Thanks, Curlsgirl & Sakina.
Hair is now 39.5 inches long. Routine has been mostly the same. Since the weather has been cooling and drying off, I've increased my deep treatments to once every two to three weeks instead of a full month, and occasionally I'll even use some conditioner after shampooing. I have also resumed using one to two drops of oil on damp hair, but any oil on dry hair is still giving me the oilies. Le sigh.
Babassu oil has been ordered, as I really want to try coconut oil but am leary of all the proteins in it. Babassu was available for fairly cheap on Etsy, so we'll see how that works!
I've been participating in a "hair challenge" where I have to wear a different hair style every day for 60 days, no repeats. I'm on day 56! Only four more styles to go. Hopefully, when I'm done, I'll still have time to go back and take pictures of the styles I missed, so that my photo journal will be complete.
Life has been pretty hectic. I'm at 37 weeks now, so the bean is full-term. We had a scare back at 34 weeks where she was still breech, but an external version performed at the hospital this Wednesday flipped her right around. DH and I are relieved! Now I just need to coax her into a final good position before I pop. I hope it's soon! I'm tired of being so big!
House is now unpacked. I blame the baby shower that I had three weeks ago. Nothing like having strangers over at your house to add that extra little oomph of incentive to clear out all the cardboard!

The kitty cat is also doing quite nicely. He's getting huuuuge! Everybody who visits refuses to believe that the li'l guy is only 5 months old, he's so big now.

He's still our purring little kitten though, prone to bouts of crazy flying about the house.
Not much else to report. Hope all of you are doing well!