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Trisha 2010 (Read 133953 times)

Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #150 - Jul 12th, 2010 at 12:12pm
Monday 12 July 2010
Hair  Finished up the last of the old formula Pantene yesterday.  Decided to use TreSemme for a short while before giving the new formula samples a go.  (Why?  *shrug*  I have no idea--it just feels right) 

Other  Hubby and I have wanted to build extra rooms in the basement for quite a while now.  I guess he finally got the right tools he needed because, about a week ago, hubby began erecting walls.   Smiley  The first room will be his office space, where our pc and desk will sit (right now its in brother in law's room).  This corner is where Army Son's stuff currently sits.  However he's informed us that when he comes home for another visit, around the end of this month, he'll be renting storage space.  The next room built, adjacent to the office, will be mine and I'm just as giddy as a prize winning contestant.   Cheesy  I intend it to be sewing room, where I can finally leave my machine set up.  Just think... an entire room to do with as I please!!!  You must understand, I've never had a room to myself, not even as a child.  So this will truly be a unique experience for me.  *sigh*  I can't wait.   Cool
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #151 - Jul 12th, 2010 at 3:21pm
Grin 4 months and you'll be eating, drinking and sleeping in there.

Good for your husband to finally start the project. Enjoy! Wink
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #152 - Jul 12th, 2010 at 7:52pm
Yay for you and your sewing room! Enjoy! Smiley
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #153 - Jul 15th, 2010 at 12:09pm
Thursday 15 July 2010
Hair  Wearing my hair in a high pony today -- first time since...when was it that I last cut my hair?  February?
(searching...searching...)  Oh gosh, no!  It was all the way back during the first half of December, wow!  I didn't realize it was that long ago!   Cheesy    I'll do another vinegar rinse this weekend, then start on the samples of new formula Pantene. 

Other  Summer.  BLECH.  I have no energy; the humidity sucks it all away.   Undecided 
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #154 - Jul 16th, 2010 at 9:59am
Friday 16 July 2010
Hair  Went ahead and began using new formula Pantene (fine) this morning.  Note to self:  TreSemme cleans your hair almost TOO well; it seems to strip away all of the natural oils, leaving your hair frizzy.  STOP USING IT. 

Other  Have no plans to do anything this weekend except stay indoors and try to keep cool.  C'mon October!!!
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carpe noctem

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #155 - Jul 16th, 2010 at 1:16pm
Other  Have no plans to do anything this weekend except stay indoors and try to keep cool.  C'mon October!!!

Totally hear ya there, babe. It's 90°F here already just after 10:00 AM! Tongue
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #156 - Jul 23rd, 2010 at 12:58pm
You Are Conditioner


You have a mellowing, softening effect on everyone around you. You bring peace.
You believe that a lot of our problems would be solved if we had less emotional turmoil.

You try to relax and let go as much as possible. You believe in pampering yourself.
No luxury is too indulgent if it makes you feel better. Your mental health is the most important thing.

Are You Shampoo or Conditioner?

Blogthings: Learn Something Surprising About Yourself            
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #157 - Jul 23rd, 2010 at 1:12pm
Friday 23 July 2010
Hair  Style for the past 3 days has been an updo held in place with a claw clip.  I've missed having hair long enough to do this with.  I was tempted to do a wet set last night and deal with curls this morning, but talked myself out of it.  Goodness knows its long enough.  Maybe this weekend.  Need to do a vinegar rinse tomorrow.  Thus far, I can tell no change between old formula Pantene and new formula Pantene. 

Other  Army Son's deployment to Iraq is now on hold and he's been placed on standby status.  We *think* he'll be arriving this weekend for a week long stay but, with him, nothing is certain. 

Hubby is almost finished with his office downstairs.  He hung the door this week, and stained/sealed it, and now today is installing a locking doorknob.  He still needs 3 pieces of paneling for one inside wall and floor covering will have to wait.  However for all intents and purposes, we have a room.   Smiley   
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Posts: 909
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #158 - Jul 23rd, 2010 at 6:55pm
I'll try to log on next week to read how your weekend went. 

I don't know what kind of heat you have but it's hot and humid here and I'm sick of it.  In any case I sympatize.
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #159 - Jul 23rd, 2010 at 8:40pm
Thus far, I can tell no change between old formula Pantene and new formula Pantene.

Just read the ingredients. Tongue Conditioners are about the same, if not a bit creamier. Shampoos are harsher but they may have loaded them with more conditioners to even it out, I dunno. Been dragging my heels as far as trying them out. Undecided
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #160 - Jul 28th, 2010 at 12:39pm
Wednesday 28 July 2010
Hair  Most days the hair is up in either a pony or a 'do.  Even on the days when I wear my hair down (to work), as soon as I get home, up it goes.   

I'm going to attempt the no 'poo route again.  Yes, I know it failed for me before...but I think I did it wrong.  So I'm giving it another go.  I'll post results. 

Other  Army Son has been here, that is to say in the area, since Monday but tonight will be the first and last time we see him, as he's leaving tomorrow.  I suppose he's been spending a lot of time with his bio-mom and half brother, but who knows.  *shrug* 

The room/office downstairs is as complete as its going to get for a while.  Hubby lacks three pieces of paneling on the inside wall to complete the job, but for all intents and purposes, it IS a room.  Now if only Army Son had rented a storage unit and moved his stuff out of there, the way he said he was going to... Yeah, sure.  Some people never change and he's one of them. 
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #161 - Jul 29th, 2010 at 11:34am

Thursday 29 July 2010
Hair  Started on the no 'poo experiment this morning.  Here are the steps:  wet hair in shower, mixed one tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of warm (shower) water, slowly poured soda/water mixture over hair with one hand while sort of massaging it into hair with other hand, rinse well.  Then I did a vinegar rinse to finish.  Hair is clean, soft and shiny.  I'm hoping to go with every other day washes at first, at the very least. 

Other  Thought y'all might enjoy seeing what my sky looked like this morning.


So... Army Son tells hubby who, in turn, tells me, of course, that daughter in law thinks I don't like her.   Huh  I guess because I didn't talk her ear off while they were here on the 4th.  *shrug*  Sorry, world, I am by nature a quiet person.  Not shy or reserved, just quiet.  So I sent her an email this morning explaining my quietness and that that's just the way I am.  Sheesh, why does everyone think silence is a bad thing?
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #162 - Jul 29th, 2010 at 11:57am
Other  Thought y'all might enjoy seeing what my sky looked like this morning.

You thought right, mom. That's a great shot! Smiley Sunrises here never look like that.

Sheesh, why does everyone think silence is a bad thing?

No idea. Maybe they're afraid of it.
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #163 - Jul 30th, 2010 at 11:10am
Friday 30 July 2010
Hair  Well, I screwed up this morning by putting mousse in my hair.   Sad   You see, when I got up this morning, my hair looked pretty good.  Still looked clean and shiny, etc.  There was one spot near my part that looked a bit frizzy and wild, from my nighttime tossing, and I thought just getting my hair wet in the shower would take care of that.  --And it probably would have, but I put on mousse as added insurance.  Wrong-o, Mary Lou.  Now my hair looks like *real* second day hair, bordering on the greasy.  Meh, live and learn.  Tomorrow I'll do another baking soda wash with a vinegar rinse.  Then Sunday I will do nothing except brush, I swear!   Wink

Other  So I apologized by email to DIL2 (daughter in law #2) for any offense I may have rendered (real or imagined on her part) and everything is fine.  You know...I really have no idea how to be a mother in law.  Army Son's first wife was...well, all of us knew that marriage was doomed from the get-go.  Both of them made it nearly impossible for the family to get to know her.  So I feel as if DIL2 is my first real MIL opportunity.  But again...with them living far away from us, it's going to be a real challenge to know her.  I guess I really need to just open up my heart to this girl and remember how I felt when I got pregnant at 18. 
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #164 - Aug 2nd, 2010 at 3:21pm

Monday 2 August 2010
Hair  After a week, I've given up on the baking soda washes.  While this method works for some, I have to admit it does not work for me.  The thing is, my hair is far too thin.  I need the illusion of fuller hair that Pantene provides me.  It's that simple.  Plus the extra cleanness of the baking soda method was making my scalp itch a bit.  *shrug*  Hey, I tried. 

Other  Sometime on Saturday the pilot light on our water heater stopped working.   Shocked  A (free) repair kit is on its way, but until it arrives we will be washing dishes and ourselves pioneer style, heating pots of water on the stove.  --Brings back memories of growing up in a house with no running water.   Cool 

Hit one of my local thrift shops on Saturday and scored two pairs of pants along with two tops.  Will be making a donation to the Good Will store after work today and will also have a look-see.  I'm always on the hunt for casual pants, skirts and jeans. 
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