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Angelhair (Read 228985 times)

carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Angelhair
Reply #60 - Feb 6th, 2010 at 6:27pm
La Diosa: Nope, I still haven't seen This Is It. I'm half hoping that my sister will get the DVD or something. Undecided And I agree about inspiring charity in the younger gens, but couldn't they have just as easily done that with an original song? Remakes are almost never as good as the originals and it's always disappointing to see crappy new versions of timeless classics.

Drear: Early 70's country was hokey as heck, though most of it was at least country, which is more than can be said for the crap that wears the label now.
    Bluegrass, fortunately, is a timeless style, like classical. It sounds the same regardless of which decade it's played in. But you'll never hear bluegrass in a honkytonk.

KNS: How sad to impose limits on yourself. Bless your heart.
    Went for the walk last night. All 5-6 miles of it, in the rain. It was glorious...except for the blisters on my toes and the creeper who kept asking questions. Tongue

Hair: Kept it down while walking last night and the rain and the hood of my jacket wound it into a giant rat's nest. Angry It's alright now, though, after a good CWC and the usual leave-ins. It's still a bit damp, as it's wont to be on rainy days. Not that I'm complaining.
    Not sure what I'll do with it tonight but it will need some type of contained style.

Etc.: My little sis has spent most of the day shopping online. Earlier today, I hung her giftbag on the end of my guitar and went into her room to sing her Happy Birthday with a little bass accompaniment. Cheesiness is big in this family. Roll Eyes But she got a kick out of it and she loves the CD's I gave her.
    Tonight, we're off to the club with our 18-year-old cousin and a bunch of my sister's friends. The music will suck, no doubt, but I keep earplugs in my purse. Roll Eyes

The 'rents have declared today a cleaning day, so I'd best go and finish the bathroom and dishes, lest mum unleash another 3-hour rant. ...
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Re: Angelhair
Reply #61 - Feb 6th, 2010 at 10:32pm
but couldn't they have just as easily done that with an original song?

Valid point.  Too bad they didn't think of that. Undecided

Remakes are almost never as good as the originals and it's always disappointing to see crappy new versions of timeless classics.

I agree.
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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Re: Angelhair
Reply #62 - Feb 6th, 2010 at 11:29pm
I'm not trying to impose limitations on myself.
My range of cultural experience is just about the same as a 10 year old. Didn't really grow up with radio or TV or anybody who was culturally connected with the US in the 70's 80's and 90's. So, cultural awareness didn't really happen until I'd left home for college. Now. I could probably rival you on radio hits from the 30's and 40's.  Roll Eyes

Glad to hear you enjoyed your walk. Friends and I used to take longish walks in the rain when we were in college. It was very relaxing.
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carpe noctem

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Re: Angelhair
Reply #63 - Feb 7th, 2010 at 2:56pm
KNS: Quote:
Didn't really grow up with radio or TV or anybody who was culturally connected with the US in the 70's 80's and 90's. So, cultural awareness didn't really happen until I'd left home for college.

True, true...I guess we can't all grow up in the cultural mélange south of Tinseltown and have musical lineages. Dahling. Cool Gawd, you did not just pull the "underprivileged kid" card. Roll Eyes Ignorance is a choice, my dear, nothing more. Wink

Now. I could probably rival you on radio hits from the 30's and 40's. Roll Eyes

Is that so? I didn't realize there was a competition. Roll Eyes Are you into standards, traditional, big band, swing, neo-classical? Or are you more a Harlem jazz type gal? Perhaps a bit of everything? It really doesn't surprise me, though, considering that you live in the city which gave us the first commercial radio station.
    A few years ago, I had the occasion to attend a going away party for a Los Angeles-based vintage radio station when it went off the air. It was held on Catalina Island in a building called The Casino, which is rarely open to the public. Huge brass band, lots of old swing tunes and standards. Quite the shindig. No doubt you'd have loved it. Wink I wish that the pictures I took had come out clearly...not that they'd do it justice.
    As it happens, 2 of my father's favourite XM Radio stations are 30's on 3 and 40's on 4, so I listen to them often if I happen to be in his car. He's actually kind of obsessed with anything pertaining to that era...it's cute. So yep, I more or less know where you're coming from.

Hair: Must clarify. Today. The texture of my hair must have recovered from coloring by now, though the ends are still a bit wonky. They don't seem to want to cooperate with serum or ELOO, as if they're determined to remain dry out of spite or something. I mustn't be so impulsive with my hair if it's going to hold grudges. Roll Eyes

Thus, it will be the usual clarifying routine today. Pantene/Herbal Essences clarifying shampoo blend, DWV rinse, conditioner, leave-in spray, single braid. This might be the highlight of my day.

Etc.: Ended up not going to the cowboy club with my sister and the gang last night since a.) I'd forgotten about the cover charge, and b.) was starting to feel run down again. Turned out to be a sort of omen because I woke up feeling like crap again this morning. ... Not sure if this is Act 2 or just a lousy encore.
    Everyone else seemed to have a good time though. They all drank, danced and rode the mechanical bull. Well, except for my cousin...she didn't drink.

Anyroad, as much as I'd love to get out and do something today, the fates just won't allow it. So, it's another day sitting home, being sick and surfing the web. Ah, the glamorous rock & roll life... ...
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carpe noctem

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Re: Angelhair
Reply #64 - Feb 8th, 2010 at 10:24pm
Hair: Pretty sure I showered in record time this morning after getting into a semi-homeless frame of mind. Applied Pantene Volume conditioner from the ears down and washed the scalp with the matching shampoo. Rinsed both out simultaneously, then threw my hair into a shower cap while finishing the rest. This might actually be a good way to get rid of the current stash of products in my room. I'll need to toughen up a bit before I'm able to simulate actual beach showers in my bathroom...jet spray, cold water only. It may come in handy should homelessness ever become a reality.

The usual leave-ins and single braid. Hair seems to be behaving in the usual manor.

Etc.: Spent the entire day cleaning my room, stripping it almost entirely of clutter and décor. Not a skull in sight. Sad But the fact is I'd rather have all of my own stuff safely stored in one place to make a quick exit easier if I end up getting kicked out of my parents' house for whatever reason. Not saying it will or won't happen, just that I'd rather be prepared. Besides, I'd rather save all of it for when I eventually have my own place again, where my property will be respected. That and it will complement the rest of my décor, which is also patiently waiting for the chance to spring out of its storage boxes and transform even the most boring, beige apartment chamber into a spoooookie haven. It'll happen. Hopefully sooner than later. Undecided

For now, the guest room that I stay in is simply that. An Edwardian guest room in my parents' house, devoid of clutter and any major hints of its current inhabitant's personality.
    Has anyone ever noticed the distinct calm that comes with cleanliness?
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Re: Angelhair
Reply #65 - Feb 9th, 2010 at 9:15am
Calmness,stressless and a feeling of ahhhhh, when things are clutterless and clean! Smiley
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« Last Edit: Feb 9th, 2010 at 4:46pm by Curlgirl64 »  

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Re: Angelhair
Reply #66 - Feb 9th, 2010 at 3:55pm
Has anyone ever noticed the distinct calm that comes with cleanliness?

Uh, yeah.  I can't live in clutter, it drives me nuts nor can I function in it.
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #67 - Feb 9th, 2010 at 6:40pm
Curlgirl: Precisely.

La Diosa: Same here. I can admit to being a bit of a neat freak...I've always said it beats the alternative. Roll Eyes People have complimented my room when I thought it was a complete disaster. Call me anything but lazy. Roll Eyes

Hair: Another CW...is that the technical term for it? Well it is now. Pantene Volume conditioner on the length, matching shampoo on the scalp, rinsed out together.
    Leave-ins were Pantene Detangling & ELOO. I was a bit heavy handed with the latter on purpose. Since my hair doesn't get the same level of conditioning with the CW method, I can compensate with extra oil or serum.

Did a S&D for an hour on the back right quarter of my hair. At first, I didn't think it would make much of a difference, but there are noticeably fewer L-shaped ends poking out in that area. Success. Smiley My mission is to devote as much time to the other 3 sections over the next 3 days. I could see doing this once a month if necessary.

Etc.: To state the obvious, it sucks to be broke. Particularly when the weather is beautiful and you want nothing more than to go running around town in it, but you're out of gas and your car is in desperate need of maintenance. Such is life.

Still no luck with the job search, obviously. The local unemployment rate is at an all time high, so I at least have the reassurance of not being alone. I can only imagine how tough it must be for the people who have much bigger obligations than I do, like house payments and kids.

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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Angelhair
Reply #68 - Feb 10th, 2010 at 2:17pm
angel i know your alive get on aim more or unblock me if u accadently did
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&&...&&&&&&&&metal head straight
fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Angelhair
Reply #69 - Feb 11th, 2010 at 4:04pm
Blaaah. Just a quick check-in.

Finally got sick of the "homeless" routine and resumed my old showering habits. I'm a bit high maintenance, sure, but it's somewhat reassuring to know that I can scrape by if necessary.

Washed my hair root to tip with Pantene Volume shampoo and followed with an ACV rinse. Conditioned once with Pantene Moisture Renewal & once more with Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship conditioners.
    Pantene Detangling leave-in spray on the length and ELOO on the ends. Was a bit heavy handed with the latter again when I didn't need to be. In fact, I probably should have used serum instead. Oops. Undecided

The job market is still absolute crap. Thank God for unemployment. Speaking of which, I need to get my broke arse to the bank. Catch yous layta.
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #70 - Feb 13th, 2010 at 5:28pm
Hair: CWC both yesterday & today with the usual leave-ins. The end treatment always seems to be heavy handed and overdone, whether it's serum or ELOO. Undecided So braids have been a necessity. Undecided
    So far as this month's S&D project, I only have half of my hair done. Unlike most people here, I don't have hours of free time to spend snipping my hair, nor the patience for it even if I had. Taking breaks, it seems, is inevitable. Undecided So long as I get it all done before the month is over...

Etc.: Spent last night watching the opening ceremony for the Winter Olympics and then a few movies with my sister when she came home. The past few evenings, in fact, have been movie nights, which is quite unusual for me. I'm not a "spend ungodly amounts of time in front of the TV" kind of person. Thursday, we watched This Is It; last night, it was The Notebook and PS. I Love You; tonight, it should be Tristan & Isolde. Nothing like catching each other up on tragic chick flicks. Roll Eyes

Earlier this afternoon, I was out running errands all over town with my sis and was able to find her a new purse on sale that she's absolutely in love with. Ivory faux snakeskin. Heh.
    In the car, she enlightened me to the fact that guys pick their noses while driving...all the time. If they happen to catch her looking, she'll make a really disgusted face and embarrass the crap out of them. Grin Something to keep in mind.

Tomorrow, I'm off to a local English pub for music trivia night with my friend, T.  It didn't even register to either of us at first that it will be Valentine's Day. Suppose we may as well disregard it together since neither of us are spoken for. Roll Eyes

Anyroad, my nails need redone if I'm to make a public appearance tomorrow. Cheers!
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #71 - Feb 14th, 2010 at 8:33pm
Hair: Began the week with the usual clarifying routine. The only leave-in was Pantene Detangling spray starting about halfway down the length.
    Gave another section of my hair the S&D treatment. Only one quarter left and I'm done for the month.
    Style du jour is a single braid.

Tomorrow, I've decided, will be a total hair day since my parents are out of town. I'm going to wash, do an ACV rinse, then a conditioning treatment, then condition. Hopefully finish my S&D mission if the mood strikes and I have time.

Etc.: Decided against the pub tonight, but my nails are indeed redone in high quality black with a silver sparkle topcoat. Rock & roll. Wink

A 4.5 earthquake in Baja shook the house a bit today. Heh. They're predicting a bigger one before the 22nd.

As for V-day, not much to report. I got a card and a ton of candy from the 'rents as well as an evening to myself. Ahh...
Happy Heart Day, folks. ...
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« Last Edit: Feb 14th, 2010 at 9:48pm by Angel »  
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #72 - Feb 15th, 2010 at 5:58pm
Hair: Mixed up another shampoo blend yesterday - hopefully the second to last one I'll ever do. Pantene Volume with TRESemmé Anti-Breakage. Washed root to tip yet again and followed with an ACV rinse.
    Decided to use my parents' shower this morning and forgot to bring my own shower cap, so I had to use my mum's. And I swear, every time I have to use a showerhead other than my own, it makes me all the more grateful for mine. All other showerheads seem grossly inferior. I must remember to get another one before I move out.

But anyway, since my parents were still at Disneyland this morning, I was finally able to do a deep conditioning treatment for the first time in God knows how long. Left it in for an hour, then rinsed and chased with my mother's John Frieda Radiant Red conditioner, which is an opaque red gel that could basically double as fake blood. Grin

Today's only leave-in was Pantene Detangling, and I sprayed on a little less than usual. Even still, the ends of my hair are quite slick with gunk. Tongue So there's the problem - not the end treatments, but the spray conditioner. Perhaps I should switch back to Suave Kids. Undecided

Anyroad, no style today as yet. For the past few days, it's been the usual single braid if anything.

As for using my mum's shower cap, it's cloth lined and ended up getting wet, so I've set it in the backyard, in the sun, so it can dry. Undecided

Etc.: What a dreadfully boring day. All I've done so far is clean up the house, look for work and gorge on V-day goodies. Tongue
    Of course, it could be much worse, so I'll count my blessings for now.
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Angelhair
Reply #73 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 12:06am
Hair: CWC + Detangling spray. No style. It's been down all day for the wind to have its way with. Oddly enough, it isn't tangled that badly.

Etc.: Nothing else to report, so I thought I'd share a few pix from the coast today for those suffering the "winter blahs". ... Enjoy...or seethe with jealousy and tell me how much you hate me. Smiley

Spotted this little guy when I arrived.

Palm trees lining the streets...not just for Hollywood postcards. They're everywhere down here.

Just like the sun.

This particular section of the coast is home to rocky cliffs, which the waves erode over time, carving big caves like these.
The entrance to this one is reinforced.


The exit.


Another cave.


If spelunking isn't your bag, you may appreciate more peaceful settings.

Finish the day with an authentic SoCal sunset.



80°F "winters" just aren't the same. Undecided
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Re: Angelhair
Reply #74 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 11:00am
Really nice pics!  It's nice to see palm trees instead of the mucky snow here!
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