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Melusine's Strange Journey (Read 275425 times)

carpe noctem

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #435 - Sep 3rd, 2010 at 1:01pm
Shadow. Dig it. Cool

Cats do earn themselves some interesting nicknames, don't they? I call the 2 cats that I watch while housesitting Psycho Kitty and Satan. Their owners get a kick out of it.

The tabby that lives with us is called everything from Rodent to Scouse B@$+@rd to "Gangsta Kitteh - raaaised on tha streetz!" Grin

Anyway good luck with the little guy & have fun at the faire.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #436 - Sep 8th, 2010 at 6:59pm
Hi, Curlgirl, we never saw any fleas.  He hasn't been scratching and he has been hanging out under the bed with Taylor, who also is not scratching.  So, maybe it was all over with before we got him.

I use the second from the bottom Husqvarna portable.  I bought it probably 8 yrs. ago and have beaten the **** out of it--broken needles, jammed needles to the point that I had to cut them and pull them out with pliers.  Right now it is sounding noisy, so I will oil it and talk nice to it and hope it continues to sew nicely.  Had to adjust the bobbin tension 2 wks. ago.  I am trying to not sew over pins, or at least slow down when I get to a pin.  I expect some time in the next 2 yrs, it will burn up the motor or explode or something and I will replace it with a Pfaff.  I used my sister-in-law's and it is wonderful.  Of course, I don't think she abuses it like I abuse mine.   Roll Eyes

Thank you, Angel, for the good wishes.  We finally did have good weather--not hot or humid or raining and had a record gate on Sun.  Close to 15,000, I think.  Haven't see the grounds that crowded in the last 3 yrs.  I worked 7 hrs on Sat and Sun, and 5.5 hrs. on Mon, but did get to walk around and say goodby to the people I won't see until next year.

I spent over $300 this weekend.  Ordered 2 custom stomachers ($55 ea. plus shpg) for the suede bodice, sleeves for the black and gold bodice ($130) and a new goblet in gold and black with a golden scorpion on one side and a silver crab on the other side, mine and my husband's astrological signs ($75).  Then, disaster struck when I got home.  Getting out of the car, my basket caught on something and turned over and my custom goblet with my family coats of arms fell out and broke on the garage floor.   Needless to say, my response to that was very profane.  So I will have to replace that, too.   I am sure Mike will give me a break, but it will be at least $50, I think.

Anyway, came home with $200 in cash, and 2 checks totaling over $60, so I am not going to worry about what I spent. At least not until the bill comes in. Wink

I was going to sew, but at this time, that obviously isn't going to happen.  I am doing laundry, which would have been done on Mon, but I was at Faire.

So....things to be thankful for:  I scored a parking place in J lot, closest to my bldg, which is a protestant miracle; when I walked up to the elevator the doors opened and it was going my direction; and it is a beautiful day!
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« Last Edit: Sep 9th, 2010 at 12:17am by melusine »  
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #437 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 12:08am
I can't believe how silent the board is.  Where is everybody?

I have been sewing like crazy, repairing, altering, and creating new garb.

I miss hearing from you all.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #438 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 7:51am
We're here! 
I think with school starting at different times in different locations, those who have kids are busy with getting supplies,getting kids back into "school mode",etc.  Probably when everyone gets back into a routine;things will start to hum again Wink
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WWW Curlgirl64  
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #439 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 2:39pm
New kitty, yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!   Cheesy 
If Shadow is at least 4 weeks old and weighs over 2 lbs, I recommend using Capstar to get rid of the fleas.  This stuff is downright amazing.  All it takes (usually) is one pill.


Sorry about the shattered goblet; bet it was pretty.   Sad
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #440 - Sep 13th, 2010 at 11:05pm
Nice to hear from you both, Curlgirl and Trisha.

Shadow is fine and flealess.  The vet gave me pills for him, and I think it was Capstar (he weighed 2.2 lbs.)  Actually we never saw any fleas.  Speaking of him, he is lurking behind the printer, waiting for a chance to pounce on the keyboard.

The goblet was my favorite.  I e-mailed Mike and should have a new one the first weekend in October, when I will be at Stronghold.  It will be black with gold wash, the Ryan shield in red with 3 black gryphons and the Sevier shield in blue with a white buck standing facing left in 3/4 profile, one on each side of the cup.  I will really be glad to have it back.  Last time I had it made in red, but thought black w/gold wash would be a better contrast, plus it will go with whatever garb I am wearing.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #441 - Sep 18th, 2010 at 2:13am
I have started wearing my hair up again.  Usually in the caught-up pony with a ring of fake curls and hairstick.  Have been thinking about wearing my Tony Pony pieces.  Tomorrow have a hair appt for color and dusting.

Tomorrow night we are having a cookout.  I have been picking up and cleaning yesterday and today.  Put away all my jewelry that has been laying on the dressers, my dressing table, and desk, some of it for months.  I really do have too much jewelry.  Some day we will have a house with enough rooms that I can have a bigger dressing room (my current room is effectively 9x8) with cabinets and shelves for jewelry and shoes and sweaters and purses and garb, and NOT double as my craft room.  I cleared all my fabrics, patterns and cutting board off the dining room table and organized it all, cleaned out and bagged much of the scrap fabric for donation.  There is some good stuff in that bag, good quilt scraps, some velvets and corduroys and 4 yds of rose home dec fabric that I bought for a project, then found something better.  I organized the remaining fabric into piles for bodices (material, canvas interlining and lining), chemise and pantaloon fabrics, skirt lengths, assorted laces, fabrics for facing waistbands, and scraps suitable for decorating bodices (shoulder rolls, insets).

The 3 skirts I need to alter/mend are on pants hangers with the mending fabric hanging over the bar, any ribbon or hemming tape in a plastic grocery bag hung over the hook and notes pinned on detailing what I need to do or listing any additional materials needed.

Sometimes I am so organized I amaze myself.  To be honest, it keeps me from buying things twice because I can't find or don't remember buying it in the first place.  Roll Eyes

My husband is going to be unhappy when he gets my charge card bill.  I spent $135 at the fabric store on Wed., I think.  Had bought some lovely ribbon for a skirt, but decided it didn't really work, so put it aside.  Found the perfect fabric for the ribbon, so bought it and corduroy for the guards.  Also bought black and gold ribbon for the black damask skirt to match the gold and black bodice.  Finally found corduroy in the right shade of brown to lenthen a skirt I shortened 2 yrs ago, and ribbon to cover the seam.

I realized that I am emotional shopper and this was in response to getting a summons for jury duty, which will totally f---up my semester if I actually have to serve on a jury.  I absolutely do NOT want to do this.  Plus I won't get paid for my tutoring time in the lab and the $10/day the county pays doesn't come anywhere near what I am paid.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #442 - Sep 18th, 2010 at 5:07am
That really stinks about jury duty!  Maybe they can call you to do it at a different time?
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carpe noctem

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #443 - Sep 18th, 2010 at 2:42pm
Bleh jury duty. Tongue

Odds are they won't waste more than one day of your life so try to stay positive...or something.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #444 - Sep 22nd, 2010 at 1:32am
Thanks, Angel and Curlgirl.  I am trying not to think about it.  I expect to be bored out of my tree.  I have to report at 8:45 am on Mon and will be there all day.  After that if I don't get picked for a jury, I have to call in every day before 5:30pm, I think, to see if they want me.  It just totally f----s up my work.  I have to line up people to cover my classes, just in case.  The 2 later classes are covered, but the 8am class is a problem, or so the dept chair said.  I tried to talk with him today, but got very short shrift.  Apparently it is my job to find people to cover my classes, altho' he told me 2 yrs. ago that the dept would help with that.  When I got hold of the class spreadsheet, I found 5 possible subs, and left messages for 2.

It hasn't been a good day.  Found out 5 min. into my 8am class that the file with all the powerpoint shows had disappeared from my desktop.  Fortunately I am smart and function well in a crisis situation:  After giving the test, I covered the high points in the book and pulled out an activity that kept the class involved and interested.  Of course, I was madder than hell afterwards.  The conversation with the chair didn't help.  To be fair, I could say that the dept. sec'y is on vacation this week and he is coping with her absence, but I don't feel like being fair.  I am just totally p----- off about the whole thing.  So tomorrow, I will call IT again and see if they found the file.

I need a vacation.  I only had 2 wks this summer after teaching a summer class that was lazy and not very bright.  Getting them to do the work was  like pulling hen's teeth.  My husband refuses to understand that teaching can be very tiring.

Speaking of him, after all the work in cleaning the house for the party, he is already slobbing it up again.  Sometimes he really annoys me.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #445 - Sep 22nd, 2010 at 2:09am
I just got a notice, too.  Mine's for late October. I hope I don't have to go!

I hope you get your vacation!  You deserve it!!

I had to laugh after reading about your husband.  Mine sometimes really annoys me, too.

Take care of yourself!  Sounds to me like some pampering is in order.
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #446 - Sep 22nd, 2010 at 8:33am
I totallly hear ya on the husband situation!  Mine will say how nice the kitchen is cleaned, but then he's dumping his dish mess on the counter after he eats!! Angry Roll Eyes Men!
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #447 - Sep 27th, 2010 at 5:51pm
Thank you, Curlgirl and Sakina.  I am not thinking about J. D. until I have to.  I will take a big book and bottle of water.

I did nothing but read this weekend.  I had intended to go to the Minnesota Faire, but let my husband talk me out of going.  Of course, it was cloudy and sprinkled here, while it was sunny in Minneapolis.  We are planning on going to Stronghold, in north central IL this coming weekend and rain is predicted.  Angry  Expletive,@#*!^#*!!!, expletive!!!!

I am praying for good weather.  I would offer my first born, if I had one, of either sex, for a guarantee of sunshine.  Last year it poured rain on Sat, my shoes were ruined and I had to pitch them, then was so cold on Sun that most of us wore jeans and kneesocks under our skirts.  I had sprained my ankle a couple of weeks before, and after Andi loaded the truck, there was no room for me, so she left and I had to walk a 1/2 mile to my car because the shuttles were no longer running.  And I lost my bodice knife.  It was a terrible weekend.  By the time I got home, my ankle was so swollen I couldn't wear shoes.  So I went to work on Mon and Tues in bedroom slippers.

I am back in my cowboy boots.  The swelling from the last time I turned my ankle  Roll Eyes is finally down.  (You'd think I would know better than to wear platform hi-heel sandals, wouldn't you?)  I had the boots re-soled this spring and the bootmakers did a wonderful job.  Plus, there were some oilspots on the toe of the right boot, and they were gone when I got the boots back.  Yayy!!!

Well, the dryer buzzer is going off, so I will sign off, too.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #448 - Sep 27th, 2010 at 11:22pm
I'm really glad your foot is better.  Just in time for crap weather!  (Meaning IL winter)

I'll pray for good weather for you this weekend.  For me, this weekend is the cast picnic.  We meet the newbies and walk the site.  Oh, yeah, it will be between 97 degrees and 102.  Happy Fall!?
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #449 - Sep 29th, 2010 at 11:29pm
Sakina, take a sunshade and a fan, drink lots of water, and have dill pickles on hand.  My thoughts will be with you.

I checked the weather for this weekend in Oregon, IL and TWC predicts 20% chance of showers on Sat and temps in the lower-mid 60's, 10% chance of showers on Sun and temps in high 50's.  I think I will take my flannel petticoat and a cloak.  Smiley

Have not done any sewing for 2 wks since we cleaned the house for the last party.  My b'day party is coming up Nov 6 and I am loth to get all the materials out and set up the ironing board in the living room again.  Of course, I could just get out what I am working on, rather then all of it.  Decisions, decisions.
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