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Melusine's Strange Journey (Read 275362 times)

carpe noctem

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #450 - Sep 30th, 2010 at 12:10am
I checked the weather for this weekend in Oregon, IL and TWC predicts 20% chance of showers on Sat and temps in the lower-mid 60's, 10% chance of showers on Sun and temps in high 50's.  I think I will take my flannel petticoat and a cloak. Smiley

Oh my, that sounds lovely. You really should post a few pix. Smiley
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #451 - Oct 11th, 2010 at 10:40pm
Hi, everyone.  I am back after jury duty.  After spending several hours finding people to cover my classes and putting in writing everything that needed to be done and copying all the paperwork that needed to be completed, I spent 2 days sitting in the jury room.  I wasn't totally bored-- took a book and found a group to have lunch with.  They gave us 2 hrs for lunch, which was about 30 min. too long.  There were 3 tvs in the room; the center one had the business channel with audio, in which 75% of the room wasn't interested, the other 2 had sub-titles--one was Jerry Springer and the other was soaps.  It was, however, a colossal waste of my time and energy.

So came back to work today to find that one student plagiarized his speech, another student was disruptive during speeches, and one didn't like the sub and stomped out the room.  Tomorrow will not be pleasant for any of those three.

Stronghold was very nice, altho' chilly.  I bought a pair of fingerless gloves on Sun because my hands were so cold.  They were crocheted and too chunky for my taste, so this week I have knitted 2 pairs, after teaching myself to use double-pointed needles.  They wrok up really fast, even with fine yarn, so will make some more.

Have been wearing my hair up most of the time.  The last time I saw my hairdresser she said my hair is growing.  I have a lot of new hair coming in, but haven't gained very much length.  The longest layer is barely BSL, which is, however, the longest it has ever been.  So maybe I will get an increase in length in the next few months.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #452 - Oct 12th, 2010 at 2:11am
Welcome back!  Good thing you brought that book!

Naughty students.  What tortures do you have planned for them??  Something wicked?

Any chance you would make a pair of those gloves for me in hunter green or black?  I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a pair of gloves today...

Good news from your hairdresser!  Whatever you are doing is working.  Congratulations on your hair being the longest its has ever been!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Believe and whatever you
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Posts: 216
Chicago suburb
Gender: female
Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #453 - Oct 18th, 2010 at 7:17pm
Okay, I have been busy.  One of the subs who took 2 of my classes really graded the speeches very harshly, so I have to figure out what to do to make the grades like I would have done.  Yesterday, made up the midterm exam, which I will give tomorrow to the morning classes and Thurs to my weekly class.

Have been sewing.  Lengthened 3 skirts I had shortened when I stopped wearing a hoop because I was working full-time at the faire.  Now that I am wearing hoops again, I needed skirts longer so used hem guards in velveteen or corduroy to do the job.  One skirt didn't need shortened, but the hem was frayed from brushing out clay mud, so cut it off and put on a velveteen hem guard.  Started a new bodice last nite in a golden brown unwaled corduroy.  It will replace a side-laced bodice that I made 3 yrs ago and never particularly liked.  When you are dressing yourself, front-lacing is the way to go.  It matches the hem guard I put on one of the skirts I lengthened, and I think the finished skirt and bodice will be quite striking.

Will try to post more regularly.  I really miss talking with you all, and even if I don't have time to post, I enjoy reading what you all have posted.
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #454 - Oct 18th, 2010 at 9:02pm
Don't worry Mel, when you have time to post we're always here! Wink
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WWW Curlgirl64  
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Believe and whatever you
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Posts: 216
Chicago suburb
Gender: female
Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #455 - Oct 20th, 2010 at 12:47am
Dear goddess!  What a day!!  I must have looked particularly appoachable because people just wouldn't leave me alone.  At least, my students did well on the exam, I think.  I ran the Scantrons, and the grades on that portion of the test were between 64% and 98%, which is pretty good.  I just have to grade the essays, which I don't feel like doing.  I had supper in the cafeteria (is that how you spell that word?  It doesn't look right), and this kid, who I barely know, sat down at my table and spent 30 min. telling my about his war gaming.  Like I cared.  So I made the excuse that I needed to go to the office, and the admin. asst., who I do like, started showing me pictures of her son and grandson.  I will admit that the kid is cute and her son is outstandingly handsome, but.....words fail me here, which is a damn good thing.

Tonite at Chorale practice, the director reminded us that we were supposed to do 2 free concerts on Dec. 4 & 5.  I was instantly furious.  I had forgotten about these and wanted to go to a small Renn Faire on that weekend.  It would be a lot more fun that doing volunteer concerts.  I would see all my Renn friends and get to wear lovely garb.  Right now, I would love to be throwing glass objects at the steel front door, but will substitute a couple glasses of wine for that activity.  Much less work to clean up and cheaper.  Of course, I am on my second large glass and it isn't doing much for my typing ability.  Roll Eyes  It's just that I am so disappointed.  I was really looking forward to that Faire.  I haven't decided what to do.  I really want to go to the Faire.

I need a month off.  I just want to sew.  I want to creat lovely garments.  I get so much satisfaction from that.

I am really feeling pressured.  My husband refuses to understand.  He thinks that because I have 2 part time jobs, adjunct faculty and Speaking Lab tutor, my jobs are easier.  Teaching is as much performance as anything alse, and that is tiring.

I guess I will stop typing.  It is taking more time to correct my typos, which are pretty amusing, than it takes to do a sentence.  Here's to wine as the anodyne to most pain.
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« Last Edit: Oct 20th, 2010 at 1:49am by melusine »  
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
Gender: female
Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #456 - Oct 20th, 2010 at 3:26am
(((hugs))) Oh, Melusine.  I really hope you get to go to your Renn Faire.  It sounds to me like you could use some friend time and to do something you enjoy.

Yes!  Teaching is very tiring!!  I hope your wine gets you through tonight and tomorrow is a brighter day, one without unwanted attentions.

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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Posts: 2974
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Re: Melusine's Strange Journey
Reply #457 - Oct 20th, 2010 at 10:04am
I really hope you get to go the the Renn Faire!  Phooey on that director!  What does he know about Renn Faires anyway!
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