy for a hem guard and a black and gold ribbon with flowers and vines to border the corduroy.  Used 1/2 of the tapestry for the front panel of the underskirt, finished the underskirt with bronze taffeta, and still have enough tapestry left for a bodice, when I get around to it.  Tried it on tonite with a natural muslin chemise with black and gold ribbon running down the gathered sleeves and it is fabulous!! Smiley

Part of the problem is that I was working with a different colorway than I usually use, and it took me a while to figure it out.  I prefer deep tones of wine, blue and green, or pink- or blue-based pastels, which are better for my skin tones.  This dress is more earth toned, but since it includes red and wine I can wear it without looking like I should have been buried yesterday.  I will wear a wine snood with a russet jacquard hunter's hat with red, green and brown feathers, and the jewelry will be a large cabochon rutile quartz ring, matching larger pendant with a bright yellow citrine, large pear-shape yellow topaz earrings.  I think I will visit the amber dealer and see if I can find a nice yellow amber bracelet to complete the set.

Now, if it just doesn't rain Tongue, I will have a good day.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #429 - Aug 21st, 2010 at 6:52am
Can't wait to see pics! Smiley  The dress sounds fabulous!
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #430 - Aug 25th, 2010 at 12:04am
Thank you, Curlgirl.  I wore it Sat and got many compliments.  One woman said it made me look 20 lbs. thinner.  Smiley  The bodice is very lightweight and I should have interlined it with canvas, but didn't do it, so it fits very closely.

Sun wore the red linen skirt with black corduroy trim and black and gold flowered ribbon, and the black suede Elizabeth bodice with the stomacher that matched the skirt.  Looked very good, altho' the combination of suede bodice and stomacher does make my waist bigger.

Today started making a crimson skirt with black embroidered cord trim.  Got the skirt pieces cut and seamed and the hem guard seamed.  Tomorrow will apply the hem guard, the front guards, and the ribbon, pleat the skirt to the waistband and hem it, then start on the bodice, which will be of the embroidered corduroy, with crimson shoulder rolls trimmed with the ribbon.  Have to get canvas to interline the bodice as the corduroy is very lightweight.

Have a new kitty!  Black with grey eyes, eight wks. old, cute as a button.  He (I think it's a he) goes to the vet tomorrow for his first shots, and I will find out the gender.  Got him yesterday from a former student.  Have been playing with him quite a bit, hoping to tire him out so he will sleep at nite, since he is sleeping on the bed with us.  My older cat, Taylor, sniffs at him, but doesn't have much to do with him, altho' he did swipe at him with a paw.  And the little one did hiss at Taylor.  So we will see what happens.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #431 - Aug 25th, 2010 at 7:32am
Congrats on the kitty!!  He or she sounds gorgeous!!!  Pics? Smiley
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #432 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 10:57am
Yay!  New kitty!!!  Does it have a name yet?

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #433 - Sep 3rd, 2010 at 12:57am
New kitty's official name is Shadow, altho' I alternate with Snickelfritz, Squeaky and Little Shit, depending on what he has been doing.  He went to the vet yesterday for bloodwork, and first distemper shot.  He weighs 2.2 lbs, is healthy and has fleas.  So I have to stuff pills down his throat today and tomorrow.  The vet tech gave him the first pill.  I got the pill down him today; we'll see how he does tomorrow.  He was chasing our older and much bigger cat down the hall and around the kitchen tonite.  Don't know what brought that on.

Started voice lessons on Mon.  My teacher has recommended a new book, focusing on music appropriate to the Renaissance.

Speaking of that, this weekend is the last for Bristol.  And at last, we will have nice weather--not hot, humid or raining.  I am looking forward to a pleasant weekend and the chance to wear my really good stuff.  Have been sewing like crazy, but you all know that.  Made a new pair of pantaloons tonite, white muslin with cherry ribbons and Venice lace.  Realized that I had only 2 pair that fit and this is a 3-day weekend.  I could go without, but would rather not and I will be too tired Sat and Sun nites to wash a pair for Mon.  I salvaged the lace off an old pair, it was too expensive to throw away and still in good shape.

Tomorrow's plan is to do repair and remodeling on 3 skirts.  One needs a hem guard and lengthening, another needs a new waistband, the third needs a hem guard.  After that, I may make a pair of black pantaloons with red ribbons and black Venice lace.  Or not, I may use that fabric for a black chemise, which was my original intent when I purchased it.  Batiste is really a little lightweight for pantaloons, but will make a nice chemise.

I made a list of all the garb maintenance and creation work I have on hand, and it is enough to keep me busy for a couple of months; that makes me blissfully happy.

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #434 - Sep 3rd, 2010 at 7:03am
Sounds like the kitty may have some itchies!! Sad  Glad the pills worked so far.  Hopefully there are none fleas for the humans Shocked!
Just curious, what make and model sewing machine do you have?
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