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L'Etoile Perdue by William Bouguereau

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Angelhair (Read 228981 times)

carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #90 - Mar 1st, 2010 at 8:22pm
Fisher2: Photobucket.

Hair: CWC. Broke in the new Suave Ocean Breeze light conditioner this morning in what turned out to be a rather dismal shower. I'd forgotten to restock with new loofah sponges and a new shower cap, so I had to go without both and just sort of improvise...which didn't go very well. Undecided Ended up having to rinse the final conditioner out too early and I know I got some of my bodywash in my hair before all was said and done. Well, let's nevermind what was said anyway. Lips Sealed
    Made sure to use Pantene Detangling spray conditioner and ELOO for leave-ins to combat whatever dryness may have resulted.

Stating the obvious, today is measure day and I came in at 28" this month. On one hand, I'm grateful to be back at this length. On the other hand, I realize I might not reach 30" by July as I'd been hoping. So the question of whether I'll see waist length this year remains. Undecided

Early this morning, before I went walking, I ran my fingers through my hair and twisted it into a scrunchie bun. Now it's braided. Oh, and since today is the first of March, I obviously never finished last month's S&D mission. Epic fail. Embarrassed Hopefully, I'll be more on the ball this month.

Etc.: Sewed different buttons on a shirt this afty - black on burgundy. The old buttons were burgundy. It rather embarrasses me that I haven't done anything that creative with my wardrobe in awhile. Embarrassed Hope to make a few hairtoys soon, after I've drawn up designs and gathered the necessary supplies.

Thought for the day: Ever notice how know-it-alls are really just very talkative crazies? Roll Eyes

You Are Big Black Boots!


You can be best described as: attitude
You've got lots of it - and you love to give it
A guy has to be pretty gusty to hit on you
But if he's your type, you'll warm up... a little

What Kind Of Women's Shoe Are You?
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Posts: 2318
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #91 - Mar 2nd, 2010 at 10:49am
Before I take the shoe quiz, I predict that I will be a sneaker or some sort of comfortable shoe.  --Off to take the quiz now...   
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Posts: 2318
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #92 - Mar 2nd, 2010 at 10:51am
HA!  Even better!   Cool

You are Barefoot!


You're a total free spirit, go with the flow girl
You can't be restricted by shoes for very long
And unsurprisingly, the same goes for men
Your match is out there - and he's as carefree as you are

What Kind Of Women's Shoe Are You?

The First Rule of Blogthings Is: You Don't Talk About Blogthings
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #93 - Mar 2nd, 2010 at 9:57pm
Trisha: Hehe. Ya hippie. Wink

Hair: Another CWC this morning. Leave-ins were Pantene Detangling spray & ELOO. Style was a flipped ponytail.

Etc.: Just returned from shopping, and...

Shocked Did my sister's bf seriously just call her a b****?! I better have misheard. ...

Ahem. Brought home a bunch of new odds and ends. Hoping it all works out well enough. More importantly, I bothered to put myself together before going out today, despite an obstinate complexion.
    Cleaned all of my makeup brushes over the weekend, so it was the first time I'd gotten to use them since. I've gone back to using regular pink blush...for now. Roll Eyes The blue & purple are being ignored. What, did you think goths used bronzer?? Grin
    Lately, I've also been fond of coordinating different colours in unexpected ways, like a wash of gray eyeshadow on the top lid and a slightly paler purple on the bottom; or iridescent plum shadow paired with glittery black lipgloss.

Speaking of makeup, I saw this poster at Nordy's today and couldn't help but grin.
Cyndi & Gaga for MAC's Viva Glam. Awesome.

Also noticed that Victoria's Secret is making a new version of my favourite brassiere. Had to get one. They also have a new perfume called Love Rocks that I totally dig. I may stop shunning them after all. Roll Eyes

Your Career Type: Artistic


You are expressive, original, and independent.
Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.

You would make an excellent:

Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor
Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer
Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer
Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor      

The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary.

What's Your Ideal Career?
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #94 - Mar 3rd, 2010 at 8:31pm
Hair: Washed the entire length this morning with diluted Pantene Ice Shine and followed with an ACV rinse. First conditioning was Ice Shine, second was Suave Ocean Breeze.
    Leave-ins were Pantene Detangling and Kenra serum, and even though I used both, my hair was still a bit dry on the ends, which resulted in at least one nasty little tangle. Undecided
    It's all back in a single braid now, which works with the hooded sweatshirt I'm wearing.

Etc.: Returned some items from yesterday's little shopping spree and bought some others (cheaper). Got a new sports bra at Target since I've had my old one since high school. One can only guess what sort of shape it's in. Tongue
    Speaking of exercise, I got a good 30 minutes in this morning since I knew I wouldn't have time tonight.
    Jumped on the scale this morning and was horrified. I'm only 5 lbs. away from the heaviest I've ever been in my life. ... Unacceptable. So I need all the exercise I can get. If it's the meds that are causing it, though, there's not much I can do.

But yes, tonight...another jam sesh with the boys. They call it "rehearsal" though we're not rehearsing for anything. There are no upcoming shows or anything like that. The band is purely a social thing, which it has been for awhile and probably always should have been...though we've had at least one show that wasn't totally regrettable. I'm rambling now. Lips Sealed

Anyroad, something smells really good right now and my fat arse is hoping it's coming from our kitchen, so I'm off to check it out. Peace!

You Are Photography


You are a very observant person. You can't tune out the world around you, so you pay careful attention to it.
You prefer to be the one who blends into the scenery, so that you can totally appreciate the scenery.

You tend to see things that other people miss. You have an artist's eye. You can turn anything into art.
Photography is the perfect hobby for you because you can just hang back, watch, and create.

What Hobby Are You?
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Posts: 909
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #95 - Mar 4th, 2010 at 6:37am
Got a new sports bra at Target since I've had my old one since high school. One can only guess what sort of shape it's in.

I used to keep mine for too long but I read that you're supposed to replace them at least once a year.  That may be a general rule regarding bras.  I don't actually know. Embarrassed
But yes, tonight...another jam sesh with the boys.

We don't have VS here but I've only heard good things about their fragrances.
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #96 - Mar 4th, 2010 at 9:30pm
Drear: VS fragrances are awesome! You're missing out.
    As far as life expectancy goes, it depends on the bra. Some can last several years without a problem, but be prepared to drop some major green on them. My little rule is if it's uncomfortable, not fitting well or not doing its job anymore, toss it.

Hair: CWC with Suave Ocean Breeze conditioner and Pantene Ice Shine S&C. Applied the usual leave-ins of Pantene Detangling spray to the length and ELOO to the ends. Intentionally overdid the latter, so the last few inches of my hair came out quite greasy. About 80 zillion bobby pins later, it's all twisted up in a crazy updo.

Music: Last night's jam was typically uninspiring. Don't get me wrong, I love each and every one of those guys; I'm just sick of the same old tired tunes. Stagnation is the kiss of death for any band.

No excuses for why I haven't posted any of these yet. They're from our new music room/hangout area at Lizard's place, taken 2 weeks ago.

The new music room, fully remodeled and expanded: (and a few of the turkeys I jam with). As of yesterday, there were angels painted above the window and the drum kit was moved to the right corner.

The big black iron chandelier in the middle of the room: it has flickering flame lights, which is just too awesome.

A patio sitting area outside and down a flight of stairs from the music room: complete with a fireplace, of course.

Down another flight of stairs to the wine cellar:

And the bar:

Back in the music room, I found this leaning against a wall. A painting done by Lizard. Our hardcore fans (like we have any) will recognize this as the cover art of the first album, back when the band was only 2 people:

Etc.: After a few days of wear, I've decided that the Sally Hansen Salon color Purple Pulse is too bright and horribly scene. Tongue Haven't decided whether I'll add black to it to darken it or just paint it over black or very dark purple in the future.

In other news, still waiting for my federal refund. Gotta love this government. Angry

Alright, it smells like dinner is almost done, so I'm off to join the family in the living room for Mexican lasagna, Wheel Of Fortune and Jeopardy. After that, I'll return to my chamber to sweat it out to the usual blend of dark alternative.

You Should Have Super Long Hair


You are free spirited and carefree. You are a total wild child, and no one is going to tame you!
Your hair tells people that you're an individual who doesn't care what other people think. You and your hair break all the rules.

You are a mysterious type who has many secrets. You prefer to keep to yourself.
There's a lot hiding behind that hair. Very few people truly understand what you are all about.

What Length Hair Should You Have?
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Posts: 909
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #97 - Mar 5th, 2010 at 2:52am
Truly awesome decor.  Thanks for posting.
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Posts: 2318
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #98 - Mar 5th, 2010 at 9:53am
Next time try Plum Luck.  It's a gorgeous shade of, well, plum. 
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #99 - Mar 6th, 2010 at 8:12pm
Drear: Sure thing. The rest of Lizard's property is fashioned the same way. Like a SoCal hacienda.

Trisha: Meh. I've seen Plum Luck and wasn't impressed. Truth be told, I already have about 90,000 shades of plum, but very few true purples.

Hair: Wound it into a scrunchie bun to go for another power walk this morning. When I got home I took it down, combed it out, then did a WCC in the shower. My diluted Pantene Ice Shine shampoo will soon be gone, but I plan to keep the bottle and just refill it.
    Ice Shine conditioner has a bit longer, but I'm not overawed with it. Too thin. My hair definitely needs more moisture in a conditioner than Ice Shine provides. Guess I'll be sticking with Moisture Renewal until I become grotesquely rich and can afford Restoratives again.

Again, leave-ins were Pantene Detangling (which now seems to be working just fine - go fig) and ELOO. After air drying (and tangling somewhat badly) in the weather, hair is detangled and being held back with a slim, leather headband.

VS: We're friends again. Smiley Tried on a few different brassieres there this afternoon, including the kind I recently ordered, and fell in love with at least 2 of the styles. Infinitely more comfortable (not to mention supportive!) than the cheap ones I got from Target. Lesson learned...again. Roll Eyes You really do get what you pay for. Sorry but it's true.

Etc.: Finally got sketches down yesterday for the hair accessories I've been wanting to make. Now it's only a matter of getting the supplies, which I'd be happy to do if the sodding government would sodding give me my own sodding money back!
    Ahem. Made a twilight drive to the posh mall in town to grab a few pix of hair accessories at places like Bebe and Nordstrom to use as both inspiration and guidelines for the ones I plan to make.

More than most anything, I love the slow rush of inspiration; when an idea sweeps over me like a wave, takes hold and becomes all I think about. Inspired ideas make a visionary. Bringing those ideas to life is what makes an artist. This is the life I lead; the life I love. It's who I am, and no matter how hard the corporate world tries to crush that, it can't.
    Been thinking about that lately - about switching fields completely. Not possible at this point, but eventually, I do hope to find a job that doesn't make me want to poke my eyeballs out with sticks. One that enhances my creative nature instead of represses it, far away from the stoic office environment. Tongue

In other news, on my walk this morning, I passed a guy who was also out power walking - with his child. I couldn't help but give him a grin and a nod as if to say, "that's what I like to see." Get 'em hooked early on physical activity instead of the countless other ungodly things they could get hooked on early. Less chance of them being a lazy, self-indulgent slug later in life. Smart dad.

Anyroad, I'm off to enjoy the rest of this rainy day. My favourite weather - a gift from God. Our region sees it so rarely, it would seem ungrateful of me not to be out there appreciating it. Cheers!

Your Brain is Creative


You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.
You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts.
People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused.
But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination.

What Pattern Is Your Brain?
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #100 - Mar 8th, 2010 at 3:59pm
Hair: CWC. Ran out of my Ice Shine S&C this morning but wasted no time refilling the bottles. Conditioner is now my trusty Moisture Renewal and shampoo is Voume mixed with water and just a pinch of body shimmer powder. I also added some liquid body shimmer that I never use to my bodywash blend. Hehehe. Sparklies! Cheesy

Anyway, I wish this morning's shower could've been half as pleasant as the products that are now in it. Halfway through, my sister's sod of a bf was pounding on the door and yelling at me through it. Apparently, this dude has never shared a bathroom before and has no concept of how to go about it in a respectful manner. Angry
    Even after my mother unlocked the door, he didn't come in, so whatever he needed so badly was obviously extremely important. Angry Sod.

However, after watching him do the same thing to my sister later on, I learned not to take it so personally. Evidently, he's just rude and immature in general. He doesn't even know I keep a hair blog, so I'll say whatever I darn well please here. I know you ladies won't tell. Wink

Anywho, despite fearing that my shower would be cut short, things actually turned out alright and my hair didn't have to suffer.
    Today's leave-ins were Pantene Detangling on the length and serum on the ends and underneath. I'll probably end up putting the whole mess up though because it's pretty heavily slicked. Tongue

Summary: Sparkly shower products = good, obnoxious roommates = bad.

Oh right, and my sister sneezed all over one of my combs this morning, so I'll need to clean it. Tongue

Etc.: Missed last night's power walk due to the Oscars, but I had sufficient exercise earlier that day. This morning, I power walked the 40 minute route. Exhausting!

My family (and my sister's bf) have plans to go to Disneyland later today, so I'll have the house to myself. At least for a little while. My friend T is going to try to make it into town in a few hours, so I'm trying to transform myself into Phoebe Munster (except much less attractive and with a few more piercings)...especially if we end up going downtown. I've never felt like a freak downtown. Roll Eyes

Anyway, I'm off.
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #101 - Mar 9th, 2010 at 1:03pm
Well oh well. Yesterday certainly was busy. I ended up doing 2 loads of laundry, 2 loads of dishes, putting myself together and hanging out with my buddy T that evening. We had dinner at Souplantation - neither of us had been in awhile; then hung out in a swanky area of town, by the coast. There was a Mexican restaurant that called to us with aromas of shredded beef and tortillas. They apparently serve tortilla soup on Fridays, so T is planning to come back on Friday. Roll Eyes Knucklehead.

Anywho, I ended up getting home before my family with plenty of time to spare. Naturally, they told me all about Disneyland when they got back. My father was actually disappointed that I couldn't go. And yes, they all saw Captain EO. Apparently, the theatre is somewhat interactive now and there's merchandise. I don't remember there being any merchandise when it was there the first time. Ah, we miss ya, Mike.

As to my hair, it did indeed get twisted into an updo yesterday, though it wasn't nearly as secure as usual. There were strong winds and light rain at the coast, so my "style" looked a right mess before long. When I got home, one of the bobby pins simply gave up the ghost and fell out. Roll Eyes

Today, I think it'll be another CWC and I plan to wash my seamless combs in the shower. Leave-ins should be Pantene Detangling spray and ELOO. The style du jour will be something simple, like a single braid or flipped ponytail.

Your Inner Color is Purple


Your Personality: You're a dreamer and visionary. You believe you were put on this earth to do something great.

You in Love: You're very passionate but often too busy for love. You need a partner who sees your vision and adopts it as their own.

Your Career: You need a job that helps you make a difference. You have a bright future as a guru, politician, teacher, or musician.

What's Your Inner Color?
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Posts: 909
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #102 - Mar 10th, 2010 at 3:39am
Halfway through, my sister's sod of a bf was pounding on the door and yelling at me through it. Apparently, this dude has never shared a bathroom before and has no concept of how to go about it in a respectful manner.

He must have his good sides since your sister wants to be with him.....I hope.

However, after watching him do the same thing to my sister later on, I learned not to take it so personally. Evidently, he's just rude and immature in general.

I don't know if I'd gain much comfort from knowing that.  I tend to go into my own little shell when I feel the company is forced on me.

This morning, I power walked the 40 minute route. Exhausting!


Go girl!
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #103 - Mar 10th, 2010 at 8:38pm
Drear: Well, I never said it was comforting, did I? Just that I know not to take his rudeness so personally. He isn't rude to my parents, so he must regard me as more of a peer than an elder. Surely a mistake on his part.
    As to his redeeming qualities, that's really my sister's business, not mine. I will only say that I wouldn't be with anyone who was rude to my family.

Hair: Clean slate. Clarified. Leave-ins were Pantene Detangling spray and ELOO. The latter was an accident - I don't usually apply an end treatment on clarifying days, but I spaced. Tongue Style is a single braid as usual.

Etc.: Yesterday, I was relieved to discover that the reason I haven't gotten my federal return yet is because there was a correction on it which gives me back a few hundred quid more than I was expecting. Cheesy Awesomesauce.

As for right now, I have the final batch of butterscotch oatmeal cookies in the oven and I'll be leaving to sing with the band in about an hour.
Housesitting has been canceled. Hopefully it won't be too much of a setback.
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
Gender: female
Re: Angelhair
Reply #104 - Mar 13th, 2010 at 12:37pm
Hair: Currently a mess. Took it down from another twisted updo after getting in late last night. It needs finger combed and washed - probably a WCC.
    Leave-ins should be Pantene Detangling spray and serum. Style...I'll figure that out later.

Etc.: Went to the Mexican place at the coast with friend T last night. I'd always been curious about it and now I know what it's like. Meh. T didn't even order the tortilla soup, which had been the entire purpose of his visit. Roll Eyes

Afterwards, we went and saw Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland. Again, meh. Undecided It has its strong points but also a looooot of weak points. Definitely not Burton's best. I wonder if the ol' boy might be slipping in his "old age".

However, I did learn that I can rock a very gothic face with fairly minimal makeup. Last night, it was just a bit of blue shimmer on the cheeks, forehead, chin and under the eyebrows, black eyeshadow and black lipgloss.

Nails are bare and boring at the moment. I might have to paint them this weekend. Nothing too offbeat since I may have an interview around the 18th. Maybe just a nice, dark blood red.

The sky is bright gray this morning. Just overcast enough to go power walking...but I'm not working out today. Totally figures, doesn't it? This is my kind of ironic luck in a nutshell.
    Instead, I'm giving the muscles a rest for a change - allowing them to recover a bit so I can kill them again tomorrow.

As for today, Michaels is totally calling my name. I need to get some supplies together to start making my hair accessories...and I owe my sister a bracelet. Roll Eyes Cheers!
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